1. Chandler and Joey
2. Ross and Rachel
3. Rachel and Monica
4. Ross and Monica

901. Joey and Monica
902. Joey and Rachel

9001. Chandler and Ross
9002. Joey and Ross

90001. Chandler and Rachel
90002. Chandler and Monica

900001. Phoebe and Joey
900002. Phoebe and Rachel
900003. Phoebe and Monica

900000000001. Phoebe and Ross
900000000002. Phoebe and Chandler

Attached: MV5BNDVkYjU0MzctMWRmZi00NTkxLTgwZWEtOWVhYjZlYjllYmU4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTA4NzY1MzY@._V1_UY268_CR0,0,182 (182x268, 12K)

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Quality sport discussion, only on Yea Forums

Phoebe and muh dick

i pride myself on the fact that i've never watched friends or have been inside of a starbucks

watch another show zoomer faggot

>Ross and Rachel that high up

End yourself

#1 should be Rachel and Gunther.

But why doesn't Ross the largest friend not simply eat the other friends?

friends is a show for little girls btw


>Monica & Ross not top 5
>Ross & Rachel top 5

Attached: 1562179165221.gif (200x220, 1.09M)

You are a fucking pleb for watching this shit.

"The Gum" is the best Seinfeld episode and thus the single funniest episode of any sitcom

Attached: seingum-e1456280803173.jpg (650x486, 47K)

gtfoh gramps

for me #1 is Duck and Chick

Friends was simply not a good tv show.

>Chandler and Monica
>Chandler and Ross

Eat shit you fucking retarded 3rd world scumbin


1. Friends
2. The Office US
3. Fresh Prince of Bel Air
4. King of Queens
5. The Office UK
6. Married with Children
7. How I Met Your Mother
90000001. The Big Bang Theory
90000002. Seinfeld
90000003. Roseanne

Now you know.

>no peep show


horrible taste but I enjoy most these shows

Golden girls is better than the king of queens

enjoying Friends is like enjoying The Nanny, you should have grown out of it as a teenager

You forgot frasier

why do sitcoms always have such catchy intro songs?

friends especially, but also king of queens and the will smith rap where he tells us the story of how his life got flipped turned upside down

also the full house (that show with that woman who bought her daughter into college) song and that one lesser known show where they go to an amusement park in the intro with the two girls (one blonde, one brunette) that I had a major crush on growing up

TBBT was pretty good until 6th season, everything went downhill from there.

Frasier has the best outro song

This. The humor is reddit and the characters are caricatures of normal human beings who manage to ruin every moment of relatability by firing off a shitty stereotype joke. I blame laugh tracks, the show being the first of its kind, and jewish propaganda for the success of Friends.

so you remember them and instinctively want to watch the show again

>jewish propaganda

Funny considering SJWs absolutely hate the show because it featured an all-white main cast.

Maybe you are actually what you hate.
Maybe you are actually....reddit.

>90000002. Seinfeld
>no Always Sunny in Philadelphia
shit taste

Attached: costanza.jpg (259x194, 9K)

for me it's america which we lost

Attached: alf-cast-photo.jpg (1000x855, 266K)

>all white

Friends sucks. What a boring show


By propaganda I meant how the show was pushed everywhere as it was basically a golden hen for its creators/producers (most of whom were Jewish). And the show was veeery progressive for its time, being one of the first to portray cat ladies, homosexuals, and other "taboo" characters and themes in a positive light. I'm sure modern day sjw's would even hate shows like will and grace.

Reminder the actor who played the father (Max Wright) was bisexual and had a relationship with a German man after his wife died.

He only died this year btw

coupling UK and titus make most of those look like shit. and i like most of them but that's a no taste list.
how i met your mother is especially awful unwatchable garbage. one of the most predictably unfunny shows i've ever seen. chef, drew carey, home improvement? fucking hell pick almost anything else over that.

scary we share a board with people who dont think this

can u read mate

>my childhood memories

Attached: alex.jpg (285x177, 6K)

How in the actual fuck can it be reddit when it predates reddit?
Seriously there needs to be a ban for mentioning reddit on this site, it's always retarded or shilling or trolling with absolutely zero exceptions.
You also don't know fuck all about the performing arts or what canned laughter is.

>t. Reddit
Friends is the official tv show of Yea Forums

Wtf, are you serious?

The show made fun of transgenders (Chandler's father) and SJWs also consider it to be homophobic and misogynist.

They absolutely despise the show:


For me, it's Malcom in the middle - the bots and the bees

tbbt in a nutshell. only it's far worse to watch because it's more obvious and pathetic. friends is relatively tolerable.

protag Ross' missus turning lesbian and stealing his baby.

0. Yes Minister

Man fuck Ross that's all I have to say

i'm convinced the office UK could've been better if ricky gervais didn't just give us, what was it, like 10 episodes?
just when you got into it, it was already over

although it also had a bit of a grim feeling to it, many people there looked weird and everything seemed so visually dark
but i guess that's just how the UK is outside of London

It was filmed infront of a live audience retard

You are forgetting that Friends were made at a time when people were still allowed to make fun of things. Even if you laughed at something, that didn't mean you were necessarily against it. By the end of it there was at least one gay character per episode it seems (besides Ross). I'm not going to read what modern clickbaiting lunatics have to say about it but I remember the show being praised for "breaking new grounds" and for bringing difficult topics into the spotlight.

red dwarf is the GOAT

Ross is your average 4channel user if we existed in the same timeline

So was the moon landing.

Zoinks, back to plebbit lads

Extras was better

Ross basically got an entirely new personality halfway through the series. He started of as a normal dude, but then someone stole his moistmakers and it just all went downhill from there.
Shame you didnt take a walk down sniper alley to rid the world of your stupidity.

Yeah, don't argue with my points will you.
Is it because you know that I'm right about everything?

>and that one lesser known show where they go to an amusement park in the intro with the two girls (one blonde, one brunette) that I had a major crush on growing up

Found it!!

that show was shown here on some meme channel that showed various american sitcoms throughout the day and in the mornings they then showed reruns from the previous day so I always watched the show before school
such based times

>tfw you will never live in Port Washington, Wisconsin

watch this garbage now now you're no longer 12, if you dont change your mind about it being good you are mentally deficient

Shame your dad raped your mom in Srebrenica and gave birth to a child with such a bad taste

I don't argue with redditors

>2. Ross and Rachel
Ross and Rachel is fucking dumpster fire, who made this list?

Why do so many teens love this show? It's always been a middling sitcom that was vastly overshadowed by its peers. Is it just over saturation? I notice it's always on.

My family thankfully never set foot in that hellhole. Get fucked and fuck off.