Tfw real sports are back

>tfw real sports are back

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*loaded comment to turn this into a racial thread*

real sports like the NHL? *kneels*

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test cricket?

why are amreicans dso fat

dubs of truth


Why are Americans so obsessed with how obsessed others are obssessed about them?

Wait repeat that more slowly


*gets fat voluntarily*

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How can we be so based Ameribros? Why do the spics and Yuropoors seethe so hard at our superiority?

Ah yes. The mighty Philippines, Puerto-Rico and Cuba...

Attached: British_Empire_in_1886_(low).jpg (1600x1190, 613K)

Don't worry, soon it will be all over, we are taking care of that ;)

How much of that remains today?

LOw iq mutt,kek no reading comprehension.

Shut the fuck up Twain

>another masonic map

Why are amerisharts so insecure bros

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Filipinos are the most powerful race on Earth, you nitwit.

Attached: AmericanChasingtheDream.webm (272x480, 2.3M)