He stutters, he stammers, he mispronounces words, his grammar is atrocious and he's dumb as a rock...

He stutters, he stammers, he mispronounces words, his grammar is atrocious and he's dumb as a rock. Is Shannon Sharpe the worst sportscaster in the business?

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Don't know anything about him or American football but I watched a video of him giving his opinion and he seems fairly articulate and insightful.

Quit being a racist

Shannon Sharpe is not dumb, and he’s hilarious. You’re a nigger.

>if you wanna score goals, then you should play more attacking football

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Shannon is great, I wish I had an uncle like him

Shut the fuck up SKEEEEEUP

>making a false flag thread so anons would come in and defend you just to inflate your ego
That's it mr. leshannon sharpe, I'm tired of you posting on a Mongolian basket weaving forum during our breaks. I'M GONNA SAY IT

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that would be tim cahill


>Shannon is great, I wish I had an uncle like him

He is a monkey's uncle.


Probably the best sportscaster there is
You have shit taste

Isn't he always trying to race bait?

Nope, he's pretty entertaining in fact and he's a great foil for Skip. Not as much as Stephen A, but it's pretty close.

Shannon has actually come a long way in his broadcasting career, on top of being an exceptional player. His style goes well with the format.


Agreed. It’s a slightly different dynamic, since they banter is less serious but it’s still entertaining
No. I think they deliberately avoid politics. Skeeup was smart to bail on ESPN

He’s actually pretty reasonable and insightful when it comes to football. He just talks like a poor southern black man because that’s what he grew up as.


I just remember watching this shit, I don't really know the guy but here he just seemed like he was trying to get Wayne to tell him how racism has held him back, and he didn't.


based weezy

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>a great foil for Skip

He makes anyone sitting across from him seem smarter and more articulate, so he'll always have a job,

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>I hate fun

t. brainlet
Sit back, enjoy a nice backwoods cream and a finger of hen dawg and watch true kino

Hm, that’s interesting. I suppose maybe i haven’t watched enough of him, but I think he’s still overalls pretty good about keeping his political opinions separate from the show . Lil Wayne has always had a unique take on that subject too. He’s been pretty consistent on his refusal to blame racism for any personal problems in his life for years

>He just talks like a poor southern black man because that’s what he grew up as.

And learned absolutely nothing in college, apparently.

who cares, 20/20 charisma. there is a right and a wrong way to be a loud and black, and he's actually good at it.

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He’s a coon

He coons for Skip because that’s what he gets paid for

He never did any of this coonery when he was a sportscaster

He only makes fucking 50,000 too?????????? without his nfl money/pension he'd be homeless living in LA.

Chadherd makes 8 million
Skip makes 5 mil
Shannon- 50,000???


He's based as fuck. He's not some dumb nigger like Antonio Brown

like my grandmama used to say, you cant fry no fish befo' you catch it


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His next contract will be a lot more, plus it really helps his brand, he's on a ton of commercials now.

just another loud nigger

>le mushmouth negro
its like his tongue is too big for his mouth

>. He just talks like a poor southern black man

Nah. I've lived in the South my whole life. I've never heard anyone talk like he does.

I half think this is all a put-on, that he's playing a role. Nobody could be that dumb.

>Is Shannon Sharpe the worst sportscaster in the business?

pretty sure it's desmond howard. he is somehow worse than a stroked-out octogenarian.

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>overrated player
>doesnt deserve to be in hof
have never watched his sports """"""analysis"""""" show but if its anything like his cbs career im pretty sure i made the right choice

no, that's Ryan Hollins

and he's based af I TO' YOU BEFO' SKEEEYUP

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Shannon is based and you know it faggot


Name one black athlete that’s able to articulate well

imploring he's worse than kellercuck, nick wright, and that fedora uncle tom

Why you- Why you gotta get personal, Skip?

He is entertaining. Most ESPN "analysts" are even dumber with their takes, are as obnoxious on twitter as he is AND they are unfunny and painfully boring. Shannon is a funny ass negro, that's his appeal. He is fun to watch. You don't go to him for political opinions. You go to him to argue with SKEEEEEEEEEEEEUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP about the Cowboys and Lebron.

Marshall Faulk
Kobe Bryant

tiki barber

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