/cric/ - >doubting based Paine edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


Haloooo (i'm not girl)

Be useless?

*be’s an Ashes winning in England captain*

grigget :DDDDD

Black guy here with a message for white people.

We are not asking you to apologise for the sins of your ancestors. We are asking you dismantle the system that keeps us down.

>people used to think kohli was better than smith

imagine the retardation

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Cute bum

Paine did literally nothing though, and owes this win entirely to Smith.

think it pretty much sums up how fairweather australian fans are they are now worshipping paine when last test he was literally the worst captain that ever lived and needed to be replaced

Meant for haha

only indians thought this

t. Ponting
Come home mate. You are a shit commentator anyways


>you now remember australian fans abandoning the stadium in droves when England got that 517-1
>meanwhile England fans just flip the situation and cheer any time England does something at all because they're so useless

Business idea: Fully weaponise Lebotchain's autism


because at the core of it, all aussies are butthurt manchildren. look at the posters on this board, all the aussies have terrible opinions, and spout nonsense at every opportunity that is apparently 'banter'.


This is powerful.

at least all the comments are making fun I suppose

Pommy sour grapes are delicious.

seething kiwi having a seizure in /rug/

didnt want the ashes anyway m8

Australians are sore winners and even sorer losers

They're bad winners but they're not sore losers except for when they're cheated, which seems to happen most frequently when England beat them.

They're fantasists who think everything has some ulterior motive and will use some extreme confirmation bias to persuade themselves of the truth of their delusional theories

Imagine caring about test cricket lmao.


Sorry lads, been off cric the last day or so. Posted very few times. Any sebbo craic lately?

i've always said the ashes are becoming increasingly irrelevant and bilateral ODI series are the future of international cricket

Savour it m8.
They're poor losers and even worse winners. Well known.

Reminder that Jeremy Corbyn is a paedophile.

hate myself lads


All i want in life
1.left hander who can only hit it off his pads and sometimes cover drive
2. Aggressive opener who plays his shots and bombs sixes after he reaches 50
3. Best batsman in the team
4. Flowing shot player whos secretly better than the number 3
5. Up and coming batsman with solid technique except one big flaw which gets exploited ruthlessly
6. Aggressive batsmen who parks cunts into the stands which for some reason still can't play white ball cricket and tosses down 125km darts
>7. Attacking wicketkeeper
>8. Fast bowler who can smack it around
>9. Off spinner who would be a normal first grade top order batsman
>10. Line and length fast bowler who hits one good drive for 4 an innings and gets out
>11. Swing bowler who looks like shit until he gets an entire team out. Averages 3 with the bat

And it really is that simple

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It is getting pretty late here

Same im gonna meditate for 15 mins to the feeling of just having evacuated my bowels and see how it goes after that

Haha mental

goddamn high vis streetwork tradie chads waking me up

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postman pat
postman pat
postman pat
knows that sebbo is fat



Come and collect fatguts please.

Anderson shall never play cricket again

What system though, black people here thrive

el basado de cricado

in tests probably but he can still into limited overs. It's a shame because he was a good one.

>im a big fat casual that has never watched cricket
yeah we know mate

>were sticking with the same team
Based draw and 2-1 ashes series victory looms

what're you seething about now mate, I'm not even Sri Lankan

What you chirpin bout now mate?
*anderson smashes wocket*

anderson doesnt play limited overs

you would know this if you followed cricket for more than a week

not a good day yesterday

favourite split enz song, one step ahead.
You would know this if you had any semblance of a sense of humour whilst not having your head up your own arse.
What are your thoughts on ?
Or are you just going to shit on other anons responses?

Strange how the Irishman who definitely isn't Sebbo and talks about how he posts on Yea Forums whilst he's at work is up at 2am isn't it lads

want to fuck my wifes physitherapist lads

just grim

Because there's only one Irishman on the internets at any one time, we all share the village computer

Seb achieving smoth status on cric for his time at the crease rentfree

saw the most immaculately sculpted arse on this little blond bob haired cutie at the jim lads, had to exit quickly and ut my session short as i couldnt hide my boner through my grey shorts

Oh, and that lad is English. He lives in Dublin but supports England in the cricket.
There's at least another 3 Irish that I've seen posting about cricket since the world cup started, one of them wasvery astute and well informed. There's one who's a newb to the game, and there was another rather fiery chap but a gentleman of cricket nonetheless.
More Irish into cricket is better, we're literally next door to England and it could be comfy future test series against each other.

Dark days.

Sometimes if i find a girl attractive in public ill get my dick out and rub it at her to see where shes at.

low point in my life right now

Not really, there are several Irish cricket enthusiasts on /cric/ atm and they've been here for ages (literally months).

chin up sport.


>yep, one large falafel kekab tabouli lettuce onion tomato, add mushroom cheese and olives, no carrot. garlic, hommus and sweet chilli. yep, cheers thanks mate

execute all wogs

just hit a yeet at my little sisters funeral lads

Don't like CPL tbdesu but that was memehit at its best

just call me fatguts from the /cric/ thread, fatguts
still fat but remains the worlds biggest loser
just call me fatguts from the /cric/ thread, fatguts
will never pass well as an Irish user


eating coles cake and watching austrian asmr-fu


>not ASMR Darling

incredible how not one person in the media has bothered to do enough research on why boycott's charges were false


based blanktrip

asmr darling being your favourite asmr cammer is like your favourite band being the beatles

theyre decent but the quality and popularity is disproportionate

Patrician /cric/ ASMR kino channels:

asmr art of sound
Springbok asmr
Asmr morrigan
gibi asmr
maple asmr
asmr amy


any cute ASMR cammers that will fart in the microphone?

Big fan of ending the day jacking it to some asmr.

only asmr i listen to is ear eating and ear kissing. it reminds me of my ex when she used to lick and kiss my ears and worship my body.

I was googling it to remember some of the details but literally every article now is wahh how could a convicted wifebeater be given a knighthood
So fucking lazy, even if you think he did it at least provide the mountain of evidence that he didn't

was clearlys 186 the biggest score of the season

what the fuck why did Isa Guha block the twitter???

someone hacked it and posted her nudes m8 did you miss it


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remembering Daniel's incel rage at a female journalist on the twitter for not writing well enough


trying to forget Daniel 2bh

Wish there was a way to see all the reasons it's been blocked, didn't pay much attention to the twitter all these years


would quite like to have sex with isa guha

Decided to give up the drink, lads.

Post the pic of Isa that you jerk off to the most, lads.

based sebbo

Based goosey

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pulled pork jambo on the cards

jaffle I mean haha

Wasted quads.

put your houses on the Cronulla Sharks to take the hip this year

Just asked my parents if I could put their house on the Cronulla Sharks to take this hip this year and they said no.

Weakling is the best track on Filth right?


comfy is just a code word for boring desu

complete waste tbqh

Music is food for the soul.

>no gook who makes knives from random shit


finally got a chance to leave a scathing review of my latest uni unit lads
felt good to let it all out

would you?

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Nobody cares. Unis just want more full paying chinks while purple haired 'professors' brainwash zoomer retards into cultural sepaku

want to fuck my cute Indian house cleaner lads.

my fellow tradieGODs

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why do tradies think every uni subject is on modern social theory lads

Tall poppy syndrome. Somehow makes it even worse that they earn more money than most uni graduates but still have a massive chip on their shoulder.

Sepaku is a remote village in Indonesia mate.

why are uni sois so obsessed with chadies?

momster hunter world

you've got no idea what tall poppy syndrome means dumb cunt

so true

I know, just sayin it felt good to let them know how shithouse it was even if it doesnt lead to any changes
pissed me off to see others badmouthing the unit give it good reviews, the cowards

Who's this cheeky new poster from Singapore who is definitely not sebbo lads?

dunno, but his posting style seems vaguely familiar, but the flag says Singapore, so it must be a Singspore cricket enthusiast. they're quite common apparently.

cricket is for faggots

dubs confirm

cricket is for sick cunts dubs confirm

australia? more like ausFAILia lmfao

Big fan of buying a coffee and reading the paper lads


Has Smith done enough to warrant a spot in an all time Ashes XI? Me thinks he has.

Definitely, even his record before was good


reckon he's a top 3 all time australian batsman now

They call him SebGOD and we show him praise with SebQUADS

this is the post.

He'll surpass ponting

Clearly Josh Reynolds, I can tell by the name field.


Quite based indeed.

>US flag appears
>summarily ignored
>different flag appears, same posting style
>mentions sebbesity
it's a vicious, pathetic cycle lads.

He's mentally ill.

just shut the fuck up about sebbo you fucking retard

Sebbo got these freshcunts on a fucking string lmao

reckon half of the talk to get him to fuck off is himself just so we keep talking about him
definite schizo

why does /cric/ posters always need to make up some sort of boogeyman to get obsessed about? first it was goosey and then convict and then ivan and josh and now sebbo. is it do with you wanting to rail against some sort of authority figure because you hate your parents or your boss or something along those lines?

>he's mad
yep sebbo

Freshies gonna F R E S H.

Simple as really.

so true.

This is the post.

>its an ivan talks to himself instead of making cabinets episode

tiresome and diresome

Big fan of Ivan ngl


made a funny thread lads, check it out

Would love it if a few of you lads would pop over to /nrl/ for a bit. Needing the posts quite badly over there, honestly.

sick of that semen slurping sport after based TIGGS are now out.

omw mate

>cricket on tomorrow

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america btfo

Just realised something grim lads. Unless he OD's on the old nose beers we've probably got at least 3 decades of shite Warnie commentary ahead of us.

it's fucking cold lads.

I don't know what to do with my life until the cricket comes back on.

hey mate, hard day on the tools?

but he's the true blue quintessential loveable Aussie larakin m8


doesnt sound like a diffucult task mate
how ugly are you?

there's an unironic autist retard that's been following me around the uni library. bit grim lads

walk up behind him and coward punch him m8

Hate these types. Recently went out without a jacket and it started raining, so I popped into a discount store and bought the cheapest hoodie they had - some old MUSE merch for $4. Couple of minutes later some autist tried to start a conversation with me about them at a bus stop. When I said I didn't care for them that much he unironically went into an autistic rage and kept on yelling:
>"You're the one wearing their hoodie, why the fuck would you wear it if you didn't like them"
Over and over again.

come to NZ, you won't really be able to do anything but


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Should've coward punched him as he got on the bus

Only recently realised Paper Planes samples that The Clash song desu.

I think he would die instantly, looks like he weighs like 50kg. Has this awful malnourished face with bug eyes
that's grim. this one seems harmless but he has no friends and I played pool with him once at a uni bar so he constantly tries to latch onto me


The fact that the clash didn't utilise cash registers in this song proves that MIA is the superior artist.

heem the cunt, no one fucks with cric
>I got more records than the kgb

Imagine the raw talent that would be condensed into a child of M.I.A. and Lasith Malinga

The last time he tried to talk to me I just put earphones in and straight up didn't respond to him.
I also put an ad up for a flatshare ages ago and he somehow found it and contacted me, utterly grim
Feel bad for him but believe he should be euthanised or something, something is very off about him

so you're legit being stalked by a dude?

When I was a teen I had long hair and some bloke told me I looked like 90s Thurston Moore. Never figured out if it was a compliment or insult.

Warnies commentary is based you fucking retard.
Think yourself lucky he occasionally gives a goat analysis on the dark art of proper leg spin bowling

Not really stalked but whenever I run into the guy at uni he insists on making convo, saying stuff like "we should play pool again". With the flatshare thing he must have been looking in the same areas and it matched with my ad
For example at the library there are all these rows of bookshelves with desks at the ends, often he walks past, sees me, and stops like the autist in this webm. He just did it and decided to lie down on the ground like 5-10 metres from me, I guess pretending to read a book and then left 5 minutes later when I pretended not to notice him. I'm all the way at the back of the library at a desk right now so it wasn't a coincidence, he's done this same autist stop a few times over the last few months and usually he walks over for a chat
He really sets my teethe on edge, he's got the same build as this guy except hunched over and his face is absolutely fucked

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what the fuck is this mutant doing

my mutant or the webm mutant?


*does a 360*
*walks away*

Reminds of that bit from Limmy's Show where he purposefully tries to insert himself in a random blokes life just because he can. Wish I had the link.

Kenny Omega is based af

Found it.

david sinclair jre was good lads

recommend it

reckon he might be eyeing you up for a skinsuit lad.


Honestly he reminds me a lot of what was written about the sandy hook shooter, the autism, the malnutrition and so on. It's shit because I'm sure he only latched onto me because I'm the only person that's shown him any kindness at uni

introduce him to /cric/ lad

Poppy or Davina lads

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The one on the left. The one on the right has that 14 year old girl looking face.

yeah she's the more expensive one
>Davina, from Moldavia, is described on escort sites as a "pocket rocket", who is a "gorgeous, petite, very naughty escort". Arriving at Shane's pad wearing a black mini-dress and trainers, she charges $700 for a two-hour home visit. Poppy, who advertises topless on escort sites, turned up in a revealing T-shirt and pants. She charges nearly $900 for a two-hour "outcall".

Fear Inoculum is a modern opus don't @ me

a rare gem

Imagine they're me pals?

a rare uranium 235 atom would be a better turn of phrase given that gem stones are relatively common

would fucking rape Warner if I saw him in the street tbqh

Personally I'd treat Peter Dinklage. It should not take much food to satisfy him and make his belly full him given his size. I would delight at the prospect of treating him and serve him a plate of delicious char siu meat, with rich, sticky sauce, perfect pancakes, refreshing drinks... go all out. Give that lovely man a banquet. Watch him greedily devour the meat. His lips, teeth, and fingers sticky with the sauce as he throws manners and decorum out of the window in a mad rush to satiate himself. Then, when he's satisfied and feels thing can't be any better, I shall reveal he has not been feasting on char siu mediocre pork but... char siu kobe beef. Yes, I will have ensured Peter Dinklage greedily gobbled up the flesh of the best meat on the market after lowering his expectations initially. As the tears of joy well up in his eyes and he refuses to believe I went all out, I shall let out a truly merry, comforting laugh and upend the contents of a box I'll have near me; packacing and recipts of the kobe beef I purchased. Though the packaging and recipts will be scrunched up, faded, and a little dirty, it will be evidence of how much I wanted to give Dinklage a good meal. That is what I would do to that little gentleman. The louder he laughs and more thanks me in pure euphoria, the louder and more merry my laughter of appreciation will become. Hell, it may just kill me because I'll be struggling to breath as I'll be laughing and thanking him so hard. I will then show the 24 minute 7 seconds footage of me purchasing the kobe beef and having a funny encounter with the butcher, which we will laugh over. This is the fate that awaits you, you wonderful, beautiful little man. Also... FUCK Warwick Davis. I'd starve him instead and feed him char siu Harrison Davis instead.

she generally doesn't need to be coerced into it tb h

haha you posted it again. Neat.

Finally got a job lads, right before I ran out of money

is the other lad looking for a grad job in?

That’s me

yeah m8 AMA

You can't ignore Sebbo's girth.

want to fuckin heem Gladys Liu lads

Sebbo would be a fantastic defensive batsman. His fat apron reaches his ankles, making LBW's near impossible.

6 and a half metres

セボー? more like デブ

how the fuck was she ever a speech pathologist, has the most munted speech in existence

Gladys Liu is cute.

you are one desperate cunt

he doesn't even know the tripcode top kek

Not him, but I think Josh's tripcode is permabanned for cp

*furiously searches the archives for joshie's tripcode*


nah it was used in September

looks like this one was permabanned though kek

!LRPOisE/mE is permabanned

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how's the search mate? any interviews?

that was the public one

based richo

yeah had one yesterday. I was very nervous and farted during the interview but other than that I thought it went well.

don't think I was talking to you big fella

Just got an invite for a video interview. If it goes well, then i'll probably have another interview scheduled next week.

So many brainy posts from one poster. Truly the greatest poster this board has ever seen.
The fact that even to this day people still try to imitate him, shows how much of an impact he has had on this board and he has still remained so relevant.

>rating keepers

fuck jews and their tricks

Reckon the myth of Shane Warnes bowling ability has been greatly inflated lads

teesras in tripolis

Based test cricket tomorrow

The Bairshow.

me too.

ah yes, the "dead rubber" guaranteed fizzer from London

no game is a dead rubber in the test championship lad

Anthems lads?
for me it's star-spangled banner, gives me a buzz when done well and I can't stand the fat cunts


series win still on the line matey

thought you'd won the Ashes what was all hullabaloo about


It's 2-1, a draw retains them because we won the last series, but we haven't outright won a series there for about two decades
If England wins it'll be 2-2 which would be a bit embarrassing given how we've dominated

Humiliating series defeat on the cards

hope so, fuck England

feel like pure shit just want a rained out draw

Based Australian Freshcunt spoon-feeding the braindead kiwi.

wow lads its Yea Forums personality Josh Reynolds (sebbesity)


Greek or Singapore poster in 3... 2... 1...


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tipping Irel*nd

lads got BTFO by laughingwomen.jpg what do I do

going to curse this championship

going to put an ancient maori curse on it to rain during the whole final no matter what

UTTERLY unbreakable

wonder if Maoris play backyard cricky

*gathers strength from my ancestors*

time for the spirited rain haka that will shake the very foundations of my flat

What would Maoris be good at in cricket? Tipping wrist spin

I reckon slogging.

nice bowl cuz that's it bro mean as bro too much meke keep em coming ow fucking mean as bowling cuz

It's is cricket here now

well done m8

True fat cunts always make the best keepers, Maoris are perfect

Why, where did Yea Forums personality Josh Reynolds go?

fucking stop talking about him so much you utter retards it's the only thing that keeps him here


Dustin Martin was apparently a fast bowler

it's not keeping him here, clearly he has absolutely nothing on in his poothetic life and this is what he does to pass the time but yeah stop talking about him

no you

Fuck imagine if he kept at cricket, that would be kino. Probably mean with the bat as well
I'm talking about the really black cunts though


would love to see him dishing out don't argues to the english

Adam Parore was good at fucking other peoples wives.

tumeke cuz

imagine Anthony McDonald Tipungwuti playing criccy

Unironically enjoy this song

My fellow incels.

I think I made a post about him playing cricket the other day but I can't find it in the archive because I can never spell his name properly

It's funny. I logged ont this morning and had a look back through this thread and everyone was saying some other Irish lad sebbo or fat or whatever.

The obsession never ends. I do think that it's oy a few deluded Aussies though

yeah found it archive.4plebs.org/sp/thread/95182512/#q95193169

could definitely see it yeah

reckon he'd rack up bulk singles and never ever go for boundaries just sprint between the wickets

less reddit than The Chats and their epic smoko songs at least


love Australia
love England
love New Zealand
love anglo culture
wouldn't want anything else
t. Wog

bro...you are very gd boy

haha you love me what a gay

>learning disabilities
>mean cunt
>goes missing most of the time then suddenly bags 5 goals
he's basically a black warner

the cultural hub of /cric/

>mean cunt
you reckon?

Sydney meetup is confirmed, lads.

Projection 101.

Nah by that I meant how he sneaks those aggressive tackles on people, seems a nice guy

ah I was going to say

Might petition the ICC to make Sydney the new home of cricket

did have you checked out the /rug/ thread?

Nothing grimmer than seeing non NSWelshmen trying to fit in with the big boys.

Melbourne's not gonna like that

my pasta is too hot lads

What's going on?

I wouldn't mind living in country NSW. The recent trip to Goulburn and the surrounds has made me fall in love with the area.

The Big Bang Theory is actually pretty funny.

Coastal Queensland>Rural NSW>>>>>>>>>>anywhere else
also I rate the Darling Downs

Dunno mate. I think I'd rate rural NSW slightly higher than coastal Queensland.

how come Australia is so rich considering the average Australian has an iq of 70


Watching the live stream of Worcestershire vs Glamorgan in a complete dead rubber in Division 2 of the County Championship

Why are you sending this to me? I don't understand? Who are you?

that's because you aren't a GODlander

lots of stuff in the ground

Australia is literally on the brink of economic collapse and most people are unprepared and oblivious to it.

it's not that simple mate

I am equipped with tins of baked beans in the event of an economic collapse.

Yes it is.

Yes I am.

when the banks collapse the stud holding cash is going to get a lot of blowjobs

What is the /cric/ approved smartphone?

sorry didn't realise you were the reserve bank governor

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Imagine thinking that the banks have ever or will ever collapse.

Huawei because it has the software I need for contact my Chinese handler already installed


The latest Galaxy S/Note flagship because /cric/ is full of normies who think they are unique for not buying iPhones, but still go for the most popular Android.

Fuck Gordon brown

whatever the latest OnePlus is

>Pakistan's hopes for Test cricket to return to the country have suffered a substantial blow, as ten prominent Sri Lanka cricketers have refused to travel to the country for the forthcoming limited-overs tour.
feel like pure shit just was a strong Pakistan again

you fucking idiot you sound nothing like him, this is how the real joshie would post

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Saw an actual proper incel at the gym today lads. He had the glasses, no chin, bad haircut, dead eyes, poor posture, virgin walk exactly like the stereotype. What should I do? Should I inform reception?

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he won't make it and will be gone soon

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Based Joshy finally figured out how to save full images

havent had a big one in a while lads


its a worrying indictment of who i am that i find joshy entertaining

Worcestershire bowlers firmly in control in Glamorgan, with the batsmen struggling to deal with line-and-length bowling on a swinging pitch.

rurulad you in m8?

cricket on tomorrow

Any good bets on tonight?

odds looking good that I will cry myself to sleep

Boomers + Team USA both to win in a multibet seems pretty safe. Keep in mind I've never watched a game of basketball before in my life though.

Joe Root is a coward. There, I said it!

the assassination of steven smith by the coward joseph root

the captain tim paine
the coward joe poot

Ed Barnard has just finished his 11th over in this nail-biter Division 2 classic, and currently has figures of 1-4. Why oh why has he not yet been called up for the England team? Surely better than that pace-babby fraud Jofra Archer

Cronulla Sharks to win the hip

You know I'm not a Manly man but I'm nervous for you this week it's a danger game at Brooky, asbestos in the ground and everything.


Based fucking sebbo

lol ok retard

let's see Smith play when under swinging conditions with that ridiculous shuffle and stance

bit problematic

not a fan of this casual racism mate

I never doubted him tb h
When a batsman is hitting clean sixes off your bowlers there isn't a lot a captain can do

grow up
pull your head in

could go a magnum right about now lads

Just going 7/11, you boys want anything?

Still thinking about Bali

Unhealthy obsession with numbers i have
If steve smith has a lean spell it'll break my heart seeing his average go down
Wonder if Dave Warner wants to not be picked since he wont score anyway and just fuck his average

Pick me up an opening batsman please lad

reckon you they sell those peppermint teabags at a 7/11?

I don't think the players care that much about averages
Of course they do but not as much as playing and having good knocks, Smith sacrificed a ton in the last innings for a win

just buy a couple of plants from bunnings and chuck them in a big pot. make it yourself at home

You have to think though in 4 years the selectors forget about a mitigating circumstance and just look at the numbers and in 20 your legacy is 50% your espn stats page

I was busy dreaming bout boys *di-ding* boys

This is why their needs be witnesses, like to explain why Warne was a better spinner than Murali

fuck no, they always do it off recent form
Starc's stats are still decent but he was left out of the first three tests because of the Indian series
Same with Khawaja
And Ponting ended up averaging 50 odd even though he's probably considered the second best batsman after Bradman

Lara is. Smith has the potential to be.
The point is if you only look at the stats you're not getting the full picture, intangibles and whatnot

left: cummins
right: the coward joe root

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based shitspenis.

so what are we missing exactly from just looking at stats?

Yeah thats true actually
But they'll still think we're retarded for dropping voges averaging 60 even though it was right

Shit like Ponting playing double digit tests past his use by for the team because we didn't have the depth
He even said if he only played for himself he would have retired at 100 tests averaging 60 and at his peak

actually I was going to bring up Voges to prove my point, he hasn't got a reputation as one of the goats, I'd say his main legacy is actually people wondering how the fuck his average was so high

Imagine, just for a second, actually walking in the modern game. Pathetic cowardice disguised as "good sportsmanship".

Things like for example why Murali took so many wickets compared to Warne because of the tracks he was spinning on, his opposition was weaker, the laws were altered to allow his dubious action, his team's strategy was for him to take wickets.
I'd go as far as say that the consensus of unbiased opinion is that Warne was a better spin bowler regardless of what the stats say.
Also, Stuart MacGill was a better spinner than his stats show due to his limited opportunities and being unlucky to be born in the same generation as Warne.

Can someone update me on the rug drama please?

Cook had some butthurt interview recently where he was talking about the stresses of test cricket and how you're assessed based off your average starting at 20 when you debut all the way to 30 odd
I think he's just cooked from his captaincy though. He should really still be playing

Stats say Mike Hussey was better than Viv Richards. He wasn't

I was promised (You)s for dis

mistaken identity, it got pissed on, white russians were involved

But why wasnt he?

MMarsh recalled boys

galaxy s8 it has the perfect size.

elite truthies here

>Vice-captain Travis Head has been dropped from the 12-man squad with all-rounder Mitch Marsh earning a recall to the side.
what the fuck, Head hasn't even been that bad
They should lean towards batsman for this test since a draw will do, not a player that can't bat or bowl

Pattinson and Siddle are better batsmen than MMarsh

they want someone to take the load off the bowlers in what is bordering on being a dead rubber
obviously don't want to drop cummins but are conscious of the workload he's been put under

Marsh isn't a horrible bowler either, he just wasn't used as a wicket taking option in the test side. he'd only get brought for an over or two on to let the other bowlers get shuffled around.

The english are absolutely fuming.

Total cowards considering they lost outright. They should be 3-0 down and this point if it weren't for umpire help. They also would be worldcupless

Why doesnt cricket introduce substitutes like in baseball? That way you can leave it till the last innings to roll on your specialist big boy spinners or even rotate your pacers.

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Khawaja is better bat than all of those dudes

Yeah that's not a bad idea tb h, we should keep Cummins but need a backup if he pulls up like Anderson in the first test
but I honestly think Pattinson could be better with the bat and is proven this series, plus then we could have the four horseman altogether at last

>Fast bowler who can smack it around
starc and lee in the day
>Off spinner who would be a normal first grade top order batsman
moeen except he chokes in bowling and batting under pressure and hence got dropped

just not cricket

Pooy has been dropped


don't like change

never post a new idea again

Overton too which is a little bit surprising.

He wasn't all that great but yeah if Roy's getting all those opportunities

not really

what he said youtu.be/Jf0iy6cgRE4


possibly the most wog house I've ever seen, like a parody

What is the 9/11 of cricket

>both sides overstocking on bowling options in a bowler dominated series
predicting a result within two days

He wasn't living up to his name

Why bother when you have MarnGOD

Phil Hughes

2019 world cup final super over

not enough arches separating rooms
but yeah I fucking kekked

how could you possibly think this is a good idea
what a fucking waste of a front lawn

Attached: image2.jpg (1240x754, 170K)

would lovingly hose that down every weekend

Just like back home in Greece mate

for me, it was the final over

France just beat USA in basketball, on 9/11

looks freedom fries are back on the menu boys

just imagine all the water that has been used in RELENTLESS hosing down of the front concrete

>430 a week for four bedrooms
that's nuts, is this a really shit area or something? reckon something similar in Sydney would be over 1000 easy

Often Satanists advertise in free youth culture Street newspapers. This provides them with a constant supply of young teenage hopefuls to recruit or exploit (or both). Often Street-kids are taken in, used and discarded. It is only another missing teenager! Coffee shops, city entertainment complexes and even evangelical youth based churches are still used to this day to lure the innocent and not so innocent, their hearts full of broken dreams from broken homes.'
This is happening on a mass scale - a Black Mass scale - worldwide. Amazing numbers of children, many millions, go missing every year throughout the world never to be seen again. People don't realise this. They judge the number of child disappearances by the number of such stories that they see on the television news. These represent only a tiny, tiny fraction of children that go missing. Often the police show little interest in investigating, as 'Frater 616' notes in the document:
'The most disturbing aspect of the Black Masses held in Sydney was and remains the ease with which victims were and continue to be obtained and the lack of any effective interest by the police (although a number of Police Commissioners from various States were members of the Order).'


The body of Joseph Roy Metheny was discovered dead at the Western Correctional Institution in Maryland, USA where he was serving two life sentences.

The morbidly obese killer carried out a series of murders during the 1990s and claimed to have sold his victims as “special barbecue meat” to passing drivers.

He was found guilty of murdering two women and also confessed to the deaths of several others, for which he was never convicted.


The finest cheapest beef bbq sausages money can buy. They are literally labelled beef bbq sausages.

Honestly concrete is shit for front yards
Give me the basic driveway concreted but remove all grass and replace with an assortment of pebbles
Like honestly fuck all the cracking that happens

the perth property market is in absolute shambles, can get plenty of places like that in and around fremantle. 400 a week will nab you a nice 2 bedroom apartment generally.

not really a shit area either, not rich but not drugged up. just full of wogs

nice one

>What do you get when you cross a mentally ill autist with a society that bans him for twelve months and treats him like trash? I'll tell you what you get. You get what you fucking deserve!"

Attached: 6630352-3x2-940x627.jpg (940x627, 59K)

probably the actual terrorist attack on the sri lankan team bus lol

What type of sausage do they usually use at Bunnings sausage sizzles?
As title says.




69% Upvoted
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level 1
63 points
2 years ago
They're made from the dead carcass of Masters
level 2
17 points
2 years ago
Death never tasted so sweet
level 1
25 points
2 years ago
Every day the stand is run by a different not-for-profit. So it is up to them to source ingredients.
level 1
19 points
2 years ago
The finest cheapest beef bbq sausages money can buy. They are literally labelled beef bbq sausages.


Attached: Bunnings.jpg (600x646, 62K)

>4 bedroom
>1 bathroom

Attached: 38439.png (294x256, 112K)


I want to see Kohli dropped
I want to see Shastri fired
Not asking for much
Not complicated
Simple as

Woodie's should do these they'd make a killing

ew and improved backyard to his jealous, also Greek, neighbours.

The Marrickville resident who works in fruit transport, has spent the last fortnight ‘sprucing up’ his 1900’s workers cottage.

“It’s as smooth as glass, moit” he says while getting little kicks from the elderly neighbour’s constant peeking at his masterpiece.

When asked if his kids and nephews might need some grass to play soccer on, Spero responds by saying that the Greek’s invented soccer on the marbled surface of the sacred Altis enclosure.

“This is the best place for them to learn how to play mate”

“Australia was an uncivilised land before the Greeks got here, moit”

“That’s the story of Greeks in Australia. We came, we saw, concreted”

Spero is certain that most Australian cities would have folded many years ago without the contribution made by Greek-Australians.

“You want your property value to go up? Get some Greeks in there, moit”

“Look at this place. It just went up three-fold in value. No one knows how to lay a slab like the Greeks”

“Jointless, smooth, polished. This will last forever” he says, as he smashes the concrete with his power hose, also known as ‘the greek broom’.

Attached: Greek-backyard.jpg (700x365, 195K)

Alasdair Palmer goes on a guided tour of

the heart of freemasonry and is more amused than alarmed

'LET ME assure you,' said the genial guide, 'freemasonry has absolutely nothing to do with cannibalism, devil worship or anti-Semitism. And we are honestly not prejudiced against blacks or women.'


I suppose that's what Sydney was like maybe 30 years ago tbf, high prices for the inner east but the inner west and southeast was considered a bit out of the way with nothing going on so it was cheap as

Looks like they're just preparing their kids to play on aussie pitches

that's my sharehouse right now, but at least the toilet and shower are seperate rooms

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sebbo redditspacing so we have to take notice of him

>look at me. Is this the face of a man who thinks it necessary to pick more than three recognised batsman?

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but yeah it's likely

Don't flare 'em up again

looks more like a kiwi pitch in terms of size

holy shit

this man needs a dose of fina immediately

Just finished redditspacing yer mum

oh are we up to three batsmen now? nice

well, my grandfather and one of my uncle's were both freemasons and I never seen them eating folk or being prejudiced against anyone or anything like that so I'm inclined to believe them

New enough to ask this probably brainlet question, is it really a bad idea to purposefully move a decent batsman quite low down the order just in case things went way off plan?

thought catholics aren't allowed to be freemasons

what do you mean?

they're not

you'd rather have a good batsmen come in when its harder so when the shitters come in it's easier and it all balances out, otherwise the shitters get out quick and coming in down the order doesn't matter anymore

They can't get through to the tail if the tail starts at 2

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So, Stokes, Leach and Denly?
Not a good lineup tbqh

reminder that Leach has a higher average this series than Warner

Say we move Denly to 7th.

Yeah true, that makes sense.

sometimes you'll move a batsman up the order as a nightswatchman

Aus 60 all out

Yeah I remember they said Leach was going to come on that night if they got another one out, which was actually likely at that point.

Not necessarily, take this game for example
The wicket was wet as fuck where Bradman declared at 9/200, and went on to skittle England for 9/76 and when Bradman came in at number 7 he made 270 runs
Here is an article about it

yeah there isn't much point in it, it just means the top order crumbles faster as whoever comes before Denly will be worse than him, so you lose wickets more cheaply and Denly still comes in at a bad time
the "plan" is for the top order to make runs, if they don't then someone hidden down the order isn't going to be much help
Also someone like Denly should have more experience at opening or number 3/4 with means he should be better with the new ball, but I don't know if that's the case as the big brained English selectors have a habit of choosing people who bat at different positions in county cricket

That was back when they had uncovered pitches
Closest analogy to today's cricket is when they bring a nightwatchman in
Like I just said above, nightwatchman is only good because it's a lot tougher to bat before the close of play so you sacrifice a shitter before someone good comes in

Reading this now, cheers mate.

Yeah suppose putting a decent batsman on at that point is fruitless unless they're going to be getting multiple centuries, which would be way against the way the game is going.

True, but there has been some pitches in the modern era where you could have said reversing the batting order would have helped the proper batsmen

Also say Denly did get going at no. 7, he would run out probably run out of batting partners before he could reach a century. Also batting with a tail ender is inevitably tougher as you want to rotate strike near the end of an over and your partner can be stuck at the other end for an entire over
Basically the guys at the top are supposed to get stuck in and make it easier for everyone down the order. Every delivery they face weakens the balls and the bowlers, if you try to put Leach and Overton at the top of the order they aren't going to last long and you lose two wickets for nothing
No you can't that's a stupid idea. Has it ever been done before in the modern era? Can't imagine it but for some shit pitches in Bangladesh or something

I ended up proposing to the single mother, lads. And she said yes to both marrying me and to me adopting her daughter. This was what I told her when I proposed:

You once told me to live in the moment and follow your heart.

The moment I first met you, it felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest. On our date in Brisbane, I fell in love with your voice, your smile, and the way you laugh. When we made love, it felt like magic. I felt connected to you on another level. In that moment, I realised that I love you, that I want you to be my wife, and the mother of my children.

I see you as my partner and my equal.

When I look at you, I know that I want you. I know that I need you. And I know I'm looking at my future.

This symbolises how much I love you and my commitment to our future together.

I will love you and care for you always.

>Also say Denly did get going at no. 7, he would run out probably run out of batting partners before he could reach a century.
Oh yeah, there is that. Suppose the only real way of making it work is swapping the order entirely and that wouldn't make much sense in almost all cases (exceptions including that Bradman decision).

Congratulations and good luck!

Thanks mate, I appreciate your support. I honestly feel so lucky to have both of them in my life.

My mates are getting angry with me on messenger because when they were talking about the US losing in the basketball I said "9/11 just really isn't a good day for Americans huh"

Based Boomers a good chance for the Gold now lads.

You gonna fuck her like in the pornos?


should have finished up with a "I look forward to your affectionate reply, which I will be reading"

About to make a cheeky post on hoc la...look for it soon x

Why are women such whores?

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based GODvan

I'm not him, freshie.

based GODvan

Based freshcunt

grim day today lads negative thoughts overwhelming me
going to read some Marcus Aurelius and focus on a positive mindset tomorrow


ugh, 100% rigged final by Gil.

I was the one that planted that seed in Reality Check's mind
his meltdown was a planned reaction from based me


Ultimate truth video

9/11 was a national tragedy just got taken down from youtube lmao

Somerset are going to be champions lads

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abut 3 tests too late, curran should be good though I always thought he should have been given more of a go in this series

ngl I'm a bit worried what Woakes back plus a competent bowler will mean against us with a batsman short

stokes isn't bowling because of his fucked shoulder

Does everyone acknowledge that Leach is a fucking meme or do some English still think he will be a legitimate test match player in the long term and not just a place holder for moeen to find his head again.

he's much better than moeen and will play 50 tests
he's shit though

He's definitely a meme but I did think it was weird how KP was having a go at him yesterday for being a laughing stock. He did far better than literally anyone would've expected.

yeah but he's just a workhorse, Curran is a genuine bowler
Woakes and Curran over Overton and Stokes is much more threatening
Ultimately though a shallower English top order might be easier for our bowlers to work through

That's just KP being a dickhead like usual, I don't even think he meant for it to come out as a go at him

woakes was looking rusty before he was dropped, was bowling a lot of dross
curran is better but only marginally
overall not too much better than overton and stokes about the same really

Woakes looked fine, don't know why they dropped him. Definitely better than Overton
Stokes was just an all rounder plodder while Curran is a genuine bowler. Maybe not a huge change but enough to possibly make a difference

Curran will take wickets in England under cloud cover when the ball is going round corners. He's a shitter left arm Woakes, and will have an equally dismal overseas record should he tour.

Leach is decent. Reckon Moeen is totally cooked

>and will have an equally dismal overseas record should he tour
He's already got a shit record in the Windies tour, he took one wicket in two tests lmao

uhh mate this is in England under heavy cloud cover
but you're right the ball doesn't seem to be swinging

set to be sunny for the next week in London

Why the hell did england not give Curran any play time until now. He would've been more helpful than the retard Roy?

then yeah I agree Stokes is probably better than Curran for that

It's easy to see why he is memed though, for example him and Overton faced 85 balls together & I think they also both broke their individual minutes record in that innings.
Things like that will win fans over even if they're obviously still not very good batsmen, because they appeared to try far harder than probably anyone else considering they were 8th and 9th (really 10th if Broad hadn't been injured) batsmen.

root only likes his africans black

The Oval will be flat as usual and it's going to be sunny Friday to Sunday.
Curran is only 20, so he can get better, but you'd assume he's as fast now as he's ever going to be; he's not going to start hitting 89 regularly


Speaking of heroic blockathons by tailenders, you now remember Graham Onions

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I thought england was islamic

How fast is Stokes? Never paid that much attention to his bowling
tb h I'm more worried about dropping Head and letting m*rsh back into the side

Crying here lads just want him back.

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Based sebbo

if we were maybe we'd be better at cricket

80-85mph, was putting a shift in at headingley where he was regularly above 85 though

Surely Curran is around that

Just finished season 1 of mindhunter lads. Not sure why the main character was surprised his gf left him he's a bit of a cunt who only talks about himself desu.

Do Brits use mph so we don't understand how fucking slow and shit their bowlers are?

useless if the ball isn't swinging though guess we'll see what the pitch is like

elite freshbread

it is look at root praying

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Hes also 5 ft 8 so if the ball isnt moving or he isnt bowling the right place consistently hes awful.

What hilarious episode that was? but didn't he get some runs doing it too?