What sports did you play in school?

What sports did you play in school?

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I didn't despite me being athletic I was to nervous, my high school now has one of the best football teams in the country.

Volleyball, long distance running, basketball, baseball, swimming, and badminton.

Football and basketball

Professional pot smoking

football (the european kind), basketball, handball, water polo and track (100/200m)

We used to play in hot roll

Basketball and football. Much better at football but I lived in a small town obsessed with basketball (actually produced two pros despite it not even being on maps)


football, rugby, field hockey once in a blue moon, basketball or trampolining when it was raining. Had a couple of goes at cricket but too many people didn't understand it.

Where my /tabletennis/ bros at?

Show me your tits.

they're a bit hairy

Fucking based

Football. I wasn't very good.

Whatever we were made to do in P.E. that week. I skived a whole term of lacrosse.

Extra curricular there was pretty much just football and I was nowhere near the top 11 in our year.

Indoor TV watching

Here (I only really played it for one year though).



I played for the school football team and my local village team. We also did various other sports in PE (Rugby, Swimming, Athletics, Basketball).

Football Fencing and Rugby.

Attached: Full pitch sprint try.webm (720x405, 2.15M)

alright Tarquin


piggy back fights. I was very good. Once my best friend betrayed me and had another rider and he punched me in the stomach and laughed, I was upset for the WHOLE recess.

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Army brat so it was easily available rather than Mummy and Daddy paying for private tutors at Harrow

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rugby and football in the summer fencing and strength/conditioning training in the summer

Baseball, basketball, lacrosse

Futsal, I was the captain and we did a tournament against other schools and an actual team, we ended up in second place behind that team and after the match the manager asked me to join me and I did, but I was discontinuous so I didn't last much

*asked me to join them

soccer (it’s fucking soccer, you incel eurofags) in my earlier years, switched to basketball because I ended up getting pretty good at it. Played on the school team in junior high, then freshman year killed all interest I had in school sports. Then I switched to

i broke this girls ankle playing football at lunchtime


c-cross country. please don't laugh