You can only post here if

your team has a champions badge on their kit

Attached: champions.jpg (627x384, 29K)

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ya rang?

Attached: badge.jpg (1920x1080, 574K)

I'll do you one better, with TWO champions badges.

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>the virgin continental cuckstamps vs the CHAD UNIVERSAL BADGE

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I didn't knew they gave badges for having the niggest team chapeau france

virgin tier banter

that faggot better take that badge of his kit

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says the sandnigger

Oh look, /pol/ ruining another potentially interesting thread.

mad cus you'll never have a badge?!

oh Hey Englel where's your champions badge ?

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It seems like a big waste to make kits you can only wear for one match. And it's only a qualifications match. Does UEFA not care for the enviroment?

but it makes the third worlders that make them a little bit richer.

How do you feel to win the CAN with only French players?

I thought it was "La valise ou le cercueil"

Futhermore, how to you feel about like players like Fekir and Aouar saying "I'm thinking" when asking if they will join Algerian tean?

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why you bully user? there is nothing wrong with algerians in algeria so why stirring shit with them?


it makes you seethe so It feels great

> muh Fekir muh Aouar
I mean when you get called up, you're either here from day one of not , no one is forcing you to show up , as long as you don't change your mind when your career is dying

I'd be lying if I said I don't want Aouar or Fekir in the Team but... I'm thankful that they didn't opt to play for us , we do have better players at those posts now
and our U23 team is now composed of only homegrown players
it's doing great , we just beat Ghana on their soil
Ghana had 10 players who are pros in Europe Aligned

so I say them hesitating gives real players with real talent a chance to shine

and I guess it shows by the fact that 8 players from the Algerian Ligue 1 moved to Ligue 1 conforama this season and they're doing great

Trust me user even here in Algeria we hate the fuckers (((algerians))) who moved to France , they're literal scum with 0 future so they move to a country with a cucked system to profit from the fact that the state will pay them to not work ,I'm really sorry you have to experience them

give it back

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I agree, I am sorry for you the real Algerians for searching shit.

But when I listened my fellow (((Algerian ))) french Co-citizen, I want to make fun of them.


And I said this knowing real Algerian coming from your country and they are incredible people with a lot of respect.

Nothing like our (((Algerian)))

But that's not good for the environment either.

they'e less likely to migrate and pollute the sea if they die in it

On the contrary, migrating costs thousands of euros. The poor have to stay in their country.

so this is why they should earn money in their country, making jerseys is a way of doing so

>african champions

this is a disgrace, imagine putting the legit euro badge on the sleeve and the token nations league badge on the chest

I'm not sure if it works like that. The ones that make jerseys will become rich enough to migrate their homeland leaving the ones behind that make no jerseys. But now that they're in Europe too the demand for jerseys is even higher in Europe and more people make jerseys and the cycle begins anew.
What is the way out of this cycle?

the poorest of the poorest migrate, those who have jobs stay.

ew is this a country that hasn't won anything in +10 years like how do you even cope

>being this mad that you have 1 badge instead of 2.

That's not true. The elite stay because they're living the good live and the poor stay because there is no alternative. It's the jersey-producing middle class that leaves.

>>african champions
Luerl, that's more pathetic than Concacaf

at least we played real teams with real players

You literally choose to play in the
to bully islands because your team is probably too shit to compete for La copa america

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What le fuck is algeria? Your team are basically France rejects and worse than Costa Rican & Honduras national teams
It went so right bro.

0 loses
0 draws
3-0 win with the B team.
all wins, all entertaining. We played against the top teams only and we won it on Egypt and Israel prohibited all traveling to egypt becaus we were there.
The golden players who were mistreated back in 2015 played this time and got used to their full potential.

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>2 starts
Um sweetie we have 7 (seven)

user, Honduran team is pure shit, that's why we never play against teams outside of the American continent, we always get humiliated, Costa Rica was good but thanks to chimp-like administration they are totally shit again.

He's just desperately trying to make a point even though Algeria's team is decent tbqh

One blood drop of our player is more noble than your whole nation of bastards and nymphs.

I'm sorry, can you repeat please?

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What nobility, aren't you subhumans turning yurop into a massive shithole? Not to mention your religion is despised world-wide.

send more Zinade's to France pls, I don't like the negro ones

4 on the shirt

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Whiter than most Europ GG france

Kino as fuck my brother

Sorry only relevant teams have the right to speak , comeback when your team wins an actual trophy

user please , The USWNT is a decent women soccer team but c'mon we all know they wouldn't last against Real teams
they'd probably beat farmer tier football teams like Mexico but they would be utterly destroyed by average tier teams

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Egypt you've been cool but c'mon Dino cups with 3 teams don't count
you have 3 at best

>tfw lost the champion badge in july

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really appreciate your work at annoying la eternelle grenouille

no wonder our diasporas in f*ance get along so fine

>only relevant teams have the right to speak
Then shut your niggy mouth up
You're inferior to Costa ricans in every way possible

Still hasn't killed himself after getting Raped by Argentina c team

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Based Algerian. Oh wait,I shouldn’t be posting here because we don’t have a badge. Have a nice day guys

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what are some hot algerian thots to follow on ig


How are we going to display both badges after we win the Euro next summer?

We already won 2 Euro bro

probably keep the wc one

ask Spain