That'll be 1 euro 2020 please

That'll be 1 euro 2020 please.

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Plus tip

We'll come for revenge fellow Elite.

what will happen when tsuuu dies choking whit his own dick?
you guys will be thrown back to irrelevancy?

Joe Wow Felix will take his crown, pleb

Dom João VII, i suppose

>tsuuu dies choking whit his own dick
Made me chuckle

wtf that's a lot of cents. surely you mean 21 euros and 20 cents right?

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With your retarded way of saying numbers I thought vingt-vingt was a legit French number

it's not retarded

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Sure it ain't

delete this post

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this is why we're good at math, without doing math we're doing math in our heads just with the way we tell our numbers


Attached: PISA-worldwide-ranking-average-score-of-mathematics-science-reading.png (2400x1800, 404K)

irrelevant ranking since it mixes up the pleb with the elite.

Actually the stats showed that our highest percentages are very well ranked worldwode while our lowest are literal monkeys

that's racist

Are you implying that our lowest percentages are of a certain color you fucking racist ?

if we don't get our shit together until the Euros, Portugal is the only country I would be fine with winning it, I legitimately can't stand frogs and the british

*blocks your path*

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Aw cam on mate, water under the bridge..


netherlands are the good guys in the Euros 2020

to me it's
>Netherlands v Portugal
>France v Portugal

either Final will be kino

No they wouldn’t. Even Portugal-England would be better.
Don’t use words lightly.
Kino? True kino? Only Argentina x Portugal in 2022


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Would be most hyped sporting event in history.
If this does not happen, God and order don't exist. Only chaos.

crossing my fingers lads. this would be the game of a century.



Portugal wins it on Penalties after both goalkeepers save two balls

Justice served.

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