
Uh ohhhhhhhhhhhhh

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Who is the woman who "got bused on" her back?


>what u gone blasr

Truly, they speak a different language. He literally spells going to like he pronounces it. Honestly, I can't even understand what he is talking about in either of those emails

what is any of this supposed to even prove

He shot his semen load on her back while she was asleep, she could not consent

what the fuck language is this?

I dunno if this is real . . .
but if it is, this guy spent three years in college.
Think about that for a sec.

This is a 6

In the end nothing will happen and everything will blow over

At worst Brown gets a suspension after the season is over

You apparently can't read nig, he isn't he jacked it while she was sleeping. He's saying he blew on her back, and then they slept together. Two separate sentences.

The Thot in question

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Black nfl players are even worse than nba players when it comes to being articulate
Surprised she isn’t white, they’re the ones that usually make false accusations

The AB story just keeps having a different twist everyday. I can’t wait til we get to the murder mystery arc

just a reminder that this person spent three (3) years in an accredited university while you didn't get a scholarship because your SAT scores were too low

Oh, back to not paying attention to this

Could someone please translate this into the queens english?

Feet pics

Yeah, it's hard to understand why a star athlete that made the university way more money than anyone that's ever come through their doors was given a scholarship over a loser with average intelligence

>Surprised she isn’t white, they’re the ones that usually make false accusations

That's probably because these allegations aren't false.

here lad

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You are doing God’s work user

I fellated my member until, in ecstasy, I ejaculated upon your back. I lay and spent the night with you in the bedchamber. I have little respect for the knowledge you claim to have, for I know it isn't so. I was quite accomplished and notable well before we first rendezvoused. In fact, I recall our first interaction was initiated by you with tears in your eyes, it was not I who initiated. Despite having a rented room in a local hotel establishment to which you could easily return, you in fact rested and spent your night upon my couch in my domicile. I will simply have none of this, neither will the mother of my child appreciate the falsehoods and trickery you lay before us. Devil take me, I nearly was overcome with laughter when you claimed to all that you were an owner of a gymnasium. Darken not my doorstep or call upon me, for I will not answer you brazen cur-- I am not nearly so easy for you to use as you surely had thought. Taking the name of the Lord, using a pseudonym and plotting with your wicked mother to take advantage of my situation. I say again: Trouble me no more. You will find penning a letter to my teammates will avail you little as well.

I will, however, offer thanks for the opportunity to guide the narrative of your life for the coming few weeks, or as long as your fame shall hold in the public eye. Perhaps the next you and your mother devise such a devious strategy, you would do well to pick a fellow who could fall prey to your tricks- for I guarantee you that I am not so easily beguiled. For such a man, you would need only look to the poor fools to have bed you before me. It yet amazes me how much trust you but in your mother, thinking she was acting for your betterment. You have already failed at the trials of being in sports as a gymnast. For surely with you failing at that you must be of no great account. Take heed for we will surely be left only to our laughter on this matter and at the thought of my life sperm being doused upon your back. I will even remind him when I am bored so I might recall again. You are, in no uncertain terms, a disappointing figure to the young women of your sex, a failed gymnast who yet resides in the house of her mother and lives with her as child still. I think you will find your miserable existence to be fortunate to have had me in it for even a the short while it was, you are welcome for the time I allotted to you. The mother of my child is the perfect judge of character and she finds you wanting. You have done this terrible deed to yourself, with no other to blame.

Based and gentlemanpilled

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So...why didnt you just pick the damn cotton yourselves again?

God fucking damn. Based user

based jive fluent user

Sure lad

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This is the best translation I have read in this thread and the other thread. Congrats user.

Wrong. Completely wrong.

Black women routinely make false allegations to transparently extort money. White women are the only women with enough self-awareness to not do this. They’re usually just ashamed.

White women make false accusations after they get caught cheating with black dudes as a way to try to defend themselves from their racist family members

Black and Latina women are the biggest fucking scammers on every level, they’re notorious for lying, stealing and playing the victim

kek, this is why I still come on here

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can AB go one fucking day without being a walking attention whore/media circus


1) I ejaculated on your back and fornicated with you in bed. I don't need your expertise. I have been an all-pro wide out since before I met you. You came to me needing help, I didn't come to you. I supported you while you were down and gave you a roof to stay under. Enough of these shenanigans, my wife knew what you were up to. Don't slander my good name, while you lied about owning a gym. The audacity of you to slander my name is irresponsible, stop writing me. You used the Lords name sanctimoniously in order to try and fool me into helping you, you and your mother really thought you could trick me. Please stop contacting me.

2) Thank you for the free sex for the 3 weeks you provided while you stayed at my home. Next time you and your mother want to try and trick a young all-pro wide receiver, choose someone who isn't as knowledgeable about your whorish games. Maybe pick someone you already had consensual relations with, and stop letting your mother whore you out. You are a failure as a gymnast and you are a nobody. My brothers and I laugh about me ejaculating on your back. I'll let him know when I'm bored. You are a disgrace to little girls and you are a failed gymnast living in the past while you live with your mother in her own house. You are lucky I even extended a helping hand. My wife knows a scrupulous whore when she sees one. Congratulations, you played yourself.

Black women hate Black men in general. There's a reason why black men rather be with white or asian girlfriend.

Tawanna Bradley is the woman who started the media frenzy type of false accusation. That's what made Al Sharpton big.

The posts that saved ameri/sp/ee











If im reading this properly which i probably am not as i am damn near 60 and don't understand modern lingo this man just admitted commiting a crime and put it in writing on the internet.

Thank you

>be me
>originally rush translated it
>nobody used my translation after some yank edited my work
It hurts.

It's just gonna be some more meaningless Ronaldo shit, we can just laugh about it now and no one will care after this weekend.

which part was the crime

What are the Fantasy Football implications of this "rape" accusation? I have Tom Brady and Drew Brees, who should I start?


AB is my hero. Fucking based.

"Bitch I all pro..."

It’s called niggerbop as seen on TV

since the sports scholarships dont actually work at all why wont the americans just cut the middleman and make normal leagues

Because college football makes billions off of slave labor

Because pretending to provide an education is cheaper than paying them. Also, colleges here are under pressure to maintain a certain percentage of black students in the name of diversity, so anything that allows them to increase the numbers helps.

So he admitted to ejaculating on her back while she was sleeping? What an idiot. That’s at least sexual assault.

he could be a maths/arts genius
some really intelligent people have trouble with spelling and languages

Anyone got the body pic of the thot?

>I jack my dick on your back
Does he mean ejaculated or jacked off? You cannot tell from this, because it’s not proper English. Can be argued either way, and looks really bad for AB.

Yeah nah he’s just a nigger.

Top lel

why would you cum on somebodies back?

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Because it is hot?

i just masturbat'd on thy backeth! did sleep with thee in sleep chamber! alas thy arts as a traineth'r, wench, i've been a v'ry valorous football'r and fiteth bef're i coequal kneweth thee. I didn't has't amorous rite with thee. Thee nev'r hath left mine own house to wend to thy hotel (and thus w'ren't yond fell) and did sleep on mine own couch instead. Alas off, thee has't nay lev'rage, the moth'r of mine own children but who is't isn't mine own jointress fopped thy dumb rampallian. Thou art falsing and telling ev'rybody thee owneth a gym. Thee bethought knowing mine own phoneth numb'r wouldst receiveth thee ahead. Thee hath used fake names in 'rd'r to pretendeth thee hadst some lev'rage on me, alas off, tryeth not yond the horror.

thanketh thee f'r letting us stayeth in thy headeth did rend free f'r three weeks. Next timeth thee and thy moth'r planeth to screweth me ov'r, maketh sure thee mess not with somebody as cunning as me. Thee has't already fuck'd up letting thy moth'r controleth thy life concluded, be it and expecting h'r to holp. Thou art a did fail gymnast and thou art nobody. Mine own nigg'rslaugh about the timeth i ejaculat'd on thy backeth. I'll alloweth that gent knoweth at which hour i'm b'r'd. Thou art a disgrace to dram girls as thou art a did fail gymast living in the past with thy moth'r in h'r house. Thou art lucky yond i hir'd thee as mine own p'rsonal traineth'r. The moth'r of mine own children who is't is not mine own jointress knoweth a weak wench at which hour the lady sees one. Thee has't did play yourself



not really

Well AB has nothing to worry about. Kraft is no stranger to sexual impropriety. He has the legal forces needed to get this swept under the rug.


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Really disgusting for the Steelers to pay a girl to do this to him


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Obviously you've never had someone bring you sexy back.

Thank you Cicero

Anybody that thinks an actual crime took place between these two is retarded.

>I fellated my member
This means he blew himself

that's why its not a criminal case, retard

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So this is the power of the amulet

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