/f1/ - Relentless Formula 1 General - Mad Merc Edition

>Countdown to Singapore GP:
(Scroll down for all session times)

>Other racing on each week, pick your poison

>Previous Thread:
>FantasyGP.com /f1/ League Formula Autism:
Passcode: 12481614

>F1 2019 PC /f1/ League Access Code
league Info Here: archive.4plebs.org/sp/thread/94148301/#94162184

>WDC Standings
L. Hamilton 284
V. Bottas 221
M. Verstappen 185
C. Leclerc 182
S. Vettel 169

>WCC Standings
Mercedes 505
Ferrari 351
Red Bull 266
McLaren 83
Renault 65

>Nico Hülkenberg F1 races without EVER scoring a podium:
170 (172 entries)

>Point difference between Gasly and Albon
31 points

>Hund status:

Toto STILL seething
Hamilton STILL seething
Jolyon Palmer seething
British media in general STILL seething
Hugebear's funeral is today

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Other urls found in this thread:


carrie birthday SLUUUUT

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I hate Toto.

we all do

>converted mana

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The main problem is rule consistency. As long as the rules are consistent so every driver knows exactly what is allowed and what isn't then it's fine.

As for crashing into other drivers in order to try and win, I don't think the teams would like such a rule because their cars cost lots of money to make. So banning it is probably for the best. And then this rule should be ruthlessly and consistently applied to ensure a level playing field.

With the pushing the driver out issue, I think they just need to find a solid rule and stick to it. Either allow it or don't, simple. I agree with you that I think it's dumb, especially if you end up pushing your opponent into a wall. But the most important thing is to get a clear rule in place so we know exactly what the parameters for racing are.

Can someone answer me why Euroformula Open call their cars f317 when they obviously are f312? I just know that they use new engines, but maybe there are more things than that

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>"Sorry WAGlad but I'm already part of Muhammad's harem"

The rules have been set by Massi's comments this weekend, you can push a driver off once and get a warning as long as it does not lead to a crash / spin, then if you do it again you get a penal.

>grown men playing bumper cars
Is this based or just plain stupid? Were the cars really so much more durable then?

They are F312s with an upgrade package which makes them F317s.

Next year they will use F320s or rather F317s with an upgrade package to make them F320s

EuroFormula Open is a funny series.

13th for vettee surprise win this season at suzuka/yasmarina

>surprise win
>in a car where a twink in his second year of F1 has already won two (2) races
Is Vettee ex, dare I say it, posed?

Ferrari (and we) consider Canada to be a Vettel win so he has one there in Ferrari (and our) eyes.

>ferrari built a car purposely to be good at 3-4 tracks
>got two wins out of it
any other win can be considered surprising tb.h

Oh come on you are being exceptionally harsh now, and Ferrari have a history of dealing we this behaviour from the GOAT MSC.

What hamilton did in Monza is the equivalent of a player diving in the penalty box playing football.

>any other win can be considered surprising tb.h
Any wins left to be had this year anyway?

I suppose you could blame the cars' fragility on being almost entirely made of carbon fibre, after a hit it can be either ok or snapped in half / severely cracked, no inbetweens

Why has Max going from being a good mature driving style driver earlier this season to how he was at the beginning the past 2 races?

texas perhaps
and then only surprise as I'm saying

>They are F312s with an upgrade package which makes them F317s.
But what package? If its an aero package, the nose looks different

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bribed by ferrari so leclerc can win

The suspension at least must have been musch more robust. It'd snap within a corner or two if they did that today.

Honda is shit and newey built the chassis so the max had absolute 0 (zero) chance to win spa and monza. Maybe that's why he sperged out in spa and was dumb at the beginning in monza

You know what I think what it is is that they have the option of using a base F312 or F317 but then have to follow the aero package which mandates a 2012 front nose but a 2017 rear wing.

Or at least that is what I understand from the tech regs.

So all the team are using F317s but the rules say they have to put on the old nose. I think.

do they have jet engines?

Fucking hell the Wiiliams documentary made me sad :(

>you are being exceptionally harsh now
Harsh? How? Leclerc has made at least as many errors as Vettel has (don't let his most recent points haul distract you from that). Two or three weeks ago, no one rated him over Bottas.
And he has nowhere to go. There's no reason for Ferrari to give him a raise.

>Ferrari have a history of dealing we this behaviour from the GOAT MSC.
Not quite: Schumacher usually got the team's full backing and thus never really had to go against them. He also DID play the team game when he didn't have a chance to go for the title himself (much like Vettel does right now).
Leclerk is showing signs of putting himself above the team, and that tends to not go well with Ferrari.

If he has a bad start or feels like he has nothing to lose he becomes extremely impatient, goes for the hail mary at the first turn and often fucks it up. From what i've seen if he has a good start at the front of the grid and/or believes he can win the race he drives much more conservatively.

those fucked up starts always ended up bad

this is a surprisingly good analogy

Plebs didn't rate him here and you take a few posts as the standard /f1/ opinion? LEC fucked up in the RAIN, he didn't spin for no reason like in Monza and then get a stop go, he didn't fuck up in Bahrain Vettel style. Vettel's fuck ups are so much more severe than LEC and continuing whilst LEC gets better in his first season with ferrari and second in F1.

Well, maybe you are right man, thanks for the help

36th for Ronnie

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You mean the 2017 one? I thought it was cool.

But Claire is probably far too sentimental about the whole thing, which is ruining their competitiveness. Williams should have snapped up the opportunity to forge closer ties with Mercedes and buy more of their parts. Instead Claire has this sentimental attachment to "independence" which isn't really feasible anymore. But I watched an Autosport video where they were saying Williams have now realised they shouldn't make everything in-house, since it's just harming them. Hopefully they do get back on track.

If they did forge closer ties with Mercedes then I don't see how it's so much of a bad thing. Merc are the best team on the grid. And Williams have sold their soul to much shadier people and businesses for years - PDVSA, Sergey Sirotkin's money, Lance Stroll's money, and now Rokit phones. I've never heard of Rokit and I don't think most people have either - this company could well go bust before their sponsorship with Williams concludes (I know they recently extended it). So forging closer ties with Mercedes, a reputable automotive manufacturer who just happen to have the best team in F1, doesn't seem like a terrible thing. If Williams are reluctant to because they think that they want to challenge Mercedes for championships in the near future then they're obviously deluding themselves.

38th for Carrie is a dirty whore

pls elaborate I don't know what you're referring to and don't watch nogomet

I can just see her felating multiple male guests at her birthday party now, I can see one of those strippers dressed as a bear with whipped cream on his willy coming towards her and her gorging on it, my mind ruined.

are they the last traditional standalone team? Is that what is killing them?

If they sell themselves to Mercedes they'll be a B-team at best forever. That's it. Never again champions. Probably never another race win, except in a monza 2008 meme race. The target will forever be the midfield. They won't be their own team any more, and the best they'll ever hope to be is second to their underdog overlords.

Claire probably fantasises about a Brawn GP tier season but it will never happen with her anywhere near the team.

I still find his error at Monza weird. He was actually patient but somehow was still caught off guard when everyone hit the brakes. Almost as if he doesn't have a lot experience driving more at the back of the grid or not even used to everyday commuting and dealing with traffic jams

Severity doesn't count for anything. Especially because severity is judging the outcome, not the circumstance of the error. Leclerc didn't do much better than Vettel in that regard, and yu can easily argue he did worse in the consistency department. The points do reflect that to an extent, as Leclercs two wins only put him marginally before Vettel.
Neither of the two has looked too good this year, but to be fair, Hamilton, Bottas and Verstappen have looked just as bad. And Gasly much much worse.

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he's reaching

because hamilton went into the escape route to avoid a collision when leclerc switched to the right. that user sees it as hamilton diving, trying to con the stewards

Of course it does, LEC is having a season much like Verstappen did at the start, fucking up on the high risk circuits like Monaco/Baku, just like Max did the first time, but you also see his brilliance. Vettel has had how many seasons at the team now? He is only getting worse, I don't even know what we are arguing about at this point but if you can't see LEC emerging as the new number 1 driver I don't really know what to say. Vettel will serve out his contract and leave most likely unless he can take a huge paycut and accept being number 2 status which would be very embarassing for most drivers.

He was ok at Monza desu, he just misjudged a bit, in Belgium he was indeed low IQ.
I expect him to expose Albon hard from now on.

thank you
divegrass, that I get

>but you also see his brilliance.
Sorry, but, no. I don't see his "brilliance". Where do you see it? Faltering against Verstappen? Breaking rules left and right in Monza? Needing Vettel's help and a few Mercedes mishaps the week before?
I do see him having lots of problems and messing up quite a lot.
Sure, you can say he'll come around when he has more experience. But judging him right now, he's certainly not brilliant.

>if you can't see LEC emerging as the new number 1 driver
Who's the "number 1" is something the team decides. So far, he's played dirty in qualifying once, but that does not make him a number 1.
Let's wait and see where he goes from here.
As for Vettel: You're honestly overstating his errors. Even if I have to repeat myself: He's not making more errors than Leclerc, he's significantly helped him to a win and for all practical purposes won Canada (a relatively weak track for Ferrari) on his own. Plus an extremely strong performance at Germany under difficult conditions - maybe the strongest from any driver this season.
That does not excuse his errors, but it does put them in perspective, especially when someone like Hamilton made more errors and has nothing to make up for them.

>He also DID play the team game when he didn't have a chance to go for the title himself (much like Vettel does right now).
It was pathetic but not unsurprising that the media deliberately ignored how Seb very loudly and proudly assisted Leclerc to get the win in Spa because they wanted to push their "Leclerc is number 1 now" narrative. In all his interviews immediately after the race Seb made sure everyone knew he did everything he could to hold Lewis up for Charles.

Vettel is smart af, and knew it wasn't his day after Ferrari got baited in to fucking his strat, so he helped Leclerc so he could bank maximum good boy points with the team for when the shoe is on the other foot, which he hopes will be for a championship, not random occasional race wins which he likely couldn't give a shit about with his record.

Alright Norbert, it's time to sleep now

Were back to merc 1-2 and maybe a lucky win for amx if merc fucks up

>Faltering against Verstappen? Breaking rules left and right in Monza?
Monza was definitely Charles responding to Max bullying him in Austria, and trying to play the same game.
The problem was he fucked it up badly because it doesn't come naturally to him.
It's actually very similar to >pic related imo

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>It's going down tonight
What did she mean by this

7 races to go lads do you think the #blessed one will be able to break vettspins and potato's record of 13 races won in a season?

Leclerc was still in a F2 18 months ago, if you think he didn't look really good you have to buy yourself a pair of glasses because you can literally see him improve SUBSTANTIALLY every race up to this point.

This weekend was probably his best race yet, defending and battling like he had to do is probably the hardest thing in racing.

I don't think Vettel is underperforming either, I think Ferrari have a worse car than last year compared to Merc and.
Imo VET only know how to do one thing which is managing a cruise in pole with a very stable car, every time he had to race close and overtake/defend with a Ferrari (much more "spinny") he always choked.

she's too round. it would be like fucking Ms. Pac-Man

>It's actually very similar to >pic related imo
Maybe. I'm not sure what his nature is. He seems a bit inconsistent in hin on-track demeanour.
He was bending the rules much more often and over a longer timeframe though. How many laps did he keep it up until Hamilton fucked up?
Rosberg just was more aggressive in some situations, and FIA, Mercedes and the media reacted very harshly to that. Leclerc got away easy in comparison.

no doubt

>chef with fake arm


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Still worth less since both had less races in a season

>This weekend was probably his best race yet, defending and battling like he had to do is probably the hardest thing in racing.
Defending and battling like he did is outright illegal under normal circumstances. Sure, he probably had to to keep the two Mercedes behind. But it was excessively dirty and at any other track would have earned him a disqualification. Hell, it nearly did here!
Sorry, but I will not regard a race where a driver got shown the black/white flag as a good race for him. If you think that's his best, that says a lot.

Well, if he and Mercedes stick around long enough to witness the days a season will have 30 races, he might even win more than 15 ...

>This weekend was probably his best race yet, defending and battling like he had to do is probably the hardest thing in racing.
Except he should have got a penalty for running Lewis off the track if the FIA was at all consistent.
He fucking blew it but got VERY lucky.

Carrie desu lads

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It was a very good race for him and she showed he's willing to risk getting a dq to earn a win, well done on his part and he's exactly what this boring fucking semen penis blowjob sports needed someone rash and aggressive and young and willinging to risk shit, it's refreshing to see and made for a really fucking entertaining race so fuck off you fucking fuck

Hey don't kink shame my rule 34 searches

>needed someone rash and aggressive and young and willinging to risk shit
That's Verstappen. And Hamilton before him.
FIA always give in to those on-track bullies.
I swear, if they continue to let Leclerc get away with shit like this, it will ruin the sport in the long run. Rule interpretation is already inconsistent as fuck.

verstappen isn't likable tho, lecute is at least a nice guy who has a good personality off track



nah, he'll lose Singapore, Sochi, and Mexico.

True. But I feel that the more he gets away with breaking rules on-track, the worse his personality will become off-track. That's why I hope that Monza will be a one-off thing for him.

We'll see, as long as he keeps his cute butt (no homo) I don't really care

>We'll see, as long as he keeps his cute butt I don't really care

Ok this is based

>breaking rules on-track
t. oto

Nah, I'm kinda happy he won and Mercedes lost. But it was as dirty as it gets. You do have to admit that.

>Ricciardo goes to Ferrari
>he doesn't win a championship because lolFerrari
>Italian media starts laying in to him
>he finally stops smiling all the time
BASED timeline?

>ricciardo goes to [enter any team name]
>doesn't win
his smile and optimism: [random ricci meme]

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That's a bold claim Ameribro

I swear plebs drive even more retarded after a race weekend. Fuck off Max you're making my commute worse.

McLaren is a standalone team.

I didn't say "sell" mate. I'm saying that if they bought more parts off Mercedes, like Mercedes were offering, then it could help them get out of the hole they're currently in. Otherwise how are they going to get out of the hole? I read today that they have made a financial loss this year which is bigger than last year, which isn't surprising. Their applied engineering arm is doing better and bringing in more cash, which is good, but they're still making a loss overall, partly due to their shitty 10th place last year in the WCC. If they keep coming 10th then the team's existence won't be viable anymore.

Petrobras is planning on bringing big money back to Williams for next year so there is some hope

I have a suggestion for you lads. Go rewatch the Belgian Grand Prix of 2018, soak in the race knowing that that was vettee's last win in F1. Enjoy and cry, because the broken german won't step on the highest place on podium, ever again.

>implying pouring money on a pile of burning shit will solve anything

You live in Serbia.


You live in a penal colony.

It could have been yours

Serbian education system confirmed for still using 200 year old books.

What's that got to do with me being right?

You now remember Stoffel Vandoorne
You now remember having Waffel-fever

>no argument
C o p e

>no argument
M e m e


never win another race, never win a championship away from Newey who is free wins

sad state of the sport honestly

With a stable rear Seb will expose hard Hammy, Max and Charles

can't have a stable rear when he's so buttblasted

>McLaren is a standalone team.
it is, but is traditional, with all the sheikh money?

>ricciardo goes to Manchester United
>doesn't win
>his smile and optimism: Shoey
Did I do it right?

this is our timeline lads

why dont we ever see in the ferrari garage when vettel fucked up for example? When bottas went off in germany we saw close up of toto in agony but never mario

>ricciardo goes to [Brawn GP 22]
>wins title

HOW DID HE FUCK UP? He just didn't ram him off the road completely, only other fuck up was before parabolica near the end but he sitll nailed the exit and maintaned the lead, the lock up at the first chicane is just standard f1 drivers being lazy, hamilton did it too remember.

Because Toto plays up for the camera.
Not long ago he blew it and reacted when he realised the camera had switched to him, but it was far too late for it for be a natural reaction

But we used to see the silver fox but never Mattia..


Oh shutup Max did worse in austria and got no penalty, FIA are fucking around at the moment they punish Seb but let Max off why? So why should LEC get a penalty for doing half what max did?


there's only two men that can come out of retirements and handle the brawn

Same reason really, but Arrivabenis wasn't faking it because he's Italian and has no emotional control
8bins on the other hand is Swiss and controls his emotions.

>wearing trainers to your mate’s funeral

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Only difference is Lewis yielded because >muh championship

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no he didn't he would've loved to have been hit and play the victim.


that's proper oof
now this is lvl50 mafia, starting to think Alesi is larping as the godfather. or maybe he is

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>blocks his teammate in quali
>pushes Hamilton off the track
>acts gay and retarded so that people won't call him out on his bullshit

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>on the line
LMAO only someone as delusional as hamilton and his fans could truly believe that he is not certain to win the title even with 3 DNFs coming up

>dumps his gf
>wins two races in a row

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If /f1/ is so smart then why are none of you drivers?

My dad's not an F1 driver

I wish Juan Miguel was there so I could make an easy joke about not needing to photoshop in the killer this time.

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Autists don't really have very good situational awareness or whatever it is called so would crash into others too many times.

>dumps his gf


My dad's not a billionaire

There is an instagram where someone says charles is lucky and his exgf replies not anymore or something like that.

>"i'm so schoopid xD"

it's manuel bruh

>Sacrificed his loved ones
>Wins after each sacrifice


Fugg, next you'll be telling me it's Two

Who will be next?

Schumi & Correra are both on the ropes.


There is only one possible ending to the Leclerc timeline...
>pic very related

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oh deer I was wrong it's actually automatic

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>Two Automatic Korea

>Who will be next?
"Sebastian, my dearest friend"

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>Two Automatic Japan

>Max did worse in austria and got no penalty,
They never penalize Verstappen.

>the moment they punish Seb but let Max off
They always penalize Vettel.

>why should LEC get a penalty
Because him doing it in Monza was the only reason he didn't.

Look, Charles has to do what he has to do, would you do it? Grab the chance? You are with Ferrari in your second season and your teammate is making mistake after mistake, do you just let him win a bit? It is not good for the team or for charles or vettel, no he does his best and grabs the opportunity that many won't get. If Charles can win with ferrari I don't care if he humiliates Vettel, vettel is a cool quiet guy anyway who will enjoy his retirement.

it actually happened in vegas

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Look, if you had one shot, one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted. One moment.
Would you capture it or just let it slip?
His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy, here's vomit on his balaclava already, mom's spaghetti. He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready

>not wanting Vettel to win the WDC for Ferrari so Alonso suicides

was about to post mom's spaghetti
based laszlo poster fren

Great slavs think alike :^)

Watching this now, better be good.

He has literally no personal connection to him though.
And I bet his girlfriend left him because she feared for her life.

Oh wait, I have a better one.


>I don’t care, I want Charles on pole in Singapore
>Mick? Oh we have plans for that one...

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Good lord I want to have sex with him

Schumi surely inherited his father fashion sense

(mostly copying from the archive)

Watch it with this in mind instead of mindlessly swallowing the narrative it spins:

>Ginny Williams
>becomes obsessed with Frank
>marries another guy
>stalks Frank
>leaves Husband for Frank

>Frank Williams
>never even went with the family on their family vacations
>neglected his wife and children and only ever cared about the team
>Wife sticks with him becomes paralysed (because she is an obsessed stalker)
>she writes a book about how hard it was on her when he became paralysed
>Frank is even more emotionally crippled then he is physically, and refuses to read it

>Jonathan Williams
>Frank doesn't trust him to run the team
>lets his sister run it instead, he just a token job in "classic team Williams"
>fucking hates her, barely even talk to each other

>Jaime Williams
>refused to be in the documentary
>works for a London music advertising firm, not a free ezmode executive job in the family business
>presumable hates his family and wants nothing to do with them

>Claire Williams
>only dirt on her the entire documentary was her relationship with her brother
>that story is told solely from her perspective and all blame is attributed to him
>I wonder who was in charge of editorial content in the documentary?

>be Ginny
>engaged to be married to some guy
>meet Frank
>develop a thing for Frank
>become obsessed with Frank
>still get married to some guy
>still obsessed with Frank
>literally start stalking Frank
>wait in your car all day outside where Frank in so you can "bump in to him" and talk
>get real close with Frank
>shamelessly Flirt with Frank in front of your husband
>finally leave husband for Frank
The Williams documentary plays off this entire scenario as cute...

>>shamelessly Flirt with Frank in front of your husband
*which was at a public "dance" in front of all their friends, to humiliate her husband.

>that last part
fucking kek I'm on that right now and if you replaced the sappy lovey dovey music with something more foreboding the whole thing could just as well be the intro to a murder documentary

And Claire sits there telling the story about how her mother is a fucking sociopath as if it's funny and cute.
Really says a lot about the Williams family when they consider that kind of behavior to be a positive.

Fucking horrible people the lot of them.

>"We'd go to parties and there was Frank.
>He was dancing with Ginny
>And he was getting obscene with her
>And her husband is watching it with daggers coming out of his eyes.
>And I'm like Frank what the fuck are you doing?"
This is too good.


F for 2020 Renault

I'd be pessimistic too if I had to work with French people

When was the last time the constructors champion did not win the drivers championship as well?

>Renault Sport F1 team sacks Nico Hulkenberg per continous exposure from a certain Finnish number counting site
>The site in question keeps a so called hulk-o-meter that counts the number of races and entries in which the german driver has not scored a podium
>Hulkenberg's knowledge of such rude site has led him to become pessimistic of his future, leading the french formula 1 team to take measures

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It would be mercy desu

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I'm guessing that's Bottas. Especially since I know Bose is a Mercedes sponsor. The wig does really change the appearance a lot though.

no, that's Jacques Villeneuve

why is Vettel so bad now

is he so dangerous on the track he should be banned by the FIA? should Ferrari run with LeClerc and Alonso for the future?

he doesn't actually give a fuck about Hubert,Jules or his father,its all marketing to play as a nice guy.

They signed money drivers with Stroll and Sirotkin and it didn't really get them anywhere.

>it is, but is traditional, with all the sheikh money?
True. Maybe that's what Williams needs then. Oil money.

olivier panis

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>why is Vettel so bad now
He isn't. Hamilton, for example, is way worse.

kek you're making me want to watch it again

>Ginny is married
>becomes obsessed with Frank
>she sits in her car all day outside a building where she thinks Frank is inside
>waits for literally hours
>Frank finally comes out
>hops out of her car and acts casual
>"oh Frank, fancy seeing you here"
Stalking is so cute :3

And yet he backed out, disproving your theory. Whoops.

>from monaco GP winner
>to a mob enforcer
is he breaking legs and busting kneecaps like they did unto him?

>yeah i should just give away points! that's the way to win a championship!
Why are all Hamilton seethers so fucking stupid?

>Retardo being told in the press that he will keep driving a shitbox for 18 more months

Sad, he's probably praying that Vettel retire now.

and before 2008 1999, both times Ferrari lost a to McLaren driver.

Christ look at those bitten fingernails, nearly disappeared. I can never understand people who bite their nails that far down.

reminder that ricciardo is unexposable

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*phone rings*

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>implying the Money Badger isn't only there for the fat paycheck
Who cares about ever being a WDC, or even winning races, when you can Stop Being Poor™

The reason why Merc is so seething right now is because their party was fucked up at Hockenheim and wanted petty revenge at Monza :D instead now Netflix will make them look like idiots prancing around in stupid clothes, fucking up their celebratory GP while Ferrari wins its own celebratory GP.

>the story of their wedding
fuck's sake

>I told Frank: "Well this is a great day, I'm going to buy you a spectacular lunch!"
>And he said "No you're not. I'm working."
>And he fucked off! Haha!
So romantic.

>seething so much about a single driver that you literally can't stop thinking about him and will try and crowbar him into every post you make

Attached: seething kraut 2.png (2000x1000, 587K)

Mugello IN 2025

Attached: 1551830760724.jpg (1300x956, 133K)

Williams needs the management to be fired and the whole company being handled by an actual competent group of people.
They refused to take parts from Mercedes despite having a car seconds away on the lap, they are still very arrogant for a bunch of shitters.

They say "we don't want to be a B team" but they can't even compete to be one.

>yt notification pops up
>FORMULA 1 is live: LIVE Pre-Race in Monza | 2019 Italian Grand Prix
2 days late. state of jewtube

Come on, at least rename that pic to "sauer kraut 2.png".
Right now you're just showing off your own butthurt with how unapologetically humourless you approach that whole shitposting thing of yours.


I really dislike how those round sunglasses are back in fashion, they look so fucking goofy.

Attached: puistokemisti.jpg (469x357, 13K)

Magny Cours>Paul Ricard
Long Beach>Las Vegas>Texas

>the Tuscan installation also reveals its ambition to try to organize a Formula 1 GP. Director Poli first wants to concentrate on renewing with MotoGP, then in five years he hopes to be able to hunt Circus.
"we want F1 to race here"



Attached: 1566306286363.jpg (980x647, 36K)

which weekend was ferrari filmed at?

The parking lot of Caesars Palace > everything else

No he didn't he went straight on.

Fiji > Suzuka

based timeline


Attached: 1554072705429.jpg (1335x1163, 216K)

Looks like Charles wins in Singapore too.

noticve the netflix camera in the background OH NO

shiiiiiet, Im actually gonna watch the documentary this time around

Wrong file :^)

Attached: next sob story- his ex dog died.jpg (401x765, 84K)


Hope they won't do any major modifications on the track and ruin it for the best motosport this decade - MotoGP

As far as I know pic related is the only track on Fiji

Attached: fiji.jpg (550x341, 82K)

she tried to "motivate" him with peanut butter


Attached: EAmWRl6XoAADOEt.jpg (1920x1080, 146K)

I will unironically think that this season of Drive to Survive is going to be kino.

Attached: 034525453.png (819x827, 16K)

Attached: death_note.jpg (1920x1080, 663K)

Based, Mugello is a great circuit.

>t. Netflixbabby
Trips gonfirm u r

oh boy, checked

Attached: Gimi Thumbs up.jpg (634x438, 69K)

ngl retired drivers had to face death in their time more often but none of them had to deal with the loss of 2 friends by the age of 21

>they look so fucking goofy
Well, the clerk does know how to pay his respects to his friends in style!

Attached: 1568132421930.jpg (412x742, 70K)

>merc will pay off neetflix to turn the episode into a tragic and sad loss story of the poor unterhunden that fight against evil OP fascists

>Bianchi dies
>Wins GP3
>His dad dies
>Wins FKino
>Charlie dies
>Dominant Bahrain if it weren't for exploding engines
>Hubert dies
>Wins Spa
>VETTEE's career dies
>Wins Monza
>Giada's dog is sick

/f1tv/ 2020
>AMX - RBRing win
>Merc Hockenheim disaster
>Ferrari Leclerc win
>Whole of Rich Energy saga
>incoming Suzuka Honda win

Attached: Christian-Horner-953340.jpg (590x350, 37K)

Do you think his shoes on the slick church floor were as noisy as basket shoes on a basket court?


>One of the remarkable things about @LewisHamilton is how he has achieved so much in #F1 without committing professional fouls on track.

Holy fuck that is a severe level of bullshit.


Ferrari didn't let them film monza did they?

>n-no u!


who wins? next 20 titles right there...

>Huberts death

wasn't he given the arse from commentary for being baha-tier about hambo?

I believe contract between Netflix and Ferrari was for Monza GP only, like with Merc it was Hockenheim only

You're not coming across any more mature doing this, you know ...

Holy fuck, what balls.
I mean, imagine actually claiming that in writing while being a "professional" F1 journalist.
He must carry them around in a wheelbarrow.

Arrogant, yeah maybe. I think I would use the word misguided though. Fair enough Claire wants the team to be independent but she needs to be realistic.

Even Baha isn't James Allen tier 2bf


Nice argument, you fucking idiot.

wew lads

Notable arguments in /f1/ 03/09 - 10/09
>Vettel out of track limits argument
Very entertaining argument, one side unable to understand how tyres buldge, also entertaining how the rules are wrong but common sense dictates. 7/10 argument

>germany vs britcuck hamilton fan
Not that entertaining, one side (brit) far too quick to use bad language, overall bad feeling from reading these arguments going on for several days now, would rather it stop. 3/10 arghument

The "European GP" is one thing, but hosting the """""Canadian GP""""" in Imola is utter bullshit.

ooh wow 2025, probably won't be alive by then.

s-surgery user?

the heineken led board aside this could be based if it's just you two and if she gets the importance of that spot

Attached: 1549185387406.jpg (4096x2731, 2.81M)

No not him, just 2025 is a long way away.

be hilarious if there was a bl-ack male in 3rd

>marrying fat women

oh i am laughin at this one my man


you're trying way too hard to be edgy

Doesn't look fat, she has running shoes, she is just ready to breed I think looking at those hips.

>t. has a small penis

>t. fat

He went off onto the grass to avoid contact with Leclerc.

>american males

Attached: 1554207857493.png (644x942, 51K)

>mention hamilton out of nowhere because you're so butthurt by him
>only response is "no u"!
>now some brit tard is getting mad too
Hahahaha pathetic.

Attached: pathetic.jpg (818x503, 163K)

on purpose, could've braked but no

>still watching the 2017 Williams documentary
>there's this whole bit about GIRL POWER in the middle
>"There are still those who believe that women can't do the jobs that men do, well we've got a female team principal, female aerodynamicists, female engineers, female mechanics, ..."

2019 season really isn't helping their case so far is it.

the latter is entirely a samefag arguing with himself which is why it's not as entertaining as the rules argument

>now some brit tard is getting mad too
You've been "getting mad" for quite some time now. Also, please stop adressing yourself in the third person.

The only reason to ever listen to moist holes is for a chance to put your peepee inside them

Mercedes has a female trainer for Hamilton and he wins basically everything lmao

Is that the blonde with the ponytail? Her ass looked amazing in Monza.

Trainer? She just carries around his stuff.

A physiotherapist for one driver isn't exactly the same as a team principal, engineers, etc.

Angela Cullen

Beware, she's a lot older than you probably think. I'd still berry tho.

>he doesn't know

Holy shit she looks 25 on TV and 40 on Instagram? Would still smash due to the great ass.

t. Mutt

Attached: 1559518247656.jpg (596x485, 65K)

Oh come on she is downright skinny by american standards.


Yeah I'm actually looking forward to it too. Sure they'll probably twist some things again and add stupid sound effects, but eh I can handle that

So you admit that he took evasive action thus proving my point, thanks.

>n-no u!
It gets better and better.

Attached: seething kraut.png (633x758, 32K)


Still can't believe they haven't been able to cope with a simple rot car being schnell yet

Oh hey it's you again. Still waiting for that pretty smile of yours

Attached: daww.png (203x249, 6K)

Ferrari proved aero is for gays and that chads only rely on engine in Spa and Monza; of course they'll cope



based frog

Attached: 1566921075869.jpg (1200x800, 103K)

>clay regazzoni on guitar


I thought I was paranoid but indeed it's unironically samefag
Raskesh isn't only a fag, he's a schizo too

If Singapore is the most hard race in terms of physicality, which is the easiest?

I would guess Abu Dhabi


It's the shortest race.

monza? little strain on the body from the straights and it's over pretty quickly.


>2019 was 1 minute and 7 seconds from being the shortest normal race

How much did the VSCs took off the time? It has been around 1 lap and a half more or less so I think without it would have been much closer if not faster
>Hammo's fastest lap still was 7 tenths off Barrichello's record
Impressed, thought it would have been beaten

Did Lecerc dump Giada to go after Hubert's Monegasque gf?

Attached: JulieAndBadlingDeadMan.jpg (1080x1349, 268K)

SEX SEX SEX is all Charles will be having the next 10 years.

getting raped by ferrari strattegi regretti

Well you know what they say most rape victims have orgasms so it will be nice for him at least a little bit.

he's had those in spa and monza, lets see what comes next

Ketchup man killed an Italian firefighter in 2000 Italian GP

So even F2 drivers have high flying lifestyles, lounging around on yachts? Bastards. Why do I watch this shitty sport?

Others show up to testing with 4 years old racing suites

you think they get into junior formulas by being talented? LOL

why does she have that cute hat on, plus she looks like a 3d version of Annie from AoT and im in love

Looks like Vetee apologized to Strulovich for the spin after the race.

>that cameltoe


>why does she have that cute hat on
Because delayed quali sessions are apparently the funniest thing to ever happen in pit lane life

Attached: MassaMonzaCalcio.jpg (533x800, 139K)

that muffled ebin dun in the background tho

I remember him mistaking a slo-mo replay for Fisichella's Renault breaking down three times in the same race.

>NIO formula mEme team will be called "NIO 333 FE Team"

Are you ready for the imitation 555 livery?

>implying thats not fiscios actual pace
>you now remember australoa 2006
>"giancarlo, stop being so fucking slow"

Vaping I hope, the only enviromentally firendly way to have a nice smoke
>Gunther to BMW-Andretti
>DaCosta porbably to Techeetah

the guy on the left to the front carrier looks aesthetic as fuck

Monza or Paul Ricard I think

Merc reveal tomorrow.

I believe it's Stoffel and either Wehrlein or De Vries

There was a vaping study covered in the paper yesterday and apparently it quickly fucks you heart. I look forward to the longer term studies where it isnt better than smoking.


I too, want that ugly bitch to die.

Is a funeral really the place to showcase your designer zoomer sunglasses?

Attached: zoomzoom.jpg (996x662, 54K)

And it gives you lung problems which loads of kids are now being hospitalised for / dying from.

Are those nightmare goggles?

Yeah suppose Stoffel is staying, I guess Debris? i mean it was only hinted but I'm pretty sure even him realuze he doesn't really have a shot to F1.
That being said, it needs to be seen if Merc understood that experience in the car is pretty much needed for FE

would alonso wear a kimoa hat?

harry potter XIV and the steampunk prince

have sex you freak.

Oh yeah, read a couple of news earlier this month about people getting sick from it.

Alonso wouldn't go to any funeral because he has no driver frens

Everything looks exactly the same.

Even karting at the highest level costs a million dollars lad. Either they have to have sponsors or be trustfund babbies.

imagine naming your team after your number plate

If jorge lorenzo died alonslow would surely show up. In full kimoa outfit

Can you lads suggest me some kino 90s race? I saw spain 96, jerez 97, spa 95, monaco 92, Australia 94, brazil 91. Grazie ragazzi

I thought he bonded with Hamilton during the Red Bull era over how much both of them hated Vettel?

Attached: Lewis-Hamilton-Fernando-Alonso.jpg (500x333, 106K)

Australia 99 desu

Belgium 1998

Monaco 96

Europe 1999


everyone complaining about Mercedes/RedBull/Ferrari winning everything, there's your answer
>Renault: the year after next for sure
>McLel: celebrating being slightly less far off the podium
>Toro Rosso: not allowed to progress
>Racing Point: lol
>Alfa Romeo: Ferrari kindergarten/retirement home
>HAAS: lmao
>Williams: F


Attached: schumi.png (191x269, 65K)

Sadly both are too autistic to form friendships between them and other drivers

germany 2019


Attached: 62794.jpg (600x400, 32K)

I leaked ya mum's pussy LMAOOO

McLaren sold their soul to the King of Bahrain.
Mercedes have soul. The soul of ruthless efficiency. And they haven't sold out to anyone else which is why they have soul.
Haas sold its soul to a bearded lunatic but now that he's gone, they have soul again. Gene Haas started the team because he loves racing. And they're the only American team in the sport. So for me, that's soul.

>Mercedes have soul. The soul of ruthless efficiency.
So, soulless

Attached: its_always_gimi_never_valtteri_even_turbo_is_better_than_me.jpg (620x330, 29K)

Williams (F)
Red Bull
Racing dot
>Soul in captivity
Toro Rosso

I hope Leclerc wins more races, because I really, really like seeing Toto and Hamilton seethe, pair of sore losers

Attached: f1-abu-dhabi-gp-2014-toto-wolff-mercedes-amg-f1-shareholder-and-executive-director-celebra.jpg (800x533, 118K)

>The soul of ruthless efficiency
yeah thats the definition of souless

forgot to change your proxy from britsh to german m8

monaco 96, 97
>jerez 97
moj brat

The 98 season is pure kino
>mclaren fucking everyone in melbourne
>based schumacher meme penalty in silverstone
>double restart in montreal, also schumi v hill
>based schumacher v hakkinen in monza
>ralf in nurburgring

Anyone seen this?

No. Soul means spirit and authenticity. Which Mercedes have, and they use it to win.

Soulless means people who have sold out to big money. Man City are soulless because they're a plastic oil money club.

But it seems that to you, soulless means "any successful team whose success I'm jealous of"

remainder that vettee saved ferrari's ass for the 2nd straight race, without the spin they were going to use the same tyre as mercedes and it would have been another MWL, the team would have lost all the momentum and leclerc would havef left exposed against the whole of italy for losing in a faster car

>Soul means spirit and authenticity
200 IQ post right here
lurk more

>without the spin they were going to use the same tyre as mercedes

>Lobbying to have an engine you have already developed becoming the engine formula for the next 7 years and killing competitiveness and several fun back marker teams with costs of that power unit
So much soul 2bh lads

Lmao what a seething fucking moronic faggot you are you fucking cunt.

crying wont make you right nigel

The fuck?

Attached: coronel.jpg (512x512, 31K)

I've said it before but I'll say it again - this is exactly the same seething butthurt that people have said about winners like Jose Mourinho (when he was actually winning) and Team Sky/Ineos in cycling. "Wahh I don't like their style, their winning is making everything boring, wahhh".

Lmao what a pathetic load of seethe.

Except they came prepared for the race with softs -> hards strategy. Vettel's spin actually lowered the chance of a ferrari win because he would've been able to get in front of bottas before the pit stop, which would ultimately result in rari 1-2.

>trying to argue that merc is soul
toppi kek

It's nothing like that at all, did you even read the post?

Why did Leclerc dump Giada only a few days after their vacation in America?

Attached: leclerc dumped giada.png (726x1248, 473K)

Needed sacrifice for back to back wins

why does it say 2015, what am I looking at here

>Wahhhhhhh why don't are you going against the groupthink? That's not fair! This is my safe space!!!

go and fuck yourself, curry nigger.

You have never said that
And did Sky/Ineos lobby for a new bike drive train that everyone has to use that they developed and sold to people for so much other smaller teams went belly up? Never heard that about cycling and I follow that pretty closely.

Attached: Chrome.jpg (910x325, 27K)

No, he didn't. You can tell who that guy is by his very distinct use of vocabulary, most prominently "seethe".

Mercedes easily the most soulless team on the grid.

post toppi kekkonen

Bit cringe, lads.

Attached: 1.circuit.jpg (1920x1080, 494K)

>Why did Leclerc dump Giada
No, no ... you got it all wrong. She left him, but not because she doesn't love him anymore, but because she'd rather not end up dying for his next victory. He's running out of friends.

Go home Lewis, isn't there a rent boy you should be fucking?

Attached: kekkonen-384x480.jpg (384x480, 17K)

maybe she was naughty

>finnish president

That's not an argument. They have soul, they have passion to win. Just because they don't throw spaghetti around like a fucking Mediterranean (not that there's anything wrong with Mediterraneans) doesn't mean they don't have a passion to win. I think the team leadership of Toto and Niki had tons of soul; Niki did that job because he loves racing.

Soulless would be a team like Williams, even though they have been great in the past. But currently they're soulless - selling out to pay drivers and thinking that will solve their issues.


Attached: 1416752380008.jpg (482x482, 71K)

>come into thread using a term incorrectly
>get told you're an idiot for using it incorrectly
>nuh uh implying im even trying to use it correctly, im merely pretending to be retarded

Big Gimi needs a big file

Attached: wide gimi.png (1365x1700, 2.15M)

How do you even lobby for regulations change in football?

>Niki did that job because he loves racing.
I'll agree with you there Niki had tons of soul, but Toto has none, and it feels good to watch him bitch out while still leading both championships with a huge lead. Mercedes are a bunch of bitches

>this much seethe just because a team is winning

WOW you're right, because Ferrari have NEVER exploited FOM for their own benefit in the form of a special "long term team" bonus or whatever the fuck it's called. No team has ever done this! No other teams have ever lobbied FOM for anything that would benefit them!

>WOW you're right, because Ferrari have NEVER exploited FOM for their own benefit
Oh, how cute! You're trying to be ironic!
... too bad it doesn't work.


Attached: 1416752380003.jpg (250x250, 17K)

Retarded *

Right, Gimi, right.

evacuate wag family and tabi and nuke britain

ITT fags arguing
about the same shit
with the same replies

Attached: wheredoyouthinkweare.png (644x644, 936K)

>not having british, australian, german, dutch and filip flags filtered

Just use a small one on bradford

>They have passion to win
Every f1 team wants to win fyi, but noone has the 450 mill budget and best engineers/strategists of a Mercedes.
They're a soulless PR machine that wormed their way into engine regulations, constantly trying to swing the other changes in their favour so they keep winning (le passion for win amirite) and now is trying to haul as many GPs as they can, because they simply can. You also mention Niki; yes he loves racing but he's the shrewdest and most calculated f1 champion ever. He knew what he was doing. Mercedes has no soul; they're just thinking of clutching the FiA and F1 more and more to feed the mother company's pockets, while throwing Lewis the ultimate PR machine Hamilton to the fans to look likeable and shit. Winning by having engine&tyre advantages that you lobbied for and almost always having FiA at your back isn't soul. Soul is trying to win fairly, soul is making your own team and not being a huge ass corporation's side party, soul is about admitting defeats when you lose instead of making excuses and pointing fingers.

this is all your fault for not filtering the UK flag, cunts

>Wahhhhhhh why don't are you going against the groupthink? That's not fair! This is my safe space!!!
The level of patheticness is off the charts.

I'd go to the valley parade and finish the job first

at least im not british lmao

Get off here, never post again, and fuck off to the mosque then ya cunt.

Attached: 1984_monaco_grand_prix_by_f1_history_daxy4k9-fullview.jpg (1024x667, 89K)

Since she hasn't sperged about it means she was guilty which means she fell for the american cock meme

>Make some low effort Shitpost
>People seeth at each other discussing that shitpost

I love the Internet sometimes

So your definition of "soulless" is "teams or people who have lobbied for rules changes in the sports they participated in"?

So I guess when this guy made his post - - then according to you he was saying that Ferrari, Williams, and Haas have never lobbied FOM about anything whatsoever, while Mercedes, Red Bull, McLaren and Racing Point all have? I'm pretty sure they all lobby FOM about what they think is in their interests.

>wahhh they're winning and i'm mad!
I think you need to look in the mirror before you start calling others bitches.

what was Newey referring to when in his book he said that he sat there and seethed? Was very funny reading that on here.

>He thinks that every British poster is the same person

Attached: 1554818913486.jpg (620x506, 32K)

then it would be just me rambling about JV, Stroll, lego and 1997

>has no argument so resorts to ad hominem
Well if you want to admit I'm right then fair enough.

>was good at karting when I was 8
>be 9, dad takes me to karting school for one day to try
>cry like a bitch all day I don't even remember why lol
>dad brings that up when I tell him that some F1 drivers are my age now

I could have been the next Maldonado

Attached: bandini fire.jpg (500x337, 32K)

You really like '97 huh

Imola 94

you bet

Based lego user

>He unfollowed giada while she's still following him
maybe these guys are right

>resorts to ad hominem
Wait ... do you really consider being called "British" an insult? I mean ... I probably would, but I feel that you shouldn't.

97 was a pretty good year
>Schumi knocks himself out of title contention
>Villeneuve wins
>Ulver release Nattens Madrigal
All in all I'd call it based

>Rakesh Bhatia

infinitely better than the brainless shitposting that's been going on for the past few weeks, surely you cant stand:
>that one hungarian retard who posts ippo screenshots along with ">anime" (hes based thougg, unfiltered that flag yesterday)
>bumlicker this
>unexposable that
>hidf retards
Im living in bliss with all that shit hidden

Double dubs

Guess Charlie boy will win singabore, while giada will rip under mysterious conditions

I only wish for charles' sake the pussy wasn't that good that he folds and catches feels again

No, I'm just saying that comparing Mercedes with Mourinho is ridiculous
Besides while Mou played defensive football at times, his greatest achievements were actually underdog wins, Porto and Inter
People complain about bus parking but holding out at Camp Nou one man down against a much stronger team in 2010 with Inter was nothing short of a miracle, I guess the best comparison would be Vettel's win in Monza 2008 or Maldonado in Spain 2012

I apologise for that idiot sharing my flag who gets constantly baited by that one bong

>Gio just started to outscore me.

Attached: 1535272304699.jpg (341x439, 37K)

>the Brit poster got scared off of /cyc/ so has moved here full time with his gimmick

Very weak

Attached: 1022.6666666666666x767__origin__0x0_Lewis_Hamilton2-700x367.jpg (700x367, 29K)

Don't worry mate, he's not German anyway

Attached: bertrand_gachot__belgium_1990.jpg (1024x672, 87K)

its literally one person cycling proxies

Fuck off back to Haiti Bahanig.

thanks, I tend to keep my shitposting on topic, accurate, reliable, just enough autismo and a bit of banter as well.
can't we all just get a long

Remove sidepods aero pls

charles, ruth, giada and a strap-on engaged in a foursome

For me '98 was better. Schumi lost out again, but this time to Migga, kino spa, Luxembourg and silverstone, Coulthard starts his eternal jobbing to mika and "we gon get it next year". Also kino jordan livery

>he spends his evenings making fake arguments using a proxy
this might be the pinnacle of shitposting, you gotta appreciate the hustle lads

Attached: 1556809767011.jpg (472x780, 40K)

Gimi t b h

Attached: 1565186429526.jpg (851x851, 230K)

Correct, but still kek
>t. Jacques

Attached: LeClercWINSMonza.png (288x288, 171K)

>have that dumb nigger filtered
>you MUST be him


Attached: el milagro.jpg (1280x720, 171K)

Any decent F1 coverage on Youtube? The F1 Word, Aldas and there are a couple others are pure tabloidish trash.

They had a woman on the F1 Word the other day and holy jesus it was bad

is this the hispanic version of look at this dude?

It's not even just the evenings but THE ENTIRE DAY

is charles a cuck now?

You are not fooling anyone ya simp.

Attached: Alfa2019UniqueMonzaLivery.png (384x288, 156K)

That's true, 98 was a fantastic year. I still have a video cassette with Spain 98 taped on it, so I can always watch both arrows cars break down right next to each other. Plus Paysage d'Hiver released both Schattengang AND Die Festung that year. Late 90s were pretty great

I remembered a Lego racing game I played as a kid so looked it up.
Fugg I forgot about this, played it for hours as a kid

Attached: images.jpg (499x615, 45K)

ok buddy

you can stop being cocky

kmag lego man when?

Lego should just make an entire F1 City series with their own City-brands

Attached: octan f1.jpg (4560x2463, 447K)

>still have the giant technic Ferrari car
I remember spending the entire day building that, damn it felt good

Oh yeah, this is today

Attached: images.jpg (635x381, 43K)

Attached: 1537610021930.png (476x609, 296K)

Attached: 1543265897256.jpg (1305x1145, 295K)

Still over 30 minutes away, mr future guy

Attached: never forget.png (1500x1117, 2.94M)

Ferrari's budget is bigger than Mercedes'. So that's one "argument" of yours defeated straight away.

>They're a soulless PR machine
And Ferrari N.V., the famous Dutch-headquartered car company (for tax purposes, of course), listed on the New York Stock Exchange, and formerly a subsidiary of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, isn't?

>constantly trying to swing the other changes in their favour
So no other team, in your view, has EVER lobbied FOM for rules changes that are in their favour? I guess you don't remember when Ferrari was threatening to quit F1 unless certain demands that they made were met?

>and now is trying to haul as many GPs as they can
And other teams don't? You yourself said that every team wants to win.

>they're just thinking of clutching the FiA and F1 more and more to feed the mother company's pockets
And Ferrari N.V., Red Bull GmbH, Renault S.A. - they're not using F1 as a marketing platform to drive revenue at all, are they?

>while throwing Lewis the ultimate PR machine Hamilton to the fans to look likeable and shit
So no other driver does PR stuff in your view? Rosberg didn't have a deal with Thomas Sabo? Ricciardo hasn't done a billion Renault adverts this year?

>Winning by having engine&tyre advantages
You mean the engine that is now less powerful than the Ferrari? And the tyres that are the same for everybody? (Maybe you're referring to suspension instead which all teams have an equal opportunity to develop?)

>Soul is trying to win fairly
You think no other F1 team tries to find every possible loophole in the rules in order to win? The double diffuser never happened?

>soul is making your own team and not being a huge ass corporation's side party
So Ferrari N.V.'s team is soulless? How many years has Enzo been dead now?

>instead of making excuses and pointing fingers.
So Toto giving credit to Ferrari and congratulating them, while conceding that their car wasn't good enough at Spa and Monza, is making excuses and pointing fingers?

Octan Haas F1™ Team, the only acceptable replacement

Go to a gay bar and ask a guy to ram his arm up to his elbow and pull out whatever is stuck up your arse out

It's gonna be a Mon Cheri as a thanks

>nostalgia inducted, replies harvested, mood lifted, agruing ceased
hard days work done lads, g'night

Attached: 2019AmxBotchedStarts.png (377x425, 145K)

I'm beggin' ya to please have sex now.

Tow advantage

godspeed user

Attached: miga.jpg (236x323, 15K)

the redpill /f1/ refuses to take

Attached: 1566492375421.jpg (480x717, 123K)

I want bottas to win

>doesn't understand what ad hominem means

>that one hungarian retard who posts ippo screenshots along with ">anime"
That's funny as fuck though.

sadly, hes not even a top 8 driver on the grid
not happening


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why would you design a car to only win three races?

>Cars sound like crap
>FOM thinks it's a good idea to underlay that with even shittier "music"
What did they mean by that?
Strategi regretti

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Ferrari spent less money on their cars than Mercedes during hybrid era. It's just a fact.
Ferrari was started and ran by a single man more than half it's time. They bankrupted more than once in their time so NV bought them. Completely different to Mercedes
Red Bull makes way more money outside and is bigger than mercedes just because of the products they sell&other stuff they do. That's why they're also soulless. Renault is a joke ever since 2006. Ferrari started out as a racing team first, unlike Mercedes. Don't mix the two.
Lewis is the ultimate PR machine, that doesn't imply others don't do it. What is reading comprehension?
They had better engine for 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 season, the whole last year they rambled on about the thread of tyres being "too thick" so pirelli listened to mommy and made thinner tyres so only extremely high downforce cars like Red bull can manage them, but honda is an inferior engine .
Finding loopholes is a part of engineering evolution; that's why these cars are fast. Going as far as doing illegal tyre testing and lobbying for your engine concept when others are in the dark is however just perfidious and evil.
Lewis at Spa: "man if I had only few more laps" , "we could've done a better strategy and win"
Don't even want to mention all this coping toto and lewis did at Ferrari and FIA at Monza.
Now fuck off

honestly his shoes were ridiculous for such an event
come on leclerc

I guess they just wanted to win monza that badly

Hello again, /f1/

I have returned from my great Belgium-Germany-Italy escapade to remind you all that the greatest driver in F1 history is due to return any day now

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>tweets about how a baby crying on a plane makes him miss home
How soon until he goes postal?

Assuming that under these conditions the only non merc winner for the rest of the season would be max at mexico and/or singapore, what would be your top 5 races this year so far lads?


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>Know Mercedes are probably better till 2021
>Focus all your resources on just winning that Italian GP after all those years
>Get the love back of all those Tifosi
>They finally win the Monza GP so now they'll focus on the 2022 car while letting Mercedes and RB battle it out for the remaining years
>FWL is back whilst the Merc has quit the sport for Formula Meme and RB is now 2016 McLaren tier
Just 7D chess by Ferrari

Most will disagree but I rate Austria over Germany.


and probably Spa

For me, it is the alt-history F1 database

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It would be nice if we had a poll, but I fear not many would vote. I agree with most of your choices

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What is this load of shit?

>not Romain Grosjean

Why doesn't Ricciardo have a girlfriend as of now? He's famous, funny, has win his fair share of races, yet he's still single? I don't get that, he doesn't seem THAT gay

All that funny smiley shit is just a front. He's as beta as can be. Why do you think his ex was his high school sweetheart?

He was dating a red bull employee.

No idea if he is still dating.

Canada, but only because I was there

>Toto STILL seething
>Hamilton STILL seething

Still? what have they said now?

real question: are Yea Forums (you)s a substitute for likes or upboats on social media as terms of short term rewards?

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depends on the (You) if its like based yess

real answer: no.

Some people seem to treat them as such

What's the value in talking to seething continentals who don't give a single shit about cycling and spend their entire time seething at the fact that British cyclists merely exist in the sport?

Some are

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I think they're similar, in both cases people are mad because they're successful

No one should know how many (You)s they have had or take pride in them

That Anonymous guy sure gets a lot of replies

Who cares?

What can we expect from Ocon next year? I think he's gonna be bullied by Ric but end up with more points because of Ric's DNFs

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does this excite you?

Attached: 1539082857835.png (16x16, 162)

that's just new posts, not replies

New posts in /f1/ always excite me

Yes, that's Yotsuba!

Attached: yotsuba.jpg (1198x1793, 819K)

This one time I got quads and got like 50 replies

t. Pathetic sack of shit

yeah but not on Yea Forums

literally who

>510 / 98 / 104 / 5

Does this excite you?

Attached: ferongr.unreadSFWY.png (16x16, 253)

That's fine, I thought it was still in the chain of the (You) discussion

>not even Chad Leclerc can keep a gf in 2019
Incels were right

>Ferrari spent less money on their cars than Mercedes during hybrid era.
What's your source for this? I thought I'd check. And maybe some of these sources are dodgy, but it looks to me like Ferrari spent more money than Mercedes in 2014, 2016, 2017, and 2018. Mercedes only spent more than Ferrari in 2015. And overall in the period of 2014 - 2018 (don't think figures for this year are around yet), Ferrari spent more if my currency conversions are correct. Also, Red Bull spent the most of any team in 2014 and 2015 according to the figures I've found.

>1st: Red Bull (£340m)
>2nd: Ferrari (£328m)
>3rd: Mercedes (£240m)
>4th: McLaren (£184m)

>1st: Red Bull (€468.7m)
>2nd: Mercedes (€467.4m)
>3rd: McLaren (€465m)
>4th: Ferrari (€418m)

>1st: Ferrari (£330m)
>2nd: Mercedes (£265m)
>3rd: Red Bull (£215m)
>4th: McLaren (£185m)

>1st: Ferrari ($390m)
>2nd: Mercedes ($365m)
>3rd: Red Bull ($280m)
>4th: McLaren ($205m)

>1st: Ferrari ($410m)
>2nd: Mercedes ($400m)
>3rd: Red Bull ($310m)
>4th: McLaren ($220m)

I converted all currencies into GBP to add up totals for the hybrid era. Results:
1st: Ferrari (£1.585b)
2nd: Mercedes (£1.439b)
3rd: Red Bull (£1.352b)
4th: McLaren (£1.003b)

Charliekek is a cheater and only won because the Italian mob were holding the FIA hostage.

these numbers are obviously trash, mclaren suddenly doubled their money in 2015 then went back to normal? lmao

>Page 6

Guess tonight is the night

Oh boy

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>Charliekek is a cheater
Ah, makes sense! Now we know why GG left him, other than not not wanting to be sacrificed!

they received a shit ton of honda money in 2014, so the increase makes sense.

No idea why they wouldn't include the nipbucks for the following years though.

>post like mad in fucking tuesday thread for 10 hours
>be surprised that might be it
you own fault, fools

New thread?

don't make me do it, lads

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Follow up, numbers are still laughable.

Why the fuck would Red Bull go 340->468->215->280->310? Especially considering that Red Bull in 2015 had the highest budget of any team that year, and apparently their highest ever? That year was probably one of if not the worst one for the team to date.

They literally say in those links Ferrari numbers are estimated as they dont have the british government releasing all their information like most other teams.

So you haven't really proven anything with regards to Ferrari.
Mercedes themselves said they were working and spending money developing the engine years before the regulations were set, where do you account for this money which is hybrid era money? So you haven't really proven anything with regards to merc or any spending for the hybrid era at all.

What a large long shity post you created that doesn't actually have any substance.


You made me do it

No, no one made you do anything.

Get outta here porridge boy

>*cuts the track respectfully*

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