What did Colin mean by this?

what did Colin mean by this?

Bet she's a BBC specialist in college

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>parents paying for their kids' university tuition

What's so strange about that? That's common here too.

>inb4 you do the whole smug European we don't do it that way here ameritard act

>That's common here too.
it's not

state pays for the kids' tuition where I come from

I thought you defeated the communists.

My cunt of a grandma paid for mine.

yes, but we voted in the social-democrats.

Imagine working your ass off and then having to pay heavy taxes every year so you can pay for a random stranger to get a degree in Feminist Studies

It is

why are so many modern posters on here such shitheads to their family (the only people that could possibly love them)

*Hits pipe

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AIP-sheep! AIP-Hitlerists, you can suck me a fuckin 'fuck! No no no! I will never give up! While I'm Jewish! You can suck my pee without a foreskin! AIP-sheep! Well well! AIP-sheep! You can lick a ditch for me, stupid fucking ignorant motherfuckers! ALT-RIGHT! ALT-RIGHT! ALT-RIGHT AIP AIP! I can fuck the fuck with you! Fuck, you so-called patriots, eeugh, you can, hey, you can come and cut the grass for me, I'll pay you a dollar, fuck you. Dollar, fuck, you'll go to Walmart and buy the whole Walmart for a dollar, fuckin ', fuckin' poor. Oh Jesus, wait! Look what I think about you! Oh fuck!

Based wholesome Yank.

Who funds the state?

Collateral damage. For every feminist you'll school 10 poor kids into doctors. Not even memeing, I know way too many cases.

imagine living in a ''1st'' world country and not being able to get an education

I'd support public college if we regulated it. No more Women's Studies or Sociology bullshit, I don't want more of my taxes going to pay for institutionalized misandry

JC, you actually managed to talk about black penises in this situation. What's wrong with Americans? Seriously?
Anyway this guy is an idiot and not in the SAS way either. He's actually boring to listen to too.

deep state

have sex

Hating Colin is peak reddit

>Don't support free education, worker!
>It only benefits those feminists and niggers and snooty intellectuals, not honest people like you and me

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Reddit hates every sportscaster/analyst/talking head except Zach Lowe

absolutely common here, my parents payed all 0$ of my tuition.

well, what she look like

The debt is bought by a debt company off the government so the tax payer never really pays

you mean taxpayers?

you idiot

in russia, its way easier to get into STEM that to some humanitiarian degree and surpsrisingly our STEM are way better than non-STEM education

>my parents payed all 0$ of my tuition
taxes. they paid thought taxing

>For every feminist you'll school 10 poor kids into doctors.
no, doctor studies are:
1) more expensive
2) way longer(people become a real doctors only about age of 30)

imagine paying for your daughter to ride the cock carousel

>don't have to pay my student loan fees back unless I earn over a certain amount
>earn literally a pound less a year than I need to start repaying a year
>but the rest of the money goes into a fund the company uses to buy shares off itself for employees and 'gift them' to us, entirely tax free as we technically have to sign up to get them so it's not a wage it's a non-standard voluntary bonus scheme
>literally fucking over the state for the sake of a few hundred quid a year
>thousands do this I imagine
the fact we have to pay for university in this country is bad enough, the tories want to turn it into fucking america where nobody but the super rich can go unless you get a fluke scholarship

Don't know about Euros but do you understand how bad American college is? Women's Studies over here is as bad as Tumblr feminism. Why should my taxes go to pay for a misandrist professor to teach her students that hating men is a good thing?

Its absolutely not that bad lmao.
Just blame women for all your problems!

go outside

You mean you pay for everyone's college tuition.

it is that bad in most universities and all community colleges

Not me, I'm on welfare.

Youre an idiot.