Press S to spit on their grave

Press S to spit on their grave.


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b-b-b-b..but I thought we were frens

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S for the Serbian swines

S for srbe na vrbe


based brazil

Pathetic """nation"""

Kak je u Brazilu susjed? Kaj se radi, jel se pravi sopa de macaco?

F for the only team that could have beaten the US


F. Fuck Croatia, fuck Bosnia, fuck Slovenia, fuck Albania, but most important, fuck jannies

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>fucked over by Spain and Campazzo, playing at R. Madrid
oh nononononononono

We are frens, it's just bants from other Lith retard senpai.

Don't worry, we'll make it to olympics next year, along with Greeks.

What have we done? And why are you posting Nik Teslar the Slovene scientist?

say goodbye

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Vucicu pederu


bre it is annuda jasenovac. argentina is full descendants of ustaša soldiers.

based brazilian

Đorđević is a fraud, fuck him, annoying ass boomer. Will he blame everything on the judges again?

back to /int/ faggot and don't forget rope.

reminder that Serves are mentally ill

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t. emir hadzihafizbegovic

Your WC campaign was great

t. Marko Djorin

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top fucking kek

Sorry I don't speak chimp

The Turks lost again? toppest of the keks

t. trumpet gypsy

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based Serb, mudshits seething

t. dalibor

top zez

i met some guy from lithuania at a music festival in netherlands, i gave him 1 xtc pill in exchange for some coke, good lad, we talked about basketball and this upcoming tourney

You could at least post a picture of a darker '''''''''''serb''''''''' such as vlade divac to prove your point, everyone knows men on your pciture are gypsies you stupid diaspora nigger


Which Dutch festival brate?


Brazil is even poorer than shitholes in this region lmao what are you doing there you subhuman balkan nigger.


S at lithuanian nazis
ussr did nothing wrong to you


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I tought you were good at apehoop. You should focus on volleyball and waterpolo, sport were you're fuckers actually good at. God forbid you focus on football like us where we don't stand a chance

serbia blown the fuck out

what happened?

They got cocky, shitty trait of all Balkan nations. If they weren't hyped so much I'm pretty much sure they would have been at least second.


Can we make it lads?

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Pls no bully Serbia

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That still looks better than an average day in a Rio favela tbqh

How does it feel your team is absolute shit now that lithuanians and ukranians are no longer obliged to play for you.

Now your poorest state monkey
