Why does this board hate pic related so much?

Why does this board hate pic related so much?

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Because they're strong

The board doesn't hate them "so much", Scouser make threads and reply to themselves saying "seething ABL" or something similar

I don't care whether liverslip wins or loses, I shitpost on both sides to harvest maximum seethering

Because they murdered 135 innocents in the 1980s and gleefully celebrated getting all English clubs banned from European competitions without feeling a single ounce of remorse.

victim mentality and left leaning politics

Seething ABL

same, I'll pop back in here later and see which way it's going

Because they're strong

because this board is full of people who bandwagoned arsenal or spurs and wish they had bandwagoned liverpool

They don't even think they are English, fuck them, let them go play in some shitty Irish league.

I thought this board hated my club more.

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the clubs fine, the fans are reddit as shit and would be more comfortable on vice.com or boycotting chapelle

don't like them because they're left wing, simple as
yes, i vote against my economic interests because i'm a misanthrope and i hate people, specially white, western ones

>voting for the left because of economics
Whoever does this is an absolute idiot

They're the most supported epl club in Aus. And I go for them. They're also much loved in Indo aren't they, OP?

Personally, I do.

Isn't Manure the most popular here?

their fans. either plastic micks/Americans or English people who think they're Scouse not English

Their history and especially fans are so cringe.

Only people without a sense of humour would hate a joke.

No, thankfully. look it up urself if ur so bothered

t. seething supporter of some irrelevant championship pub team which nobody outside of a 2 miles radius even gives a shit about

I remember a reddit thread where someone said that only people from Liverpool are scousers. all the Liversöys replied saying that scouse is actually a mentality and that Americans and Australians could be "scouse" if they support Liverpool. That about sums it up.

your country is so shit at football you have to bandwagon a team from a country you hate the most. Imagine being from a country where 99% of the football fans are not only plastics, but proud of it

>something isnt popular its bad

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at least small tinpot club have a soul

Success breeds jealousy

>always victims
>always complain about other teams spending then when they do it say it's different
>rave about how they're the greatest English club despite only two big European showings in recent history when other PL teams have done as much and ignore the fact that they finish 6-10th for a number of years recently

big brained post

Actual Scousers are fine, I lived in Liverpool for a bit and, even though I don't support either Scouse clubs, their banter and rivalry is great, genuinely loved being in amongst it all. Conversely, I've lived in Manchester most of my adult life and it doesn't even come close here.

The problem is their mostly plastic fanbase. Plastics really are the most pathetic cunts going. Paddies are the worst for it, Scandis are historically big Liverpool plastics, and they're massive in newer markets as well. But worse than all of them, are non-Scouse English plastics. Nothing worse than some cunt from Milton Keynes talking about how much he loves Liverpool.

I don't hate them, I just laugh at them.

>lives in a country with an inferiority complex
>supports a club with an inferiority complex

>Left wing insular fans
>Don't bend over for authority
>Community feeling
>Main stream

It's like the opposite of what Yea Forums aspires to be

>never even won the premier league

will my sides ever recover?

>supporting a football team from a country you hate

Is this the ultimate cuckery?

This is literally the case. /epl/ and /trans/ are just scousers endlessly posting about themselves

this is the red pill

>mostly left wing fanbase
>popular among sòyboys
>their online fans are supposedly annoying
>liverpool dwellers have a lot of thugs/criminals/troublemakers among them
>easy to make laugh off of since they haven't won a league title for almost 30 years


>Virtue signalling


they cry about unfair treatment against them like policing at hillsborough but ignore their own fans culpability at heysel where they set english football back 20 years and their own club back even farther. their fans are to blame for them never winning a PL title

People sometimes hate what they fear

Natural reaction to scouser menace

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>They will NEVER understand this

No wonder lads

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/spee/ is a Lesstah board

I used to like the LFC when I was younger but then I just find out the stories about Hillsborough and Heysel and and I decided to stop being a fan of them. Now I'm a Chelsea fan. Maybe less trophies but at least they aren't murderers.