
How could this happen in 2019? Women are the future but are still ostracized, objectified, marginalized, and oppressed. What do you have to say for yourselves Yea Forums?

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Go back to Yea Forums incel

I hope she had an agonizing death. Every women deserves to be burned alive.

i'd rather see american women die

have sex

Soccer needs to be banned for its oppressiveness, racism, sexism and general corruption
Start by banning it from Yea Forums, them move banning the sport worldwide and forcing all organizations and teams related to soccer to disband

t. Muhammad

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have death


no pyro no party

surprised cnn didn't omit the iranian part and then conflate the story about american women being oppressed. even it's windowlicker readership probably isn't that dumb though

Damn, she should have bought a TV and watched the game with her friends


>the Iranian 'revolution' was only 40 years ago
>Iran was pretty liberal before then
>retards saying "respect their cultural differences" when these hardline conservatives are barely two generations old

Women are property

Guess who backed that revolution and put all the crazy religious zelots in power?

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Lemme ask you something.
Is there ANYWHERE men are allowed to gather without women around? I mean anywhere at all? Men used to have clubs and lounges to hang out with their bros, saloons, golf clubs, etc.

Now? Nowhere. Men aren't allowed to want to go anywhere away from women. Women are TOTALLY allowed to have female only spaces of course. Even turning coed spaces into female only and kicking men the fuck out is okay.

i like footy but this is taking it too far

It wasn't just Iran, the entire Muslim world were liberal before that.

that's one toasty roastie

that revolution was in response to seeing the total degeneracy of the west in the 60s. They were like FUCK THAT SHIT and went full sharia.
Looking at us now, I don't even know that they were wrong.

Fucking idiot, there was a literal CIA backed coup to overthrow the democratically elected leader and he was replaced by fundamentalist psychopaths

Way to buy the official story there goyim

The official story at the time was that it was a grassroots revolution, you fucking retard. The CIA denied having any hand in it for decades until documents were declassified in 2011. Continue to wallow in historical ignorance.

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Oh so as soon as a feminist pro pussy power 'president' was in office the CIA says
>n. . no . . we did it actually!
Keep sucking that govt tit.

Absolutely cruel

Pure retardation. Read a book, you stupid faggot.

what a shit plan

In a world of virtue signalling and boycotts over people tweeting naughty words, why the FUCK is FIFA still allowing Iran to compete in its competitions?

Good thing they denied her entrance. Imaging if she has done it inside the stadium

>maybe they'll let me in if I set myself on fire
Why are women so pathetic

>OMG how can a state that is Israels enemy even compete in International Soccer, I'M LITERALLY SHAKING

This is bad because Iranian women are cute. C U T E!

>being this retarded
National teams have been punished for single fans shouting 'NIGGER' whilst Iran literally imprisons women for attending football games, this has fuck all to do with 'hurr da joos'. FIFA have zero consistancy when it comes to their self professed morality.

Post salsa

>overthrowing a king is an insult to democracy

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>women are the future


Go take the shahada cuck

Iran was a constitutional monarchy, like Britain. They had a democratically elected parliament and Prime Minister. You're so ignorant it hurts.

Holy shit, America is so historically ignorant.

Setting the Middle East on fire and turning the clocke back five hundred years to stop muh Commies. What could go wrong?

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That pussy must have been FIRE!!!!!!!! /fire emoji/ /fire emoji/ /fire emoji/

>Iran was a constitutional monarchy, like Britain.
>They had a democratically elected parliament and Prime Minister.
Iran has a democratically-elected parliament now. It also has a constitution. it's very disingenuous to compare the Pahlavi era of Iran with modern Britain, unless you're honestly not aware that SAVAK were torturing people on a widespread scale and the government was suppressing all dissent violently to realise a fascistic vision of national unity.

And you're just lashing out because your views are so mainstream that you're so unfamiliar with dissent that it triggers you in and of itself.

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>dumb readership
you mean fox, cletus? shit i read in the comments there is hilarious and sad at the same time. a bunch of home schooled bible thumpers.

>you mean fox, cletus?
Obviously he didn't.
You people always talk like you're scripted.

>inb4 you change the subject, move the goalposts, insult me and use every other effete argumentation technique you've been programmed to perform.

Oh no, they were TORTURING people and suppressing dissident voices.
>CIA torture blacksites
Sounds exactly like America to me. If we're overthrowing governments over that, then we've been ignoring some pretty big offenders, including ourselves.

When will this meme end, they were never liberal. Rich people around Tehran and some other small pockets were liberal, the rest of it has always been a shithole.

>WHAT ABOUT _____________????!!!!!??????

imagine posting this shit unironically, imagine your mother entering your basement and watching his pathetic incel son writing this shit

maybe if hoe learned how to fire up in the kitchen better bitch wouldnt be burnt

imagine complaining about edgy posts in an anonymous imageboard, lmao

How liberal of you.
You still havent explained why we needed to overthrow a democatically elected leader for those reasons when pretty much every imperial western democracy has engaged in those behaviors either in the past or currently without being couped.

they don't have basements in their 20m^2 houses.

yes, those are called, the best careers

>How liberal of you.
>unironically implying I'm the one who engaged in whataboutism
You can't be serious.

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The organization that put the liberal west-friendly puppets in power before the revolutions??
What a tweest!

What? Im not implying you're engaging in whataboutism.

Im saying you're accusing me of whataboutism like a dumbass lib would because you don't have an argument as to why Iran's government needed to be overthrown by foreign intelligence agencies.

That exactly what you did, though.

>What about all the bad stuff America did???
Who cares? America's not going to invade itself.

Do you have anything, or are you just gonna keep libbing it up?


she could've just watched on tv
what a drama queen

You will literally die alone and no one will know your name.

My name is Miloje. Now you know it.

>democratically elected leader
Why the fuck would anyone respect a leader democratically elected by tuscan raiders? The entire middle east should be firebombed and colonized. You don't deserve to be an American

>How could this happen in 2019?
She chose to set herself on fire, it's not something that someone else did to her.

Kill yourself

If anyone can put a foot up the asses of these backwater, Koran-thumping societies, and make them get their shit together, it’s FIFA, not the UN. Start banning their teams from tournaments. That’ll make them think.

he is not talking about the 79 revolution, but the 53 coup.

Imagine if she was granted access.. I don't even

>lemme tell you more about ur country
dumb retards itt

same for you and everyone else really

IDK that's fucked up. We should send our best and most well versed feminists there to straighten them out

She didnt watch so good

what about your girlfriend?