What's your excuse?

Your France NT 2016 bait threads are officially dead now.

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Fact: French are the strongest race in the world.

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Let's imagine France ls European.

What would their starting 11s be?

or are they better off remaining in Africa playing in afcon?

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For me, it’s Pipi

what pisses me off is the dark blue colour of the french kit
wish they could go back to the regular blue for the shirt

Attached: France-Football-Team-Wallpapers.jpg (1440x900, 416K)


Team halfnigger, albeit an improvement is still not France.

You now remember Florent Malouda

Guy in the top left was sucking on the adidas before the photo.

The Nerve, the audacity...

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cream for the lunglets

we are SO white

Jesus is that a montage ? We are way too white

>Guy in the top left
fookin zoomers


100 percent home grown AMERICANS. Can you say the same, Pierre?

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Mbwawe is injured

Obviously they can, you retard. France trains so many national players that African and Arab countries naturalise Frenchmen who have no chance with the French team. The Algerian NT is almost 100% French.

Changing your N*gger name to a slave one doesn't make those n*gger more American than our n*ggers are French, DeMarcus Franklin LeRoy Abdul Jabbar Freeman Jr.

are you 3

They did not change it, in slavery they received Anglo last names, that happened more than 150 years ago so those are the descendants of those slaves, on top of that the huge majority of dark skins are immigrants from Jamaica and other Caribbean countries, and also straight up from Africa, so not all of them are born and raised in America, you just notice it less because Americans are supposed to be black.


would still be a good squad

Switch Hernandez and Digne


>Guy in the top left

>Guy in the top left

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Remember the Lolo white era where he tried to bleach the team? Yeah it wasn't a success.

Attached: france etats unis 2011.jpg (900x599, 99K)