Top 10 anime comebacks

top 10 anime comebacks

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hope he does the heynckes and takes over ferrari as manager, leading this pile of shit to former glory

Has the age of mecha schumi begun?

they should just transplant his brain into the general lee (with the flag added back)

it's cybershumi age

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He's dead user

he's going full mutant brother

Every time im getting reminded of Schumacher i get so fucking mad. Why cant they just let him rest.

If he returns to the F1 and wins the WC again I will officially recognize him as the greatest athlete ever


>tfw we missed out on the era of passive-aggressive schumi pretending to be okay with hamilton breaking all of his records in a car more dominant then he ever drove

ehy two threads about him waking up? Is it real or are you lying?

I personally think they just should put him down. It's emberassing to live like he does now

afaik his heart is failing and he is in a french hospital to receive stem cell treatment. why won't they let him go, it's tragic to keep him alive for 5 years as a vegetable.

he ''woke up'' in 2018 i think hes just a veggie

He's already been transported to a isekai where magical car racing is the main sport, he's now revolutionating it with the knowledge of our world and his op protagonist skill. You all should be happy for him.

Just let him die ffs

we have the technology to rebuild him


He can't walk or speak, so he could probably drive for Williams.

Aufwachen, herr kartoffel!

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He's been in a coma for 6 years fucking let him die already

What if they install any remaining consciousness into an F1 car

Honestly hope we never see him again. Not because I dislike him, but because having the only pictures and films of you being of your glorious prime is a privilege no athlete really has.

His plan was to do it anyway because he had the money to pull it off, so I hope his team can keep him away from the spotlight for the rest of his life.

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>wanting a 50 year old back who probably has to relearn everything first, including talking, if he ever wakes up in the first place
Just let him support his son, Michael's time is over.


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you won't believe what the doctors found in his head

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I think if Mick Schumacher ever wins a F1 race, driving a Ferrari and holding a picture of his father while lifting the trophy, I'll break out in tears. My eyes are already wet just thinking about it. If the nigger comes in second it'd be ever better.


Based French doctors scamming a desperate millionaire German family

goddamn that is fucking kawaii as shit

he's dead for ever dude, they're just pumping his heart full of steem cell because it's roting...



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That would be a step up for the quality of williams drivers

>look mom i said the n word online again

what's the n word? nigger? what's wrong with saying it?



i still have his autograph somewhere. It was a polaroid picture of me and him when he drove for Mercedes

what's his status right now on a scale of carrot to venus fly trap?

even then he will defeat KUB in qualifying