One ticket to euro 2020 please

One ticket to euro 2020 please

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retake the kafir lands my sultan *bows*

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imagine if we didn't choke against iceland

oh well, based albanians took care of them for us

BASED and rochepilled

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what happens if they lose against Iceland in the second leg

they go ahead of us in h2h but this a meme group anything can happen


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I'm curious. Have you ever tried doner kebabs in Western European countries? How do they compare to the original?

look at that lil pepe, what a lad

not him but I've tried it, tastes different with all that sauce. still good tho

Döner is the cheap option everywhere, iskender is the best kind of kebab.

Attached: iskender-kebap.jpg (1429x950, 367K)

I accidentally turned on the international bein 3 channel and the Arabic commentator was going ALLAAAAAAAAAAH AL HABIBI ALLLLAHHHH ALLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH at the 3rd goal Turkey scored lmao

>posting kebabs at midnight

what could go wrong

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Tastes the same really unless you put sauce on it, adana kebab is better anyway.

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reeeeeeeeeee why do you do that?!?

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Had a Tavuk Kofte not long ago
very good

ein Dürüm bitte
extra scharf, zack zack

I never order durum or lamachun why would you do that if doner is so good?

the Döner bread where I get my kebabs has had a massive quality drop, they used to make it fresh, now it's stale
they do make a mean Dürüm though, so it's all good

I had a fast food meat dish that was legit called cockroach in Turkey. It was fucking delicious. Way better than any doner kebab I've ever had. I don't know why you don't serve that over here.

How did turkey become so fucking shit after that 2002 run?

kek, i don't think wypipo like intestines over there :d

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As with burgers and sausages I don't really care what it's made of - if it's delicious it's delicious. I very much doubt they're using prime cuts in doner meat over here.

The Scots do eat haggis, you know.

hmm that's interdasting. now I think I should sell kokoreç in England or in Berlin at least :d I need to take a second look at my future plans desu.

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we're full, stay out


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>Not Aspava

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It doesn't take a 6 yo kid with down syndrome to know that Turkey isn't even in the continent of Europe, why the fuck are you playing in European competitions?

because of fucking this
this is the only fucking thing allowing them in anything european and its terrible

Attached: turkey-map.jpg (1944x1440, 678K)

it's fucking called Asia, including this "East Thrace". Turkey is an Asian country and should play with chinks like all Asian shitskins.

Also just because Egypt has a few km^2s inside Asia """geographically""" that doesn't make Egypt Asian or me Asian.

That thing has more population than your entire country kek

Ja hoi mag ik een turkse pizza met lamsdoner en een portie baklava?

what is and what isn't europe is geographically speaking arbitary and depends entirely on history and culture. turkey and the ottoman empire for its entire history was always both european and asian. it's a country and culture that emerged from asian steppe hordes merging with byzantine governmental structures. they're as much europe as russia, i.e. not very much but still enough that the autism is misplaced.

>t. Gök Abdülcuman

Whether you belong to any European organization should be determined by your ethnicity and religion, not by geography.

But they are not ethnically European and they are Islamic, nothing far fetched or "autistic" about that

>Turkish food
Why? Turks make good food, but their chicken is never really special in my experience.

It's also almost the same size. Still has less Turks in it than the Ruhrgebiet though.

you won't believe me but i've never heard aspava before.

Based Iceland choking.

for me its hazal kaya

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t.250k euros hidden in gps

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Not so fast.

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for me, it's Beren Saat

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Take it easy abdul

Traditionally White countries = Europe.

it's an overrated ankara shit

[spoiler]BoJo's a Turk.[/spoiler]

They're kino in Germany

>But they are not ethnically European
are Greeks European?

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The more time I spend on Yea Forums the more and more I realize that Turkish autists are hella based.

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Went to turkey got a special offer just for me of a big kebab nice price for me cheap cheap. It was based. Don't care if I shit it all out in the morning. It was cheap cheap nice nice for me boss


I did and they are all disgusting processed shit. Eastern Yurop, particularly Greece is alright at it though.
