/nba/ - Soft ass nig edition

"People coming to my house and spray-painting on the for sale signs around my neighborhood," Durant said of the time after his decision. "People making videos in front of my house and burning my jerseys and calling me all types of crazy names."

Durant remains bitter because he feels that "venomous" emotion toward him, despite charitable contributions he made to the community, still lingers.

"Such a venomous toxic feeling when I walked into that arena [after joining the Warriors]," Durant told the WSJ. "And just the organization, the trainers and equipment managers, those dudes is pissed off at me? Ain't talking to me? I'm like, 'Yo, this is where we going with this? Because I left a team and went to play with another team?'

"I'll never be attached to that city again because of that. I eventually wanted to come back to that city and be part of that community and organization, but I don't trust nobody there. That s--- must have been fake, what they was doing. The organization, the GM, I ain't talked to none of those people, even had a nice exchange with those people, since I left."

Despite saying that on "some days I hate the NBA," Durant still expressed love for the game.

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Other urls found in this thread:



also, first for 4 point line

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He really has a bunch of self-esteem issues. I don't think he has any real friends either. You never saw him hanging out with anyone outside of Westbrook before he left. After he left, he was usually alone. Dude has Rose-tier autism or something?

Why don't you think he'll ever come back to Toronto? I mean if Wade went back to Miami and LeBron went back to Cleveland, what's preventing Kawhi from coming back?

cool pic

+ make the last basket in the post worth the same as the last basket

Dunks should be worth 3 points so we can see more injuries

is /nba/ usually this dead

Are people from your country usually this braindead?

I have a feeling Porzingis and Doncic finna shit all over the league

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now that KD ain't on my team anymore I can safly say he's the most insecure athelite in the history of the world...

Porzingis is a meme

and a very unique and rare meme too I might say

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wow he's just like me

Could Bradley shoot the three? NO
Could Bradley average more than 14 pts a game? NO
I could go on and on. Your comparison makes you look uneducated and possibly retarded.
you must be at least 18 yrs to be on this board.
Does your parents know what you're doing right now child?

what the hell is Durants PROBLEM LOL

dude just be chill and play ball instead of literally being so weird you have no friends even with billions of dollars to play with

why wont Durant just be cool and have people actually like him

Calm down Janis. This was a direct comparison made by Phil Jackson

At least Shawn Bradley has played a full season

could he have gotten it done with Kawhi's raptors?

I mean the main roadblock was LeBron and it was Shia first season out of the east

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Absolutely not since Kawhi is the best player in the league

BRUH the Rapties with DeMemezan dont get out of the EAST SEMIS LOL


>Phil Jackson
is he retarded too?

Why did the Raptors give up on defending? I mean the only loss they had was Kawhi, but most of the good players are still there.

why would anyone trust him,
everyone still waiting on him to walk across the sahara and keep his promise

If Kevin Durant paid you to be his friend, would you do it?

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If Donald Sterling paid you to be his friend, would you do it?

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The only reason I would hesitate is because he's an old man and he'd probably want to do boring old things like bridge and shuffleboard.

hell yeah we would have great political discussions

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Man he sure is gonna love playing in Brooklyn with skin as thin as he has.

sixers are gonna curbstomp the celshits on opening day lmao

Even when he was with the Dubs no one here in the Bay really embraced him. We appreciated the talent and the rings he helped us get, but there was always the recognition he didn't want to be a part of a team, he wanted to be part of a team that could get him rings. Period. There was no big uproar when he left. Almost more like relief.

while lebrons injury is overconsidered, it doesnt annoy me as much as people focusing on lebron and ignoring that kawhi missed a season himself on the spurs, and you cant be overhyped if youre a top 3 player, KD and Lebron are better than him imo but its not as outrageous as someone claiming giannis or harden are #1. also agree on him capitalising on an injured warriors, if klay was healthy it would've gone 7.

kemba isnt that good.

>lebron giannis finals

100% relief

And the Raptors?

raptors ain't shit

But they're the defending champions and most of their players are still there.

Are the Raptors seriously not going to repeat just because Kawhi's gone?

Are the Raptors the shortest lived dynasty in NBA history?

He soft af

>Lakers, Celtics, Bulls, Spurs, Pistons, Rockets, Mavericks, Heat, Warriors, Cavaliers all win championships
>"You can't be respected unless you repeat!"

>Raptors win a championship
>"It's okay if you don't repeat, no need to aim for it anymore, 2020 is out of reach"
Why the double standards NBA fans? Why is it okay for the Raptors to not repeat but these other teams get shat on if they don't at least attempt to repeat?

Is it seriously possible for the Raptors to go from NBA champions to being eliminated in the first round or even missing the playoffs? Just brcause Kawhi's gone?

Kawhi was only there bc he got trades. TO isnt his hometown, didnt draft him

Why did the Raptors give up on repeating already? Even the freaking Mavs attempted to repeat as champions. Sure it didn't end well and they got eliminated in the first round, but they at least tried. Why aren't the Raptors doing the same?

But he won a championship with them. Surely that's good enough to go back at some point? What if the Clippers fail to meet expectations?

People have different kinds of weird

Look at Kahwi. Dude can’t bring himself to care too much about other people and still gets a ring

Which is more likely: Warriors winning again by 2025, or Kawhi coming back to Toronto? Can Toronto win again by 2025?

Look at the entire saga with the Spurs: he legitimately doesn’t care about his own image. He only wants to play and win

Raptors didnt win a real championship and everyone knows it

What about Toronto?

>fake title
So were the Cavs or even the Warriors's first title but they were still pressured to repeat.

Which is the championship with the saddest end outcome: Brawn GP, Nico Rosberg, the San Francisco Deltas, or the Raptors?

Lets not forget that Nuggets have the deepest team.

>Nuggets have the deepest team

a bunch of no name shitters + 1 overachieving fraud =/= "depth", clueless faggot

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I’m in St. Tropez I had to check wrist

Reminder that anyone who says Kyle Lowry is anything less than a Hall of Famer is low IQ

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Imgagin if he had to deal with the same amount of venom Lebron had to deal with throughout his career. KD would've killed himself by now

>yes i'm whitter than you how could you tell ?

What sneakers are these?

also why havent basketball sneakers looked that good post 2000?

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41 days

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not sure but Air Flight '89s look close enough, weeb

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looks like air force 3s

t. Filipino

now post your basketball shoes guys

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Kyries indoors
Hyperdunks outdoors

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Zeke is overrated

This the real shit now kid
Last season was just an appetizer

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memes aside, what's his fucking problem?

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bad skin and bad hairline

Different eras, kiddo

>earns almost $40 million dollars a year for close to a decade
>can't handle some bantz

Didn't get to drink Scarlett Johansson's bathwater

ringless and knows it

KD is so fucking delusional. Does he not see what he did was a snake move?
Can he not just be a man and say "yeah i realize why people are mad, i left my team and my brothers to go play for the team that knocked us out of the WCF after we where up 3-1 on them. I probably should have stuck around for a rematch but they had 3 other hall of fame players and where the best team and I'm so weak i couldn't resist the temptation"

He didn't even have to stick around. Go to ANY other team.

Should have went to the kings

Horrendous offensive play by the US in the fourth quarter

losing to the fucking frogs

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Celtics are so fucked

So is your dad, both of them

>Kemba Walker
lol enjoy it Celshits, this game wasn't an outlier for him

Did people really flame MJ over not supermaxing such a streaky manlet?

>Team USA was basically the Celtics starting roster but better
>lose to fucking France
The fucking state of the leltics

Which shit team gives Party Mills a Max Contract when he's contract is up?

Edit: "if i didn't want to stick around, the smart move would have been to fuck off to literally any other team besides the stacked team that beat us"

Guess the Bucks are fucked even harder

All of them are retards for jacking up low percentage shot shots

They did.

Except Stephanie.

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Shout out to all trash Philly bitches rooting against the USA because of the Celtics players you'll can suck my motherfucking dick oh and Butler carries your sorry asses in the conference finals

>"frankly, they’ve got these great bodies" - David Stern
What did he mean by this?

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KD is right fuck okc racist bullshit...he dont own them anything other than what he give them...

No one said he had to stay or had to go back. Has nothing to do with OKC.

Dwight is really in crazy good shape


>bad guys losing (usa)
>good guys winning against real competition (australia)
muh dick

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oh no no no were getting roasted fellow amerifats, help me

>he won a championship with them. Surely that's good enough to go back at some point?
Thats actually good enough never to come back

>Blake Griffin made more pull-up three-pointers on a better percentage last season than Kyrie Irving, CJ McCollum, and Devin Booker.
That's pretty fascinating.

tbf Kyrie, McCollum, and Booker are all basically midrange assassins who can also shoot the 3. They're not primarily out there jacking it up

It's also Blake Griffin on pull-up 3s.

Philly fans are so fucking retarded that they literally get their asses beat (deservedly) by their own players

That really is such a Philly thing to do.

Seriously, what is the Houston offense going to look like?

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>on the shots he took outside of three feet, Westbrook shot a hideous 30% from the field.

apparently the theory is that they just got Westbrook to be good in transition

doesn't really make sense to me but what do i know

The Balls are so ugly. They look like Hills Have Eyes people wtf

only 1 month till the nba starts bros...

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41 days.

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>wants son to be named stephen
>rest of the world pronounces that name as Steven
>wants it to be pronounced Stefan

what's with nigs and doing that weird spelling shit on names?

>defending champs and most players are still there
This is true but those same players didn't do shit until a certain someone was traded there.

suns are going to be better then the mavericks this year

they didn't retain koowai
warriors 2025


delete your picture and replace with this one

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It'll be funny if Frank Ntilikina somehow comes back to the NBA good and watching the Knicks fuck it up as per usual

>USA basketball

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Bros for the culture miami #wadecounty check out my #onelastdance and my wife gabrielle union my son is #gay you see zhaire playing with bronny haha #jamesgang you remember the 2006 finals haha alright peace #wadecounty

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Why was Team USA so shit? How come there were no superstars on it?

player empowerment. we're in a league where players give up the regular season and literally only save their bodies for the playoffs, whether that means if they make or miss the playoffs or give up their potential to become even greater players, they don't care.

>Why was Team USA so shit?
US basketball is done. NBA champion from canada, best player greek, best rookie slovenian, best defender froggie, best /nba/ poster german. this is the age of the yuro. now you will be slurping the semen.

Forced to leave Seattle

MIP African

it's not worth risking injury for

he's coping. he even said those rings he won felt empty. it's like he can't process why so he lashes out at everyone

What happened with the Porziņģis rape accusation, did they just drop it?
Or do you think the accuser is waiting for the beginning of the season to make another move?

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Didn't she basically get revealed as a fraud?

Damn turned on Tinder and Instantly got 6 Matches

Slav women are fine ...

I fuck heavily with Kyries.

>tfw American basketball "culture" has resulted in an entire generation of freak athletes with dogshit technical basketball skills

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Nobody wants to get hurt and miss 2 years and millions of dollars playing in fucking FIBA

>nba champion canada
nobody on that team is canadian though.

you still here i got a gripe to pick with you

what was the point of even having coaches for team USA? There was less passing and movement than those pickup games with random NBA players you see posted all the time. Like what did they coach them to do? Popovich is somehow escaping criticism for losing before semis with the clearly most talented team in the tournament.

Oh did she? Good, I want the mavs to at least be competitive this season

top 10 American players under 25

Julius Randle
Myles Turner
Jayson Tatum
Marvin Bagley
Donovan Mitchell
Dejounte Murray
Aaron Gordon
Devin Booker
D'Angelo Russell
De'Aaron Fox

basically our problem is that all the young American players except Tatum are PGs or bigs

are any of these faggot from canada...canadain ball player as soft unless its hockey

They're the second most talented team at the tournament but the most talented team also lost

Lack of movement and passing is what's going to happen when you're forced to play Harrison Barnes as your starting forward, can't really blame that on Pop, it's the roster

Literally who can stop my Rapties?

No they're all American

Aaron Gordon is soft though

also Trae Young was the last cut off the list for the record

Tanya McDowell

gordon soft nah just finesse

Serbia aren't most talented team. Having one of if not the best player in the tournament doesn't make you the most talented team. The rest of Serbia outside of Joker, Boban, Bogie, Bjelica isn't that great. Team USA has more allstars, starters, and NBA players in general than any other team.

Jaylen Brown is a better center than miles Turner. The pacers are going nowhere with him.

and to add to that, all of those NBA players pass the ball just fine in their NBA teams. Harrison Barnes isn't god but he can still pass the ball. Its on the coaches to implement basic plays and have them run.

the problem with the nba is too many light skin mix race brothers bring back the black man

Kyle Lowry: best PG in the East
Norman Powell: 2019-2020 MIP
Pascal Siakam: 2019-2020 All-Star and All-NBA
Serge Ibaka: 2019-2020 Blocks Leader
Marc Gasol: best defensive C in the East

need moar micheal jordan chris webb color black men not these reggie miller reggie theus type

nope. Harrison Barnes is a complete black hole in the NBA. also he sucks. fuck Harrison Barnes

good taste my man

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Kareem the GOAT

What's your fucking problem pal?

hahahaha you are not the gay homo faggot that reply to my post go fuck yourselves or else


with jordan cause jordan when up level throughtout his career...maybe better than jordan year 1

Based frank Ntilikina

How much can you guys squat 1RM?

Jordan is underrated at this point. I think he'll surprise people on the Nets.

What’s /nba/ doing if some thot accuses you of raping her?

I haven't exercised in 5 years

Accuse her of raping me

getting drunk on vodka that comes in plastic bottles and watching The Office until I pass out


If I’m innocent a court of law will always find me innocent

I remember Pippen wore them for a bit. I saw a pair a few years ago but the leather quality was trash.

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no strong father figure

Why did Shaq hate Dwight so much?

nobody needs a reason to hate Dwight

>If I’m innocent a court of law will always find me innocent

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false rape accusations are rare, false rape convictions are rarer still

What's next now that the Celtics have been thoroughly exposed?

I love these summer pickup footage videos of harden. One of my favorite players to watch because of his fundamentals. Really love watching his dribbles, sidesteps, and the way he just moves with the ball

Dwight tried to take Superman away from >Shaw

He's one of the most fascinating iso players ever. My appreciation of his game has grown so much over the years.

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Fuck you bitch

It’s really happening

>snake for winning multiple titles at a nohistory team and inevitably leaving

Literally who the fuck is Thibaut Courtois?

>t. World's biggest Golden State hater

predicting riots in lac-lal christmas game

Shaw saw himself and all his laziness in Dwight

incel wizard

Holy fucking shit, they're all mediocre. What happened to the time when the players under 25 were at the level of D.Rose, Westbrook, Durant, T.Mac, LeBron?

My god, Team USA won't win the gold in 2024.

Don't worry bro, we got Zion.

Zion is fat. Dude, he'll be good but don't delude yourself. He's not THAT good.

Don't worry bro, we got Trae.

Fox and Russell can ball desu

That list is shockingly bad.



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Zinger won't last 40 games.

You forgot Bronny James.


we will never see a dream team again

Black boys just can't compete with our Slav overlords.

It's our shitty AAU system.

How to fix the nba? Simple. Add a 4 point line and make so that a basket in the post worths the same as the last made basket.

how are those guys even remotely similar to the Kawhi situation?

Just look at lelbron and him leaving a team that was in the finals the year beofre last season

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Does anybody find it funny that the celtics sent all their players to the fiba tournament and they couldnt win shit

Fox is legit. It's crazy in retrospect how good the 2007-2009 draft classes were though.

As in, the list has bad players on it, or the list is badly made? FWIW I only went by guys who have already played in the NBA, I'm not trying to project high schoolers.

I could see an argument for JJJ or something being on there instead of Bagley I guess

to be fair Tatum got hurt

If Kawhi wins MVP and FMVP next year, where would he stand on the all-time GOAT list?

haha u a bitch

>The Boston Celtics refused to trade Jaylen Brown and/or Jayson Tatum for Kawhi Leonard, Paul George and Anthony Davis.
>Gordon Hayward is a shell of himself.
>Kyrie and Al Horford left.
>Kemba Walker just got cooked by FRANK NTILIKINA.
>Enes Kanter is their starting center.
Basically the L'tics just lost to France. Where do they go from here? When will the puzzle pieces finally fall in place for Master Ainge's Plan?

this pic is for all the anons who have claimed that kobe bryant isn't a bonafide psychopath

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Probably top 30. If he wins 2 with the clippers he’s top 10 easy

You wanna win or wanna be coddled? Maybe sports aren't for you, sweatie.

they're fucking 13 year old who gives a shit

ridiculous standard; absurd notion. to even be in the discussion for top 10 all-time kawhi would still have much to do. 2 titles with one of the strongest teams wouldn't do that, have some respect for THE LIST

if paul george quits and kawhi single-handedly carries the clappers to 2 titles in a row then we can start talking about ATG. guy shits on some easy coast teams in the playoffs and you're ready to crown him. let's see how this season goes it will be a great indicator of how good he is. it's best coast time for him and there's plenty of competition around

personally i predict that my lakies' will stomp them out in 40 days purely with lebron/ad pick and rolls. will be a good preview for the rest of the league

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He also only really has 4 elite seasons so far in his career. He needs to keep playing at his current rate into his mid-30s to be a true top-10 tier player.


holy fuck

hognose man

Raptors beat the lucks all because Kawhi defended Gianus
DeRozan would've let him drop 50 a game

>Kareem the GOAT

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players who are defensive specialists can't play basketball

>players who are defensive specialists can't play basketball

The greatest defensive player won 11 rings

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Kawhi is the hero Yea Forums deserved you faggot


he always get owned on social media

call as a witness multiple people whom ive had gay sex with, claim i dont even like pussy.

lebron and AD might just break the record for bricked jump shots this season

>The shoes theyre playing in

God damn these niggas feet must have HURT at the end of the day

Why the fuck does he even reply anymore?

the whole team together wont brick as much as kobe did in 2016.

>when you realize Houston now has the two leaders in turnovers in the entire NBA on the same team

This is going to be hilarious. Im glad Harden got that bitchmade loser CP3 out of the picture though, its still incredible to me that he would accept an even worse player (Westbrook) on an equally bad contract, just because he hated Paul so damn much.

Is Kobe the most overrated player of all time?

>players who are defensive specialists can't play basketball
what about pip' and rodman?

Dwight was a threat to Shaq's legacy in his prime years, especially in 09 when Dwight brought Orlando to the finals

pip could play because he was also a playmaker ballhandler but rodman literally couldn't play basketball

>handle ball and make a shit ton of passes 70% of the time you're on the court
>surprised when they lead in turnovers and see this as a bad thing that doesn't have context

It's always been and will always be about team turnovers, 2nd chance points, and situational turnovers especially closing out quarters where the game slows down and less passes are made.

KD is mentally ill and NO ONE seems to care enough to help him

Dude has no real friends

it's nice that you found someone just like you, but you can go ahead and take your weird obsession with KD on back to whatever subreddit you waddled out of you creepy little faggot.

people don't like to be friends with "weak" guys
Only Kyrie but kyrie is strange

Kevin, you're unwell. You've become completely isolate from reality and only view it from your own selfish isolated view.

You need to stop saying awful things about your fans, posting on twitter, and shitting on your former teammates, coaches, trainers, and other people you've worked with as if you never connected with them in the first place.

The real red pill is realizing KD had Cliff Dixon killed for not returning his prized legos

whoever's face touched blake's left hand will be called for a foul.

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that shit was a sabotage by Popobitch

Versace boxers on my dick

He should break each and every one of those trophies.

>[Skip Bayless’ wife on Joy Taylor’s podcast]Kawhi is cute. When I watch games I have to pick out the cute guys to keep it interesting and ask Skip about them.

>God damn these niggas feet must have HURT at the end of the day

Every game mj got new shoes. If he was playing in the 60s/70s this would not be the case. He would be so shook, the big dipper would poop on him.

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Rudy Gobert
>ORtg 133
>DRtg 100

Man I need /nba/ to be active again

Sports Illustrated just released their top 10 Current Player list. Can you guess who they are before looking at it?

Bron, Kawhi, Steph, Davis, Giannis, Paul George, Harden, Dame, Jokic, Embiid.

40 days

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Love Kawhi
Simple as

The indisputable fact is team USA would have won it all if Tatum wasn't injured

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because the superstars are libtards and dont wanna play for this country because HUUR DUUR ORANGE MAN BAD

>got banned from the reddit nba discord for posting this

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fuck off and stay there

Even though this general gets all of their content from there

>Colangelo won't forget U.S. World Cup pullouts
Colangelo BTFO a ton of players that dropped out. Can't wait for LeBitch or Har_en to cry about not getting the call for the Olympics. Disgrace to not represent your country meanwhile you're doing workouts which are tougher and more succeptable to injuries than a game against Japan.


i invented the durant snake meme. tried to patent it but durant beat me to the patent office

My Pisstins just signed Iso Joe, #2 seed lock

we gon git gahwhooee

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(Kawhi Leonard during free agency discussions with Clippers FO, decolorized, circa 2019)

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Holy shit #2 eternally btfo skeeeeeup

Wtf I hate LeBron now?


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>at self checkout in the grocery store
>avoid all embarrassing mistakes that require intervention by the Boomer wrangler in charge of the self checkout stations
>grab my receipt rapidly and powerwalk out the door, making sure not to make eye contact with the kid selling chocolate bars for his school’s football team
>crumple receipt into a little ball
>shoot it at the nearby trashcan
>it bounces off the lip and rolls around a bit
>crouch down and stare at the trash can while chewing on my tongue
>it falls through
>get run over by a texting high schooler who didnt see me squatting in the road


>get run over by a texting high schooler
was she cute

when's the court date to get some money? you're set for life bro

he's a soft faggot and also a nigger

I have no idea about the NBA but, for me

it's utah jazz lads

you picked a good team hermano

Would it be funny if I asked a girl with a BF to come to a concert with me and when she replies that her boyfriend wouldn’t like that, to say “he can wait in the car”?

>for me, its reddit
nice choice hermano

no just sit in the corner like you always do and watch them make out the come on Yea Forums and tell us how you owned that cuck by posting power fantasies

we definitely have some of the best bodies in the league. there's no doubt about that. god have mercy on the NBA this season

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Speaking from experience?


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I check r/nba twice a day before I become bored and come here.

Ok I'm thinking this is based

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Poor super cool Beas :(

Lmao @ Team USA losing to France

Stanley Johnson, Pascal Siakam, Marc Gasol, Serge Ibaka, OG Anunoby, etc. Are you some kind of retard?

this. They lack experience though. But they have shooting, they can play down low when shots aren’t falling, they pass, and defend ok enough. Just have to see them in the playoffs more
are you some kind of retard?

>lack of experience
They would gone to finals if harris and VETERAN Millsap didnt fuck it up.

Whats with this """"experience"""""". Is that some EPSN high iq meme?

He’s just a weird guy. Introverted, likes his space, wants to prove himself, wants to feel like he belongs somewhere. He tried to have that in Seattle, owners sold the team, no loyalty. Then Russ dominated the ball, so he had a decision to make, where he got to decide his future. I think San Antonio or Boston could’ve been nice, but Golden State offered him a selfless offense that let him operate how he wanted. Plus easy rings. But when he went there, he didn’t have anything to prove. All the guys there were either drafted there, were rehabiliting their career, been there from the start, Strength in Numbers, etc. and he just showed up. So that didn’t feel right. No wife, no kids, so he’s got a lot of time on his hands. He didn’t even talk to the Nets, he just chose them because he “knew it was the right choice.” So I think he just needs to take a deep breath and take a step outside himself, get away from basketball. Which he’s doing this year.

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that’s not Pippen

This. Harden moves are so smooth. It’s not stiff or mechanic, it’s so fluid and quick. Such a unique player to watch

julius randle with hops

In all seriousness though, Zion will be a good player but not an all time player. I really think his body type and physicals are being severely understated. He’s got a lot of heart for the game though, and I can’t say I’ve seen enough to know what his feel for the game is like. But highlights aside, he gets after it.

this, holy shit this
this, holy shit this

Yes. He would be a good NBA player, an excellent foundational piece for a franchise, definitely a champion and HOFer. But he wouldn’t be compared to MJ. To be fair, he just has a fucking insane work ethic. Just take normal player and add Kobe’s brain to him. He’s not even clutch, he is just barely above league average. He just has so many makes that we remember the makes and not the misses. I respect the fuck out of the Mamba Mentality though.

A guy like karl malone would bully soft centers like towns or jokic.

Why is every girl taken bros....

Lonzo Ball, Ben Simmons, Zion Williamson, Anthony Bennett, Steph Curry, Kyrie Irving, Trae Young, Jayson Tatum, Andrew Wiggins, Terry Rozier, Isaiah Thomas


Not really

Theyre always taken until they can monkeybranch onto their next option. So if she’s taken, she’s not really taken. She’s just with I’m because he’s the best option, then she trades him when she’s bored or whenever she feels like really.



so how does halftime faptime work for heat threads if bangbros wins the bid(not that they will)

>Boomer wrangler


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NBA Central
BangBros plans to submit a $10,000,000 bid for the naming rights to the Miami Heat Arena

BangBros would like to name the arena The BBC(BangBros Center)

so fucking miami

>celtics players couldnt even beat shit international players

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fucking still they should at least make it to the third place game

Is this true? Or is this only true for white women?


I hope usa basketball doesnt do this shit. Lets be serious FIBA world cup doesnt mean shit

t. denver bandwagon dumb fuck with no idea what the hell he's talking about. pipe down, moron.

Murray is overrated

Bangbros aren't winning the bid idiots it's a publicity stunt. They bid like 1/5th of Tyler Johnson

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But I want to hear Marv Albert say "Coming to you live from the Bangbros Center in Miami"

lmfao, in slam dunk why are centres pretty much always drawn as niggas. fat lips, kinky hair, flat tops and all and more shading even though they are japanese

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Because probably for them is easier to find half jap half nigs to play nighoop instead of pure jap. And since most nigs are taller than the average jap, they are forced to play centers

but the characters themselves are actually full Japanese. except drawn to look more niggerish

how do NBA fans feel about Luis Scola's time there? Am I missing some American memes about him?

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Livingston is retiring bros
I didn't get into the NBA until after he left, afaik he was a pretty solid player though. in older 2ks he was a beast on the 2007-08 Rockets

F for Livingston

He was one of the Warriors who wan't a smug asshole

arguably the only one

Incredible comeback into a productive NBA player. Never thought I'd see him in the league after the injury.

Him crossing up Harden was a great moment.

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Bros im so excited for curry and dlo balling together

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He was a serviceable player. His '09 was very good. I respect him as a player. Good NBA career.

him flicking that fucking jumper pisses me off


True for any woman really
It's why you shouldn't get complacent and stagnate once you get a gf/wife
Always improve yourself

who are the good guys and villain teams this upcoming season

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can't you ask /pol/ for moral guidance like usual

He was a good 2nd/3rd option on the Rockets. I remember him always starting alongside Yao but just checking they didn't actually play that much together. He had an old man game even then so in a way it's not surprising he's still going.

Please stay out of /nba/ with this shit

We all playing 2k cuz

no we not

Im not, that game looks like dogshit, all sports games look like dogshit, really.

Its like theyre in this weird uncanny valley shit, just looks dumb. Basketball is far too dynamic to be replicated effectively in a video game, at this point in time anyway. Sports like football and soccer and tennis are easy to replicate in a game because very little is going on, and its very repetitive. Basketball has way too much finesse, personality and motion to look realistic in a video game, even if you do add a million gallons of sweat to the player models bodies.

revoke the fucking championship its all over now

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coming back from an injury like his is fucking commendable

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so how you holdin' up, user?

you seem to be awfully sensitive

>Spain is still the best at basketball


>Raptors partnering with Nike to create athletic line of hijabs
I hate this shit city so much...

we gon get scola :)

You must’ve never played real basketball irl

holy fuck

>Basketball is far too dynamic to be replicated effectively in a video game, at this point in time anyway. Sports like football and soccer and tennis are easy to replicate in a game because very little is going on, and its very repetitive. Basketball has way too much finesse, personality and motion to look realistic in a video game
jesus christ, have you ever played any of the sports you listed?

Kevon looney is the most humble player in nba history.

Are you by chance familiar with the name Tim Duncan?

do it Yea Forums

mine is:
>fisher, horry, odom, shaq, kareem

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>not ginobili


>skip's wife wants to be blacked

honestly I miss Tim Duncan

maybe my favorite player ever not from my team

Is NBA 2k20 worth picking up? I had 19 since a week before launch (first game I ever preordered) but barely played it. I have some fun on the PvP with my friends but from what I have seen they did not change the online arena or PvP at all

My favorite thing to do in the game is franchise mode. Anyone know if there are any good updates since 19? If not I am downloading 19 again

Fisher ($2)
Dantley ($2)
Kobe ($5)
Horry ($1)
Kareem ($5)

how does it feel that my rapties destroyed /nba/


Reminder mj fans are the worst nba fans

Dude I don’t think kawhi leaving after one year and winning will ever not be craziness to me.

I mean you not even going to give them one more go round as the champs? Shits strange

why is it always some little onions boy that feels the need to dickride lebron?

it's sarah jessica parkers body double

I went to the Filipino market in Sacramento
They butt ugly grouchy looking people

>dickride lebron

A perfect example of why mj fans are the worst. They assume that a person is a lebron james fanboy

>be Kawhi
>known for murdering 3peat hopes
>win a Championship
>know it wont happen again because you arent retarded and waited to see how the offseason went
>get offered best possible scenario in LA
>take opportunity because its great
>two peat in LA in ideal conditions
>achieve technical 3peat

I think thats the plan.

PG West $5
SG Eddie $2
SF Horry $1
PF Pau $3
C Shaq $4

Derek Fisher
Eddie Jones
Elgin Baylor
Lamar Odom

Old man Scola sent Rudy Gobert to school

I hope he gets his normal shooting form back bros

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Fuck Kawhi

I was hard on fultz over his injury but recently I got a shoulder injury my damn self.

The shit I seen him talk about in interviews about being afraid to do any type of motion on his hurt arm is real, normal motions I used to do I’m scared of doing now because it’s like your arm won’t and the pain is so bad it’s like your body and mind goes fuck no and refuses you to do anything with the shoulder

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this, unironically

bruhs I lost my job same day team usa lost, am now forced to live with my uncle and his boyfriend, and yet team usa still gets to make millions of dollars where is the eqaulity in this world? I hope bernette sanders wins president at least he will give me a job and forgive my debts and I bet he would've punished team usa

USA basketball team made up of white players when since niggers dont want to play?

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What is there to talk about? The season hasn't started.

I love how kawhi built this image so that the casual nba fans actually think he's on the same tier as lebron/durant. He's just an unremarkable lucky guy when it comes to the context of his rings. And yes he tries on defense so that gives him so casual nba normie points. This season is going to be funny when him and paul george get bounced out of the second round.

I just dont see how the Clippers are getting bounced out anywhere. The core of that team last year was solid as fuck, and it had a rookie playing point for half the season. Jerry West already has a new SGA in Terance Mann so that hole is gone, so take that old team minus only Gallo, a team that went 48 wins and pushed the healthy Warriors to 6 (Durant had a stellar performance) and add PG, fucking Kawhi Leonard and to a lesser but still relevant extent, Mo Harkless and Rodney McGruder. Now take into account that Montrezl Harrell will have a career year, again, possibly All Star tier, Landry Shamet will be shooting 45-50% from 3, Zubac will almost certainly improve and based Lou will be leading the second squad (20pts in 26.6 mins last season) and its just - how the fuck does this not win?

What team is more fully fleshed out exactly?

AD, old, increasingly desperate Lebron, recently unearthed mummy Rondo, DeMa- oh right, uhh... Dudley? Oh right, Kuzma. Kyle Kuzma is your third option. Or maybe Danny Green, although not so much during the Playoffs I guess. Lakers will get bounced first round and it will be beautiful.

Michael Carter-Williams was Rookie of the Year