What's the verdict?

What's the verdict?

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we should just play everybody up front

A dirty team, should have been a red card for the Mount tackle, should have been a yellow for the keeper and Kane's penalty retaken, should have been another penalty when one Kosovan defender blocked Sterling's shot with his arm, and im not even English

Lives up to the hype offensively but crumbled on defense, probably the pressure

Is Serbia

Je Srbija

Nuff said

Attached: Cucked.png (184x158, 44K)

I know that's how England played, but what about Kosovo?

Does not exist

Extremely based

Honestly? Pretty based. Were fearless in attack and didn't park the bus like beta micronations normally do. I respect a team that wants to attack even when defeat is imminent.

Impressed with their commitment to playing attacking forward and moving the ball forward even when they were down 5-1 at HT. They made the result somewhat respectable and reduced the deficit to two goals, which could well prove helpful in a tie-break situation down the line.

I'd say they did themselves proud despite losing. The own goal was avoidable and the should have done better for both Sancho's goals. Reckon they'll qualify for next year's Euros.

mite b cool

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not a country

6 (SIX)

>6 world cups
how can macacos ever recover?


not fair that Albania gets to play with 2 teams


3 teams, Switzerland could play before too

Beating the six times world champions confirms that England are a force to be reckoned with.

Not a country, disgusting people. Never met a normal one unless he claimed to be Serbian.

How are they allowed to compete in tournaments, when most countries don't recognize them as an independent country?

Don't mind them. I have 2 Albanian brothers from Kosovo that work for my construction company. Both speak Serbian well and are way better workers than my relatives that are jealous of me and refused to work for me because of it despite being offered very good pay.
t. Serb


You are literally the first serb i've ever seen who was willing to put business before a white-hot seethe towards all albanians

surprised how many of their players were actually born in kosovo. still less than half of them, but I expected far fewer

I live in an area with a lot of Albanians. I do business with them a lot, friends with some. Bosniaks too.

>bringing old world conflicts over here
Bruh. Anyway, why would I constantly seethe for no good reason? Most Albanians here are solid folk. I have my views on things, but it's dumb to let them constantly flood your mind. Just don't bring up politics and everything works out fine. Only retards seethe irl, regardless of ethnicity

>>bringing old world conflicts over here
pretty much this.. i'm an Arab but I work with a lot of Jews. As long as you focus on work and not politics, it's not that awkward. Seething and the chimp outs irl just dont exist
