Overrated Sports Things

What’s the most overrated “thing” in sports and why is it the fucking lame ass Haka? Like, you guys seriously can’t actually think doing this fucking everywhere and all the time is cool, right?

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I would laugh my ass off if I see these australian mongoloids dancing in front of me.

>Doing a touchdown dance without even scoring a touchdown
Literal retard-tier

hating teams because they're successful (i.e. yankees, real, ect)
you have to have legit reason to hate a team, like how PSG/Man City is fueled by middle eastern money, the Red Sox have a terrible fanbase, the team constantly flops and dives, whines when things don't go their way. People seem to overreact to successful teams as a way to overlook their own inferiority complex and reason that the world simply doesn't favor them. there are instances where teams are clearly favored (reffing calls) but often it's just phantom accusations that people have

The haka is cool, you fag.
The lamest thing in sports is MLB managers wearing the same uniform the players wear.

How about buying championships, faggot? Fuck your Yankees and Real and fuck you, too.

probably the anthems for each branch of the military, then the flyover, then the prayer and the national anthem and the eight minute ad break and then the eagle parade and the pledge of allegiance and the marching band and the prayer for the sponsors that you seppos have to do before even playing kick to kick in the park

The haka is fucking gay and so are you. You’re right about the MLB manager uniforms, though, so we’re cool.

>dirt worshipping harlem shake
>people are supoosed to be afraid of this and not be laughing in embarrassment for the haka'ers

I know it’s difficult to have pride in your country when it hasn’t done shit during any point in world history other than a.) be a prison colony, b.) lose a war against fucking emus, and c.) be best known as the home of a half retarded crocodile hunter killed by a stingray but, crikey, here we are mate. Someday you’ll do more than fuckabout.

haka is all black-pilled, deshita.

what's with the weak NZ bait threads? can you not go a day without our attention?

The haka was cool when the little mutts were still brown. Look at TJ he looks like a fucking pub chef from Timaru.

Should be a 30 yard penalty from spot of the foul, first down.

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>blind nationalism

>his country is so shit he doesn't love it

i don't care if they do it, but expecting the other team or the fans to give a fuck while they do it is just ridiculous.

someone post the webm of that former Bears player hakaing

>probably the anthems for each branch of the military
I don't think they do that. i've never seen it anyway.
if so, broadcast only inside USA, I guess?

oh no no no no no!

Military parades/jet flyovers at NFL games. It's bizarre and if a foreign country did the same we would laugh at them.

The fuck you on about, the jets are cool as fuck. Fucking americans can't appreciate the cool shit they have baka famalam



Haka is good, OP as usual is retard.

lmao, team america claps for them

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>leftist faggot detected.

Go dialate tranny.

>Shut up, the haka is cool!

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wasted. but yeah, i don't think they knew what to do after watching that little cheerleader routine

>zero patriotism

STFU amrtifat stick to your "dancers" and beer commercials and disrespecting the national anthem.

OMG you guys they’re doing the Haka! Isn’t that so cool! It’s this super serious thing. They only do it for everything. I even did one 10 minutes ago when mom brought my tendies! Gosh the Haka is so cool!

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i don't mind it in rugby, but when they do it in other sports it's when it feels like they're overcompensating

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>likes Bollywood dancing
>likes the Haka
I’m shocked. Shocked I tell you.

The only thing that annoys me about the Haka is that it is literally against the rules to not stand really close in front of it and watch the entire thing. The entire dance gets EXPOSED as a joke if the opposing team just chooses to ignore it.
