I'm watching a Danish cup match in the early rounds...

I'm watching a Danish cup match in the early rounds, and there are several hundred people at this small stadium in Denmark despite it being just over 5pm.

How do these people get there at that time? Don't people in Denmark work full-time jobs?

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Full-time in Denmark is 35 hours a week m8.

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What does that equate to in daily work hours?

What's it like in Netherlands?

>What's it like in Netherlands?
48 for men and 28 for women both are considered full time and bring our median to 36 so it looks like we have good work-life balance

Ah right. So things aren't as rosy as it seems.

For men anyway.

First thing I learned when getting a job is that it's shit and everyone will take advantage of you

What's your job desu?

Cost control at energy plant.

Sounds comfy in a Homer Simpson kind of way.

Do you have regular daily working hours, e.g. 8:30 - 5:30?

Well this game is between Norresundby and AaB, a local rivalry between a lower league home team and a Superliga team.
That being the case, I would expect the locals being very eager to attend. 5 pm is a bit early on a weekday, but people who don’t work in shops that close early do tend to go home around 4 or 5 in the afternoon.
If the game was between any other lower league club and AaB I don’t think you would see the same attendance.

It’s 37 btw, and in most of the private sector that’s 37 excluding lunch break.

So people quite often leave work in Denmark at 4 or 5pm?

What hours do you work on a daily basis, and do you actually take an hour lunch break every day?

Why do you care autismo?

Just curious, it seems surreal to me, like something from a different age.

Personally I spent most of my 20s working 8:30am - 5:30pm with maybe 30 minutes lunch, for under £30k a year until my late 20s. The idea that people work less hours than that is strange to me.

Your average office worker will leave in the period. There is also much more of a tradition of leaving work around that time and then working a few hours at night in Denmark instead of staying long. I believe this is different from the UK based on my friends who have worked there.

Personally my working hours are 36,5 a week including my lunch break, but I work at a union so we’re not representative really. And lunch breaks in Denmark are 30 minutes.

Not surprising, in the UK for example only 6% of the adult population work 9-5 monday to friday

surreal that they work a couple of hours less at best? also 37 excluding lunch break is 42

What do the rest work?

Also, what do people mean by 9-5, literally 9am - 5pm or 8/9am - 5/6pm?

Well, assuming they start at 8:30am - 9am then yes I would think it strange that they finished at 4pm. Sounds very comfy.

Game finished 0-8 btw

a lot of people around work like 8 to 4 or 7 to 4 or even 6-4 if they work shitty jobs, that's more hours per week but they finish early anyway. thats when the rush hour starts, approximately at 4 and peaks at 5 i would say. personally, we have a very flexible schedule where i work, 9 to 5 on average, some work 10 to 6 and some are 6 to 3.

all different times, night shifts, part time, zero hour contracts, students, unemployed, retired, full time mummy etc.

i'd rather work till 6 then.

I hink the culture here tends towards 8-8:30 until 4-4:30.
Again, it’s quite common for people to work an hour or two at night at home after dinner or after the kids have been put to bed.

That sounds like a comfy routine.

What are your hours?

>not working 09:30-16:00 with breaks while getting paid for a 40h week
should have gone to university, cucklets

Jesus, that's very comfy. If that includes a food break then it sounds heavenly. Houses in Denmark are on average the largest in Europe also, whereas in the UK they are the smallest (and probably most expensive).

What job?


OP is either 16 years old or autistic, or both

Comfy enough. Town or city?

I'm a 28-year-old virgin lad.


t. unemployed

I’ve watched those Location programs with Phil Spencer quite a lot and man is the housing market in the UK awful. It seems like a detached house is a luxury there while here it’s the standard even for young families.
The downside is that there’s not a lot of smallish houses available here, so if you want to leave the city it’s hard to avoid those massive boxes even if you only need half the space.

software development
essentially 2-5 hours a day of hacking together bad code and then browsing Yea Forums until 4pm

I work shifts for GWR so it really depends, I prefer to get earlier times but it depends if anyone wants to trade.

Yes it's pretty bad here, and what's worse is how quickly house prices are rising yet nobody is willing to point out the obvious reason why.

Sounds comfy enough.

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What kind of work, on trains, tracks or stations? I've looked for jobs at the main train station near me as it seems comfy manning the ticket barrier or walking up and down the platforms, but there isn't anything going.

>tfw work 10.30-5.00 weekdays
>supposed to be 9-5 but I'm the boss so whatever lol
>spend most of my day playing Halo or shitposting, probably "work" for 2 hours max
>got a personal assistant with a nice arse
>everybody assumes I'm super busy and the company directors think I'm great

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>work an hour or two at night at home
I remember the days when you were gone for the day and that's it, you don't even think about work. Now everyone brings their laptops home or VPN from their home machines and/or installs ms teams/skype/slack on their phones and some even call in while on vacation!! Thats sad. On top of that we have unlimitied PTO these days. Yes unlimited. But in reality most people only take a week at a time and do not exceed 3-4 weeks a year. I'd say mostly 3 weeks on average. And I am talking about software development. I don't even want to know about other types of jobs since I suspect it is much worse there. But at least if you work at Mcdonalds you don't VPN back in the afterhours.


As a Train Manager (guard). Only been doing it for 6 months but obviously I'm hoping to get into a train driving role. The key is to really take anything that comes up, even if you aren't keen on that particular role as nearly all the vacancies within the rail industry and promoted from within.

dont scandis have dinner at like 4:00?
wouldnt be shocked if they were off work well before the match began

At least vacation time here is sacred. My boss would kill me of I tried to not take all my seven weeks. It would also mean that the company loses money since they would have to pay out for the vacation I didn’t take. My team leader is gone for most of January and February every year on ski trips.

>Tfw 1.5 hours lunch break

Dinner at 6 pm on the dot is what we all laugh at our parents for, but we’ll probably all end up there again at some point.

absolutely not worth it if it means you cant finish until 7 or 7:30

The funny thing is even I could take two months off how the hell can anyone afford two months of travelling? Hell even a month of travelling?? Skiing is expensive, plus hotel costs plus tickets plus other expenses it's like 5k per month easily.

>working past 4
hellish 2bh

based zoomie

I finish at 6:15

If you're really into skiing then become an instructor and get paid to ski

I don't know why you're so shocked by an 8-4 working pattern. I'm in the civil service at the Foreign Office, and that's pretty much standard here. Though you can basically turn up whenever you like up until 10am and just do your 8 hours.

It’s very common for the middle class to have a second home here. Nothing luxurious usually, just a small house near the ocean with your basic necessities. That’ll kill a few weeks a year. Travel is also very cheap and accessible and Danish wages are some of the highest in the world, so as long as you avoid Norway and Switzerland, even low-paid jobs will go a long way. A manual worker will easily afford a trip to Spain or Greece.

>tfw work 6am-6pm including Saturdays

9ish to 5:30ish, but I get an hour for lunch which appears to be rare judging from the posts itt.
I spend a lot of it looking at random topics online. Today I read about Japanese Prime Ministers.

for how long?

>you can basically turn up whenever you like up until 10am

Absolutely surreal. In my workplace if I was 5 minutes late (8:30am start time) someone would comment.

5 days a week

What job?

have you literally never heard of flexitime?

Based. I was researching for a trip to Japan today at work.

Depends what kind of job you have. At my place my boss might start to wonder if I was going to show around 10, but there’s no hard rule about it unless you have a meeting of course.

i meant for how long do you have to work 12 h days? or is that your usual worktime? are you given overtime pay/extra vacation days?

Same, technically we have 'core hours' 9-5 but late people can be as late as 9:45 ish and the early birds, I have no fucking idea, I can't function if I wake up earlier than 8:30 but they leave at 3 so I am guessing they come in at 7ish. Insane.


There’s a woman at my work who comes in before six every day and leaves around two. She also has every second Friday off due to being 58+ or something. Dream life if you could function getting up that early.

>tfw started painting Warhammer at work instead of working

What is your job?

Based Netherlands reminding the roasties who the weaker sex is. Do trannies get to chill on 28 hours too or are you redpilled and force them to work as what they are (men)

Accountant, very chill tbqh

£265k for that shack? I live in a flat in a brand new building in a good part of London and paid only about £550k. That was only a few years ago, too.

But how can you paint Warhammer at the office? Aren't there more people there?

>"a fucking journo!?"

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I'm the department manager, I have my own office and the only people I report to are the mostly absent directors

Sounds comfy

That's massively overpriced, I live on the Birmingham side of Warwickshire (less pakis ergo; nicer area) and paid 125k 3 years ago for a house basically the same as that.

>no jobs and shitty country where you can't get a job unless you know someone from inside
>tfw unemployed for the past 6 months
>applied 500+ jobs
>about 5 interviews
>tfw ghosted
>tfw 25
>tfw no gf, no frens
>tfw incredibly scared

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It is. I'll never get paid ridiculous money in this job but I'm not bothered. I don't think I could actually function in a proper office.

I’m sorry to hear that. I hope it works out for you.

Damm job sounds like hell.

Don't lose your head over it

>essentially 2-5 hours a day of hacking together bad code

A day in the life of the average dev

>Review responses from yesterdays 14 helpdesk tickets I raised
>Submit new ticket about how my latest code is being blocked by Ops from connecting to my SQL DB
>Complain to IT manager that Ops are ignoring my requests to add another 512 cores and 2TB of RAM to your VM and this is what is causing your application to run slow
>Hear laughter coming from IT managers office later, obviously he's realised how silly those morons over at Ops are
>Get reply from Helpdesk that nothing is being blocked, and that I need to fix my code to stop using Googles DNS servers to resolve hosts on the LAN
>Those morons can't do anything right, do they think their DNS servers are better than Googles? God I wish that Apple ran a DNS server
>That's OK, when I deploy I'll just change the network settings so that all 15,000 PC's have their DNS changed to Google.
>I'd best not tell anyone, they would only try to stop me, the troglodytes
>This is why I need to be Domain Admin
>OK, time to deploy
>WTF, my PC has completely stopped working.
>Those morons over at Ops must have fucked up again
>Time to submit another helpdesk ticket

I swear, everyone else in IT is just there to make sure that the morons over at dev don't destroy the business.

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>28 for woman

>tfw unemployed since June, I did a series of interviews and it looks like I might get the job.
Thank god I was dying, best of luck Mexibro

It's shit everywhere if you have business job. If you aren't at the office at 6pm you're probably getting a quick dinner with a 2 hour break and doing some more prep for the next day. Wage slave sucks.

Unlike the US is vastly different from here women have shitloads of days off and when they have to work they make sure they need to go to the dentist, are ill or take a day off

>tfw 7hr days and 100k aussie dollarlydoos working in GIS

Its truly based

that's the evolution of software development. back in the day i had two physical boxes on my desk : a dev pc and a test pc ans that's all we needed. then we got bigger and moved all testing to lab machines but they were still local. then everything became virtual but still hosted locally. then finally everything got moved to a cloud. when that works it is great. but when it doesn't yeah just submit a ticket a wait.

What kind of publication?