2022 World Cup Qualifiers Asia Second Round Day 2

>Group A:
FT Guam 1-4 Philippines
Maldives v China PR Sep 10 15:00

>Group B:
Chinese Taipei v Nepal Sep 10 11:10
Kuwait v Australia Sep 10 15:30

>Group C:
Cambodia v Bahrain Sep 10 11:30
Hong Kong v IR Iran Sep 10 12:00

>Group D:
Singapore v Palestine Sep 10 11:45
Yemen v Saudi Arabia Sep 10 16:00

>Group E:
Afghanistan vBangladesh Sep 10 14:00
Qatar vIndia Sep 10 16:30

>Group F:
Mongolia v Tajikistan Sep 10 09:00
Myanmar v Japan Sep 10 12:20

>Group G:
Indonesia v Thailand Sep 10 12:30
Malaysia v United Arab Emirates Sep 10 12:45

>Group H:
Turkmenistan v Korea Republic Sep 10 14:00
Sri Lanka v Korea DPR Sep 10 14:00

Attached: D_qySM4WwAAj0JF.jpg large.jpg (1250x1000, 185K)

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>Hong Kong and China kept apart

It gonna be a tough game. Thailand looks so strong but support us anyway.

I'll support you, Go Indonesia

Please Palestine give us something to be happy about.

I wonder if history will repeat itself today

Attached: UAE-vs-Malaysia-620x300.jpg (620x300, 25K)

Taiwan #2

FT: MNG 0 - 1TJK

WCQ >>> WC

Stream for WCQs? reddit aint helping rn.


Usually i would go on fox sport asia, that's where i watched the first round games like Mongolia v Brunei and Guam v Bhutan

Why are we (SEA niggers) so SHIT at futbol bros? Are we good at ANY sports beside irrelevant non-Olympical sports like sepak takraw?

Attached: 1557124267952.png (1044x869, 185K)

FoxSports Asia only gave instructions for how to tune in if you're in Singapore. Fuck it.

>it’s another Japan, Korea and Iran episode


I want your Vietnam’s, your India’s, your Mongolia’s to qualify for a change.

Because you'll are twinks. No

You’re just not cut our for sport really. It’s just evolution.

They're actually doing pretty ok against UAE

>Ali Mabrainlet

FT: TPE 0 - 2 NEP

Oh gosh, in the game Sri Lanka vs DPRK, the players of both teams look dead inside...

god we fucking suck, how do we fix this?

We fuckin did it boys, we fucked Indonesia right in the dickhole!

Way to choke Malaysia, this is the closest time you will get to beat >us in this year's qualifiers

I knew from that first goal that Malaysia will find a way to choke

indo is so fucking shit.

China only up 1-0 against the sinking Maldives, seems like there's only Chinese fans there though. If they don't get through their easy-ass group I'll laugh forever

Stream: youtube.com/watch?v=8_ihHLYdvl0

Turn flag upside down, recruit Poles.

Why are chinks so bad at futebola?

Did Elkeson play?


>Yemen vs Saudi Arabia
Don't both nations hate each other?

No, Saudi Arabia is simply invading them and shooting their kids on the streets

Nice propaganda, Ivan.

Inferior genetics

Just wait till we get to best korea vs worst korea

Yemen is at a worst "civil war" than Syria and the emiraties and Saudies are taking advantage of it and jewing them.

>saudi arabia

FT Taiwan 0-2 Nepal
>FT Cambodia 0-1 Bahrain
FT Hong Kong 0-2 Iran
>FT Myanmar 0-2 Japan
FT Indonesia 0-3 Thai
>FT Malaysia 1-2 UAE
FT Afghanistan 1-0 Bangladesh
>FT Sri Lanka 0-1 Best Korea
FT Turkmenistan 0-2 Worst Korea

based Ryan

How did Taiwan lose to Nepal?

because y'all are like 148 cm tall

Of all that group, I think only Australia is a good one there.

India ready for another national humiliation.

They lost 5-0 to frickin India for chrissake. I'm not surprised. Nepal is like Pajeet with a smaller talent pool.

Scored their last two goals in garbage time

Score indicates the ausfags ravaged kuwaiti oilwells. How US

Qatar 0 India 0.

Attached: KEK.jpg (228x221, 7K)

>""""Champions""""" of asia

Absolute lel