Tfw I got too invested in my research for american football shitposting

>tfw I got too invested in my research for american football shitposting
>tfw I kinda like it now

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it's fun!

I don't think i can like anything with too little gameplay.

American sports are fun. It's the part where americans are involved with it that disgusts me.

Don't you guys watch soccer? Where 60% of the highlights are missed shots?

Genuinely don't get what you mean by this comment. Missed shots are still gameplay, so what are you even trying to say here?

Very odd

This but unironically. Watching from the comfort of your own home with snacks and beers is maximum /comfy/ but actually being at the stadium with fat and drunk wh*Te rednecks with room temperature IQs is hell.


It's fun as fuck Mr. Roach. Playing it is even better. Try and see if there are any amateur teams in your neck of the woods.

t. Running back for seven years


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>tfw I got too invested in my research for dark skin futa shitposting
>tfw I kinda like it now

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>hating rednecks
I can smell the söy through my screen.

I like to see players trying to score goals. The basic assumption is that 99% of the time your efforts on goal will fail.

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i got too invested into knowing the chassis numbers of old racing ferraris

>d-dude was 100% making that 58 yards FG, ss-o rigged, I-I can't believe my team lost on the last second boohoo...

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American Football is good. Did you pick a team to root for?

tell the truth you never go to the games and you've never actually seen a real life redneck, have you?

Basketball is pretty based. Even baseball seems kinda comfy. But handegg is literally the worst """"""""""sport"""""""""" ever invented. I once forced myself to watch an entire game to completion and was literally counting down the minutes for it to be over.

If it was rigged they wouldn't have let the Saints come back


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Low test

You're the same user from the Steelers thread why do you follow so many obscure football channels

This. Basketball is actually great.
Baseball and football look like an absolute meme "sports" tho
Even hockey seems more fun, at least for the melees


Going to games are awesome what are you talking about. Its even better when idiots fight each other.
Its best to get a group of people to buy season tkts then just split the cost and have a draw for the tkts.

basketball and hockey look interesting because of the continuous play


>Did you pick a team to root for?

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Be a Burrs fan. We got a Turk who likes the Iggles which are my team, but let's have diversity.

but what if da bears win da superb owl?

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It's the same for womens football with me. Spent so long shitposting about the womens world cup to wind up the /pol/cels I've ended up not only following it locally but am in the process of setting up a team to hopefully compete next season in the 7th tier of womens football.


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I'm a Gnats fan but I'm ok if you pick any team except for the Cowboys because they're a bunch of faggots

I'm subscribed to them. I like to hear what people on the fringes have to say.

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just dont fall for the madden meme man
if you want a good football video game get nfl 2k5 or All-Pro Football 2K8

The Saints are now a winner team. It's all about ratings.

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AB move to the Pats

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Not him but 80% of gameplay of soccer is quite dull. It's okay to have on in the background while I'm doing other things but I never feel like I'm about to miss anything. In football every single play is an opportunity for a score either by the defense or the offense. Almost every single play somebody is getting blown the fuck up.

I understand you disliking soccer and that's a thing, but I don't get how can you dislike it and like football. Hockey and baseball are SO much better than football.

I don't DISLIKE soccer I just think it's vastly overrated. You have to be really into watching nifty footwork and dribbling I guess. I like basketball ok but there's too many games and not enough passing. I really like watching the warriors play basketball but I'm just not a hardcore fan. Hockey is another where it's not that I don't like it I just don't watch it all that much. I'd have to really go out of my way to watch it. Baseball is boring to me as well very boring. Especially how it's played now home run or bust. I actually like watching collegiate softball more because they have slappers and a lot more small ball tactics. I like that the NFL is winner take all no series and I like the set formations and different personnel groupings. I like how structured the game is. I'm not saying it's better but I like it better. I think all these sports are complex and interesting and require intelligence and creativity in their own way but football is like a sonnet where you have to be creative within a rigid structure.

God I'm not reading that

How did they teach monkeys to use typewriters when they can't even read?

I don't know, but seems like you can do it.

>tfw developed an unintentional foot fetish because of this god forsaken website

soccer is overrated but it's still good. What's a slapper?

Foot fetish is like beer, no one truly likes it but everyone pretends it's a thing to fit in.

>no one truly likes beer
that's yikes from me dog

A slapper is a lefty or ambidextrous hitter that hits left handed situationally. Because the rules of softball are different they are allowed to take a few steps before they hit and so when they hit lefty they do a little running start combined with a short swing almost like a bunt and then take off straightaway down the baseline like a rocket. It makes small ball more efficient than in baseball because you have a decent chance of getting on base if you're fast and make contact.

Ah, good explanation thanks. I was wondering because over here slapper is another word for a loose or slutty girl, doesn't matter if she's fat or thin.

Yeah and a fanny here is a rather polite slang for an ass. Just so you know if you see an old American boomer on TV talking about fannies he doesn't mean pusy.

>no one likes beer
this is a thing basedboys say to make themselves feel better

I used to think a fanny pack was the bag women carried to keep their feminine hygiene products in

Isn't one of the most prevailing tactics in Soccer to waste time and do nothing?

based and redpilled

Yeah at the last 10 mins.
Usually shit teams do this and watching the other desperate team get a winner despite it is kino

Whenever this comes up I imagine it went like this
>Bongs say fanny
>Americans say fanny
>I say, that's offensive, there are ladies present!
>Err, I meant their bottom, sir!
>Oh, carry on!
>this gets passed on and people apply it to arse now

Yes and it cost England a match to Icelandic dentists.

there's a soccer strategy called murderball that may interest you

actually more of a philosophy than a strategy but anyway

Based. I understand that soccer used to be a much more violent game, why did they tone it down?

Same reason they toned it down in basketball, because stars being hurt hurts the bottom line.

90% of the beers i drink are alone. One with dinner almost every day.

bud light isn't beer pal

fuck the stars. that gives the game depth. You can either be really elite and skilled, or you can be really tough and durable. A few are both.

See that's what's happening with football. It's becoming too much about the quarterback. The rules should ensure parity between the defense and offense, but now they favor the offense too much.

You're not wrong, I'm just saying what happened.

Don't drink bud light. I've got a case of Leinenkugels right now.

there were only 16 (sixteen) points in the superb owl last year

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But it's the beer of choice for Chicanos coast to coast. What's the beer to drink in Mexico? Modelo? Modelo negra? Pacifico?

Same thing happened with Constantinople.

i like your idea but given the lack of protection in association football career ending injuries would be common

>sample size of 1
>HAHA gottem!

corona, modelo, tecate, indio; fags like tecate light

probably. that's why I moved to hockey as my favorite sport. growing up it used to be football but then i slowly became disillusioned by it.

What they could do, however, is make the penalties less severe. Automatic first downs are bogus in most cases that they are given.

Be a Packers fan. You want a team with a decent QB. Bears have been a perpetually shit team because of it. If you want a lifetime of disappointment be a Bears fan.

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If something "looks" interesting, then isn't it, by definition... interesting?

It's not fully toned down but you won't see very much murderball happening between the top euro clubs or at all in the mls.
Some good national teams like Uruguay still use it tactically and Saurez is probably the current world goat murderballer but his club doesn't play that way philosophically. You'll see it in English and Scottish FA cups sometimes a lower ranked club will get a good run and you'll see it in south america where it originates.
The very good teams don't need it because they play to outskill, but Holland did attempt to murderball against Spain in 2010 wc final except the dutch aren't good at it they're not mean enough.

Basketball is the single greatest sport on planet earth and there is literally no debating this fact.


Pick one Tyrone.

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t. jealous CTEball fanatic

thanks to Yea Forums my knowledge of handegg has improved greatly though I can't bring myself to actually watch games. I respect Brady and the Patriots for being the GOATs that troll everybody by never losing and refusing to go away, like Floyd Mayweather

I hate to say it but I've learned a surprising amount about current events and other cultures through tangential shitposting.

We already have 1 turknigger, we're full stay out.

My only request is don't be a Rams fan. Anyone else is fair game bro.

Some of the "redneck" women at the games are really hot

Be nice he can join the based 49ers on our glorious campaign to relevancy and a Sixth Super Bowl.


That's exactly how I started watching women's College Volleyball...

Football is by far the best sport due to its scarcity.

16 games, that's it. Every play matters. Every fuck up is a huge OH NO NO NO. It's fucking amazing. I love football.

Thanks to Yea Forums I now know just enough about Gridiron Handegg to hate it.

american sports arent bad (except major league boring) its their fans that disgust me, so cringe and everyone is a bandwagoner especially in the nba, there no loyalty, no chants in arenas, pure consumerism, all rivalries are staged and gay, in europe supporting your team is like a religion, in usa people treat it like a family activity sitting in their chairs doing nothing or if they do something in NBA timeouts they make a fool of themselves over and over just for some camera attention. The atmosphere there is almost non-existent. Theres no fan culture there

Yes kicking a ball around for 90 min is such thrilling play

I am bandwagoning the Pats just for memes.

You mean sports culture, not American sports. Basketball is British (British citizen due to Canada being a colony at the time). Baseball is British. Ice Hockey is British. American Football was based on rugby/football(soccer) codes until Camp in 1880.

>Watches a sport where the only "action" is flopping and penalty kicks

>everyone is a bandwagoner especially in the nba, there no loyalty, no chants in arenas, pure consumerism, all rivalries are staged and gay, in europe supporting your team is like a religion, in usa people treat it like a family activity sitting in their chairs doing nothing or if they do something in NBA timeouts they make a fool of themselves over and over just for some camera attention. The atmosphere there is almost non-existent. Theres no fan culture there

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American football has fan culture if your team is a blue blood franchise (part of the pre merger NFL and never relocated) everyone else is fake and gay.

Be a Cowboys fan. Support America's Team.

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Stop he's just a boy :(



The seething burgers replying to this make me happy

>basketball is based

ADHD milennial cuck detected


>got into baseball one year in that stretch of the year where's the only sport on to the point I understood most rules and started recognizing players
>basically never watched it again and now whenever I try to watch it I don't understand anything and find it boring again

old (non pro race) ferraris are kino and somewhat the cost of basic newer vehicles here in the states (15-30k)

just impossible to find a seller

Big Dick Bros choose the Eagles

Git gud, faggot

You know you can just peg yourself, right?

Why not put the joint between ur pointing and middle finger squeez ur fist and smoke out of it
Literally the same

You’d prefer college football then