/seriea/ Thread - Of Course I watch Serie A, is the best League, how do you know Edition

3 Giornata

Sat 14/09:

Fiorentina - Juventus

Napoli - Sampdoria

Inter - Udinese

Sun 15/09:

Genoa - Atalanta

SPAL - Lazio
Brescia - Bologna
Parma - Cagliari

Roma - Sassuolo

Verona - Milan

Mon 16/09

Torino - Lecce

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Other urls found in this thread:


first for based giampaolo complex tactics bringing milan back to its throne

>three days before matchday

a little bit anxious, aren't we?


I know, here have a rare de L*gt

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thanks man

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giampaolo is unhappy with what he saw during the international break
he's thinking of switching to a 3-3-4 formation

The absolute state of napoli

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>expecting shit done by terroni
i am amazed he dosen't know after a year living there

Is Milan still shit? How's the new manager looking?

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Reminder that Lautaro IS the next GOAT


I fixed the Milan

>Fiorentina - Juventus
batistuta finna dab on penaldo

Tick tock Cucklan

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He really isn't, but I whish I was wrong. Anyway I can't wait until Messi (true nerazzurro heart) puts in a good word and Barça buys him giving >us the ultimate plusvalenza

nothing is better than starting my day with arabic coffee with some Baklawa

it's shit

*destroys your league*

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Can't be worse than Juve

I worry about his first touch/agility but his shooting has improved so much since he first came to Inter. I've said it before but he reminds me alot of Falcao, if he improves his technical ability he's golden.

Dybala + 80M for Lautaro mkay?

in any healthy and not-retarded society, a stadium refurbishment having a slight delay would be cause for some banter and opposing fans songs for a few weeks

but Italy is a rotting society strung together by angry 50 year olds and unemployed manchildren, so this is will be a story for years to come and Italians will be killing each other over who's more white until they're all swallowed in a heap of plastic trash

please take care of Lautaro, he's the next best 9
god bless his legs

blackpill me on why cant silly napoolitans fix their stadium, it's not going to cost an arm and a leg to apply a coat of paint to everything

is it one of those "you can take a peasant out of the village but not the village out of the peasant" kind of problems?
Any day today vesuvio

presumably they didn't start when they said they did and/or took lots of breaks during the summer heatwave

it honestly only looks about a week behind

Terrori will be forever terroni, no matter what



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Well, Dybala would do the same if they were to chant "Chi non salta nerazzurro è!"

The company that was charged with renovating the stadium didn't finish the interior. They shilled the new coat of paint but when the club went to check the locker room this was the situation.

all it took was the crack of a whip

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LMAO. why would the official account post this

because they are retarded, have zero selfawareness and selfrespect, and will forever suffer from the small club mentality/napoleon complex.
napoli are just sad, its not even funny anymore.

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Because the company says everything is fine "just a couple doors and shelves", while Ancelotti is pissed that it clearly won't be ready. Somehow they forgot that maybe the club was supposed to check how these works proceeded rather than just wake up three days before a match.

i think you're delving a bit too deep into this one, pal

Make that 150 million and we pick up the phone

I respectfully disagree.
Self-respecting entity would send lawyers at whoever was to blame for failing to meet the deadline, promptly hire another company to finish up the work and keep everything under wraps.
But no, you gotta virtue signal your perpetual underdog status to the entire world, making an ass out of yourself in the process.

Because government entities are slow, inneficient and never get the job done in time (if at all).

Like most large stadiums in Italy the San Paolo is public owned, so they're being passive aggressive against whichever authority was supposed to handle the works.

>you gotta virtue signal your perpetual underdog status to the entire world, making an ass out of yourself in the process.
That's southern Italy in a nutshell serbo, it's just the way it is

>paqueta instead of suso

>adl:"Non capisco il motivo per cui il Bari in C farà più abbonati del #Napoli, il tutto dopo aver ridotto il prezzo degli abbonamenti. Credo che nella città di Napoli si viva di grande invidia per il Nord... Dovrei forse comprare il Milan per accontentarli?"

Is there a difference in revenue gained from season tickets vs regular tickets?
there is in australian sport


Messi- Lautaro swap incoming fras

>failed club like milan earns more revenue than napoli

fyi his son complained about Bari fans not selling enough season tickets too. They expected 15k for a Serie C club


Yep, I'm thinking he's back

>Icarding Icardi
He really is a BVLL



>froggy getting old and having gray hairs

where does the time go...

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If anyone was wondering Caceres did a great job against USA the other day.

>still delusional about Dybala

What a sad existence have the sfinteristi

Sorry, next time I will put an "/s" at the end of each ironic post I make so you clueless retards won't chimp out, alright?

>Castillejo and Conti
Yeah what could possibly go wrong when you have two fragile twinks on the same wing that can get injured from sneezing on them.

>saw a video of suning pres singing
>came to espee to check out if there's /seriea/ thread discussing it
>there is an actual alive /seriea/
>no mentions of based cool pres

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based chinese president

name my band

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>that girl's hairline

The Delusionals

it legit wouldn't be that noticeable if she put her hair down like a normal person.

yeah im back from the suning training center cheering the lads how do you know

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it's literally pirelli cap that f1 drivers wear

How does he wipe his ass?

Also how does /seriea/ wipe his ass? I do it standing

i always piss like a girl at home
no ricochet

Yep. Its meant to promote F1

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>promoting a sport you have nothing invested in
brilliant move from nike

Post your favourite stadium choirs

finna work outdoors this summer. any skincare advice fras?
I was thinking coconut oil as moisturizer mayb?

>shit early thread when no games on
it should've been aborted from the start, like OP

Calcio threads should be always on

Where are you from?

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I was preferably searching for non-ZOG solutions

shave your balls, and always go with the grain
face wash will help
apply sun lotion and hydrate, especially at higher altitudes

you should always have some coconut oil anyway, its edible, it melts on regular body temperature and its great for anal shenanigans

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Thread Reminder
Inter > JJust

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>anal shenanigans
I've found that you lose your desire to practice said shenanigans once your dick comes out covered in shit

I am considering learning Italian to play fantacalcio

shit is just food for germans

mild kek

Just give >us the scudetto already.

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Koulibaly >>>>>> Prime Chiellini


/serieA/ The Fire Starts in Milan Edition.



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So that's what that user on /pol/ was talking about


Imagine calling a meeting with journalists at the start of the season and tell them to write this:
>no more wages over 3m
>only kids, players older than 28 will only come on loan
>there's literally no chance these loanees (Smalling, Mkhitaryan and Zappacosta) will stay next year, no matter how they will be
>after shilling Riccardi for two years they were surprised by the fans reaction towards his possible sale
>"without the stadium, Roma will be Sassuolo tier"
At this point this sounds more like a call for help rather than actually trying to shill a "rebirth".

btw muscle strain for Smalling, in doubt for Sunday.

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I've always found anal hot in theory but scary in practice for that reason, how the fuck are you supposed to do it without making a mess?
Does it depend on when was the last time she took a shit? Does she have to do the anal cleaning every time? Or maybe a buttplug can fix the problem?

Be sure she pooped early, do it after a shower where you fingered her ass, also to loose it a little, use plenty of vasellina

It's a crapshoot, pun intended

If you want it to be spot on clean, yeah she needs to clean up and rinse every time. You can skip that if she eats lightly a day earlier and eat nothing on the day of but that is usually too much to ask for. Impromptu anal will always leave you with a bit of shit on your dick but it doesn't smell unless you get it on your hands, your own dick/nose distance is evolutionary designed as safety. The only time I was ever disgusted was if a girl ate some veggies like paprika or tomatoes which never get fully digested and you end up with long red chunks on your dick, for some reason that always flipped the off switch for me. And seeds, any sort of fucking seeds. Don't laugh, women hate it and will stop everything after. Use a condom because getting shit inside your dick hole is gonna give you a UTI, it's going to burn and you are going to hate women. I never did because I hate condoms and would rather jerk off than use them but I'm a degenerate moron and you should always use a rubber. Unless you go full pneumatic drill with your dick its pretty hard to make a girl shit herself and mess up the room.
Always have towels under and next to you and try couple of different oils until you find the one that doesnt make your dick go soft. Like I said coconut is pretty good. If you are fancy and use lube, avoid silicon ones and get water-based lube.

Honestly once you get a girl who likes anal the novelty goes out the window fast. Especially because even if they like it, sometimes it will hurt more than other times and nothing sucks more than having to abort anal, go into the shower, surgically rinse shit off your dick with soap and then going back to continue fucking regularly. Sensation itself is also not as good as you might expect, it's completely textureless in terms of feel and you only truly feel anything on the base of your shaft and the very tip. To cum inside a chick's butt is pretty baller tho, feels dominant as fuck.

t. had a gf who was super into it

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>4th choice in Brasil starting for Milan

Based Chad Serbro

>To cum inside a chick's butt is pretty baller tho, feels dominant as fuck
That's literally the only reason I find anal so exciting

>"I'm vegan so I can avoid injuries easily"

Rocco Commisso has vowed to disown Fiorentina fans who insult Gaetano Scirea and Heysel victims when his club host Juventus this weekend.

The two arch-rivals face off at the Artemio Franchi on Saturday, and Commisso reiterated his plea for Fiorentina supporters to avoid any insensitive behaviour.

“I can’t accept words of hate, insults against opponents from our fans,” the 69-year-old told La Stampa.

“I grew up in the land of transparency and opportunities. I’m a witness and an example of the fact that those who work hard get results.

“Sporting value is the first moral value. Discrimination, verbal abyse and racist chants aren’t part of my vocabulary.

“I stress that the problem concerns other supporters and teams around the world, but I take responsibility for my fans and those minorities who allow themselves to insult the memory of Scirea or the Heysel victims: they’re no supporters of mine.

“I’ll apologise, like I did to Scirea’s wife. I hope sporting civilisation prevails tomorrow. It’ll be a beautiful game, for me it’s a dream come true.”

The Italo-American tycoon then criticised Financial Fair Play for limiting his investment in the Viola and made it clear he had no reason to be ‘in awe’ of Juve patron Andrea Agnelli.

“It should be possible to let someone invest in a team who are in a disadvantaged state as of today.

“You know Juventus pay their players around €300m euros a year, while we pay about €50m?

“That difference alone says it all. Having said that, we’ve already done a lot and signed eight players. I’m trying to revive our game and create a compact team spirit.”

“As for being in awe of Agnelli, absolutely not. And why should I be? I’m proud of what I’ve done in my life.

“After all, look. When they needed help, the Agnelli family turned to an Italo-American immigrant like me who did extraordinary things.

“I respect them, I agree with them and I believe that respect is mutual. And I add: I’m here to learn and emulate them.”

Milan mayor Beppe Sala has confirmed that his council is ‘willing’ to sell San Siro to the Rossoneri and Inter for the right price.

San Siro is currently owned by the city of Milan, but its two tenants are increasingly keen on the idea of building their own stadium.

With that in mind, Sala has offered Milan and Inter an alternative to going through with a private build.

“Right now, there are two possibilities on the table: a [new] stadium in San Siro or a stadium in Sesto San Giovanni,” he told Corriere della Sera.

“I’d add a third: we’re willing to sell San Siro, should the possibility be considered.

“The construction of the new stadium is a possibility that we dread, and it obviously wouldn’t be welcome for us, but we’re talking about two privately-owned clubs that, in their rightful interests, could do something like that.

“The council doesn’t want to make any money from San Siro. We’re extremely willing to let a third party perform an assessment, telling us how much it’s worth.

“We have absolutely no need or interest to speculate about San Siro. I estimate San Siro to be worth around €70m

“We could use an independent body as a surveyor, so that there’s no speculation.

“That said, the clubs are within their rights to choose: if they prefer, for reasons of their own, to build a new stadium, that’s what they’ll weigh up.

“I can only try to persuade them with all the possibilities on the table and, right now, I’m also offering this possibility.”

intrasting. hope inter and milan take that offer

Imagine how shitty the condition of the stadium is when they are willing to let it go for 70 million

if inter and milan choose a new location for their stadium. the city will have an unused stadium that costs to upkeep. so 70 million vs up keeping an stadium for a few ed sheeran shows.

>Chris Smalling may be forced to wait for his Roma debut after the Manchester United loanee suffered a muscle strain in training.

oh no no no.


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Even japs know he's a hack

lmao, advertising is so fucking cucked nowadays
white guys make 90% of any team supporters and yet you have to use grrrrls and niggers to promote your stuff

is this legit

It is

[citation needed]


>Argentine media making up gossip about DDR

name a team you want
I'll make a wallpaper, 1080p or whatever size you want

>I will be your nightmare, Davide

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Is Dybala still going to Inter?

he never really was
just brief talks and negotiations
deal between inter and JJ would never work for two stars like that

He's paying all the millions he has to end his contract with Juve and sign with Inter for free

If he's smart he is

is he smart if he's is?

Inter, 4k

next week will be the decisive one

which logo?
current, old?

Yes, as his bf I can confirm he desperately wants to move to Inter

I like the old one, the snake

Is he top or bottom?



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alternative, smaller logo

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Thanks man, that's cool

>seasonal depression kicking in
>romantic life the usual disaster
>got played like a fiddle at the irl fantacalcio draft
At least /seriea/ is back

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Rambo IN

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Oh yeah, somebody's gonna die if he scores

honestly if you're scared of even a little mess then anal is not for you

>Antonio Cassano, Sergio Pellissier, Alessandro Lucarelli and Elisabet Spina are among those starting the course to become sporting directors.

reading cassano interviews about other players he might be bretty fuggen gud cos he is such a fan of the game. his interpersonal skills are -10

>big mouthed illiterate terrone with no work ethics whatsoever
>carpenter who happened to become a tap-in babby for a small club
>grug defender prone to slamming fibulas or footballs to the stands

I bet you any money that out of those four Spina is the only one that will be able to properly learn how to run a club

Reeee, let this abomination of a thread die ffs


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wow who is going to be the champion this year juventus or ehh... juventus?


Finally some fucking calsho this weekend.

It'll be all fun and games, until I watch my Giampaolo Milan be dogshit again with Suso.

Probably 0-0 or 1-1. It legit feels like 16/20 teams play better footy than rossoneri.

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Un uomo di buon gusto

>page 5

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Not a shitpost. What's the point of watching this league if Juventus have won like 8 titles in a row and are easily going to win this year?


Well if your concept of "watching a league" is just checking results every sunday night then guess there really is no point.

Not being a customer helps

>Not a shitpost. What's the point of watching this league if Juventus have won like 8 titles in a row and are easily going to win this year?
Juve will fight for the 3rd place with Nazio and Roma so this year it's worth watching it

At last

This NT break felt like it lasted forever

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>tfw PSG today
Finally Mauro is back! Fuck Mafiotta and fuck Cunte

Hello Fabio, is Mandzukic to Qatar a done deal?

Paolo Di Canio blasts Mauro Icardi for being “incapable of anything a modern striker should do” and calls PSG “the natural home of undisciplined players.”

The former Lazio and West Ham star is no fan of the Inter-owned forward and made that clear in an interview with Il Mattino newspaper.

“Why did Carlo Ancelotti want someone like Icardi at Napoli? Someone unable to apologise to his teammates for the words of his wife-agent?

“Besides which, Maurito only scores goals from crosses at the by-line. For the rest, he is incapable of anything a modern striker should be able to do.

“I am not remotely surprised he went to Paris Saint-Germain, the natural home of undisciplined players.”

>Di Canio
>talking about another person behaviour

Good morning SerieA!

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>it's just false flagging gobbi I swear

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To watch football game?

You don't watch the league, you watch your team


hello mr. Moratti, doing well?

what's supposed to be outrageous about that? it literally only states two objective facts

desu only thing i worry about lukaku is his mind is it strong or soft? icardi was a strong mind. lukaku is helpful to teammates but dont care about that if youre not a winner

gonna miss this match i think. reeee. im going to gfs friends weddings. feels ok to get suited up.

Inter has unironically more chances of winning the CL than Juve, and I'm a gobbo. No jinxing whatsoever, it's just that our team is pretty weakminded a part from Ronaldo, Sarri and Martusciello included. >We unironically had more chances of winning it with Allegri

Disgusted at people turning their backs to Mauro, selling your own soul to Gobbi like this is disgraceful, literally won't celebrate anything won by Le betting man and le throw people down bridges man

17 maggio godo ancora


Based multi-layered falseflagger

You allegriniggers are pathetic, Allegri is 100x times more weakmind than Sarri when it comes to football style

Tell me about Tsu, why does he wear an entire clocktower on his wrist?

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I'm no falseflagger, I'm just being realistic. Sarri was a pathetic choice and Juve should've gotten Conte instead. But no, the unibrow retard has to keep the grudge after 5 fucking years.
Allegri was shit but less shit than Sarri

Shit this mercato was shit
Napoli was the only team with a good one
bought de ligt that is turning out to be a fraud, got a dying ramsay and >rabiot (you don't even need me to say something about him)
young shitters and old shitters, how do you really expect to win something with lukaku and sanchez
litteraly whos and first team composed entirely of loanees, brilliant move by Monchi 2.0
literally whos
they didn't do shit

This is fucking pointless, fuck this shitty league that got even shittier and their jew owners I'm going back to comfy championship

>out with Galatasaray
>out with Benfica
Yep retard confirmed

Conte is the ultimate league manager, nothing else

>I'm going back to comfy championship
t. Andrea Radrizzani

>Sarri was a pathetic choice
The first 60 minutes against Nabule beg to differ

The team was shit back then, and Conte was still a novice in CL. Look at his Chelsea's performance in CL, they almost knocked Barça out see above
Please, Nabule is just Nabule and they shit themselves everytime they have to face Juve

No I'm literally Vito Mannone

meh, sarri's got more chance of winning because they'll try score 5 every match. but also a big chance of going out first round.

That's the point, overall Inter has more chance of winning the CL compared to Juve

>comfy smiley Vincenzo kino coming our way

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>manager that got constantly dabbed on in Europe
>any chance of winning CL

>X team shit themselves everytime they have to face Juve
Who doesn't in serie a? >We have 90/114 points every season, we basically beat everybody else consistently




De Ligt

Alex Sandro




Douglas Costa



Based Matthijs dabbing on the haters

>ronaldo wants to play dribbly drobbly winger so jj is forced to use matuidi-khedira
i don't know about this

Matthijs is a blond fraud


>Bonucci and Matthjis together
God damnit they can't play together, will anybody there ever understand this

Fantacomfy friends remember that you have 40 minutes circa to field your squad

higgy looking pretty good
has he found joy again

Is Sarri going to be on the bench?


>way too many fio and jj players at fanta

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Sarri is the one who never wanted to put Ronaldo anywhere else

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It's going to be a cheeky 3-1 for Fiocretina

>winning a game
Choose one

Exactly why they're gonna win this one

What do you think of my team?

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Quick who do i field in my fanta? Paquetà, Soriano or De Paul?


Should I put Khedira? If yes, to replace who?

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Atalanta doesn't have a rock solid defense so getting only their keepers is a risk but otherwise pretty good team

For me, it's Tomiyasu

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no khedira
thanks man

he might not start that's why i'm in doubt

Zaniolo I'd say

I like how that illustration looks nothing like Zaniolo

Please post a decent stream for Fiorentina-Juve frens

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Jj shant be winning today

>all these plastics going for him now
I had him since day one you posers

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>state of this colour combination

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Is the Prince of Peperoncino finally back?

or p2psports if you want HD streams

First defender I got from Termosifoni's fantacalcio

>we want the Palermo audience

The absolute madman with his 300 IQ tactics


>no Heysel banner
Lmao what a bunch of c*cks

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0-1 for the old whore

Pezzela is so god damn good looking


720p Juve stream

hope ribery injures ronaldo for that stolen ballon d'or

>no Boateng for no discernible reason

3-1 for Fiorentina

Bonucci is the captain? Yikes.

Hat trick for Vlahovic, Caceres breaks fucking knee caps

>this is the team that is supposed to win the Serie A

Pjanic is so fucking shit

>This white kit for Juve

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Our kits are so fucking shit this year

tBh it looks better than that home kit

>Costa injured

>de unfit
Hohohoho here we gooo


>Costa dead
rip my fanta

>Costa died yet again

>Bernardeschi in

>Cuts inside
>Cuts ACL in half


Agreed, I dont hate the kit, it just looks silly on Juve players, seems more suited to RB Leipzig. Atleast the ugly af home kit suits the colours I expect from Juve.

Now for Ronaldo to cut his ACL in half for the meme magic

why is that retard still on the pitch?

bernardeschi is still doing his makeup before getting subbed in


>the absolute state of Pjanic's hairline

Inter's year la.

Berna stretching his butthole takes some time

>getting tackled by dalbert
Based bernard heskey

kek looks like a shirt that got stained in the wash

*shoots on barrier*

>that is a yellow

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*hits the wall*
ah yes the GOAT at it again

I want to kill players who turn around when they're getting shot at

*hits the wall*

>D. Costa out


Twice even

he doesn't even bother, he just hopes the wall with make spaces when they jump

Castrovilli is pretty fucking good






fucking hell


>this is football strat

Chiesa miss a Goal


wew laddie

Mmm sorry sweetie, you mean the dutch Scirea

>Martusciello coaches
>Juventus plays well
>Sarri comes back
>Juventus plays like shit
Really makes you think

>De Shit
how much does he get per year again?

>De Ligt

is this actually serie A or

Cmon Dalbert redeem yourself and save my fanta

Ribery has been embarassing so far desu

€450,000 (thousand) per week


Can we just kill Sarri and let Martusciello coach

ah yes that weak as fuck shot surely impressed me

Based Chiesa trying to put an end to Scirea's career

Imagine being a grown up adult and unironically choosing 69 as your kit number



Sounds pretty based to me

Imagine not picking 88, whilst playing for Nazio

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8 5 M I L L I O N

peak cuteness

>biting lip

Not enough

Second highest paid player in the league la

Szczesny has been awful today, they should sub him

Agreed >we need based boomer buffon

Until you realize his sub is a fucking mummy

>calling Pinsoglio a mummy
wow rude

1488 SS Nazio

Chiesa Missing Again


Man, Juve is fucking shit this year, how the hell did they dominate the game for 60 minutes against Napoli?


He already signed a pre-contract with Juventus

Matthijs de SLAM

Perhaps both Juve and Napoli are just big frauds

The pig is dead

for me, that's a RED

>Chiesa and de Ligt constantly trying to kill each other
This match is kino

fucking hate chiesa so much bros

Based Chiesa.

>breath on a Juve player
>get a yellow
embarassing ref

Big club mentality vs small club mentality




What are they chanting? Is it for Heysel since it's the 39th minute?

>he fell for the heysel chants propaganda

There is no way that Juve is going to win the championship this year

Ribery is still elite.

i think i heard Liverpool but i might be wrong

I honestly wanted to hear some just for the post-match drama
If this is the almighty Juve coached by Sarri even the fucking scudetto is going to be unlikely

Of course they will, who's the competition? Perpetual Crisis FC or the team without locker rooms?

Juve scores in 73rd minute and wins 0-1, cap this

Dybala is going to score it

>Pjanic out
Oh thank god, next better be a CB so Demiral can finally play

is this what crisi juve looks like?

>only 1 italian in the jewve lineup

Bentanchad had been bulking up over the summer

Ronaldo next.

>it'a a juve gets dominated all game and scores with a deflection 10 minutes before the end episode

Scesni next.

they always struggled against fiorentina, it's right after international truce and right before a CL game

what did you expect?

Fiorentina are simultaneously great and fucking shite. Strange to watch.
Also that Juve kit is horrendous

all thanks to Agricola's coffee

If only, fuck the TSUU fraud

You got it

1.5 akshually if you count higuain

Is "A blindingly sunny, early after noon in Firenze" the new "A Cold rainy night in Genoa"?

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Just woke up, what did I miss

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juve getting dabbed on

Rambo IN for the cheeky goal when?

The wind is really fucking with them

That’s a cold and snowy night in Turin

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>it's now the wind's fault is Juve is playing like shit

They're going to win anyway and you know it user

Doubt so, Fiorentina is playing very well


Fagging faggity faggoty fag hag


>why is no one creating spaces for me? Where is Benzema?
>why is that dutch fatfuck slob running forward with his crooked feet losing every ball?
>why is the box so full? I can't tap-in like this
>ffs Matuidi, stop running like a monkey
>stop kicking my ankles dudes, you're hurting me
>what does Mr. Sarri mean with all these smoke signals?
>was that really a cross Danilo?
>what do you mean goal disallowed after checking VAR?
>give me this freekick Pjanic, I can do this

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Just like Allegri would want it

he should just retire at this stage, he's higuain tier nowadays

Daily reminder that Montella has won 0 (ZERO) Serie A matches with Fiorentina so far

until today

And he's going to win today against Juventus with Boateng scoring the winning goal

>is still draw
Ronaldo is exposed once again

Today is the day

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where's ramsey?


how do you say "oink oink I'm an overrated hack" in dutch

stop bullying higgy

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Matthjis de Ligt

>de light


which team in serie a is in the nicest city/town?

Napoli hands down

>wind blasting on full force
>"just spam long balls lamo"

Sounds about right


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t. Antonio Esposito


Yeah, sure lol.

lads i swear to god that ive been trying to bandwagon a team in seriea for 2 years now, but i couldn't because they are all so shit !! with shit fans also.

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Based Caceres killing off the only decent midfielder Juve has

guess it's fiorentina
roma is beautiful but messy
milan is efficient but maybe too sofisticated
but bologna is nice, too

just don't fucking go to naples

Never bandwagon a team, rather bandwagon players. I've been bandwagonning Ronaldo since 2004.

what do you do when Ronaldo retires?

Juve are gonna lose, aren't they ?

Nothing sophisticated about milan

Lazio, Napoli, Atalanta are nice teams to bandwagon. If I could start over I'd pick anyone of those.

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>Castro Willie


We're finished aren't we

All this choking will make the 1-0 from set piece at the 79' more painful

It's the winds of change

That's a good question. I haven't thought about it yet. I'm hoping he pulls off a Totti though, that would buy me some time.

this game is cursed I’ll take a draw

If this is how we're gonna play I'm not even sure we are going to finish in the top 4

Loser mentality


I want the retards shitting on Allegri to apologize now, we wouldn't be playing like this with him


I will believe that only when I see them outside of CL places after 38 games

uhm I think it's a good time to start bandwagoning inter
but I'd bandwagon bologna, the coach is going through chemotherapy

>in b4 Cuadrado 1-0

Do you expect us to get into a CL spot playing like this? Even Allegri made Juve play better than this

>tfw johnny square is here to save >us

Ribery is playing so fucking good

I'm so tired of having to deal with girls, lads. They seem all so selfish. Am i becoming an incel?

Yes because you've had awful games like this one plenty of times in the past and you constantly got points from them

Yeah, but we also had Allegri who was a genius with the subs, something Sarri will never be

you're just an insufferable faggot full of yourself
don't ruin our serie a thread


Boateng is going to score

Can and Mandzukic must be howling right now

>Subs on mandzukic/dybala/cuadrado/costa
>Scores on counter or by bullying the exausted manlet full back
Granted Sarri alienated half of those guys so it will be harder to employ the same genius tactics.

>international break finally over
>everyone gets hurt

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you are acting like the team didn have dozens of shit games like this under Allegri, expecially at the start of the season. At some point Juve were even 10th and still manged to win the league in the end

>Wake up
>Juve is not winning

That's why we're going to fail hard this year
Yes but with Allegri those awful shit games still ended with cheeky 1-0s, but with Sarri? Good luck

Who be this woman?

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Commentators keep talking about the wind, is it really that bad ?


Just fall for klopp meme

The blame the wind and the pitch.

>bernie sanderschi


those game ending 1-0 was mainly due to Juve's player superiority, expecially thank to the bench players that are better than most starters of other teams

>73rd minute
>Almost a goal for Juve
Thanks for ruining my (You) chances Khedira

Why is Ronaldo taking free kicks again?
Allegri took him off short free kicks but then Sarri put him back on. Why?
Is Sarri just a fraud?

Didn't you realise that when he was in Chelsea?

Please be in Tivoli Terme

I thought I did but then I kept seeing and hearing people rate him. And then he got the Juve job as well.

>de shiggy ligtatello

chelsea were falling apart and he managed to finish 3rd and win a trophy

Fuck meant to quote

They choked in two finals to City and then finished 25 points behind Liverpool despite being stacked.

League cup loss was partly Kepa's fault for refusing to be subbed off.



conte signed a bunch of shitters only he could unlock, no striker, willian was still a thing. it was pretty mediocre for their standards.



> mfw I spend 140 milions on Piggy on my fantasy football team with a budget of 500

Ronald looks like Felipe Anderson but worse

Castrowilly > Zaniolol

>despite being stacked.
come on now, Hazard was literally their only good player, David fucking Luiz was their bes CB and they had absolutely no bench and yet they came ahead of CL finalist Totthenam and won EL

Dybala looks so happy

>de ligt is exposed
>penaldo is exposed
>sarri is exposed

Uhm sweetie, this was literally a 9/10 game for /ourguy/ Matthijs

>Buffon has a clause in his contract which obligates Sarri to give him at least 8 league matches this year so he can overtake Maldini in some Serie A stat

Based boomer who only cares about the club

Bernardeschi is approaching italian jlingz status


>le 26 year old prospect
holy shit bernard heskey is 25


why is fiorentina's coach kissing ronaldo?

Realistically, can Juve finish above 5th place?

Meh, that was shit

Heard it from the TV commentator, didn't pick up what was the exact stat

Based Vinny stopping the jjews while still not ruining his record

a true love story is born today?

I was shitposting when I said that Juventus would have fought with Cagliari for the 8th place but I guess I was right lol

Castrovilli is actually good

They had Hazard, Luiz, Kepa, Kante, Giroud, Pedro, Azpilecueta, Higuain, Caballero etc. They were pretty stacked.
They finished ahead of Tottenham and Arsenal by 1 and 2 points respectively.
Basically they were about as good as those two teams overall because Sarri made them play worse and rely too much on Hazard.

nothing personel kid

Attached: the GOAT and Ronaldo.png (894x490, 821K)

how many coaches has ronaldo realistically slept with?

Sarri is utilizing 7 dimensional tactics to let Inter be in front of the league, because he knows they will crumble under the pressure.

Haha fucking based

Geeh I wonder why Juventus is playing like trash

higuain is world class

The stat is apparently the number of league appearances; basically Juventus will play 8 games this season without a goalkeeper.

He's eyeing those lips like crazy

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Can someone please stop this rapist? First he went for those poor girls and now he goes for aeroplanino.

>nearly gave away a goal to old men ribery
>beaten to low crosses every time
>invisible the whole match

Hazard and Kante are the only good players in that list and you couldn't even mention a full 11 while counting shitters like Luiz and fucking Caballero. Liverpool, City and Tottenham had vastly superior squads and United and Arsenal were on par with them. He came 3rd ahead of Spurs, won the EL against Arsenal, lost a final to City only on penalties thee wasn't much more he could do with that team

wrong, it's the other way around

imagine being this pathetic jesus Christ

Name a better current penalty saver than Caballero you fucking casual viewer

Old man Ribery has proven to be a better player than Ronaldo, but since FIFA and EUFA love the Portuguese no one really rated the Franck just as much

>Fully unlocked Dalbert terrorizing the left wing
Conte created a monster and gave it away just like that

Based handanovic

>united and arsenal were on par with them
Okay, did you even watch United or Arsenal last season?

Don't think you're safe mr. plane man, your doom is only delayed for a week

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How did Allegri solve these shit matches?

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Handanovic and still having a good penalty saver as second GK doesn't make a team stacked

Long ball to mandzu

yes they were shit, but in term of players quality they were on the same level

shitty plastic city

why can't i play lithuania every day?

*Hits cigarette*
Is making useful substitutions the ultimate cuckoldry?

>mathijs de fraud

>Aubameyang, Xhaka
>as good as Hazard, Kante
not even close to the same player quality
hazard was considered elite only a couple of seasons ago
Aubameyang has never been
kante is world class at his position


Crooked and untrue posts like this, with added anti-Dutch racism, always were a huge part of dirty Inter's 'tricks' - a stain upon the beautiful legacy of Italian football! The FIGC must act!

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De Ligt was shit but still better than your average Chiellini, prove me wrong

Exposed by Perotti

Bonucci instead of chiellini and you're golden

Chiellini can mark players

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why demiral can't play insteadl?

But cannot play the ball, always tackles hard and is very injury prone

>changing formations to 3atb already
i worry for EdF's sanity

How does that matter when Sarri autistically forces them to mark 'a zona'?

Because he didn't get paid 75+ million and he's not a crybaby like Bonucci who pretends to be a starter




Correct me as you wish

De Glass Costa

unless you play entirely in anticipo you still need to follow runners even in a zone defence, which Bonucci and De Ligt simply don't bother doing

Couldn't be any more wr-
That explains it

desu I didn't even know brescia was playing this season

>can't defend
When will this meme die? Every "ball playing defender" is a fraud

May cancer strike you in every part of your body. I will not stand for some mutt disrespecting The Lord of Leukemia like that


Move bologna to based and ur good




your mom


Let me guess, because of that fraud that is Miha?

No because of the sauce

they would have to admit that they wasted 80m+ wages

They don't really need to, just sub Bonucci, move de Ligt to the right and play with Demiral who's Chiellini natural sub.
But of course, who would ever sub Bonucci with his status quo in the locker room.

Cutrone scored


And here's a lesson on how to expose a retarded American
Elaborate on why, in your opinion, those teams aren't based. Try to do it using your own reasoning rather than parrotting someone else

Based triple dubs confirming Cutrone > Piatek

>Cutrone scored more goals than Poachtek
Maolo Paldini everyone

based commisso shitting on juve

What did he say?

Commisso is so fucking cringe i hate him

that fiore played better than juve and they would have deserved to win

juve players cost 6x fiorentina yet they tied
also praised ribery, chiesa, castrovilli

So nothing unusual or controversial


Roma have a cringe fanbase. I've met and talked with the fans and usually they're quite annoying, so on. Along with this, they don't do anything to make them "based" per say. Based is not something you're just given because you haven't exposed yourself as cringe, it has to be earned. Roma have done little to nothing to earn that. Even this summer they've been taking on the rejects of bigger clubs, signing fucking Smalling and Mkhitaryan.
Napoli fans are laughable. The club is in that spot where they don't want to commit to a title run and are content with being second consistently. Along with that, they have only 7 italians on their entire 26 man roster. Their uniforms are disgusting and vomit inducing, their stadium can't even get fucking built because the contractors have the club by the balls.
Southern italy has the highest crime rate as well. there is a reason that in a gravediggaz song they jokingly called a mixed kid "sicilian with a tan". Because sicilian is pretty close to jsut being black

Fiore looks so stacked, shame that everything will go with smiles


Cross to a big boy up top.

Thanks for proving my point