Prettiest player alive

Holy fuck. This guy is almost the son of Jesus with Thor.

So gracious. Deep voice, unbelievable hair, magical eyes...

His smile makes me cry.

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could be the main character in Avatar 2

Yeah. But a pretty one. All na'vi girls would want to fuck him.

The destroyer of Pandora.

He looks like the trans girl from HBOs euphoria.

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>Great practice user, let's hit the showers

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more like the destroyer of Poondora amirite

Attached: PeterForsberg.jpg (2048x2027, 1.4M)

I still want to watch him suck her dick, user. Get on this shit CelebJihad

future pats qb

this motherfuckers chad sliders were maxed out at birth jesus christ

He's like Sunshine from Remember the Titans but all grown up

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Why yes user, I am an Argentinian football player, how did you tell?

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He would make the Bungles fun again

This guy is going to be a 10 in 2 years

What is a 10?

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Why is he regressing so much this year? He already probably threw away his Heisman chances.

He has the psycho stare.

Just a slow start, he'll be back

funny he reminds me of young caniggia, he is justed af now

Attached: cannigia-mundial-90.jpg (1024x1516, 216K)

Christ he looks like an ugly tranny m9.

And also pretty good player like GOAT potential

This dude looks Polish

He reminds me of Legolas or some shit.

Mother fucker is Fingolfin come again.

he looks prehistoric

Yeah, he's like a chad caveman

more like the missing link

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This guy isn't pretty, just blonde with long hair. Look at his chin

>son of Jesus
This is what the son of Jesus would look like

Attached: 400px-Mohamed_Salah_2018.jpg (400x600, 65K)

Number one pick when he's eligible for the draft
Might go to Colts or Dolphins

I mean he's the only one that could replace TB12 but there is no way roger Goodell will allow the pats to land T-Law

he looks kinda weird actually

Jorel? Is... Is that you?

I mean. The Renaissance paintings Jesus. The Jesus we all learn to love. Not the terrorist, goat fucker face Jesus.

Exotic you mean. Still a 10/10