Thanks for taking me to NFL opening weekend user

Thanks for taking me to NFL opening weekend user

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solid 7

i thought you were worried about going to movies alone

It's a guy, isn't it?

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You better venmo me bitch these tickets were 300 bucks

Black QBs tier list:

Cornball tier:
Russel Wilson

Nu Black male tier:
Deshaun Watson

Cam Newton

The Niggest:
Lamar Jackson
Jameis Winston

You are welcome

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Based Yea Forums Yea Forums broship


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Took me 5 seconds to realize it was Xavi.

Using the infallible Patrice ONeal rating scale, she's a 20. 21 at best. A hot average bitch, or ugly gorgeous bitch. Whatever makes her feel better.

Attached: 1-30 scale.png (1170x272, 62K)

what a weird shaped head

>went on a date with an old friend
>we are both single
>end up having a lovely date and we make out at the end of the night
>she ghosted me 2 days later.
Fuck that bitch

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>30 point scale

Maybe she lied about being single. That could explain why she would make out then feel so bad to ghost you.

For all u know, you could have been her cheating test


had this happen with someone i hadn't talked to in 15 years. really baffling shit.
two steps forward one step back with women. mostly figured their shananigans out but holy fuck they still throw some curveballs

you're just one of the four or five men she's been beta testing

>Not the 30 point scale

>it's an Yea Forums and Yea Forums crosspost episode

These are almost as good as the ones where the hero and the normal bad guy team up to beat an even bigger bad guy

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casting couch


>Yea Forumseddit

for me? it's maria

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For me, its 2

White user tier list:

Cracker tier:

Dry Cracker tier:

NPC Cracker tier:

Absolutely Arid Desert Cracker tier:

>"My boyfriend Jamal loves football! I can't wait to tell him about it tonight!"

Is this a boy or a girl?

>TFW such a hopeless coomer that I'm shocked when I watch a webm with female in it that doesn't end with nudity

Attached: coomer.jpg (800x450, 31K)

barely a 7 with her mouth closed, solid 5 when opened, 4 when laughing


Youre homosexual if you think she's less than a 6.