This team hopes to qualify to RO16 in 2022

This team hopes to qualify to RO16 in 2022

Attached: indiaqatar.png (632x167, 7K)

refball, it was a clear penalty at Mapatekaprasharamaharajeet

For me, it's Rhajatmahnmandu Punjabimahathamatharadmandhi.

t. Bogdaniculaeraciuanuescu

Should've stuck with developing football instead of cricket.

How the fuck is a country that ties with India in soccer allowed to host a WC? Money is one thing but this is fucking disgraceful. Remember India’s best player ever is actually some Bhutanese farmer who peaked while playing for Bury FC, a currently dead team.

How come India and China can't make a decent football team?

How the fuck do countries with over 1 billion people manage to be as bad at sports as Indians are?

People will say it’s genetics but it’s literally just terrible culture and diet. Indians are genetically blessed with poorer cardiovascular health but that doesn’t account for most of it. Indians just discourage sports a lot and it comes down to culture and prioritization

t. Indian-American who played for an MLS youth academy

China could if they wanted to, look at the Olympics. But it takes 15+ years to pick kids out and engineer them into athletes, and they've only recently taken an interest in football.

isnt that a pretty good result for india?

basketball is their number one sport and they still can't engineer a decent team

Qatar didn't deserve the asian cup

i thought it was ping pong

Wait for the gene editing to kick in

Yeah, shows a genuine sign of improvement as Qatar are (relatively speaking) pretty decent.

"muh genetics" is always a cop out
More than half the country was starving/malnourished after independence. Middle class people are sedentary and chubby cunts usually.
Don't exercise and shit and developing sports. No funding, infrastructure etc..
No stability outside STEM careers. Parents mould their sons into beta dweebs.

This, I don't think any country has a beta mentality as ingrained as India.

Yeah Indian parents want to mold their sons into beta dweebs, it takes some resistance to not become some skinny fat bitch if you’re an indian dude like me, especially in America where we’re socioeconomically privileged and expected to prioritize finance/academics alwaus


That’s a funny way to say Sand Nigger.

he's whiter than you, mutt

I’m actually a 420% pure Brahmin Aryan, trayvon

Wrong. No parents want that for their kid.

You can be an alpha STEMbro.

not even Japan?

Why is everyone being so mean to us? In case you did not know, India is known to historically be one of the worst footballing nations possible. Qatar on the other hand are the defending Asian champions who won the cup conceding only 1 goal the whole tournament. This is a fantastic result for India. I honestly thought India, being without their top player would lose by 4 or 5 goals, given their current form. But they managed to hold on the entire 90 minutes.

Qatar *rigged the asian cup

lel im glad to just be named jose

This actually shows how indian football has vastly improved over the last 10 years. More than a bad result for qatar, this is a great result for India

Japan has a thriving sports culture desu even in schools.

soccer is for queers anyway


>before the tournament starts, nakajima one of our best attacker suddenly moved to a Qatar league side despite linked with some good teams in euro like Wolves, Benfica or Sporting, and suddenly injured right before the tournament.
until now, no one knows his what kind of injury he had lol