90 goals for Portugal

>90 goals for Portugal
He is going to beat Ali isn't he?

Attached: tsuuuu.jpg (768x512, 47K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Statpads his way to the record

Attached: thumbnail-3.jpg (648x809, 43K)

Crazy to think he has 90 goals for Portugal, that's ridiculous.

>You know now that the record holder said Ronaldo's goals are more important than his

>messifags accusing other players of statpadding

Attached: 1564591781416.jpg (383x257, 7K)

Why would you ridicule him for it? Can you do better? No? Fuck off and die, motherfucker. Cuckboy. I literally don't care about what you think about Ronaldo. Kys and die

>Ronaldo statpads, what a fraud
>yes Messi ofcourse deserves the ballon dor, have you seen his magisterial hattricks against Huesca?

how you know that he is a messifag ? looks like another RENT FREE episode to me tbhlad.

>he is good
>started at 18
>being a starter since then
>get a great gen that ended at 2006 and some that ended at 2010
>start getting crosses every fucking time for him
>penalties all for him and freekicks despite sucking at them(except on Man Utd)
>start playing more for/with the team since 2015, still get crosses and penalties for him, but with a new good gen backing him up
>NT have more games than before, even Euros have more games
Not that crazy when you are good.

how so? he's been facing your Luxembourgs, your Maltas, your Andorras since the 2006 qualifiers

He truly is the GOAT

can't wait till some verona shitter two foots him and puts him out for life

>92 goals
>Uefa: no hattrick, bad Ronaldo, 2nd goal is own goal, no hattrick


the liquifier of lithuania

How do we stop him? serious question, he's unstoppable.



ah ahem...

93 goals

They're going to make it 2.5 goals now, 0.5 being Bernardo Silva.

Both Messi and Ronaldo are overrated at international level.


> Portugal have had their greatest era under Ronaldo
> overrated

And yet it's because of other players that Portugal have won things, not Ronaldo.
Remind me how many goals he has in four WCs and four Euros, you dumb wog.

Umm, you realise Ronaldo is literally the highest scorer in Euros history?

>And yet it's because of other players that Portugal have won things
Name me ONE title we won without Ronaldo.

How many goals has he scored in four WCs and four Euros? Just answer the question, paki.

Literally watched his team win the Euro final from the bench

Who has more goals in Euros history than Ronaldo?

yeah, and griezmann is number 4 with 3 goals less and double the ratio

For the third time.
How many goals has he scored in four WCs and four Euros? Just answer the question, paki.

7 goals in 4 WC’s
9 goals in 4 Euros

Who got them to the final?

>Ronaldo is the "GOAT"
>has to have 10 other players with him at all times to play with
nice "GOAT" you have there

Ronaldo got them to two finals. He scored in the Semi Finals of Euro 2004 against Netherlands.

Him and the other 10 players on the pitch

3 goals in 1 NL

Not Ronaldo


So him and the other 10 players are champions. Correct?

16 goals in 8 major competitions that consisted of what - 25-30 games?
Oh, but he stat pads against shit-tier Euro sides so no way can he be described as overrated at international level lmao.

>the whole team was the GOAT all along

>literally scored in every Euro/WC since 2004 +UNL and Confed Cup he played
Lmaoing at the haters

> scoring goals bad

Nani and Quaresma
Probably nobody else has this many matches though
He literally got as many goals as Platini scored in 1

>On the pitch

How does Portugal always play those shit team ffs and this a competitive game as well

> Scored in the Euro 2004 Semi Final, outplay Figo in the tournament
> Man of the Match against France in the 2006 WC Semi Final, best young player in the tournament
> lead them out of the group of death in 2012 Euro and score in the QF against Czechia
> Score and assist against Wales in the Semi Final in the 2016 Euros
> Score a hattrick against Spain in the 2018 WC

Somehow he's overrated though

Do we really still have to pretend that he's anything more than a glorified inzaghi nowadays

Cope, he scored an hat trick against Spain in a World Cup something no other player ever did

Oh shit! The Confed Cup. Woooooooooow.
He's a fucking fraud at international level.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-10 List of UEFA European Championship goalscorers - Wikipedia.png (832x26, 3K)

but he was on the pitch though, was he not?

He's not overrated just not a better player than Messi like you retards believe

And he was fucking 18 in the euro 2004

>paki clutching at straws
lmao you're worse than that shitskin gypsy.

Please stop considering Spain as a big nation
Spain was a one generation pony and nothing else

>hmm goals bad xD
>hmmm ahah got you rused
>ahaha give me yous
the worst part is everyone falling for the bait

>2006 best young player in the tournament
Umm sweatie, that was Podolski

>Cope, he scored an hat trick against Spain in a World Cup something no other player ever did
What did he win for this? Please remind me.

He's overrated at INTERNATIONAL LEVEL which is the argument being made here.

> Plays for Portugal
> Has led them to a World Cup Semi Final, a Euro Semi Final, two Euro Finals plus winning one of them

What more do you expect him to achieve with Portugal?

>18 goals in international semifinals
>He's a fucking fraud at international level.

go outside and calm down mate.

No more than the best striker of his age

t.mohamed muhamad

>What did he win for this? Please remind me.
A crucial point that allowed us to get out of the group stage

How many euro qualifying goals has Messi scored?
Enough said

By whom? I rate him for what he is, our best forward and a great leader.

>Poker confirmed
>93 goals

First final was Nuno Gomes, because if didnt won Spain by 1-0 we would be fucked.
2nd final was luck with a bunch of shitty draws and sometimes Renato running with the ball because the gameplay was stale as fuck. And Quaresma doing gypsy tricks

But Ronaldo has been important since 2004, with or without ketchup.

Against who?The mighty Wales

Ronaldo is the best striker of the century, I don't think anyone denies this. Nowhere near GOAT though.

Imagine using team trophies to argue who the better individual player is

Guess Mustafi is better than both Ronaldo and Messi because he's won the world cup

94 goals now

based ronaldo having fun with nations ranked 130th at the fifa ranking

Does Mustafi have 5 BdO, 5/4 CL etc etc?

This is just embarrassing from the supposed GOAT
38 games in 8 major comps and only 16 goals against Iran, Czech, North Korea, Ghanam Hungary, Wales Spain, Netherlands and Morocco.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-10 FIFA World Cup top goalscorers - Wikipedia.png (843x26, 3K)

And two international titles.


Attached: 1504583980459.jpg (1204x960, 148K)

They beat Belgium tho.

He's the second highest goal sorer in international history and has won two international trophies.

To say he's overrated in international play is some mad butthurt talk

So you're not only using team trophies for your argument, but popularity contests as well?

>led them
Brilliant cope.

>18 goals in international semifinals
WTF are you talking about you stupid cunt?

>0 goals
Uh yeah that WC hattrick never happened

He scored against spain tho.

He plays for Portugal and yet judging by people on here you would think he plays for Germany/England/France/Spain/Italy/Argentina/Brazil

ITT: mental midgets SEETHING

you need to update that since he already scored a hattrick against spain

this is blatantly false

>n-no ur the paki

Attached: tsegzr.jpg (601x501, 23K)

Well there's your problem.

Thats how he elevated that shit nation.

there are only 3 CONMEBOL countries ranked lower than 26th

there are 40 eufa countries ranked lower than 26th

Belgium are one of the biggest chokers in international football it doesn't take that much to beat them in the knockout stages

>ignoring the netherlands and switzerland
>putting chile on the same level as those teams

>starts to score against them when spain can't go further than the ro16 of major competitions since 2012

>To say he's overrated in international play is some mad butthurt talk
He's won one major international competition that was won for him by his team mates and a fraud competition of money-making friendlies.
He's played in 8 major international competitions and has never stood out in any of them. The fact he has only 16 goals in 38 WC and Euro games is embarrassing.

>now Conmebol is better than Uefa

It's intentional, they know that Netherlands have been Ronaldo's bitch so they conveniently left them out.

still better than any south american NT

it isn't, but there are far far far more shit uefa countries to statpad against

>biggest chokers in international football
I'm sorry but no. That would be Netherlands, Brazil, Argentina. Belgium had a good squad and Wales outplayed them. You would know that if you actually watched the fucking tournament and didn't look at how the score went after fattening yourself you piece of shit

16 goals in 38 games is 0.5 goals per game
Thats a good metric for anyone, but yes, a bit low for the GOAT. Guess he is just held at highest standars for being GOAT




Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-10 List of international goals scored by Cristiano Ronaldo - Wikipedia.png (241x688, 14K)

friendly reminder that Euro > literally everything else. Lithuania is literally on Argentina's level.

obviosuly not since many south american countries go further than the ro16 since 2012 my dear immigrant friend

funny how everytime portugal won something, belgium choked and allowed an inferior country to face portugal in the semi final

>uefa has 1099080 countries
>has more countries ranked loeer than 26th
More news at 11

lots of good teams in there

post messi's

>16 goals in 38 games is 0.5 goals per game
Go back to school, you fucking spacker.

any shitters can win the euro

that's why ronaldo statpads somuch

Ah yes another 4 goals against Lithuania after 4 goals against Andorra. Does he get to play Latvia as well? What a joke

>putting pakiland in the same lot as the others

Never knew there were salt mines in britain

Why? I've already said Messi is overrated at international level, but you weren't interested in arguing about him, you oily wog.


Why did you click on Spain you sick fuck whats wrong with you

Sweden, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, Denmark, Belgium, Russia are all good teams.

Thats maybe why Messi doesnt perform for his country, he is just a nice lad

>any shitters can win the euro
But England and Belgium never did?

I said one of retard can you read?

There's schools. Obviously something absent in your wog shithole.

he needs 20 goals. i doubt it

Thats fucking impressive

Denmark beat Germany. Greece beats Portugal Golden Generation Team. Portugal beat almost stacked France Team. You need to understand that there is no such thing as muh old teams are still strong thing. Almost all teams are now catching up to each other in quality.

if he keeps up his ratio of 4 goals a game he'll make it ez

>sweden, switzerland, denmark, russia
>good teams
No, just no. And two of his goals against Belgium was when they were utterly shit tier.

He needs 17. Until the end of the qualification it isnt that hard for him to reach the goals mark. And he wont retire in the next 2 years, so he has time

He has 93 international goals playing in UEFA. The closer he gets to Ali Daei record the more ridiculous this kind of thinking looks.

Whiter than you Muhammad

Yes. Statpadding against Lativa, Armenia, Faroe Islands and Saudi Arabia is impressive.

all of these teams made the knockouts of the last world cup.

Half of these teams could literally rape 80% of Conmebol.

*the 100 goals mark

And somehow it's Portugal's fault that they choked. Got it.

>Doesn't deny my other statement
I knew I was right.

>He has 93 international goals playing in UEFA.
Do you think this is somehow impressive when you're guaranteed about 4-6 games per qualifying campaign against utter dross?
Think about what you're posting, you dumb chink.

No goals against:
>Grand total of 2 goals in KO stages of Euro
>0(zero) at the World cup

Attached: 1311626491256.jpg (337x367, 23K)

Sweden, Netherlands, Hungary, Denmark, Belgium, Russia, Spain, Czech Republic and Switzerland are all good to great teams you fucking mong.

How can you be seething like this? Its not healthy

the liquidator of lithuania
the scourge of san marino
the lasher of luxembourg
the annihilator of andorra
the finisher of far oer
the curse of cyprus

Then why doesnt anyone has that record?

>meanwhile, messi statpads against nicaragua
>omg goat

Rating players by international football is literally the most retarded argument there is

>Sorry kid, you can't be the best player if you're not born in one of a handful of countries who are good enough to win internationally, and even if you are, you have to be born within the same generations of other players who are good enough to form a team that can win

There are other players with much better scoring ratios

>chink opinion on football
Go away you deluded yellow cunt.

>cherry picking
The facts are there in the image.

>rating players by any metric that i dont like is ridiculous

>knocked out in group stage
>good team
>biggest chokers ever
>Blacked by Eder
>fair enough

>Lativa, Armenia, Faroe Islands and Saudi Arabia
Guess you forgot to add some countries there matey. Bet you didnt do it on purpose

Those are some good teams desu

My man messi scored 3 past nicaragua but couldnt score against Qatar Fc when it mattered

One game doesn't mean shit Portugal also beat France in the final when France was clearly the superior team

Alfonso pls

Yeah, you're right, rating players based on factors they can't control like what country they're born in is the best way to measure individual skill

The dispute is not about his performances at club level. It was made very clear that both Ronaldo and Messi are overrated at international level and all I have seen is embarrassing straw clutching from arseblasted wogs trying to convince me that statpadding against Armenia and Lithuania somehow disproves this.

Kinda hard to score against 10 players on the box and one tied to your leg


Attached: 45353311.jpg (610x584, 34K)

Yes. The might Andorra. Great team.

kek. That match was hilarious. F.Santos didn't even know what to do there.

>being born in Portugal with 0 trophies
>win 2
>being born in Argentina with 16 trophies
>win 0
For me its a good parameter

>elo ratings
no one cares about jewish metrics

If UEFA is so easy then why are there only four players in football history to score more than 70 goals from that confederation?

You haters are looking more and more ridiculous.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-10 at 5.00.20 PM.png (951x697, 186K)

After the 90 minutes Portugal was the superior team. I can understand you shitting on Portugal I get it but it's ridiculous to take their credit by blaming the other teams for their success. Can't you see how fucking retarded that is?

Tabarez is such a hack.
Wasted the greatest generation on busparking and making Cavani play as a dm

Based vampire

Damn Messi must be winning lots of international titles


Messi must have at least 3 Copas and 2 World Cups by now

Hey Figo!

If you rate Ronaldo in the Champs league the argument becomes even more in his favour.

Seriously, the haters are just delusional at this point.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-10 at 5.05.53 PM.png (700x670, 128K)

How many forwards in Europe have notched up 160 caps, you thick chink cunt?

HMM let me check how many titles he has by now.

F.Santos only knows how to play like he did with Greece. The difference is that Portugal has Ronaldo and a much better squad, especially offensive players that can solve and win a match in 3 tries.


>160 caps
>0.58 goals per match
wtf he is even more of a fraud than I thought

>Worse goal per game ratio than Messi
Damn, you sure proved me wrong

so you're saying ronaldo is the only european striker able to deliver consistently over 160 caps

>Dodging the leaf's question
I think you already lost the argument user.


>ratios win titles

Nope, because he doesn't play on a team like Portugal where he can watch his team win the final from the bench

>Still seething 2016

Fair enough but lets not forget that he wasn't meant to score much goals at MU.

the sheer volume is still in ron's favour.

this is an absolute cope by barca to keep his value up

>portugal is better than argentins

Nope, having Bale on your team wins you titles

So Bale must have an insane ratio

>the annihilator of andorra
>the facefucker of the faroes
>the eviscerator of estonia
>the lacerator of luxembourg
and now
>the lampooner of lithuania
Twain, when will you finally admit that you’re handling Penaldo’s decline so poorly?

Lets ignore the fact that he had a different role at Sporting and Manure early in his carreer

Bravo svenn

Bale has Real Madrid all to himself.

Hows that working out?



the goat


Portugal played defensively all game including et.Eder scored a lucky goal ffs the only reason he took the shot was because there was no other option.France hit the post and were missing chances all game they were the superior team by a mile,Portugal just got lucky nothing else

This confuses and enrages the Ronaldo hater

name a quantitative record that doesn't include statpadding.

You need to understand the difference between Messi and Ronaldo.

One was born with a talent. He started his carrer at one of most stacked teams. He barely needed any hard work to get there. He was surrounded by legends.

Ronaldo had to work his way out of Sporting CP earning the attention of one of the best managers in football to ever exist. He worked to get his place among the best. His teachers laughed at him because he had a dream to be a football player. He had family issues throught his childhood. Yet he kept fighting to be among the best.

Some can say Messi is better. I understand. But the biggest thing is that Ronaldo took the shine from an era that was supposed to be Messi's. Messi is extremely unlucky to be born in the same era as Ronaldo. This is a good example of how hard work beats talent.

Ronaldo has inspired his nation to dream bigger by taking them to become champions for the very first time.
That's the end game of a Football player, to become something more, a hero. Ronaldo has that, but what has Messi done for his fans? What has Messi achieved?
Dribbling some PSV defenders isn't worth a second thought. Being technically skilled barely means anything. Winning 10 championships for his club is good, but outside getting the praise of a couple hundred thousand affiliates, no one will get that happy for that.

What Ronaldo has and Messi hasn't is an entire nation that idolizes him as the player who allowed them to proudly show their jersey with their national team's colors. Argentina has that too, but in Maradona.

based and redpilled

About as good as it's going for Ronnie when he doesn't have Bale, Marcelo, Ramos, Modric and Kroos to carry him

Players are always going to have loads of goals against shit teams, this nonsense made me look up Rooneys, except he doesn't have a favourite opponents list on his wiki. All I learnt from his list is that he never scored a hat-trick for England and his last goal was during the fucking Iceland mess.

Go back to your island Nigel

Bro af
We should go for pints and talk football


RM still has Bale, Marcelo, Ramos, Modric, and Kross... yet they are complete shit without Ronaldo...

Who carried who?

>Portugal wins international finals when Ronaldo doesn't score
>Argentina doesn't win international finals when Messi doesn't score
>This is proof that Portugal is better than Argentina


>deliver constantly
>has a .58 goal ratio

How many CL titles did Ronnie win at Real before Bale joined the team?

Didn't you said they got lucky?

How about Juve with Ronaldo?

Nephew, you're telling me Ronaldo is shit and has been carried his whole carreer. Everything hes done is worthless

Youre either the girl Ronaldo raped or you are the n. 1 Messi fan on planet. Congratulations

The fuck are you talking about

Argentina won 16 international trophies without Messi and 0 with him
Portugal won 0 international tophies without Ronaldo and 2 with him
We conclude that there are far more chances to achieve silverware by being born in Argentina than in Portugal, yet Messi hasnt achieved that and Ronaldo did.

True, he's the GOAT because he scored 4 against Lithuania, who cares if he's been useless in more than half of the international and Champions League finals he's played in

I remember you in different threads saying Portugal got lucky against France.

>shitskin paki brown noting a yellow chink cunt
The fact Rooney has fucking 30 UEFA qualifying goals tells you everything you need to know.

you missed these
>the atropelator of atletico
>the sex-solicitor of switzerland

Riding that dick deep, son.

Messi's at 0.50 lmao, in competitive games Ronnie is at 0.66, to Messi's 0.39 haha

Nope, Eder and Guedes achieved it

>There's only one person from Sweden posting on Yea Forums
Take your meds, Nigel

>Bruh trust me it's better to score against Nicaragua they are a world class team!

You have no argument, do you. You're all out. lmao. GTFO of this thread, retard.

How many will this RM win without Ronaldo?


Attached: 1565896242400.jpg (1134x1107, 177K)

>here's only one person from Sweden posting on Yea Forums
No, it's always the same retarded Swedish shitposting on Ronaldo with the same arguments over and over again. It's easy to see it's you.


They are both overhyped frauds indeed

Messi may be the best ever. But there is something even higher than that: the greatest ever. And that Ronaldo is.


you know you're autistic when normal people can recognize you just from your stupid posts on an anonymous imageboard, even if you didn't have a flag i could smell your cope all the way from hungary, ahmed

Attached: chau.png (600x333, 543K)


There is only one swede riding Messis dick this hard and its you.

Your question was answered, you thick cunt.

Real already were the team with the most CL wins even before they won 4 in 5 years, retard

No it wasnt you assblasted idiot.

Looking forward to Ronaldo winning more and more and scoring more beautiful goals from 2 yards out.

This dude from sweden got me speechless. Guy is obsessed with hating Ronaldo for whatever reason

Thats really fucking weird

Why would I argue that Portugal were lucky against France when I'm arguing Portugal are good enough to win international finals even when Ronaldo does fuck all? Seriously Nigel, you need treatment for your schizophrenia

Even worse he thinks people here don't notice that he is the only one kek

Does it fucking matter? In order to EVEN be considered as a GOAT you HAVE to, HAVE to have won a WC, a Euro or Copa, a Supercup, a CL, a ballon d’or, a FIFA world player of the year, a World Cup ballon d’or, and must have won 2 or more leagues.

They won 4 CL's in 5 years with Ronaldo, the highest goal scorer in Real Madrid history.

Since he left they've been absolute garbage.

This isnt even a fair debate. At this point this is just butt hurt C O P E

Reminder Luxembourg beat Lithuania

Answer the question, how many did he win without Bale?

All this shit is fucking irrelevant

Messi is a far better player than Ronaldo. He's a better finisher, a better playmaker, and scores more when it counts (although they're both less clinical there than they ought to).

The only reason there Cristiano is in the GOAT argument is because his homosexual fans and 3rd worlders think good looks equate to skill and because Eder gave him a Euro.

Cristiano is the definition of a marketing fraud. Once he retires he won't even be considered in the top 10 of all time.

Attached: h2h messi vs cr7.png (798x498, 565K)

Who the fuck has even done that you retarded incel?

dude no one gives a fuck about you. go do something else with your life other than hating on GOATnaldo. seriously I'm worried for you

One with Manchester United.

Now how many did Bale/RM win without Ronaldo in the modern era?

He is Bizarro Twain

LOL messi will go out without a international trophy, and you say he’s better? No chance.

cope faggot, Ronaldo is the far superior player. Messhit destroyer 9000 9pic related) already settled this.

Attached: messhitdestroyer9000.png (5360x4080, 2.84M)

Yet they never won anything until the GOAT showed up

messi will be remembered as the magician because he disappeared in big matches

Yes, it was, you vile slit eyed cunt.
Robbie Keane has 41 quali goals, Zlatan has 38. Says everything.

Why couldn't he win any at Real before Bale joined? Because he faced Messi in the final and semis.

I agree, Eder is the GOAT

Neither have the WC and that's all that matters.

Friendly reminder that Mustafi is better than both Messi and Ronaldo because Mustafi has won the world cup, because individual skill is measured by team trophies won

Dude, Real Madrid won one champions league with Bale on the bench the whole competition. There was also anothr edition they won with Bale scoring 0 (zero) goals

Stop embarrassing yourself man

I would agree however, Messi failed to win a FUCKING copa with a team that made it to the WC final the year before. The team was the same. Missi then proceeded to choke the next year in one of the worst games in his life losing again. While Ronaldo managed to win one of the most difficult trophies in the world with a worse team than Argentina.
>huurrrrr but eder
Who got them there?

Reminder that Messi is better because he makes my peepee tingles

Why couldn't messy score a goal against chile or roma or liverpool to cool your autistic rage and let you spend a single day without seething at the truth and be able to leave your screen instead of compulsively making yourself miserable on here? Meanwhile TSU is inspiring us year after year to be dedicated to our dreams. Embrace the truth ahmed or you'll never be free.

you are a fucking idiot. No one considers Villa better than Messi or Ronaldo because he was never in the conversation. Before one takes accomplishments into account, individual performances and dominance is what is measured. Messi and Ronaldo both dominate this part more than anyone else in history. So what can separate them AFTER THEY'VE MET THE CRITERIA TO BE IN THE ARGUMENT? Winning, and in that Cristiano wins easily.

winning 10 championships for his club that they otherwise would have won without him anyways.

>He's a better finisher, a better playmaker, and scores more when it counts (although they're both less clinical there than they ought to).

Better finisher is debatable, better playmaker - Messi hands down, but Messi ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT score more when it counts. Messi is AWFUL in the knock out stages of the Champions League and is dreadful in knockout states of international competitions.

Dont try to reason with it, he is a retard.
Just make fun of him and his salty seethe.

itt: ahmed vs Yea Forums

so what about 09-13? what happened to ronaldo back then?

>While Ronaldo managed to win one of the most difficult trophies in the world with a worse team
You mean the same team that literally won that competition when Ronaldo was either absent or flopping?

>Who got them there?

Benzema has unironically contributed more to Real than Suárez has to Barca.
>m-muh goles!!!
CL + CDR > Liga

>all these seething grown men upset about people not sucking the dick of their idol
It's already pathetic enough being a man and being a fanboy of another man, but whiteknighting him on the internet is perma-virgin tier. Have sex you fucking losers

What has this got to do with Ronaldo?

There cant be nothing lower than a portuguese not thanking Tsu for his only silverware in his life.
You are worse than an argentinian sucking messis dick.

>Winning, and in that Cristiano wins easily.
Nope, Messi has won more trophies than Ronaldo.

>B-b-b-but the competitions where Ronaldo and Messi actually face each other and face the same competition doesn't count!!!

Gee whiz, I wonder why

>the lieutenant of Lithuania

>Messi is AWFUL in the knock out stages of the Champions League
that's BS, excluding 2016-2018 he was fantastic in the knockout stages

>dreadful in knockout states of international competitions
agree, but so is Ronaldo.

where's my medal, then?



Nobody cares about your shit thread you attention whore

Remember how Ronaldo suddenly stopped facing Messi in the knockout stages of the CL after Messi scored against Ronnie in the final and won while Ronaldo did fuck all, then scored against him in the semis to knock him out while Ronaldo again did fuck all?

Ronaldo is keeping it for you

5 UCL, 3 EPL, 2 Liga, 1 Serie A, 1 Euro, 1 UEFA NL >>>>> 10 Liga, 3 UCL
We're talking major trophies here, tell me which one carries the most value

People saying that Ronaldo was never carried unlike Messi.

Attached: 2.-Lionel-Messis-Champions-League-Goals-By-Round_190502_085626.png (719x505, 32K)

well, he played in the tournament so he deserve to have it
meanwhile why should i be grateful to a bunch of multi-millionaires for winning a tournament? they did, not me

Anyone that isn't a retarded casual knows that Ronaldo was carried to every CL he ever won

shut the fuck up


Attached: Cristiano-Ronaldos-Champions-League-Goals-By-Round_190422_141851.png (720x504, 40K)

Dominating your country while only having one fewer CL win means more than winning the Prem with Fergies United, then moving to Spain to get humiliated by a midget so hard that you move to the team in Italy that have won the last 7 league titles in a row

But yeah, you're right, Ronaldo is better than Messi because Eder and Guedes scored

Now do assists and chances created

If he was carried why didnt United or RM win a CL after he left?


>Messi first UCL
Carried by Eto’o and dinho
Carried by Xavi and Iniesta
Carried by Xavi and Iniesta
Carried by Xavi, Iniesta, and Neymar

Truth is, Ronaldo never had the players Messi had and still is more successful. There /thread.

Ronaldo was a prick for years and that pissed off people. He also made the NT his personal club where those who were his friends could be called in, those who werent they didnt stood a chance. Things changed a bit, but you still can see and feel that Ronaldo and Jorge Mendes are the ones that call the shots there, which is annoying.
Ronaldo also got to a point where he could say "nah, just dont call me lol" and the federation would go"okay, lol. Whatever you say Ronaldo-sama".

And the press is fucking annoying with Ronaldo here, way annoying. The dick sucking is just out of this world

Kind of a moot point while in a sports board if you dont care about it.

Are you actually retarded? How are so many casuals with brainlet arguments on this board?

Jj even won fewer trophies when Ronaldo joined than they did in the previous season

the liquidator of Lithuania

Well, at least his friends club won something. Look at Argentina and Messis friends club.
I can understand the media thing.

i guess you're right. i mostly come here to talk about almost everything but sports.
i haven't watched a full game in more than 4 years. 7 years since i've seen a game live


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Does it still hurt ibra?

ooo I want to see their mental gymanstics now

Based Anglo ally

Ronaldo won La Liga against the most stacked Barcelona ever.

what the fuck delete this

Most CL goals, Most CL assists, and soon to be most international goals.

Yeah, that boy ronaldo is pretty good.


Tsu will always be /ourgay/

imagine genuinely caring about consolewars this much, it is for third worlders

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Coquinha, go fuck yourself dude. Everytime you talk about that shit. You can't fucking win just by dribbling everyone, motherfucker. Football is a team sport. You can positively influence the game, your teammates, like Cristiano does. Because he's a NATURAL BORN LEADER. That's more important to him than taking the ball from your side of the field and dribble everyone. If he puts YOU as the #10 on Real Madrid he will look inside your fucking skull and will convince you that you're Ronaldinho Gaúcho! And you will give him an important pass and he will score and he'll give you 200 thousand reais. BECAUSE IT'S LIKE THAT. DO YOU UNDERSTAND NOW? The mind commands the body, motherfucker. DAMMIT. ALL THE FUCKING TIME IT'S "MESSI WILL TAKE THE BALL AND DRIBBLE EVERYONE" "MESSI W- W- WILL-". Go fuck yourself. CRISTIANO IS THE BEST PLAYER IN THE WORLD. Last year, and this year again because HE WILL win the Champions again. Because he's a WINNER. Back-to-back champion. A winner. A MAN, A MACHINE, A CAGED BEAST FULL OF HATRED, YOU PIECE OF SHIT. HE. DOESN'T. STOP. NEVER. DAMMIT. HE WINS, AND WINS, AND WINS. JUST LIKE THAT.

>Two tap ins
>Literal match fixing type error from the goalkeeper
How does he do it?

TSUU's /strongmind/ alone places him above messhit

>Ronaldo also got to a point where he could say "nah, just dont call me lol" and the federation would go"okay
Nation league games in the middle of the season is pointless

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

>messi is goat except 2016-2018
>muh chances created

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Eternal reminder that Twain was FINISHED by pure European mathematics.
>The virgin statpadder: 0.61
>The Chad Messi: 1.21
He thinks his little “m-messi btfoer 9003!” that he reposts on his multiple well-known proxies can outshine undeniable statistical PROOF.

So, Twain, why are you handling Penaldo’s decline so poorly? Why do you all of a sudden defend statpadding? Why do you still not acknowledge that Penaldo disappears in big games? How come Penaldo can only statpad meaningless trophies and score against mid to low ranked countries? Where was Penaldo in the Nations League final? Why do you think “retardo” means “retard” in Spanish? Why did you have that massive mental breakdown in that thread where you spent literally 8 hours posting every game Messi didn’t score? Why did you invent a fake Alfonso boogeyman? Why did you buy a Yea Forums pass so that you can defend your husbando faster? Why did you say you’d post the Messi Destroyer 9000 while on one proxy and then post it on a different proxy? Why did you take a screencap of Google on your Romanian connection but post the screencap on a proxy?

>Ronaldo had to work his way out of Sporting CP earning the attention of one of the best managers in football to ever exist.
This, and you’re completely underselling it. Even getting off of his Island TO sporting CP was a massive life changing feat in and of itself. Ronaldo said moving away from his home to the mainland all on his own was the hardest thing he’s ever done.
Didn’t even mention his career was nearly finished in his teens due to a heart condition either.
Messi as a teen:
>Dude you’re pretty short so we’re gonna pump you full of growth hormones
Wow, the GOAT

Ronaldo as a teen:
You have a racing heart and it may kill you, you need to retire.
>No, I’m going to have heart surgery where they literally cut out part of my heart, and then I’m going to play on regardless.
R-Ronaldo got carried his entire career!!

See the difference?

O ALFONSO in his aussie proxy
Like clockwork

State of Twain, the rotten little shit.

Ronaldo is the GOAT. Not sure how you saw it coming before Ronaldo won all the trophies he won though. I think you might have been trolling and got lucky.

Based and red pilled

How many does your GOAT have?


Ronaldo meanwhile has INFINITELY more national titles than Messi.
2/0 = Indeterminate. Literally incalculable due to 0 being infinite.
Ergo 0x2 is infinitely higher than the starting value of 0.

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See then kill yourself, Twain.

There. Now shut up. You can cherry pick everything you want, the only fair stat is to compared everything side by side.

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it's over
ronnie confirmed fraud

>17 goals less than Ronaldo in 140 fewer games
>54 more assists in 140 fewer games

W e w. Messi is wiping the floor with him.


You sound very upset, why are you handling Messi’s decline so poorly?

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Why are you still stealing oxygen?

>88 international goals
It’s 93 now, sweetie. Also, over 68% of Messi’s international goals are from FRIENDLIES
Ronaldo meanwhile has 75 competitive goals for Portugal and only 18 in friendlies.

>75 competitive goals for Portugal
he certainly punished the might lithuania and faroe islands

>messi not even mentioned
Your sickness is showing

>the only fair stat is statpadding against 10men Alaves as a cuddled system baby

I'm not the one denying reality like you manlet spics worshipping your kind

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>it's because of other players that Portugal have won things, not Ronaldo.
0 CL without Xavi

Not this COPE again.
>R-Ronaldo gets carried
>Messi has to play with a bunch of shitters!
Try again sweetie. Also, this chart was made prior to the nations league win, Ronaldo is on 93(NINTY THREE) international goals now.

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>t.hanger of huesca

>the assrapist of Armenia (and waitresses)

how many does messoy have lmfao

Fucking state.

goals in international semifinals
Please kill yourself, you dumb cunt.

>Messhit was better from 2015-2018 in Liga, therefore he is the GOAT
keep your fucking Liga performances , I'll take Ronaldo literally more than doubling Messi's numbers in UCL over the same period, while also winning the first ever trophies for Portugal. lmao, there is literally no reasonable argument for Messoy anymore. Us Ronaldobros are one the right side of history. Specially given that Ronaldo replicated Messi's peformance in liga from 2009-2015, at least numbers-wise, but Messi never came close to Ronaldo's dominance in UCL.

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>Us Ronaldobros are one the right side of history.
You mean pakis and niggers?

It's funny cos it's true.

so did sporting
so did man u

>tfw Ronaldo played against Germany 2006, 2008 and 2014
>Not a single goal, not a single assist, all games won by Germany
>tfw Messi played against Germany 2006, 2010 and 2014
>Not a single goal, not a single assist, all games won by Germany

>0-0 draws all the way
Was he playing defence? That would make him very good indeed, to stifle so many attacks... If only the attackers could score more goals, the road to the final would have been much lighter....if only they had a goat goal scorer. To, you know, score some goals

Portugal before Ronaldo:
> 0 finals played
Portugal with Ronaldo:
> 3 finals
> 2 trophies

Argentina before Messi:
> 2 World Cups won
> 14 Copa Americas won
> 1 Confederations Cup won
Argentina with Messi:
> 4 finals
> 0 trophies

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