/cyc/ - Vuelta a España, Stage 17

La Vuelta ciclista a España 2019
Stage 17
Aranda de Duero - Guadalajara
219,6 km

GC Top 10 after stage 16
1 Roglič Primož Team Jumbo-Visma
2 Valverde Alejandro Movistar Team +2:48
3 Pogačar Tadej UAE-Team Emirates +3:42
4 López Miguel Ángel Astana Pro Team +3:59
5 Majka Rafał BORA - hansgrohe +7:40
6 Quintana Nairo Movistar Team +7:43
7 Edet Nicolas Cofidis, Solutions Crédits +10:27
8 Kelderman Wilco Team Sunweb +10:34
9 Hagen Carl Fredrik Lotto Soudal +10:40
10 Pernsteiner Hermann Bahrain Merida +12:05


/cyc/ velogames league:

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Other urls found in this thread:


First GT stage win for Birdsong at the tender age of 34. Tao Gegege Hart missed his opportunity once again because he preferred to wheelsuck Knox instead of working together to close the gap. Meanwhile at GC camp, Lopez and Pogocar attacked this time around. Quintana was killed so bad he even lost his 5th spot to Majka. Roglic closed the gap after a while and didn't lose anything. Valverde on the other hand couldn't follow and lost 23 seconds. Afterwards this delusional boomer said that he saw Roglic crack and there's hope for him. Time will tell, but we all know that cracking in the 3rd week is more of Boomberde's specialty.

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Latest transfers and renewals:
Primož Roglič extends with Jumbo-Visma till 2023
Joe Dombowski (EF) to UAE
Jonathan Dibben (ex Sky) to Lotto Soudal
Carlos Barbero (Movistar) to NTT (current DDD)
Max Walscheid (Sunweb) to NTT
Michael Gogl (Trek-Segafredo) to NTT

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Also today:
MVDP is not a fraud Tour of Britain 2019
Stage 5
Birkenhead - Birkenhead
174.1 km

Streams at tiz and eurosport.

Yesterday MVDP got his comeback with not only impressive stage win but also GC lead by 1 second ahead of Trentin.

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Boring stage
But needed to warm up the legs after the break.
Not that there any stages left to attack Roglic at all.

>using gears

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teehee I`m still the leader

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le I don't even know what's going on but still humiliate everyone-man

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The return of Vuelta is a blow of happiness

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don't really get why he didn't know when there's signs after flamme rouge arc every 100 meters.

>using directions

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also, Trentin sounded remarkably salty in his post stage interview, kek

>"It's been three or four days since he won a race so he was probably angry. Or not used to it."

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>using full wheels.

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He always says stuff like this, he can afford to not care about anything because he is just so much better than the rest. I think he does it deliberately to make things more interesting for himself. Must be a bit frustrating when you're a hardworking and serious professional and you have to compete against someone like that kek

why freds like to clutter cockpit area so much? every fred I know just have to slap everything on his handlebar

>using modesty

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fuck, Jesus Herrada DNS today and I have him in my roster reeeeeeeeeee


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This bike confuses me. It's got absolute bottom of the barrel components all around but then has GP5k tires. Also the absolute state of that cockpit.

How does a wheel break like that?

Breakaway wins don't count anyway

And another one bites the dust.
If only Roglic, Lopez, Pogacar and Valverde would crash, then maybe Quintana can make a comeback and win.


Quintana 3 minutes ahead in an Echelon? Neat

>using manlets

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It was Quintanas turn, damn it.

>Jumbo shitma letting a 46 man group with Quintana and the entire QuickStep team get away
Fucking retards

Some fucking powerhouses in front too, Quintana can place a major coup today

Movistar have 3 baroudeurs in Rojas, Erviti and Olieviera working for Quintana. Half Quick-Step for Knox, including El Tractor. Based

Can you still call it Peleton when the breakaway groups have more rider than you do at the back?

Is this the year of the /Quintana attack/?

>El Condor de los Andes ahead of /Valverde/ in virtual GC


Is this the end for Nursultan?


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Even if he manages to start the last couple of stages in red, Nairo is likely to succeed finishing off-podium.

Still, he has to be lauded for trying.

quintana takes the red today

tv pictures on now, jumbo panicking

The madlad Quintana will be in red by tonight. Same stunt he pulled back in '16 on Froome

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why is quick step riding for quintana???

>6 minutes ahead
>80km out
>Still only 2 in gc

Quintana is fucked

they have their own interest that happen to align with him at the moment

not really, they should save a leadout train for Jakobsen's sprint against Bennett, not have all their guys pull

fucking jumbo shitma tactics

they ride for Knox too

knox is 13:26 behind in the gc though

quintana iq

gilbert had an interview on French eurosport and he predicted this scenario he also said it is too hard for Jakobsen

it all comes crumbling down

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>quintana is still 1 min behind roglic

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Quintana and race winning breakways in the Vuelta. Name a more iconic duo.

Lol no one wants to pull in front, it's over.

Not gonna happen

>tfw not watching this stage because of my job

*blocks the spic's path*

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why movistar arent pulling this breakaway

they hate Quintana

it sure looks like it

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what's the average speed? Surly it must be close to 50km/h?

48 point sumthin


based Vuelta. delivers even on "flat" stages

>Quintana can only gain time on flat stages

what even is this world

Best timeline

bizarro /cyc/ strikes again

repeating digits and roklits gets a puncture, and loses the red jersey

clown world

No /laliga/ thread so I'll say here that Marcelino is gonna get sacked by Peter Lim this afternoon, putting Celades as the new Valencia manager, top fucking kek.
Also Quintana is a fraud

Front group can't be going that fast, Poels hasn't been dropped yet

Please let it happen with this post.

Valverde is a bigger fraud.

Poels had a new blood bag yesterday.

*loses to Majka*

Crashjswijk all over again

Jakobsen FRAUD

Abandons due to eating bad polish sausage.

>Fat Fabio

>then almost crashed while trying to come back into peloton


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Bring back Gary

>Movistar TACTICS

Fuck Jumbo Pissma and fuck Astana

Movistar in charge of tactics

movistar chasing quintana lmao


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Movistar civil war. If Astana were not chasing Roglic would loose red today

You were saying?

movistar chasing movistar

You guys are so fucking stupid. Movistar are trying to isolate Roglic which is smart

Is he, dare I say it, the most attacking rider of all time?

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>Gesink just chilling in the back

It is not a civil war. They are trying to eliminate Jumbo and Astana riders before the last kms. They did the same in Formigal some years ago, when Quintana won the red jersey

we dont know yet i wouldnt put it past Valverde and the spaniards to ride against Nairo

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To do what? Push him into a ditch when nobody is looking?

Tell me about Movistar, why do they hate the Quintana?

he can just follow. it's not going to work obviously

That's how I see it too. Australian commentators see it that way also.

the fucking state of Movistar
stop sabotaging Quinata REEEEEEEEEEEE

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based (old) stoke
>tfw still stoke supporter

just kill me

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t. Movistar "tactics" team

Movistar is retarded they should have gone slower in the front group then now it will be 20 peleton vs 10 front for the rest of the stage

They're pulling in the front and they're pulling in the back. How does Movistar do it?


Fuck Eurosport, Valverde is apparently attacking lmao

Come back to Rolf you know it's what you really want

AAANND ... it's a fail

Well done Movistar

they did eliminate most allies in the front group now as well, they should have set jacobsens pace till they were over the hill now they have nearly no allies left in front and the peleton will work together except for movistar

Roglic just chilling following wheels. All his team mates sitting up saving themselves for tomorrow. Now that's big brain tactics from Jumbo

Rolf is based

I think the owner and Quintana have major beef. Like they are never in the same room

Good job Movistar ahahahahaha

TV2 sport is insanely expensive with Jewsee

thanks for a minute gain movistar

player is very comfy in this regard. I just switch tabs during ad breaks

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He said managing Valencia was the worst experience of his career and would go back in time and erease it from existance if could

based Vinokurov saving Roglic

Major beef you say?

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what was so bad

Just wait and see what happens

Valverde joking about openly sabotaging Quintana, kek

His first management job and he didn't even speak the language. And half the squad wanted to leave.

>das juden
It's like I never left pol

I'm on Boxer dvb-t. Not too expensive

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Astana have 4 riders working, lol, movistar are retarded

>68 km/h last 10 minutes


>using saddles

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yeah, Jewsee and JewV2 have some major disagreement, Zulu is basically impossible to get as well

>Actually, for the past 10 minutes they've averaged 70 kph. Inside 30 kilometres to go.

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So all in all, this stage has meant nothing. All the favorites have completely KILL their teams just for Quintana to get back in top 5

The average speed is going to be insane for a 220km ride. Look how early they will make the finish. Usually finish at 5:30

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>flat stage
>still HABBENINGS out the ass
Never change, memeulta

Is 2019 the "Kino Grand Tour year" ?

Just got home can someone fill me in on Quintana attacks?

They go backwards

>using 3D women

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I'm watching on TV2 Play, it's 39 a month.

Jumbo pissma inexplicably led a 46 man group away with Quintana and the entire quick step team, gap has been up around 6 minutes but has now gone down again

Sanchez pulling alone for 5 minutes straight

lol I love the Vuelta

I had it during the Tour and the quality fucking sucked during the stage finishes cuz too many people were watching, i assume

Is this live? Fuck.

and it went down cuz Movistar inexplicably decided to chase down Quintana's group and took over a minute

Sunweb riding for 6th place chance

Has there been a single non TT stage were Roglic diddnt just wheelsuck ?? Hes the goat in following every attack by Valverde and Pogacar tho

Movistar tactics are both based and cringe. Based that they got Quintana back on the podium, cringe that maybe they could've gotten more

explain me why the fuck he would do anything else?

Ahh that sucks. I only use Play for TV2 Sport since I have TV2 elsewhere but I never had any quality issues with that.

Yes, Dumoulin couldnt follow him on a descent and flipped out youtube.com/watch?v=1Y7nubWeT04

wtf I love the yikes sisters now

Nairo will loose 3 minutes tomorrow and Movistar burned every helper today. Which means Valverde will be alone against rested Roglic and a fresher Jumbo team

what a bitch

>quintana is 'sick'

i guess they got him a testo TUE for today

can't wait for russia user's recap for this stage
I still have no idea how this shitshow happened

This is the 2nd or 3rd time I've seen you make this low IQ post. Sad!

>flipped out
And he was right, the motor was too close.

You are all just biased because you want Roglic to win. Every other top 4 rider + Nairo has done more so far

>has done more
more losing lmao

Why not do less if you can win that way?

so? Still should've been able to follow Rogla's wheel

>Every other top 4 rider + Nairo has done more so far
And who's in red again?

Roglic was the one who initiated winning break at stage 2 to make up for his losses at TTT.



the point is the wheelsucking you brainlets. might as well have froome win then, i want attacking riders



Then you should rewatch the Giro. Was pretty based seeing Carapaz win in the mountains despite 3 fucking TTs.
A shame he's going to be one of the bad guys from next season.

awwww shit ;_;

(insert 'primary sponsor here)_ quickstep winslol


>can't even get the maillot rojo

well, at least DQS work paid off


That's because Nibbles and Rojlick were busy playing 5d chess. Also they couldn't agree who's going to suck whose wheels.

Big baby won again at ToB. And MVDP is a fraud again. I think he lost the lead to Trentin.

Nibbles made a mistake not following Carapaz that one day but we don't really know if he could have followed. Roggles definitely didn't play any chess he just couldn't keep up on the climbs.

Meme race, Groenewegen only riding it cuz he didn't wanna get btfo by based Bennett

Goddamnit I just got home and it's already over? Quintana is 2nd? What the FUCK happened?

GC provisional

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Quintana 2nd, who would have predicted that.

Who is the Movistar captain now?

K I N O stage





ye was a real weird stage I also missed most of it. But basically Quintana made such a powerful attack that a ~40 man group got in the break

Madness is their BOSS

based quintana
just when you thought he's out, they pull him back in


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9/11 happened

>Boring stage
always this wrong

based, the new 9/11

Yep I also find him mucho based, always play Incas in AOE 2 and imagine the kamayuks look like him.


Quintana is a fucking madman. It will be boring when he leaves that shitshow Movistar team.

that's a big bike

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How is it over so early? I went for a small ride, turn on tv and Gilbert is giving the interview.

>5 mins today
>5 mins next flat stage


complete shitshow
average speed was 50+ km/h

Bennett is fucking ded

mfw quintana rode this today

Based Green Quintana. He couldn't climb anymore like in the oldtimes, so he turned a breakway specialist

TDF hasn't had a flat stage like this since this (based if you remember)

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yeah I fucking missed it here in California

I am very angry, I watched all these hours of boring stages where nothing happened. This is the first time I am late to tune in and suddenly it's all out war. How the fuck is that possible.

>using brakes

Sea bordure best bordures

>imagine being a Quintana hater

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I watch the stages on Tiz Cycling at night because wageslaving.


Came back from buying some wafer chips for the bristlenose catfish here.

>Average race speed: 50.680 km/h.
>Quintana attacked and 2nd in the GC

Seriously almost 220 km at that speed, how the fuck do they do that?

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2-4 years ago when Uran (or was it Aru?) had the mechanical at the end and was locked into his biggest gear and ended up winning?

everyone will die in the mountains tomorrow

>parroting the same narrative even though you've been disproven before
Either you're a shitty troll or you straight up only started watching cycling this vuelta

Quintana Combativo

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Lel Pernsteiner and Edet lost 23 minutes

wtf Edet was doing so well

When riding the TdF, it feels like they all ride with a stick shoved up in their asses these days.

Without Thibaut and Alaphilippe lightning things up, it would have been a totally boring TdF.

Cofidis is historically bad at handling echelons


gives one last hurrah before he says *ahem* FUCK MOVISTAR

Majka also got cucked out of his top 5.

Quintana pretty much did a TT light for over 200 km, as well as many other Movistar guys.
I doubt tomorrow Quintana has anything left in his legs, not that the profile allows any attacks anyways.

Roglic won't attack, but I am sure Pogacar and Lopez will be a bit annoyed from today and try to put the hammer down tomorrow on Movistar.

is this pic shopped? Who is this 72yo grandpa?

My boy looking tight.

The Nairoman has turned into a breakaway machine. Arkea must be giddy with anticipation.

Arkea trades Quintana to DQS for Alaphilippe. Quintana wins 2020 Paris-Roubaix.

i think everyone including their team is dead for tommrow, nothing will happen probably

'15 Tour crossing the seaside country of the reformed Christians. All those legs bared, quite risqué.

Beautiful stage, ugly stage winner.


Comeback season boys.

mucho rapido

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Cancellara getting yellow though for the last time before dying definitively in the tour the day after

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It's pretty much an open secret that Nairoman is actually Valverde's elder by some years. Something having to do with faulty birth registry. This theory helps to account for Quintana's lightning ascend through the ranks of cycling as 'a youngster', while it also explains his surprisingly early climbing decline.

Anyhow, Horner won the Vuelta when he was in his forties, so why shouldn't Nairito be capable of wonders?


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>valverve was seething

Based Wiggins

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>50 km/h average
>after almost 3 weeks of racing

Holy shit, was it Cancellara bouncing upwards kangaroo-like? At least he was going out in style.

yeah, broke his back

The wind is a stronger rider than even Tete

Bullshit, Tete shits on everyone, especially Poursuivants

Who would have thought....tomorrow's stage will be interesting, even with that hard descent and little ramp to the finish.

Lopez and Pogacar will definitely attack tomorrow at any cost.


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The wind is king. Never gets tired. Can ride at constant pace all day and has the most explosive attacks.


AGU on his jersey always cracks me up

>avoid the vuelta to win sprints in a race with no sprinters participating

No way, van der Poel lost again? Looks like he can only do it if the others don't sprint with hil. What a flop

Perfect stage to get a lot of time if someone goes in a crisis, gonna be interesting if Roglic is that one.

Sorry /cyc/ but >we are still going to win and there's nothing you can do about it

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>Best Evilos rider is 15th despite having 4 men in the front group

Stop gloating, Slovenia.

One happy day more for our lives

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The preserved energy from second week stages has been used today. Quintana is with normal energy quota for next stages.

The top 10 looks more legit now.


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lmao why?

Kek, fucking hotdead

for being shit


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Why does people keep spamming this lanterne rouge guy. His video appeared in my stream on youtube and this was the most boring shit ever.
"Please comment if you want me to do a video on that".

Saving Roglic it was all supposed to be rigged for Boomerverde

i watched some of his tactic analysis videos and diddnt find them very good or even wrong. would not recommend

The agostoni is this week end and there's still not a full list of the participants, the fuck are they doing.

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Does he have to go back to Bilbao to take it?


This is the WOAT team, why not sign an actual captain that can give the team a purpose now that Cavendish is leaving instead of random breakaway shitters? cyclingnews.com/news/dimension-data-confirm-king-and-gasparotto-in-growing-2020-roster/


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>handsling between Lopez and Fuglsang


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So Birdsong slung Lopez into a 10 seconds penalty?

Fuglsang didn't want to ride himself to death for Lopez because he's peaking towards Yorkshire, so Lopez took him aside and beat him into submission


for anyone interested in the /cyc/ Pro evo socccer memeball team
from 1hour 33 mins you can see the replay of our last match in the faketeamb Owl

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Have you not been following this Vuelta at all? It's going to be all out chaos.

Just found out I can rewatch full live coverage from tv on the internet. Really based.

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Jumbo basically confirmed it was Roglic faults how the stage panned out. He was too far back in the peleton in the first kilometres when the break formed and they had to wait for him to chase


>73km/h on the flat

holy moly

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wtf they removed the comments section, fucking tranny moderator, wanted to see jumbo pissma get dabbed on

they still have comments, just really hard to find between all the ads

this is the patrician way to browse cycling news disqus.com/home/forum/cylingnewsofficial/

Only appear if I remove adblock, what a bunch of faggot trannies.

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>Joembo Pissma

>Echelons put Quintana back in GC game at Vuelta a España
Headlines from bizarro /cyc/

Apparently the stage broke a world record on average speed, based vuelta twitter.com/PhilippeGilbert/status/1171848074152632327

based, thanks

Meanwhile at commentaries, people accusing Quintana of selfishness

>50km/h over 200km
Cagers in traffic jams seething worldwide

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Seething Valverde fans

>and there are still people who say Vuelta isn't the best grand tour

Its gonna be a close battle for our first GT podium

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Tim Declercq should go to the world championships man, that guy can turbocharge a group, and I don't want a belgium with only "favourites"

>Rwanda has applied to host the world championships in 2025

dont worry the podium will be trentin, sagan, van der fraud anyway

My favourites are Alaphilippe > Valverde > Sagan > Gilbert

Reminds me of a story Bjarne told about an old team mate in his amateur days. He'd been to one of his first races and when Bjarne asked how it went, he said "24 riders went into the break straight off the start line, and we were 2 guys left in the peloton".

They're not expecting him to win. Secondary placings are still significant.

I wonder what record that is.

procyclingstats.com/race/vuelta-a-espana/2001/stage-9 55,1 km/h

Siiiick, tomorrow someone is gonna blow up.

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think it was average speed for race over 200 km

Ah the days of full throttle EPO
*sips monster energy drink*
That was real cycling.

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It was false flat downhill
no way they reach that otherwise if they're not top sprinters

>reddit biters keeps falling

Dat boomer tho

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