/f1/ - Relentless Formula 1 General - Lego Edition

>Countdown to Singapore GP:
(Scroll down for all session times)

>Other racing on each week, pick your poison

>Previous Thread:

>FantasyGP.com /f1/ League Formula Autism:
Passcode: 12481614

>F1 2019 PC /f1/ League Access Code
league Info Here: archive.4plebs.org/sp/thread/94148301/#94162184

>WDC Standings
L. Hamilton 284
V. Bottas 221
M. Verstappen 185
C. Leclerc 182
S. Vettel 169

>WCC Standings
Mercedes 505
Ferrari 351
Red Bull 266
McLaren 83
Renault 65

>Nico Hülkenberg F1 races without EVER scoring a podium:
170 (172 entries)

>Point difference between Gasly and Albon
31 points

>Hund status:
ZeKlerk vent zoo far wif zeine defensiv beweigingung, aber in Monza das Rote Auto does nicht get eine penalzy

/f1/ almost no longer relentless
Toto thinks Bottas should work on his head to head racecraft
Schumi transferred to hospital in Paris for ''secret treatment''
Never forget

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Other urls found in this thread:


WEC is better


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Nice image 2bh

threadly reminder to filter the UK flag

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>No, no one made you do anything.
That's not what you said at Nuremberg.




this is a 3 driver formula for 2020 onwards

Lads, this is the most photographed boat in the world over the last week. The first launched F1 of boats.

looks like a boat

Imagine losing the America's Cup to a landlocked nation.

>Ferrari was started and ran by a single man
Irrelevant, he's been dead for over 30 years. In recent years Ferrari was ruled by corporate bigwig Sergio Marchionne, CEO of FCA as I'm sure you know. Until Ferrari was spun off as a Dutch holding company and listed on the NYSE.

>Red Bull
>they're also soulless
So basically you've fallen hook line and sinker for the whole "mammia mia, pizza pie" bullshit, peddled by a company that happened to be owned by one of the largest international automaker conglomerates in the world for the last few decades, and has now has been spun off, registered in the Netherlands partly for tax purposes, listed on the NYSE, and is mostly controlled by the Agnelli family, whose stake is more than twice as large as that of Piero Ferrari. Yeah, how much soul that is.

>Ferrari started out as a racing team first
McLaren started out as a racing team, now they're over 50% owned by the King of Bahrain. Is that soulful?

>Lewis is the ultimate PR machine, that doesn't imply others don't do it.
So you have no argument whatsoever for what makes him different in terms of "PR" to other drivers. I would wager that Ricciardo has appeared in FAR more Renault adverts this year than Lewis has in Mercedes adverts.

>They had better engine for 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 season
Because they worked hard to make a great engine. But success isn't "soul", right? I guess incompetence and failure is what you'd define as "soul"?

>illegal tyre testing and lobbying for your engine
If they had broken the rules so significantly they would have been chucked out.

>Don't even want to mention all this coping toto and lewis did
You mean like congratulating Ferrari? Or do you mean the part where they recognised where they need to improve? Oh yes, I forgot, doing well isn't "SOUL". Of course, soul means failing and doing shit, right? But as long as you've got a brand that suckers will fall for, then it's "soul". I get it now.

>he's been dead for over 30 years
*40 years you naive dumbfuck.
Why do you think they put him in those dark sunglasses for the entire 80's?

Don't to that thing fool
He's a lost pysch ward patient talking to himself

Don't talk* to that thing fool

It is indeed.
They look so fucked at speed as well with one leg up
Have a (You)

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Those are the bottom three, right?

Yes they are bottoms

post jackies

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definitely not my type

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I've been watching re runs of that 70s show lately so when I saw Jackie that jumped to mind

grazzi e poopi

stop posting jackies

>grows in your garden

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Shhpprrrt shhpprrrt

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Exactly it could well be Honda money. Notice how both RB and Ferrari go down for 2015, so I don't think 2015's figures are totally implausible. Mercedes gets a big boost, probably due to increased FOM winnings from their first championship, and perhaps more sponsor money due to their success.

You're using figures in completely different currencies. Converted into pounds (see pic), those figures are roughly £340m > £331.4m > £215m > £224m > £248m. The drop for 2016 could be because Renault-Nissan stepped away as a title sponsor - remember it was "Infiniti Red Bull Racing" for 2013-2015. Also possibly Mateschitz reducing his investment because he was talking a lot about quitting the sport around that time.

I think a sponsor loss could be why Mercedes dropped for 2016 too - Blackberry was their second most prominent sponsor in 2013-2015, and stepped away (probably because they had no money) in 2016.

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Seems too convenient that Ferrari is a fairly straight line compared to the others. Again Race Fans the website some of the numbers came from say themselves it's an estimated value so means nothing and I couldn't see that on all the others because I couldn't be arsed to look, could be twice or half what they say anyway.

I couldn't see anywhere how the power unit development side of it is removed from the car racing side of the teams that do both but I am retarded. So in reality merc and Ferrari could be running significantly lower budgets with that removed, or be hiding actual car development in there if it is removed from the number.

I live in Ricciardo's home town, and I see more adverts with Hamilel advertising Mercedes, watches and clothing each month than I have seen Ricciardo adverts all year. That is even counting shit like "win a chance to go to the USGP and see Daniel Ricciardo" promotions at supercheap auto.

>not his type
Story checks out

First of all, my point was simply challenging his assertion that Mercedes have spent more than Ferrari. He said "it's just a fact" and I'm yet to see evidence, and you've provided none. I guess you're too fucking stupid to read posts?

Second, "oh my god they used educated estimates, that must mean it has no correspondence to the truth whatsoever" - yeah I guess an idiot might think that.

Third, here's a piece by Forbes that estimates team expenses for 2016. Ferrari's total is £464m (this is just costs, without income deducted, and it includes engine costs too). Mercedes total costs, both for the chassis team and the engine department, is £402m: forbes.com/sites/csylt/2018/04/08/revealed-the-2-6-billion-budget-that-fuels-f1s-ten-teams/

It is a bit of a stretch to claim that Ferrari spent less money than Mercedes in the hybrid era when all the figures I can find are saying the opposite.

Sorry that I have shown you to be wrong.


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what is the hardest lego you did

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Its 4am, I've been pwn noobs on the elite image board four channel all evening, another poster points out something in my post.
I slurp my irnbru, grab a handful of prawn cocktail crisps, and wipe my sausage like fingers clean on my pants. It's on.
I google search furiously looking to prove him wrong. I forget what they said now, it doesn't matter, I have a point to make to impress my followers. I get giddy thinking about the (You)'s this post will get.
I hit post. I dont need to complete a captcha, I'm an elite poster, I have a four channel pass.
I reach into my crisp packet again, this one is empty, I open my fifth packet for the day. I am momentarily content. I get excited for the (You)'s to start rolling in.
I am the enforcer on this website, and I do it for free.

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Nice OP pic. I'm constantly amazed at what people can create with humble Lego pieces.

Also, Black & White Flags for "Driver Warnings" Y/N? I felt that while they can prevent something like the Montreal situation from earlier this year from happening again, I thought the timing of it showing up at Monza and allowing a Ferrari to win was a little too on-the-nose for F1...

And I forgot my pic like a retard.

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Holy shit there was some superautism going on. Imagine writing rambling, incoherent novels to /f1/ through the night up until 5AM bongtime because someone called your team soulless and their fans plastic gloryhunters several hours before.

is tehre anybody else in the world who doesnt think LeClerc and Verstappen win at minimum the next 10 titles?

its basically guaranteed at this point. Any half decent car and their skill can supercede any superpowered meme car another team could put out tehre


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I think it's a good idea also I think that if Ferrari are in a position to win Monza the FIA has a duty to protect that win

>Ferrari can only win with FIA protection
lol what a joke of a team.

>Mercedes get FIAMG on the line in Canada
nothing wrong with that :)
>Ferrari doesn't get utterly fucked,by stewards for once

They were available from Spa onwards (which is the first race after the mid season break)
Which makes a lot of sense timing wise doesn't it, it could have been applied to anyone first

It was first used to Pierre fucking Gasly you dumb shartinmart

As long as they get the car that suits them they'll win it all

Which WAG fits this best?

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BASED F1 cucking MotoGP

>It has now been shifted an hour earlier, meaning that the chequered flag should be waved around 25 minutes prior to the start of the F1 grand prix.

My contribution

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Heh, also San Marino GP this sunday. MWL unless someone passes him on last lap, again

Have any modern drivers actually deserved 4+ titles?

Hamilton, Raikkonen, Schumacher, Hakkinen, Vettel, Alonso

do any of these guys truly deserve THAT many?

all of them

Schumacher does.

I mean, the pool is so large it's hard to find one

Schumacher deserved 4, Kimi deserved 3, Alonso, Vettel, Mika 2 and Hamilton 1, maybe 2

The serb speaks truth

this is correct

He speaks truth to power

Hakkinen and Raikkonen both deserve the same and more than anybody else

truly the most talented drivers of all time, nobody else is even close


I would do it if Rakesh Bhatia wasn't using a VPN to post under french and kraut flag. There is really no escape from this Bradford paki loving jannies.

Mika deserved what he took, the '98 and '99. You can argue mika has better racecraft and more pure talent than Michael, but schumi had it all, a complete package. Kimi deserved 2003 (if FiA didn't cuck michelin and had McLaren been reliable), 2005 again with McLaren unreliability and 2007 - ferrari was an inferior car for the first half of the season because of spygate and he won 3 out of last 4. As far as pure talent goes, even though he's a hotheaded cunt, I'd say Alonso beat mika and kimi in that department

>Schumacher deserved 4
>Mika 2
Who'd you give all the remaining titles to in all those years?

>Kimi deserved 3
>Alonso, Vettel 2
>and Hamilton 1, maybe 2
Same problem: That's 8 or 9 in 15 years. Do the remaining titles go to Button and Rosberg?

fucking overthinking autist.

How does having to fill all the slots make someone deserving or not?

Well, for each championship, there had to be someone who deserved it, right?


Not necessarily.

Let me express it this way: There had to be someone who deserved it more than anyone else.
Of course you could just say that no one deserves it and not attribute it to anyone, but that really is not in the spirit of the competition, is it?

Spirit of what competition? The competition of deciding how many championships each driver deserved?


Good afternoon, you fucking idiots.

Love to Carrie.

there is no swear word or insult strong enough in English to really describe how much I hate you.

Breeding to Tabi

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Well, the sport itself, of course. Which is what makes anyone "deserving" or "non-deserving" in the first place. You don't just say: "X was the most deserving, but actually they were all so shit that we rather not name a winner."

How fuckin useless is her boyfriend. any man worth shit would have had her knocked up within a month of start dating

I honestly thought that was a speedboat in a canal from the thumbnail.

>Toronto Raptors win an NBA championship
>suddenly don't want to repeat as champions
>Go from Top 5 favorites to not even being in the Top 10
>Might possibly blow up the roster this season or next
Are the Raptors officially the Brawn GP of the NBA? I can't think of any other champion that did not aim to repeat after winning.

>you don't just say
Why not? What stops me? I can say no one deserved to win the championship one year, the sport won't implode.

Maybe he shoots blanks, don't be so harsh

Don't harsh my buzz, goober.


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Take this Tabi to take the edge off

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Well, okay then. Say what you will, sensible or not.

When will Schumi be revealed?

Which one?

Potato one.

I feel the need.
The need TO BREED.

tabi is a disgusting whore

No she's sexy and elegant

that's why she's so hot

>Ocon’s two-year deal to drive for Renault does not include an escape clause which would allow him to return to Mercedes in 2021.


It’s amazing how accurate that is for such a small scale of Lego

Isnt he dropped from merc now though? Toto set him free

Yeah, Kimi deserved much more than one title and Vettel deserved much less than 4

Would anyone happen to have that image of Vettee and Hannah at the hockey or whatever with her wearing a Ricciardo shirt?

When he's done.

>cucked out of merc race seat twice by bottas
>not even allowed to go back when bottas leaves

>no power gap between Verstappen and the others

l o l

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Holy shit my nigga. I loved that one. Was the hardest too because i was so young. Nostalgia...

so it does matter what side you put a tyre on.

The rear left is probably reverse threaded

Best Ferrari livery.

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Hey looks like BrawnAnon is still alive

>Never forget
for me, it's 11/9



He has a real 2+1 year contract with Renault, they don't just rent him to Mercedes, so Biteboule and Prost would never accept this kind of clause

go fly a plane into a building so we can see the modern ferrari blanked

what's your favourite race at spa lads? speaking of spas... i may have knocked up a hooker.

You mean spaß? Knocking up hookers is spaß.

>i may have knocked up a hooker.

no, the same one. she messaged me saying we have to talk.

holy based.

good morning

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>Murray no!

now you have your very own gf who carries your progeny.
can't imagine that gf is any more expebsive than weekly hookers.

yeah nah i'm shitting myself.

>i'm shitting myself
ah fugg she'll charge you extra for that too

probably this one?
it is goat tho, with it's functioning gearbox etc..

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mistakes into miracles lad
is she cute/beautiful/sexy?

>yerman humor

kek thanks for the laugh

she's very cute. lithe and petite. well... fug, i mean until this i guess lol

>Irish anything

deine Mutter liebt mein Pferdschwanz

hey there, quit it you two


>ywn cum inside a cute, lithe and petite escort and make her a wife after she texts you that she's pregnant with your baby

fuck off cuck.

Probably this one

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Yeah, fuck off. We can handle it like grown ups.

I recommend not to buy those Pirelli condoms any more.

But what if they are for wet conditions?

well on the plus side it's been three weeks or so and there's no blistering

One thing I don't understand, why the fuck did Leclerc not give Vettel the tow in Q3? If it was agreed within the team isn't it easier to just do it, instead of now dealing with a pissed off Vettel for the next year?

Is this Leclerc mad with grief from last week? Did he decide now was the time to swing his dick around? It feels to me like this decision of Leclercs lead to Vettel's mistake during the race and almost cost the podium.

Why doesn't this make any sense?



It was released in 1999 you dumb fucking kraut how does that make me a zoomer.

This was one of the most boring builds, as it's literally build the same thing x4 the whole way through, and it's not particularly well designed in the first place. I don't think anyone managed it without some section snapping in half.

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>Did he decide now was the time to swing his dick around?
*ding ding ding* he knows he can make vettee his bitch now with no repercussions.

He didn't get 10+ LEGO when he was only 3 years old. Who is the dumb bitch now?

He's putting his stamp on the team and soon he'll put his stamp on hannah.

Except Vettel's got a contract through next year, so can mess with Lecuck the whole time...

"Oh what a shame you're not P1 Sharls, I tried giving you a tow but somehow just lost power, what a terrible shame ha ha ha"

"Yes Binotto it is terrible that we had contact in turn 1, I just didn't see Sharls there, what a terrible shame!"

Vettel's already an accomplished WDC, quite easily he could walk away and do the Rosberg life, Leclerc's the one in a crucial part of his early career.

How do you suppose Leckek go past Vettel and give him a tow when there's a Mclel and Renlol blocking the road?

and how long do you think he'll stay there if charles is clearly the quicker and more favoured driver and vettee fucks him around? ferrari would pay him out before the season's over.

The box said 10-16 and I finished it in only 3 days whose laughing now?

>formula ox FUCKING WHEN
This off season has been hell.

We is needed to make some calls

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Binotto clearly thought there was something Lecuck could have done else there wouldn't be anything to forgive him for

Holy shit is that Tedi's Dirt Patch and Stick? I thought they'd replaced him


That's my point, Vettel's got nothing to lose. Leclerc is better of keeping him happy so he's a contended little tail gunner running interference against the Mercs instead of what seems to me like deliberately pissing him off to shout "I'm the Ferrari man now!"

>/f1/ - Lego, ox-racing, flag-bashing and hooker splooging

It's an honour lads

sometimes also fantasising about breeding WAGs with your mates.

mates don't let mates tag mercedes slags

Which slags does they tags?

we all have our guilty pleasures and weaknesses.

mine is sara lea chocolate cake. with cream. or maybe even icecream if i've been good.

i mean shit if you're going to be dragging your cock through gutter trash at least find a bint that works at a team worth getting a garage pass for

All of those topics are on the spectrum, so are you really that surprised? I'm impressed that there's no crossover with /f1/ and train spotting.

We talking shitty films or actual, "Goodness me, the 9:10 to Rutherfordshire is almost a minute late! And they've changed three of the knacklebufferflufferwhippets on the pickodoodle carriage!" horsearsery?

Half this fucking board is on the spectrum...

Excuse me for interjecting so rudely, but I do not think that a person who is "on the spectrum" can muster the social skills required to acquire the services of a woman practicing the oldest profession in the world.

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>t. nordic shut-in


She flipped his dingaling in her mingy thing without a thin bit of rubber betwi'n. Doesn't sound like a professional to me

Aren't you a professional neet? The cheek of you calling someone else a shut in.

Exchanging money for a service in return is a business, I bet she pays taxes as well

That you had to clarify between the two says a lot lad.

>Stealth Bionicle Bread

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>if only you knew how bad things really are

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I'm known as an authority on knacklebufferflufferwhippets

Have brutal toothache and the dr gave me opioiods I can role play as Correa for some time.

/f1/ is a slizer general m8

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*big cum*

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I think I caught the 1:39 knacklebufferflufferwhippets to Houndslough once.

>schumacher conscious

and that's a good thing

Schumacher, Hamilton, Alonso, maybe Hakkinen because of how impressive his peak was, but he was also incredibly flaky. The guy outqualified Senna at his McLaren-debut, but then looked slower than Coulthard until McLaren had the fastest package and then he left him in the dust.

Careful, now - that's how punteraussie got a floosie in trouble

>inflamation battling stem cells
Why does he need this? Does he have amassive swollen head? How conscious is her, where did they get these stem cells from?

>vettel out in five minutes

Is he the worst multiple champion ever?
The answer is yes.

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They've actually uploaded Schumi's brain into a Magneti Marelli ECU and he's going to be a 7 time Roborace champion.

>Correa potato'd
>Schumi conscious
>Correa "transported to London clinic."
>Schumi "transported to Paris under armed guard"

Coincidence? Was Mick just supposed to identify the donor?

We feel that way now but once he has retired and we have had time to mellow we will not feel that waay.

lasciattemi guidare


I would be careful and demand a paternity test before I start being friendly with a whore.

I think you've got your order of operations mixed up m8.

i'm not doing anything yet except shit myself. i'll wait and see what she has to say when we talk but i really hope it's "is this your pen? did you leave it behind?

I thought they could even do one when it has not been born yet.

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schumacher photographed just after regaining proper consciousness for the first time since his unfall

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maybe she just wants to offer her services to you till death do you apart.

>tfw my physio cancelled my appointment this morning because he was going for sail
>he gets papp'ed onboard the chase boat

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ironic tabi posting is still tabi posting

Quick run down?

should have used the hypersoft

My Tabi posting is far from ironic.

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yes, I am a 35yo zoomer..

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i engaged an escort and part way through things we ended up going bareback and i dropped one in her. now she's messaged me and wants to meet tomorrow to talk about something

who can stop >us?


My grandma was a total bitch, and gave it away to some random shit eater. After i came back from studies i noticed that my collection from a little kid to 18yo was missing. Legos from 1980 to 2004 missing (my older brother go legos too). Ofc grandam got alzheimer and forgot everything. Collection editions, biggest boxes ins eries. To rebuy it out from 2nd sellers i need 12k euro, and i'll miss that feeling that it was from my deceased father and mom every birthday, holydays, christmas etc. YOU KNOW NOTHINGN ABOUT SUFFERING, SHUT THE FUCK UP. I made a lsit on bricks.com and lsited every lego box i can remember and it hink is till missing some because i cant remember what boxes me and brother had as little kids. I'll rebuy it no matter what while you dumbasses whine about zoomer lego

Oh that sucks dude. I didn't know they had Lego in the Communist times

You don't seriously think she's going to destroy her livelihood in an attempt to turn you into a meal ticket do you? Was the bareback consensual? I have a breeding fetish as much as the next Finn fellow, but certainly wouldn't partake of this with a pro. I'm guessing she's got herpes and wants to give you a heads up about it, despite not having a flare-up when you fucked her.

Sorry to hear that, bro.

You made me kek hard

um sweetie we use brickset.com

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gib sarah gf

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i honestly have no idea and that's what is killing me at the moment. we were chatting during the booking about how she wants to stay in australia and has to do some rural work for her second year on her visa, part of me is wondering if this is a visa scam. i don't know which would be better, herpies or a rugrat.

>wouldn't partake
takes two to tango and yada yada but i didn't really realise til it was a bit late.

So who will replace Vettel when he retires after this year and will it be Gimi?

How can a female kraut be so beautiful like sophia?

i'd argue he has everything to lose right now. he's at risk of being run out of his own team by a rookie for the 2nd time.

I also don't think he'd be even slightly interested in being second fiddle to lec.


If she tries to visa scam you, report her. We have a truck load of them in NZ coming over on student visas and then just working as prozzies which is a big no no and fucks things up for the legit sex workers that come over for a tour with the proper visas. Speaking from experience as my friend works for the NZ Prostitutes Collective.

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she's on a working holiday visa. i honestly have no idea if sex work is specifically not allowed but the brothel is a licensed place so i assume they do things at least partially properly. damn my german accent fetish

Black seas barracuda was worth 88 000 000 000 pln before denomination. This, blue ship from that set, black castle, robin hood hideout, that small builing with ghost fig glowing in night and some space sets name i cant remember was one of the first my brother got

what is a visa scam
t. unknower

That's fucking cool man, sorry to hear it.

I seriously hope she doesn't know your real name
if she doesn't just disappear

>Schumi concious
Lads how bad will it be when they show him for the first time?

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this blue boat?

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It was from same series, but instead of Red and white colors its 1 or 2 segments shorter and with blue and white colors. Figs used yellow shoulders and black chats with yellow plumes. I cant rememer its name, but it was cleary good guys in this collection whiel pirates vere "bad"
btw i had a police boat with hull similiar to one you posted

You arrive in a country on a visa with a finite time period, then get knocked up by some gullible idiot. You can claim hardship for the child if they're born in your home country without a father, compared to where you opened your legs, so the soft government lets you stay and your child gets citizenship.

right but what happens to the baby daddy?

Drops the soap

I have the (blue) cargo boat and the red fire boat, but didn't get the black police boat to complete the set. My aunt in Holland sent me a waterproof boat motor that hooked to the bottom of my lego ships so I could play with them in my pool, it might be the last time I was ever happy.

Protip: you can't lose you're virginity to a paid whore

Sorry for offtopic
its called Caribbean Clipper

is on the hook (lol) for child support

Assuming the father is in the picture, they have a "happy life" forever after. If he's not in the picture and the woman doesn't care because she's escaped her country, nothing, but if she is smart as well as conniving, she petitions the courts in her new found country for the father to support her fuck trophy for 18 years, and the man's life is ruined.

>aunt in Holland sent me a waterproof boat motor that hooked to the bottom of my lego ships

Holy shit I forgot I had that too, for a white game boat.

all you have to do is not nut inside a vagina how hard can it be

haha yeah how hard can it be haha

I shoot inside out of principle :D
I have a gf though and she loves it

won't know it til you try it

One of my earliest memories is of my best friend, (at the time, we were 6 I believe) me, and his father building the Black Seas Barracuda together on his birthday. We finished it by the afternoon and then for some reason my friend got upset about something and kicked the ship across the floor, and then his father pulled off his belt and slapped the shit out of him with it. Good times!

How can be she 39 years old?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-11-13-20-15-718_com.instagram.android.jpg (1080x1540, 527K)


Aftermarket though, it definitely wasn't from lego was it? 50% white where the batteries went and blue around the propeller? Looking back into this memory, it blatantly would have awoken any girl into lego about that time, it vibrated massively.

>he's been dead for over 30 years
No, he's been reincarnated as a Turk from Gelsenkirchen

Attached: Enzo and Özil.jpg (744x372, 36K)

That sounds pretty fucking familiar

he back

Attached: schumii.jpg (230x350, 18K)

That's not the only thing pumping...

Attached: charlotte_poynting52~1568194067~2130489544766654881_28883557.jpg (1024x1820, 177K)

Attached: 0639217.jpg (950x694, 118K)

This is the lego manual from those boats, they even alluded to an aftermarket product that was available, but fuck me if I can find whoever made it.

Attached: 27135-1521497705.jpg (793x593, 79K)

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-11 at 23.37.54.png (1990x222, 49K)

She looks like my sister

Fuck tabbi I want to take a chance on breeding a retard with this 39 year old.

please understand I'd like to breed your sister

Attached: msch.png (542x806, 804K)

>went for fun
>too hot
>not sweating at all


damnit why didn't i book her?

Write to her, maybe she is available

Fucking cool

Thanks lad just slipped into the DM's

Because Australia doesn't need a population boom you loose cannon

heh thanks for the laugh user


Attached: 1542590210404.jpg (4096x2730, 985K)

Seething Toto is the most entertaining Toto

I had 0 problems building this. It was boring yeah, but I dunno how you would snap something in half.

>Man Who Thought He'd Lost All Hope Loses Last Additional Bit Of Hope He Didn't Even Know He Still Had

Attached: 4D03C98F-8CE8-44F5-AA56-C86384BBEC86.jpg (474x316, 25K)

>Wish I was with Gimi at the retirement home...

Speaking of career ending pregnancy, the W-series has picked the 14 drivers that will go to the Almeria Test.

Abbie Eaton, UK
Abbie Munro, UK
Anna Inotsume, Japan
Ayla Agren, Norway
Belen Garcia, Spain
Bruna Tomaselli, Brazil
Cheslea Herbert, New Zealand
Courtney Crone, USA
Gabriela Jilkova, Czech Republic
Hannah Grisham, USA
Irina Sidorkova, Russia
Katherine Legge, UK
Michelle Gatting, Denmark
Nerea Marti, Spain

The drivers outside the top 12 last season are still in the selection pool, they just don't get tested again.

>Black master and his slave

How do we rate this cu ck btw?

Attached: 0247385B-2BB8-4FE7-B8D7-5FA5CEDAA300.jpg (795x530, 89K)

reminder that ricciardo is unexposable

>this flag, this post
Yea okay Wernher von Braun, the first two stages of the build were definitely too long before the top joining pieces were applied, which leads to piece tension outside of LEGO guidelines (reminder that the set was a Creator build initially and not from actual Lego engineers).

The 4x sides you had to apply to this piece definitely were flimsy, it's not even up for debate.

Attached: thisbullshit.jpg (2184x1260, 296K)

For me, it's Courtney Crone

Attached: courtney crone.jpg (643x462, 53K)

>Immediately googled to see if the Jap was qt and the ruskie was sexy

Not disappointed

>Courtney Crone
Shame her online presence is so limited. No instagram and twitter is basically abandoned.

For me its Bruna Tomaselli, she is actually good in usf2000, always on the top 10

Attached: B4ZCtrWq_400x400.jpg (400x400, 19K)

Instant waifu tier

Attached: irasidorkova~1552361916~1997679007614598734_14899035.jpg (960x1200, 109K)

Chelsea Herbert is 90% the spitting image of my missus who is a surgical theatre nurse. You best believe I've run some fantasies.

Attached: chelsea_herbert_200619.jpg (2804x1856, 587K)


Jesus you can store 2 CAT cranes behind those teeth

Why would chadwikc even bother doing W-series again?

Superlicense points next year for W-series, wasn't it?

Easy 500k/year income

I've known of her for 5 minutes and I already know that if she doesn't make it I'm gonna be upset

Attached: irasidorkova~1533182440~1836789896477177199_14899035.jpg (958x1197, 85K)

Because she cant compete with man in the series
>also the award money

Attached: lol.jpg (1093x350, 217K)

Had this fucker as a kid
>Functioning rear differential connected to the piston engine
>u-joint steering column
>accessible engine bay
But being a dumbass kid I probably broke some stuff playing with it

Attached: cea86d1e4df4980c7cac0950c185.jpg (2560x1703, 341K)

>Born: January 15, 1965

Attached: 1819-10-64.jpg (277x415, 115K)

please understand that I want to breed your missus

Are DC & Wurz still in charge of...uhm...lets say the selection process?

Understood totally, I completely lose interest in women I'm seeing when they don't get hit on when we go out.

I hope so

Attached: Serious_W_Series_training.jpg (1920x1280, 192K)


Attached: EELl0s1XsAAJLRU.jpg (1200x675, 142K)

Jesus sybians are getting more and more realistic.

had a not so nice dream lads

for me its male to female finances


Attached: lec lerc.jpg (750x742, 172K)

>Lego posts as well

Literal perfection and I haven't even listened to what I'm sure will be her toe-curlingly qt accent yet

Attached: 2019-03-13 03.30.47 1998399842150719937_14899035.jpg (1080x1350, 148K)

shitty shoes for a funeral

what was it bro

about this friend i have a crush on

Attached: download (1).jfif.jpg (300x168, 10K)

Attached: 1538041826050.jpg (962x539, 31K)

Fuck Carrie
Fuck Sophia
Fuck Chadwick
Fuck Hanna

Glory to the fucking motherland

Attached: 2019-01-24 11.08.51 1963841162959738383_14899035.jpg (794x993, 92K)

leaked pic of Schumi getting stem cell treatment in Paris (pommes parisienne)

Attached: schumi stem cell treatment.jpg (480x360, 13K)

elaborate further

Anyone else have this beauty? Mine's still going strong but the stickers are starting to peel

Attached: 8674-1.png (560x380, 327K)

what is her instagram

>She only just turned 16

God damn it Russia. Every single time.

Attached: 2019-07-16 05.19.14 2089021195173667549_14899035.jpg (1080x1350, 124K)


Attached: 2018-02-08 03.56.03 1709951820770370679_14899035.jpg (958x1198, 95K)

You are now aware that SkyF1 changed their narrative from:
>"Vettel has a contract that guarantees him number 1 status"
>"Leclerc has wrestled away number 1 status from Vettel"

>tfw he's being him again

Attached: sad Kumakichi.jpg (1024x768, 222K)

she tried adding me and most of my karting mates on fb when she was a karting loli years ago.

I know but I've been working on/off for the past two weeks so haven't had the sad feels.

Just making sure that you're making conscious decisions.

Attached: 1553294172417.jpg (800x499, 69K)

50% me
50% the Russian national anthem being intoxicating

Based Mäkinen will win this race!!

Attached: 20190911_155716.jpg (3264x2448, 2.74M)

??? :D

TOYOTA 1-2-3

Attached: 1518962684314.webm (720x1280, 747K)

Why the eesti plates?

Does this mean they dropped the pointless assesments about PowerPoint presentations and such?

Also where is the meme atreaming series about that we were promised


>estimated means nothing
As I said, perhaps an idiot would believe something as ridiculous as that.

If you want to see figures including engine costs see here: I'm surprised by that personally. The last thing I saw with Hamilton in was an advert for the Mercedes AMG One, although fair enough I see that Monster drink Lewis Hamilton edition in shops. But Ric has done tons of Renault adverts that I keep seeing on YouTube, and people have posted on here adverts of him that are up in Australia (pic related)

Attached: rickyboy.jpg (1600x900, 80K)

reminder that Latvala broke up with his big titted wife, so now he will drive like a free man again! easy win incoming.

Attached: FB_IMG_1535890727262.jpg (960x1280, 75K)

Post pic


Finally my foreskin amounts to something

Attached: jari-matti-latvala-toyota-gaz-1.jpg (800x534, 116K)

im pretty sure hes ''conscious'' since like 2018

I meant Maisa Torppa pic

Attached: 1553656192181.jpg (421x480, 34K)

>We may end up with Garcia v Garcia and Marta v Marti
Oh, I’m sure this won’t confuse Claire at all

The sun coming up confuses Claire.

Come to think of it, I want her to commentate Formula mEme.

>car spins
>doesn't get going again immediately
>it cuts to the onboard
>"I think he must have stalled it, I can't hear the engine running"

>Born a worm
>Spins a cocoon
>Goes to sleep
>Wakes up a butterfly
>What the fuck is that about?

Yeah because this isnt concious



fugg, I didn't know about them

Attached: claire-cottingham.jpg (2000x1125, 204K)

>alcohol yas kweeen fake tan yaaaaaaaassss shit tonne of makeup guuuuurrrl yasssss gurl go getem yaaaassss
high iq move

You have now considered the much higher than average statistical likelihood that O'Shilly is a ginger.

he was always a ginger manlet imo

fake news

back OT, this looks nice to build too..
"There’s a six-cylinder engine under the bonnet with a working valvetrain. The gearbox has switchable low and high-range."

Attached: lego new defender.jpg (979x551, 92K)

Her sister is a burlesque dancer. Currently pregnant.

Attached: Bettsie_bon_bon.jpg (1080x1228, 61K)

Merc mEme car and driver reveal soon (It's Stoff and De Fries, full Benelux)


Must be nice having that much wiggle room to not be considered the biggest slut in the family.

Youtube stream not working

Cuntbook is working



Make it Ott because he's the only one who can break Sebastien wins lol

I just noticed they're not Finnish too. But they've been using these for a long time

Fug :--DDD

Also apparently marshals have 50% off from merchandise this year. I bought lots of useless stuff

I predicted a stereotypical "futuristic" livery

Attached: muh tron.jpg (600x315, 30K)

It's gonna be the F1 livery with some electric blue highlights instead of green.

Not ginger and not a manlet ;)

>doesn't deny being O'Shilly


This is peak zoomer tier

Oh fugg the drivers are Stoffel Vandoorne and Michael Schumacher

Not o'shilly ;)

>Nyck pretending he had a chance at F1 so snubbed it for FE


Marketing goon acting like Nyck is there for any reason other than a paycheck

>where did they get these stem cells from?
It's a currently in testing tech that transforms whatever type of cell into a stem cell
So they probably collect cells from the skin

>It's the F1 livery

Who would have guessed?

>no swastikas

>full Benelux
where's the Luxembourger?

Even as a HAM fan I just love this pic

I kind of feel bad for Debris now lads

>De Vries

wait did anyone actually expect de Vries in f1 next year?

No lol


Marshal meeting now

Attached: 20190911_173909.jpg (3264x2448, 2.83M)

Not by himself t b h
I saw him as a possible solution if Albon was good enough in RB and if Marko wanted to get rid of Kvyat

Is alright.

Attached: MErc.jpg (1000x600, 56K)


>Mercedes make Nyck sit out a race when Lewis wants a go because he cares about "the environment and the baby seals and shit"
Won't surprise me when it happens.

Is pretty gay

>fuck close friend who is in a relationship
>she doesn't want to break up with the guy to be with me
why do women have to exist bros?

Attached: source.gif (500x281, 838K)

>Didn't make one of star/triangle things red to trigger some people

For shame.

Attached: Merc_1.jpg (1000x600, 161K)

u r gay lol

>Two works teams
>Zero German drivers

tell her cuck bf you had sex

is the meme team based in germany?

You now remember that Mercedes quietly took "Keep Fighting Michael" off the car.

>"The Schumi sticker will stay on the car as long as Michael is fighting his difficult fight," confirmed team boss Toto Wolff.

Attached: 2014-466576-lewis-hamilton-gbr-running-a-message-of-support-for-michael-schumacher-xpb1.jpg (1920x1080, 147K)

Just follows Australia's advice and knock her up.
It's foolproof

>Vandoorne and De Vries

Dead in the water

i wish i was born a fag, imagine being in a relationship with a true bro without having to deal with the faggotry of females
guy is from some other state, dont even know him or how to contact him

>t. too dumb to realise that if she cheats to be with you, she will eventually cheat on you too

Toto Wolff lied? I am SHOCKED

>fuck close friend who is in a relationship
>wants to be in a relationship with her

Attached: 13045310354.jpg (300x250, 11K)

inb4 Mercs lobby their own electric motor concept as the only possible one for FE, buy out the stewards, open up general car regs and MWL ensues

don't mean to be that guy who goes "nah it would be different with me" but her relationship is in pieces so I get why it happened and I trust myself enough to not let it get that bad with me

Wasn't this already revealed before?
>>fuck close friend who is in a relationship to get into a relationship with her
This was an error in the first place

That was their test livery.

This is the actual livery for the season.

Attached: Merc_FE_Car.jpg (3000x1500, 288K)

>we'll never go through a rough patch, it will always be sunshine and happiness

>Mercs lobby their own electric motor concept
Don't forget that Renault did it too, and that the other teams, including the one who has a veto were dumb enough to accept this

Why they make it uglier

Take the girlfriend(male)pill

Attached: 1521767593922.jpg (315x453, 36K)


at least you got to fugg her i just got rejected and ghosted by my close friend

Attached: a38.jpg (1024x962, 67K)

Why did the human meta change so much

Fuck off proxy faggot, you were exposed already two threads agp.

I have the williams one

don't let it get to you lad, women are the niggers of gender

so when is michael coming back to F1, he'll probably be plug-n-play with a USB port

>proxy faggot
My point still stands though

it kinda got to me cuz on one day we were playing videogames and chatting till super late then on the next day she wont even respond anymore
my fault for being a loser i guess

their logistics center is in estonia

Nigger what exactly did you do

''lets go out someday''

hasn't schumacher been conscious already only unable to talk/walk

yeah that's gonna be a yikes from me, not because of what you said but because she was a true cunt ghosting you just for that

Yes, in july the jornalists said that the potato was watching f1

What the fuck,
Nerea and Belen are fucking 10-15th tier on Spanish F4
>the full state of W series.

yeah than some time later we kinda got into a like friends group together and i thoguth what the hell i have nothing to lose anyway and igot fucked up i just told her i got some feelings lmao
but yeah alot of people that know her says shes a cunt
oh well

Attached: 1557351722814.png (600x497, 8K)

Beat the shit out of your grandma user, she has too pay.

nothing worse than boomer women giving away your childhood mine always gave away my snes
sorry to hear that polandbro

>had a close IRL friend
>we both decided to ghost each other at the same time

I don't know if it's even the correct term anymore, just nobody wants to talk or hang out with the other. We're both too autistic and won't delete "friend" on online stuff even when it's been complete silence for a year.

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Imagine entering FormulajokE unironically

>Ted will never use your testicles as a punching bag
Why even meme?


Attached: 1562332252036.jpg (1024x682, 90K)

He literally has one more year in his contract but he's somehow going to go to toro Rosso or something


Attached: 1550856257066.jpg (1200x800, 86K)


Attached: 1552616572620.jpg (1050x590, 47K)

Ahhhh, Spa 2008. Now THAT was a corner cut...

Attached: 1567405424170.jpg (500x423, 25K)

More likely that he retires




Why is this thread so fast? It's wednesday ffs.

Go outside and have sex.

Attached: alain_prost__japan_1989__by_f1_history_d9u7yuq.jpg (800x1113, 145K)

but you get arrested for that

You blew my nostalgia fuse, bro. When I got this as a present I'd've jizzed my pants if I was old enough.

For going outside?
Or for having sex?

Attached: i would if i could, bitch.jpg (1280x720, 62K)

You can tell how ancient this image must be by the number on the nose.

Attached: 1557885594061.jpg (1200x1600, 580K)

>be woman
>completely ruin your team
When will Claire get the boot?

For it being Wednesday.

>t. youtube.com/watch?v=gwZAYdHcDtU&t=83

it's 11.9

>blinds on the 54th floor
y tho?

keep sun ouit


Handbags at dawn

Attached: Sophia_vs_Alice.jpg (594x522, 42K)



Attached: type kek.jpg (464x700, 62K)

I really want her to just go "Yes" and watch the nuclear fallout.

Im starting a new job and I can pick a company car on a business lease. It has to be a volkswagen. Should I pick a Golf or a Polo and why? I can't pick the hybrid ones.

Lmao bro have a wank and move on, I was in a similar situation with a oneitis, just gotta forget about that thot

>It has to be a volkswagen
Pretty obvious choice desu

Attached: 960x0.png (960x640, 981K)

type 2

As im working for a Dutch company it obviously has to be cheap-ish hahaha

Just close ur eyes nigga lmao


why does it have to be a vw?


New golf, all you need for city comfy

oh wow,Norris's sister accepted my follow request
she's only followed by 300 ppl

not true

Attached: 765735689.jpg (624x510, 36K)

thinkgen about gimi

Attached: 1557745465307.jpg (557x589, 71K)

>ah fugg having a nidemare XD

inb4 the insults go into looks and social media behaviour

Attached: 1566410449655.jpg (1080x1080, 176K)

She should start the shitstorm proper with "Ummmm, sweety..." :D

post some of her pics pls

Attached: 67272601_1428955557259887_904799968311640064_o.jpg (1080x721, 58K)

Too late.

Attached: Sophia_vs_Alice_1.jpg (614x464, 40K)

Always go Golf my dude

Oh fugg

Attached: Sophia_vs_Alice_2.jpg (594x728, 65K)


Attached: 1566593247252.png (916x783, 33K)

We need her to become teammates with Gaylel so we can have a /team snacks/ meme

Attached: Bc_MiyAFvosC_qQdAAAfEMdye6VaqtKSlb7bI3NC9ZE.jpg (960x959, 104K)


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David Goffin boutta finna get dabbed on when she announces F3 drive 2020

Attached: 1567435296380.jpg (1140x852, 217K)

what a fag

Attached: 1564079653285.jpg (1080x720, 79K)

>tweets of random lower series drivers
state of f1 threads. pathetic.

Attached: 1540186659678.jpg (492x491, 38K)

quick someone post the screenshot of chawdwick coming 2nd to last against males only beating some 50 year old and reply (basically yes).

I think she's underage,like 17 or something

Yep, on the shelf behind me, a true beauty. Stickers are giving up fromt he side exposed to the room, the other side is still going strong.
Considered tearing it down just to buolt it again many times desu

>posts by literal Latvians
state of f1 threads.

Attached: 1568219789409.jpg (492x491, 61K)

baltic men have little willies

>implying that has stopped anyone in this thread

ok just don't post any nudes

>made the jump one year too soon

>26 years old
>With 3 (three) seasons of GP3 behind her back

plot twist: all her pics are nudes

k cool

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-11-19-40-14.png (1080x950, 499K)

go on, let's see this goblin female then.

big girl

she looks like Lando after hormones

Anya Taylor-Joy tier goblina

That is pretty much exactly how I would have guessed she would look like.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-11-19-42-04.png (1080x1072, 905K)


I'd rather be a Vroomer (I still have the box for this thing but my cat pissed on the barcode sheet)

Attached: 1000x800.jpg (1000x710, 138K)

That head does not match the body


look at this dude
wait till you see it

Attached: bruh.jpg (602x1800, 557K)

really big girl. like.

She's a big girl



Kimi only has 1

Good fuck ocon

Hannah is my favorite WAG based Seb knocking up and marrying someone he’s known all his life. WDC to Seb 2020


I wish this would happen to me desu

This is why this is the best place to discuss F1 unironically

The only good Toto is a seething one

lad go to

Hands are the giveaway for older women. There's no plastic surgery for that.

Attached: hookoon viherrä.png (916x910, 28K)

>he's so blinded by his false beliefs that he thinks anybody who speaks the truth must be the same person
LMAO how utterly pathetic.

anybody have the pic of the M8 chasing the tiny ford gt's?

Ive got a pic my ny mate chasing some tinny cord biddies.

yeah I'm thinking based and redpilled

It's a Playmobil motor

definitely no

did the thread get purged? werent there like 530 replies in here earlier


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