Chile vs Honduras thread


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>jean meneses

at least it's not Sagal or Junior

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I want to see Soto, Sierralta and Jeraldino, why call them if you are not gonna make them play

>tfw my dealer won't fucking respond
fucking hell cunt.

>tfw my dealer got out of the game
fucking hell cunt.

ya empezo?

perdimos 3-0

it's like those fags hate money, i don't get it mate.

Chi chi chi Le le le, VAMOS CHILE

it's mainly cause they're lazy as fuck imo

mine got out because having to make and manage whatsapp and telegram groups (no, i'm not bullshitting you) was too much of a hassle

yeah for sure, they get paranoid and lazy when they get easy money, fucking retards. I wish i could have some cheeky plants growing in my house but im a student fag and still live with my parents and one of them hates drugs and shit, nice goal btw bro.

Get in

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Parot culiao amaricanoa malo, llamen a Weinberg de calera



Parot again REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, where is Miko Albornoz

chile as always can't fucking get the ball in even tho they dominate a portion of the game, what the fuck bros our meme magic is never coming back is it?


you were raping us in the first half, m8. and even then we've still played like shit this second half.
same for me. to make matters worse, once the plants get relatively big they apparently have a super strong odour, so i'd probably get my balls cut off.

Is Honduras losing already?

Our strikers are fucking useless, if we manage to find a good one we can win copa america next year. Dávila should be a starter at this point, not sure who could be our 9, I would try with Morales honestly

>Fenafuth mafia tried to hide the existence of Jonathan Rubio and Rigoberto Rivas
How much does olimpia controls our football? They were in the fucking bench.

If by honduras you mean chile, then yes

>no recambio
we dead now bros

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>Losing with fucking Honduras
>Losing with that shitty nigger manlet of Kevin who jump everytime

Rueda out

I actually don't think they were trying to hide them or anything, they're both pretty young after all. We've simply had the tendency of relying on MlelS shitters, some fuckers who managed to go to Europe, and a handful of Liga Nacional players for ages.

Easy on the JOH conspiracies, my fellow hondubro.

>Being this fucking delusional

>how much does olimpja control our football
The u20 team had a bunch of Real España nigs. Stop being delusional.

Junior y kofi kingston son antidraws

Rubio has 24 years already and Rivas has 21, they were perfect for the national team, France won the world cup with a fucking 17 year old, those old shitters MLeLS are the ones that make the NT bad

la verguenza del comnebol

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Why are chileans so violent?

i agree, our strikers are fucking faggots.

Who's Kevin?

>if we manage to find a good one we can win copa america next year
>he thinks chile with a good striker can beat current brasil and post messicalypsis argentina
HAHAHAHAHHA come the fuck on man, don't be retarded

Rubio's almost 23, not 24. I do think they should've been given a chance way earlier, but I don't think Ferrari's ghost is the one behind them not playing.

Fenafuth being (unsurprisingly) incompetent is probably the culprit here.

>Mestizaje maligno

In a couple or hours we will have riots of dirty antifas and shitty communists.

Did they lose on purpose? Were they concerned about their safety if they won? Honduras is pretty violent after all. Or is Rueda trying to mind game everyone into thinking we're shit until the next Copa? Like, how can they miss so many chances?

We are not that dangerous, if anything, we would kill the nogs of our national team for keep losing.

it was good while it lasted

back to another 100 years of mediocrity and moral triumphs

We'll be like Uruguay telling everyone about that time 872 years ago when we won.
But sadder because at least they won two world cups, we just won two Copas.


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they actually won Copas Américas after 1950

I remember seeing the chile 1- argentina 0 from 2008

the best chile I ever saw vs the worst argentina I ever saw up until then

and the difference... was just 1 goal

after that why wonder what would the best chile do against a regular or normal argentina

Culiando Lolis como el Chad que es.

What happened to Choroy now that 8ch is dead? I miss him

Uruguay won in 2011 tho

>missing anything related to HIM

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Good game but Honduras only won because Chile calmed down. Oh and some Honduran players have to stop flopping around whenever someone breathes on them. That's why they got 7 minutes in that game against Costa Rica

>el nidito con sus memazos sigue en el 4

Kys farandulero.

Cuando el 8 vuelva



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ese es perú

Por eso nos dejaron fuera en la CA :^)

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Pasate el link perro culiao

I'm surprised chile is getting barely bullied for losing to honduras

You'd expect Yea Forums loling at your loss but no one cares

Suelta el link por favor. ;_; todos estan invitados haha!