Heem: BJ penn

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Other urls found in this thread:


Champ Shit Only

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Leave Khabib to us

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Ben win's the rematch

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>Ryan Hall

the most reddit fighters around

that's not bj penn

since Ferguson does all that memey bone hardening shit, could he conceivably just start smashing kicks into Khabib's shins until they snap?

BJ Penn could fix everything and regain his legacy by rematching Machida


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>n-no you're reddit!

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heeminder that bj is a literal actual cuck. he tried to pressure his wife into fucking his friends but she said no





I really think the whole "slangin' dick" quip was influenced by Schaub copying Theo's monologue stupidity, nahm sayin'? I'm talking that pie hole opening up and instead of finding some baked apples you find some shit. A shit pie....ya boi. I'm talkin that shit sundae hitter with a cherry on top. And then taking that cherry and tying the stem in a knot with your tongue......I caved today guys and smoked half a cigarette and got an erectadactyl.


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Maybe, but remember that Schaub came out against assault weapons a week after Black Rifle Coffee Co. released his signature bean. He's not exactly the smartest bulb in the drawer. But I do know he tries to copy Theo and Chris D'Elia pretty often

BJ Penn wins the rematch

Sleepy ben

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man khabib is slanging dick
what a fighter b

PJ Benn

when i was tawlmbout slanging dick i wasnt actually tawlmbout slanging dick my guy dont misquote me

When has RDA ever said no to Masvidal?

When will Masvidal stop ducking bloatlord Assuncao

I agree but

Allah, grant them the strength to name 1 good win

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never, he got smashed an embarrassed

The /HEEM/ core fighters.
(you) are reddit

Iaquinta, who wins the rematch

>you live to see BJ Penn defeat fat hawaiian man for the BMF belt

>When I said slangin dick, I meant that they were doing well in business
>Oh, I was responding to a guy who was balding and worried that girls weren't going to like him anymore?

Does Schaub really think we are as dumb as he is?

Cringed but redpilled

Askren is not heem. Gooby is more heem than Asscream.

>Australian posting American memes
Do you guys have any culture of your own?

Imbecile? Nahhh, imbelical! streamable.com/n3or8

official /heem/ fighters

I invented that meme

When has anyone ever talked about that fight


Is Masvidal a meme? I like his personality and think he's funny as fuck in interviews, but I don't want to get behind a can.

My point was that that's exactly the sort of shit that Theo does: uses random phrases and forces them into context. And Schaub of course copies him.

Alright, let's find a common ground and replace Benny with Theodorou.

make a better list faggot

It's still a meme about the US border. Shouldn't you be memeing about the guy who got all your guns taken away?

Someone in the last thread kept saying RDA was ducking Masvidal. I never knew that fight was even talked about.


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is Leon Stewart reddit or heem? seems like no one cares at all about him


>BJ penn

a complete meme

spics make up a huge portion of the cazzie population so any spic in the spotlight is instant overrated

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he used to be because he didn’t train properly and would randomly stop trying. he’s better now but he’s only had two fights in the past two years and one of them ended in five seconds. hard to tell

Streamable of schaub's dick slanging comment?

I got something... "streamable"... hehe...
*pisses on you*

alright not bad

vanatta wins the rematch

Conor loses the battle of the rematch but wins the war and the story of the rematch

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He got flushed by Wonderboi, all you need to know

CM punk wins the rematch

Anyone else remember a commentator mentioning Masvidal used to be a pro poker player before mma? Must have been a really old fight.

Bellator should sign the irish old fuck at the bar that ate gooby's shot to fight other old fucks in Bellator

I mean this is pretty good

Nathan wins the battle, the trilogy, the war, and the story of the war.

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dustin was winning the story of the fight with that cheeky guillotine but then lost the story in dominant fashion when he started crying in the octagon.

I agree, it was a decisive story victory for Dustin until he started crying

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has darren till ever looked remotely good in a fight other than the cerrone one?

he was winning the story hard with having ROCKY-tier promo and anime-tier road to the championship but unfortunately his story and legacy was HEEMed by his bitch tears

he should've learned not to do so from fellow lafayettite DC

why are Louisianan people such crybabies?

Defend Or Vacate

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>frenchiest state in the union
Well there ya go.

Dustin will win the story when he gets a divorce, shaves his head again and goes back down to 145, weighing in at 152 before getting tko'd by Holloway.

That is acceptable to me

freerolls on partypoker maybe

that donk would never be able to survive off poker

Beg, Dustin. Beg.

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Replace Poel with Paulo and it's a good list

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>wants to be tyson
>ends up kapernick

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gaychad fights in four days and has already won the story

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He did drop Masvican in the first round

If Donald "Cowboy" Cerrone loses to Justin "The Highlight" Gaethje, I will personally find the biggest dicked fellow in town and suck him off to completion.

then he abandoned his jab like a faggot

The only people that like him here are obvious spics/assorted shitskins.

>gaycheese's mom is literally a goblino
the BLEACHED meme is real


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He's alright. He makes plebbit and 4channel seethe because he flushed Benny boi who they both loved. He probably won't get the belt, but he's still a fun fighter. He'll beat Nate though.

Colby would end Tony's life

He ganster and smokes weed dude, WEED

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If I'm being frank, Khabib Nurmagomedov is not to my taste and I'd like to see him heemed.

>what is a weight class

Unironically who'd win between Colby and Masvican?

This. French influence in the US has been quarantined to Louisiana.

That's his mom?

>He'll beat Nate though.
he's already lost
"I like them because they're spics like me" already kissing ass. He will be shook when he gets slapped "I'm a spic bro..how could you do this to me"

Dana White probably never had to masturbate again after Griffin vs Bonnar after that it was strictly sex only


Tony is a cutbabby who should be fighting at welterweight

Too bad Colby won't fight for the belt after getting three opportunities now. Guess he's satisfied with his interim.

based solely on the stylistic matchup, colby by decision.

based schizoposter

lel no thats ostovich the plastic hawaiian mutt. gaycheese's mom looks like your typical obese border-hopper


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He should take the fight and hold that belt hostage, Sit out a year on the 'ol champion welfare.

>He will he be shook when he gets slapped
The "Stockton slap" is the most reddit shit ever get out of here with that shit

Diaz is running

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it's his mom in the back bruh


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>it reddit reddit reddit you fucking reddit bro? reddit fucking reddit cunt reddit

He should definitely fight for the belt instead of fighting washed up WWs like Lawler. He could have been the one to flush Woodley, in fact he set himself up for it perfect, but then let Till and Usman fight Woodley instead.

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Your green text doesn't make the Stockton slap based you caz

that's actually former UFC champ Nicco Montano

>projecting this hard


this incel is absolutely SEETHING....unironically dilate and literally have sex

All i can remember with Montana STEWART is when she was slobbering over BASED BisGOD on TufTalk

>*sips* ah the BMF belt, now THAT is a title

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rangeban Australia

nicco gaethje*

BJ Penn is my favourite Irish fighter.

Maybe it was in Strikeforce when everybody was repping Full Tilt Poker

They should have a sobbiest bitch belt fight between Dustbin and DC

take away khabib and conor is the LW champ

I hereby declare Nate Diaz to be Gayt Direddit and Jorge Masvidal Whoregay Shatsvireddit

Who's the JLingz of the UFC?

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Dustin 100%

Not enough poop and too much reddit


>le 30 year old up and coming fighter

>stockton soiboi

how will Nate ever recover?

colby would win standing without any wrestling while masvibums fans say "fight was so weird, something was off, seemed rigged"

Well the emphasis is on them being reddit's boys which is an undeniable fact

Defend Or Vacate

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up the anti and declare his allegiance to white supremacy and criticize colby's civ-nat centrism.

yo what up it's pit-chad, i hear there's an user who likes feet around here, it's time for us to settle this, FOOT-user, LET'S GO

Depends on who gasses first. If Colby gasses, Masvidal wins by KO. If Masvidal gasses, Colby wins by decision.


irish degenerates seething in a crack den

>up the anti

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>up the anti

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Has the date been set for The Ultimate Fighting Championship, I mean BadMotherFuckerBelt?

>@bokamotoESPN: BREAKING: UFC finalizing a bout between Jon Jones and Francis Ngannou to headline UFC 245 in December

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who da fuck


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Try harder


post about the BMF faggot shit there too

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NYC card officially has
>wonderboy vs Luque
>till vs gastelum
>masvidal vs Diaz
meme or dream?

Here's your 155 GOAT

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I saw Nate at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen CBD oils in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each CBD and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

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Is that why you've been obsessively spamming about the BMF belt? Are you upset that your piece of shit turbocan boy got exposed by Masvidal and now he's forgotten while Masvidal is making it big?

t. someones gardener and or cleaner

punch drunk shit imma get real drunk

Looks like shit

justin gatehje is fucking retarded and for that he is my favourite fighter

Hands-Behind-His-Back Jorge is a new mythical fighter.

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WTF? They're actually doing a belt?

Might as well keep it and make it an openweight title.

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/ourguy/ wonderchad finally getting some easy work for once. shitscente pooque is getting 30-26'd

looks heavier than out of camp darren till


*knocks back a onions*
I've never been so excited for a title fight!

This is Jorge Masvidal, holder of the record for fastest ever knockout (5 seconds! ). Say something nice about him.

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This Aussie that's seething about the bmf belt is the same one that spams Askren lmao no wonder he's so ass blasted

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nicest cock and balls in the game

Met him at the UFC Ft Lauderdale card. Guy is humble as fuck and even invited me to roll at ATT.

>I've been waiting for a guide to come and take me by the hand,
>Could these sensations make me feel the pleasures of a normal man?

he's a dog who is ready to scrap.

t. Didn't watch the RDA fight

my girlfriend's son's favorite fighter

blowjob pennstation

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>Noooooo how could he just knee him in the head like that doesn't he know that you're supposed to hug and wrestle eachother to the ground this is bullshit mom cancel my ESPN+ subscription!!!!!!

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Fuck u guys. I can till kick ur ass

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the one where he won round 5

>goat MMA fighter
>U.S. open champ
>reigning NBA champs
and we still can't win a stanley cup, wtf bros

He's based and makes nerds seethe

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post the askren ko. the aussie will commit

you'll always have curling

would you?

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There are articles saying Jon was going to fight Jan next before the Jan vs Jacare fight got announced. I'm not going to link them because they don't deserve the clicks, but god damn mma journalism (and sports journalism in general) is shit. Just posting random shit without caring if it's true or not to get some clicks.

lmao really?


we need a new NFL Street

kek. How long was Asskren out for again? Did they have to carry him out of the octagon?

i think they actually forced him up pretty quickly which some saw as reckless given the circumstances


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>"And you know that's always the question with a rising star like Adesanya—is can he deliver when the moment finally arrives. You know we saw what happened with someone like Darren Till in his fight against Woodley, the way he wilted under that opportunity... there's that leg kick again by Adesanya"
>"Joe, he's really finding his range with that but Whittaker has been—ooh! right there! you see!? with that slip, and that right hand, Whittaker's been finding that all night as well. Israel's gonna need to adjust to that if he wants to do this for five rounds"
>"Exactly, when you've got a guy like Robert Whittaker in front of you, you can't afford to make mistakes like that. And I think Adesanya knows that, you see he—"
>*commentating team laughs*
>"Yeah he pointed, he knew it! Props to Whittaker"
>"And you've gotta give it to Adesanya there, always a showman"
>"OH! another right by Whittaker, he's found his range there! OHH HEADKICK! OH HE'S ROCKED, ISRAEL WALKED RIGHT ONTO THAT!"
>"THAT'S RIGHT! HE KNOWS HE'S GOT HIM HURT HE'S PICKING HIS SHOTS, LOOK AT HIM staying patient, stalking Israel against the cage—OHHH!! THAT'S IT HE'S ON HIM, HE'S ON HIM!"
>"WELL AND HERB DEAN HAS CALLED A STOP TO THIS CONTEST HERE RIGHT IN THE LAST MINUTE OF OUR THIRD ROUND AND PERhaps to the surprise of no one Robert Whittaker has put on a champion display here for the home crowd in Melbourne, Australia!"

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>imagine being this much of a fanboy

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She's not even your wife?! What a C U C K !

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BJ "Blow Job Raquel Pennington" Penn






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>Just posting random shit without caring if it's true or not to get some clicks.
uhh that falls under the header of "journalism" bro, not just mma or sports journalism; it's all of journalism bullshit, even when they tell the truth they lie

Forrest Griffin confirmed that Conor wins the rematch

they read him his First Rites back stage, he said he saw to Harmbe

reminder that hating the BMF belt is reddit

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so is jan just the designated litmus strip for former mw now? seems a bit unfair


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reminds me of this skit 15seconds in

Where I'm from.... posters like that get stuffed in lockers!

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why do they put (dumb) things in parentheses?


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Holy shit. Arguing about who deserves the BMF belt like it's anything other than a marketing fabrication is extremely faggoty

dude weed are you going to go to area 51 raid?

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Do you guys think Rogan's (soon to be ex)wife is getting fucked by Jamal right now at this very moment?

not nearly as bad as sperging out about it on /heem/ for days on end

Bitch Mutt Faggot belt

I think you'd be surprised b

Yes, and Rogan is watching from the corner of the room

Masvidal got ko'd by a featherweight
> it was early
no, it was a flash KO but a KO

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asscan got ko’d by a lightweight

why would she fuck an Asian dude?

Do you think he's ever fucked his wife's daughter? I definitely would have in his situation

Yeah that's true. I thought about that after I posted it. Anything to get clicks and get that ad revenue.

Oh fer sher b its 100 % better

He also has a loss to a 135er in Assuncao

Based and Schaubpilled

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The fight was official but Jon popped


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I mean nobody here talks about it. It's one australian screeching because people on a whole different website are discussing it.

>how do athletic commissions work?

That's a funny way to say "pulsed". You know it's only like a grain of salt in Olympic sized swimming pool, right?

Still my boy too ausbro

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he also didn't deserve to win a single split decision loss but pretends he did

If he beats Jacare maybe they'll give Jan Smiff. He lost his last fight before Rockhold so he needs some wins to be an actual title contender. It's a tough fight for Souza I think. There's also them giving Weidman to Reyes, but that's just because they want to save Reyes after he disappointed everyone against Oezdemir so they're banking on Chris being flushed.

Where were you when schaub won the war and btfo h8rs

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t. redditor

Damn what does that say about Askren and Till then?

you're still seething about that documentary?

My little brain cant even imagine that. He must be innocent!

>"I'm a feminist"
>Beige frequency
Hey, I'm not surprised motherfuckers

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Anyone who believes women should have rights is technically a feminist.

Reminder that Asscum was legally deceased for at least 10 minutes

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popping for steroids at any point should be grounds for public execution by stoning

>I'm a feminist
What the fuck is wrong these these faggots? Sometimes I wish Muslims would just take over already and start chucking queers from buildings

heard that

Imagine hating a fighter just because some fat aussie neckbeard like him.

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Does boxing use USADA?

BetaFrequency will never EVER have sex no matter how much you beg him. He is the GOAT hating ass motherfucker

Kek, the CTE is going to destroy his "career" within 5 years

I already hated that insufferable faggot

Its actually a picogram per milileter so its more like an entire salt shaker in a community pool

>Women should stay home and finish husband
Sometimes Khabib says things that are based independent.co.uk/sport/general/mma/khabib-nurmagomedov-sexist-ufc-next-fight-conor-mcgregor-a8670381.html

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Why do people hate Brandon Skoob so much? Hes just a dumb guy who is a bad comedian, I dun get it

>coral is samefagging again

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I dont think any sanctioning body uses a specific drug agency. Promoters and fighters tend to use certain ones. Floyd was notorious for requiring USADA tests into bout agreements and got away with an illegal IV usage

>implying Shauwlb isn't /heem/
>Implying Shwoumb isn't a beast of a munster of a cawlmedeean

They usually use WADA, but they're not required it depends on what the promoters negotiate

Islam isn't that bad to be honest. Sandniggers on the other hand...

notice how he always says "guys" when talking to the crowd? he's subtly encouraging misogynistic tendencies in people

I think people don't like that he has an attitude, yet is only where he is because he is friends with Rogan. He didn't have to start doing open mics, etc, he jumped straight into opening for big names at the Comedy Store, and he is aggressively unfunny

I'm one of the Aussie Askrenfags you buttflustered about.

Just answer me this, and truthfully please;
Are you a spic/goblino/assorted shitskin?

Just answer this honestly and if you do I'll stop posting until Singapore.

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hey! that kangaroo looks a lot like that ufc fighter who fought anderson silva and layed on the ground laughing!

No. I'm white.

Lads, what if Conor doesn't win the rematch?

A black hole would form as all laws of physics as we know them collapsed

The two are inseparable though tbqh. I get what you're saying about Islam though. But all the most powerful Muslims are middle eastern because that is where the religion originated. So following Islam, while not being from that region, just seems like submitting to them to me.

truly /ourguy/ all along

would probably earn Poirier another title shot

>tfw i donated 700 dollars to his patreon to defeat brendan schaub

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just what we need, Conor or Poirier vs Khabib again

reminder that reddit thinks the UFC should be a super serious, dry sport, and 4channel just wants to watch fun fights

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It's funny how triggered the author of the article is, but if you criticized Islam you just know they would call you a bigot kek

>he come to brooklyn and broke a bus


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>700 dollars

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islam is based, if whites werent such cucks afraid to speak out against things we wouldnt have women and literal faggot pedophiles/jews running everything. These are facts that podcaster brendan schaub understands.

it has to happen, then 5 years later we'll get Punished Dustin vs Post-Rehab Conor after Kebab had to vacate the title due to eagle-related injuries

He was actually being serious, but tried to say it in a way that sounded like he was joking so his feminist fans in the west could plausibly deny his serious intent, this way his dagestani fanbase and feminist western fanbase were simultaneously pleased with his answer.

Absolute bullshit mate, pig's ass. Looks like I'm still gonna be here, spic cunt.

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That picture!

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el AustraliANO...

Take your ass to centrelink you fucking faggot

the years are getting to ol' billy boy

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based heath
fuck the new jew joker

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>le (((joker)))
Based I love Hollywood

Why is he such a faggot. Honestly what the fuck do you think went wrong?

I OWN /heem/

And all you mexiCAN goblino cunts work for me

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Just got back from the mountain.

has no dad and is a mutt

I'm going to slowly over a period of 2 months start wearing ... a black tie.... a blue shirt.... a green vest.... and one day i'll come into the office with the purple pants!

I honestly don't know how you could watch that documentary and think he was anything but a virtue signaling faggot

lol what if masvidal got on rick and morty and ate a three piece with a soda and burped xD


didnt know it was possible to be this based


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When’s Kevin Lee fighting again? I want to see him get permaflushed

Systemic racism

He'll fight Sperguson and win the rematch. Only reason he lost was because he had a staph infection.

No one cares, they just want this shit to stop getting spammed in every thread

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kek xD, and then they could beat up some nazis and floss on their corpses ahaha

>Rick and Morty
Wader we duin heur b?

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Guy can’t even make 155 anymore, he isn’t fighting Tony and is no position to even match up with him

I don't think Masdival would be able to stomach the soiboys working on that show or the fans to actually do that. Unless they pay him a shitton of money and he just phones it in and leaves after one take.

Masvidal is undefeated in the UFC and literally killed niggers for fun in Miami backyards. I'm thinking based.


>samefagging this blatantly
Something befitting only a beaner.

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He’s a fun fighter who never realized his full potential. Seems like he’s taking things more seriously now and it’s paying off.

user, I....

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he's good against fighters who landed ZERO significant strikes in their previous fight before they fought him

>Masvidal haders seethe so much they have to false flag as Masvidal fans

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Apologize to me nao!

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ooh ohh

what if le street jesus is nailed to a cross?!?! but get this get this, *breathes.
with his arms. BEHIND HIS BACK!!

Rogan doesn't have sex with women, not even his stepdaughters

Filtered ;)


Daily reminder that Joe is a C U C K

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nothing against the man, he just has the cringiest cazziefags by far at the moments

*khabib vacates his bowels thinking of fighting tony*
n-no not like that

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all religion is controlled opposition by jews

Silly Aussie, you can't kill what's already dead! :^) ;) xD

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This. I used to follow him back in the day since he was doing street fight, and he did not take fighting seriously at all, and constantly struggled to make weight due to eating nothing but junk food. Ironically enough, he's in a much better shape in his 30s than he was in his 20s.

he was mad an aussie exposed him getting cucked

how is it controlled if you dont go to church and reject jewish systems like media and banks

champ shit only!

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is it true Coral got heemed by Dorian

is it true your moon is upside-down!?

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we owned the emus though, now have world's top agricultural industry on the land they were guarding

>is it true
>is it true

1 second apart

wtf? hivemind?

>5 seconds

Pretty kino tarot deck

NO NO NO the hated wh*tes are not supposed to embrace Islam and rid themselves of the jews for the final time! Quickly Chaim, call the big guys at mossad and tell them to prep a false-flag!

Who in the UFC does the most hard drugs

nice d i g i t s

is it also true that abos are classified as fauna?!

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Nate Diaz is a HARDCORE pothead, don't tell anyone though

Everyone that's beaten Nate in the UFC would also beat Masvidal. But you can't say the same thing for Masvidal.

Mike Perry does meth?

jack slack said a fight was a "boymaking performance". does he lurk?

when you say salt shaker I assume you actually mean one of those little paper packets of salt that you get from popeye's and when you say community pool you mean a normal community pool in a white neighborhood right? Because if you mean a white person's salt shaker in a black neighborhood's community pool I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you, as a professional

Nate seems washed and out of shape. Hopefully that changes by the time he fights Masvidal, but if he's in the same condition that he was against Pettis, I think he'll lose.

if max holloway beat anthony pettis and anthony pettis beat wonderboy and wonderboy beat robert whittaker does that mean max holloway can beat robert whittaker?

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Anyone have any autographs?

yeah but that was how he kicked the heroin so it's a wash

Has anyone actually gotten a hold of the new popeyes chicken sandwich? This is mma related because of the Louisiana boys, Theo included.

imagine only being popular 'cause you fought conor twice

Sherdog and reddit also have boys, plus jack has a reddit account iirc

Jon "COCO" Jones

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TJ with the EPO
Jones with the picos
Conor with the coco

joe rogan

I wish Nick was back he's the patrician Diaz

You bout to get a hold of deez nuts, homie. #SuperNecessary #BMF #CBD #RealTalk

popeye's is for niggers

God the things I would do to that filthy slut and her massive brapper

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dmt that's right and trt

This is overused but Daniel Straus needs to call it a career

Which fighters have you met and share something notable about the encounter. I better get a ton of (You)'s with quality responses.

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Matt Brown literally overdosed on meth

tony won by illegal punch, cowboy will win rematch and destroy khabib, check em.

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Based Brapentina Stenchenko

fuck the crowd

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Either Matt Brown or Jared Gordon. Pretty sure both have OD’d multiple times and have been clinically dead

Josh Samman

jorge masvidal i gave him a three piece with a soda from behind my back and said this gift was super necessary xDDDD

what country has yet to participate in the ufc? What country has the shittiest fighters?

God Dana would suck little kids dicks if it got him $

Court McGee did heroin before it was trendy

I met Gaycheese at a booth outside of 229. He sounded and acted like a retard. I actually felt uncomfortable around him, as he clearly has brain damage.

Wait a minute, this isnt a Conor edition thread? YIKES SENPAI

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>I got the best sucker punch followed by a 50 yard dash in the business
What did George "I only respect spics" Mason

i met rashad evans at the macy's in the town center mall in boca raton florida. he was buying a single silk handkerchief.

Hell be back

Nah, cause we dont get any near the amount of shootings you guys get. Only thing America does better than Australia is basketball.

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How much did you lose on Dustin?

>tears his meniscus

Hes a dude. It's easy to hate dudes because they don't really care. I don't like him but I'd hang out with him.

>bill burr


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Conor offered me a drink at a bar once, I tried to tell him I was a recovering alcoholic and didn't feel comfortable drinking and then BLAM, stiffie from the cheap seats outta nowhere. Still love the guy, Eire!

Put a paper bag on her head though furr surre B

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I met Ray Borg at target 5 months ago, he looked lost so i asked him if he knew where his mommy was and when he responded i realized it was him so i told him to remember to pray for schaub everyday for saving his dead kid because his genes were too weak to do it himself. He started having a fit after that for some reason and a nice employee gave him a free lollypop and he calmed down.

ya seethin lil guy?

I knew this was coming but it was so based

Fat Latino kid seems like a cool person to party with at the pool

Oh yes I for one think white people submitting to the middle eastern god is based. Whites must learn to submit.

>Only thing America does better than Australia is basketball.
is "basketball" a word you guys use for "everything"

That version of Joker was just Tom Waits in make-up, and everyone acted like it was brilliant.

>lil guy
Is this reddit humour or 9gag?

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Fad pwussy

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Reddit hates him though. They all like Edwards.

>Mark Hunt never got to fight DC
Unironically not fair, 2 fat manlets slugging it out would have been kino.


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Am I the only goddamn person on this website who likes Jews?

>Islam is based
I'm guessing you're not white

Based mother fucker

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keep lying, jew

>Reddit hates him though
And how do you know what reddit likes and hates while still defending masvican hmmmmmmmmm????

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Are you guys allowed to own guns?

Name one(1) fighter that undoubtably DOESNT win the rematch

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DC would have taken hunt down in the first ten seconds, literally 0 chance they slug it out

anderson silva

He always will because spics are cazzies irl who can't use computers

>He doesn't troll plebbit nerds
Asscream is Reddit bud

I met bisping and his wife (who is from adelaide) at a friends wedding a little while after he knocked rockhold out.

Bought him a drink and bantered about his next fight.


Wish they didnt fk Hunt over with like 5 wrestlers in his last few fights. Wish he memed a belt, closest was when Werdum killed him.

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How can you know his fans are cazzies if they don't use computerd? Your ass is all the way in Australia right? Proxy fag.


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Nobody likes Edwards. That fight with cowboy was an abomination. Cowboy almost got cut for being a shocking welterweight.

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literally any khabib opponent, it's so easy to gameplan him after actually experiencing his technique

True because Askren will retire after Maia makes him tap

im guessing youre a good goy

Who is your boy?
Who is your low key boy?
Who is your fightfu?

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Obviously the askren aussie is a proxy, if people didn't realise that early on then idk what to say

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Yes for hunting and the shooting range.

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>Leon Scott

What did Colby mean by this?

Why isnt /heem/ discussing how Colby freudian slipped gay porn star Leon Scott's name when trying to talk about Leon Edwards. Much worse than Schaubs slipup

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>I-I only go there to le trolel... h-honest!

Masvican shitters are all r*dditors and spics, what a surprise

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t. jack nicholson


>Calls Masvidal Reddit
>"Heh I don't get on Reddit"
>Say Masvidal isn't reddit
>"Hah got you you get on Reddit
Do me a favor and heem yourself my dude

Fuck blowgay masvibum

Because beaners think the Internet and computers are for faggot losers. All they use is insta and zogify. They waste all their money on cars drugs or alcohol so computers aren't an option.

I'll heem you, goblinomutt

mashitbum is reddit and so are you

Cause Colby is actually based unlike Brendan. 100 PERCENT B

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askren won the story he lives rent free in le chicken soda mans head

And I thought the /nfl/ general was bad. All you fucks talk about is
Literally go back

Conor won the third round

>all Australians are the same person
Based obese schizophrenic poster

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What the hell is chicken soda

When the fk is that nigga Askren coming back. Is he that embarrassed after Masvidal.

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>*lies about anything to impress retarded stoners*

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How do you know? Do you get on there?

I don't bet, my dude!

Starting a new /heem/ folder, give me your essentials lads

all /heem/ posters are the same person
everybody in this thread is just one dude with proxies talking to himself.

You'll do fuckin nothin. Go box a kangaroo or get killed by a stingray.

because he’s a bum xD

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Andrade and Hunt are dating?

>They think internet is for losers
>They use insta
Double digit iq

Did you really not think heem would be the most autistic of all sp subs?

did he dieded?

> stingray

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You're all gay niggas, whatever happend to that German Brian Ortega fag poster>

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thanks, buddeh

Don't project on me fatty. All you Aussies think the same so for all intents and purposes you're the same person.

Just imagine if Maia makes Askren tap

for me, it’s anthony perosh

canors an irish bitch

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Not yet

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How would Damian "Human Backpack" Maia do against kutbib?

Sorry your country has only ever produced one celebrity

CRIKEY you gone too fucking far mate!

>one celebrity
Caring about celebrities, yeah were real sad we dont have the Kardashians or Kanye representing us. YIKES NIGGA

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How the fuck does Colby make people seethe so much even when they continually recognize how much of an act he’s putting on

Robert Whitakker is mexican


Because he won't fight for the belt despite being offered title shots three different times and now we have the meme "bad motherfucker" belt as the main event in Madison Square Garden.

What about Chris Hemsworth, the most handsome man in Hollywood?

because he keeps ducking fights

It's entirely possible

Time to change the thread

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Bennest Mother Askren belt

Isn't Hunto a kiwi?

early you dumb gin root fuck

What a fucking faggot

Never heard of him, but alright I guess there's two

Colby came out as the first homosexual male UFC fighter today and heem was too busy being gay

Look him up and make sure you click images. He's really too handsome for words.

He makes people seethe for the wrong reasons. It's like internet trolls. Everyone knows what they're doing, but that doesn't make them any less obnoxious. "Go away heat" as we call it in the business.

Born in New Zealand, but moved to Australia and still lives here. So FOOK STYLEBENDER

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But I was the one that got America's sweetheart

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Really nice.

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>hangs all over niggers in her music videos
>dates tall Aryan Chad in real life

>cucked by nogs

>Dating Mikey Cyrus
Disgusting. But I guess she's hot by Australian standards

Felder did more damage on the bottom, unironically agree with the decision

Gonna win my next fight, bros
cheer me on

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Yeah those were nice elbows. 29-28 either way I was fine with. People love crying robbery too much.

This is the lad that beat Li Jingaling despite blatant eyepokes, correct?

That Leech win is looking really good right now.

Jesus Christ, Felder is terrible. How did he ever get an analyst job?

It was the fact that one judge gave 30-27 to Barboza and the other 30-27 to Felder.

>Getting taken down by Barboza
Jesus imagine Felder fighting any top 5 LW

> doesn't rate pre-twerking princess miley
okay, jew

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He is still a fucking bum, nigga the worst of mma in Aus.

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>jake matthews namefag
>australia's worst mma fighter

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fuck you, bro
he works very hard
show some respect

Who's that Morlock looking mother fucker?

India, the most unathletic population on the planet

The Colby-Chael interview that was just posted is pure kino. Based Colby called Khabib a sheep fucker and had Chael in stitches

um...excuse me. Research some of the talent that India has.

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>Call me a Jew
>Is gawking over a coal burner
The absolute state of (you)

Did he say why he turned down a title shot for the third time?

What would happen if Hunt punched the bieb full power directly in the face?

He'd kill him

No, just the people obsessed with blaming Jews for all their problems whine the loudest. They are no different than the basketball Americans who blame wypipo for everything

Justin Bieber or Khabib?

t. jew

heeminder use this loser's thread

When UFC first signed Askren and announced the Lawler fight I asked heem who Dana would have matched Askren up with if he actually did hate him, some user told me Maia which sounded right. Seems like Dana has decided to flush Ben. Maia said this is his retirement fight, and Askren plans to retire if he loses this one, so we could see four gloves on the floor of the octagon

>use this loser's thread

thanks for the cheese ya dumb cunt yankee, stay mad white boi

> find negroes gross but get left wing coal burner street cred simply from appearing in music videos with negroes while licking liam all night long
> rake in the money
yeah, i'm thinking it worked

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post new thread you fucks


she fucked that old gross photographer and FRENCH FUCKING MONTANA



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Said Usman turned down both him and Masvidal. We know he was offered Masvidal, and we know Masvidal wouldn't have declined, so it looks like Usman is holding out for more money, he thinks he's Mayweather now


She fucked black guys kek I don't know if that Aussie dude is into that or what, but sounds gross to me.

God damn Usman needs to get fucking stripped soon. He's holding up the division. I just watched the interview and heard Colby call Khabib a sheep fucker it was definitely based

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Thats not Beiber in the picture, thats Huntos sun. Hunto Jr

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we divorced and now I get half her stuff
based equal rights

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What would happen if Hunt punched Hunto Jr full power in the face?

Cant wait for this weekend to see my boy Dustin kill Khabib

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hes so sexy

do you think the ring girls fuck them for fun haha

based khabib fucked this white boy so hard he cried so hard he's thinking about retirement

look into it