Hes right you know

hes right you know...

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what a fag

We have flying cars, they're called planes

>i wish everyone was as autistic as i am


Flying cars sound a terrible idea, most people can barely drive on the road

self-flying cars

Based propaganda scientist influencer opinion black man

Sometimes I wonder if we'd have flying cars by now had civilization spent a little less brain energy Tweeting stupid shit.

thanks le black scientist meme man

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Yeah I am sure the presence of something that happens once a week for half a year has truly hampered scientific development.

>often our emotion respond more to spectacle than to data.
hes not wrong.

>obvious photoshop triggering all these incels itt
Based. But also, nigger the grass tyson is a retard, flying cars is a concept imagined many years ago, and just because it was imagined doesn't mean humanity has to pursue it because in reality it's a daft and impractical method of travel. Something like the internet was never imagined to the same level as say a flying car before it's invention and yet it's become the most significant invention in recent human history, yet nobody saw it coming but everyone jumped on it and accepted it, simply because it was a good and practical idea. These niggers seething about not having flying cars, or even if that was just an example he used and his imitation is that we'd have advanced further in science as a civilization, eve that is a daft fucking claim since we have advanced way further and faster than we could have predicted 100 years ago, we are advancing very fucking fast and just because the idea of a flying car was dropped, due to reasons of it being a dumb fucking idea, doesn't mean humanity is lagging in scientific advancements. Stupid fucking retards

Watching sports is probably the healthiest entertainment available un current media. This faggot prolly sucked at Sports and Lost likely watched too much TV and thus vinculated athletism with low intellect as a way to cope with his lack of physical dominante

Either way the black scientist man is a showman and a fraud only followed by faggots and pseudoscience betas


The flying car is a great idea. Incidentally, it's already been invented. And it's called a fucking plane.

There's an alternate timeline where we have flying cars and he instead posts "Sometimes I wonder if we'd have a cure for cancer by now had civilization spent a little less brain energy designing flying cars"

When people say flying cars they mean a really small personal affordable plane where you can fly where you want which still don't exist

The flying car has also already been invented, it's called the flying car, there's hundreds of companies making them, but nobody wants them because they're fucling impractical


Yeah but a person intentionally killing another person is not the same as accidentally crashing you're are car


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what a dork

>a fraud
He has a degree in physics and a phd in astrophyics. He's a completely legitimate scientist when it comes to physics and astronomy. He just knows fuck all about everything else.

You feel the onions dripping from the tweet.

I wonder if people like this really believe what they say or just do it for attention

>This faggot prolly sucked at Sports
He was a wrestler in college

incredible to think big Dave down the pub would be the lead scientist on the Hadron Collider if it wasn't for football

sensible chuckle

mm i want a hotdog now

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i cant even afford regular cars

I swear NDT would be so much more respected if he stuck to discussing subjects he was actually educated in.

Flying cars would be too noisy, it's the law of physics. Even if the engine itself is silent you need to move a huge mass of air to fly. A small drone is noisy enough, flying cars would be barely quieter than choppers.
Elon Musk is right, what we have to do is dig tunnels. Then you have the speed of flying cars without the noise and the danger of an engine failing and fucking up everything that's below you.

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why is reddit so against the idea of different people having different personalities&interests? typical commies "everyone should do .. or else"

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Isn't this mong a peado ? Or is that the other one?

women have alleged that he's engaged in sexual misconduct but most people were focused on weinstein so he flew under the radar and got away with it

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he literally brought up homicide by handgun alone in his example lmao

not just reddit, the entire neolib world order despite all its respect everyone everyone is valid and valuable bullshit doesnt actually like dissenting opinion.

Reddit hates NDT user...

Maybe you should go back there then

Why? Because i called this faggots obsession with the reddit boogeyman out? Fact is the guy got accused of rape. He isnt some reddit posterboy that the other user fears

Oh shit he got accused of rape. That means he's pretty much guilty.

>women have alleged that he's engaged in sexual misconduct
The allegations were bullshit. It was a girl working on one of his shows complaining that he refused to hug her, and the girl you quoted, a crazy ex girlfriend alleging that he raped her while they were dating with 0 proof.

>moving goalposts

>t. NeilDaWeed tyrone

Is he talking bout handegg??

Or if we spent little less money on trying to save africa


I mean it is fucking reddit we are talking about isnt it?

You can look them up for yourself if you want, it's funny how weak they were. That first girl tried to MeToo him because he DIDN'T touch her. It's insane.

yeah, I looked into it. they loved him until the allegation so this user is with the ministry of truth

Hate fags who try and force these statements like they're so profound and above everyone else. Just comes across as so pretentious

>rapes 50 women
>*chuckles* actually...

Kys intj autists

Holy lmao, women are a fucking joke

Shut up neil, i dont care and go back to plebbit

Triggered? Do I need to leave your safe space?

Why would I want flying cars over football?

>le reddit boogeyman

get a job.
have sex.
lose weight.

This is unironically a good take though.

People hear abour people getting gunned down and are appalled, but theres so many other preventable deaths that get 0 attention in comparison

So you agree that gun violence is preventable and therefore needs to be controlled?

>Black man burns soccer

yes. citizens should be disarmed. there is no logical reason to own an assault rifle.

I don't even know which posts are satire and which ones aren't anymore


we should disarm everyone then, especially the bodyguards and police escorts of the democrat politicians

he's not wrong, but imagine if medical failures got reported and the media where all over it like a rash. sure, it might improve a couple of things short term but long term doctors/nurses would neck themselves because the job is awful pressure as is, nevermind being in the public eye and people would move away from the medical field

this but trying to teach niggers to be civilised

flying cars would be faster so if anything that would mean people would have more time to contemplate football

So, does he mean handegg or divegrass?

>bud light-drinking construction workers would have gone into aerospace engineering if football wasn't a thing

>flying cars
>the same dude that was pointing out how many deaths there are from car accidents

why are you lying

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this is really the issue

Imagine what whites could have accomplished if they hadn't spent the last 50 years babysitting retarded brown monkeys.

.....can literally communicate with anyone in the world and gain access to any information you want to in seconds.

t. fat lard who always got picked last