/FIBA/ Basketball World Cup 2019

this is fucking joke edition

ARG - SRB (13:00 CEST)
ESP - POL (15:00 CEST)

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Other urls found in this thread:


How much trouble will polan give us, bros?

spain wins 20+ pts

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Honestly, no one here expects us to win here. A good fight is all we ask for.

Redpill me on boland


Nobody expected us to beat Serbia yet here we are. We can still choke

Why do asian and african teams even bother?

France have made the QFs though?

if we dont win against aregentina, im going to kill myself

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Please don't do that user, think what your mom will say

his mother is a whore
who gives a shit what she says

these are today ?

yup, ARG - SRB in 40mins

Why did you say to him but not not me

I spoke to your mom last night and she told me she hates you, so it's okay if you kys

based chicha gurovic in the studio

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I spoke to your mum and she said my peepee is nice

My mom is a lesbian tho?

We are playing today?

i wish i was chad like him


Incredible move

imagine not being 6'6+ serbian chad

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>the chaddest of all is only 5'10
lanklets BTFO

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>lucic average min 21, 5 points
Who and why invited this cunt?

wake up serbia
it's already over

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>dies of old age

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Go home old man.

a real greek would never say this.

remove yourself

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greeks are perfidious scum
no wonder perfidious Albion supported their independence

Piss off boomer

approximately 0

>t. northern macedonian diaspora


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argentinian anthem sounds soo spanish

white European DeMarcus Cousins

how long will he last before getting ejected?

Iran and Tunisia were not that far away from qualifying actually.
Level in Africa seems to have fallen a bit though, Angola used to reach the RO16, Nigeria did it too, Senegal did it in 2014. But the new format is unforgiving so I guess it makes it harder for them compared to the old one that was giving more chances and leeways.

if you don't win it's off to the lithium mines faggots

>internet and tv signal cut, the cunts just say "we'll fix it by 16:00"
fucking sbb niggers reeeeeeeeeeeeee

>2-0 already

it's already over, rip serbia

how well has miroslav "all killer, no filler" raduljica been playing in this tournament serbros?

how did you post that?

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he has files on Djordjevic
he also steamrolled Italy by himself in the 3rd quarter

When are we playing?

what is Mobile Internet

That should have been us playing against czechs. The tournament and referees were a joke

oh fuck what's the point, we're not going to win gold like this better just fucking lose

Why is serbia choking?

what do you mean choking
our team sucks


mobile internet and vlach magic

Argentina casually shooting 90%

Let's go Argie

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don't worry, they're murdering the Argies in the paint, they'll win eventually

But it doesnt. Only refs suck.

iktf bro

the age of the balkans is over it seems

He looks like a school bully with abusive alcoholic father

Knew it
Kalinic the balls dribbler was the real captain of this team

>zoomer on zoomer

why don't we just score more points than argies lmao

link for a stream?


My national broadcaster shows it :^)

why don't we just shoot for three they're worth more than regular baskets LOL



turn on your tv lmao

we need a manlet pg
jovic fucking sucks
what is he good at


Why is Argentina fouling so much


lucic bjlelica micic guduric are dead weight

t. steve kerr

dont have one

We got too cocky
Guduric,Lucic,Bjelica and Raduljica became shit

>yuro trying to dunk

lmao btfo by mclovin

argie murderball genes

lol microphone

why do americans not care for this?

not enough corporate branding

jokic turnover machine

lel. that microphone


>jokic is a joke again

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jokic if zoc was the coach

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Campazzo is so good, at least 20 NBA teams have worst starting PG than him

We can win this game only if Bogdan goes mvp mode
Jokic is fucking garbage and Bjelica is ?

too short for.the nba

they're outpaced and outmuscled by the Serbian physically, height and speed of execution
Argies are just basically surviving through Campazzo. I wouldn't be surprised to see them collapse as soon as he goes to the bench.

>USA is sending their C team we are winning the gold la
>+50 against Angola our year la
>+50 against mighy Phillpines we going for that gold la
>USA can't even beat Turkey la
>5/0 in groups la
>ok 4/1 but we are will beat Argentina and USA same as Indianapolis la
>basketball country la
>about to lose against Argentina
>next year is our year la
The memest of countries

lol no

he could be a backup playing 10-15 mins a game though

is jokic gonna play 40min or what

What happened to Serbia's defense?

just like Teodosic, right?

We were better when Jokic and rest of the players were not "famous"

lol Milutinov got benched
fuck that bold fraud

i'm too much of a basketball brainlet to know if the criticism against djordjevic are warranted

lol at the Marianovic rebounding

I will have nightmares about his ears

you went 5v-4d in the 2014WC and 4v-4d in the 2016 Olympics, so not really

Jokić is a Denver system baby.

Bobi smash

shoud have done that against Keanu, Boban, you would have had a better chance

he is arrogant as fuck
Milutinov was complaining about playing time and now he is benched
our Best ceneter

He's better than basedboy Raduljica and the meme Boban.

Turkish commentator said he's in John Wick getting beat the fuck out of him. I'll watch that.

They knew how to play vs "stronger teams"
We raped Phily,Angola and Puerto rico but barely won vs Italy and Spain and Argentina are better rn

they sleep ?

Really? Lmao


hold on to the ball you literal gargantuan faggot

Djordjević should get sacked win or lose

Marjanovic is trash. What's up with lanklets in this tournament?

Lanklet is so terrible

>this is the team to beat the USA (D team)


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wat hwappen sjerbja u gettin rapewed OwO

0 threes
I thought this nba frauds are good

Who is your favourite referee?


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fire the retarded cunt already i have defended him before but this has crossed every line imaginable

>laprovittola playing defense while having a seizure

Wake me up inside
>can't wake up

Good thing we won’t get to play against them

whats the 24 seconds?

Only thing keeping Boban in the NBA is how likeable he is. If not for that, he'd be exposed as a lanklet fraud.

He never looked like he was a really good coach to me. As I said his team never played as well as they were supposed to when you see the material he has at hand. He was saved by players steping up their game individually in elimination games, but was eventually exposed when the same players choked once in final or semi.


why is bodgi hiding bros ?

This match is being surprisingly even, what the blyat...

lmao let's go Argie

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What the motherfucking fuck Bogi

kek that turnover

constant double team

collective suicide when

his famous wigger friend died yesterday

im mad

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argentina +8 and still 3-1 dogs on live betting


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The hardest part for the argies will be to hold on until the end.

do turkish commentators laugh every time they say his name?

Final is gonna be spain vs usa, and then usa will win. I just don't see any upsets happening unfortunately.

We beat Italy thrice, we can do it fource

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isn't there a Serbian player whose mother's died a few days ago? I think I've read that somewhere

why don't we just stop them from scoring and then score more points ourselves LMAO


Newfag here, how long is halftime?

Coach finally got exposed


This championship is going to be Czech'd.

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>all these 3s


they gonna get cold from 3 in second half and we gonna murder them in the paint

yeah, 1st guy to die in JW3

They have 2 times more threes than >us

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I didn't recognise Scola lmao

The Spain game wasn't as bad for Serbia as people think. Serbia had their worst possible game and Spain had their best possible game, same with Argentina so far in this game. No way they can stay this hot from 3.

>losing to a team led by boomer scola

if we lose we're starting ww3

they all look like Novak Djokovic

I get a feeling that Djordjevic was sperging whole tournament about how passes are important, muh assists and shit
3 games in a row we're just passing a ball around without any idea, no one has balls to shoot
Like Djordjevic said whoever shoots is a fag and they are just passing the ball like hot potato trying not to be a fag

at first I thought my life was a tragedy

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My face when we lose

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>N-no way we lose to A-argentina la!!
Lmao it's over bucko

Jokic is disappoint

Lmao this nigga actually looks like Jokic

only 5 goals lead for Argentina
not bad how hot they are and how shit we are

How do you rate our chances against Spain? I think about 40%


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This is fucking terrible, why isn't' Milutinov playing?
He's being really retarded with all these rotations. If we lose this it's all because of him.

Argument with Djordjević.

Im going to school
Fuck this bald fraud and hope we somehow win bronze

maybe you have to question why Spain and Argentina had their best possible games against Serbia

that bald cunt still hasn't figured out how to play against jump shooting teams


As long as the Argies burry their meme shots, they'll have their chances. The second their hands go cold they'll get murdered. Which will probably happened as they'll grow tired or if the Serbian step up their game in defense.
But hey, you never know with the Argentinian grinta.

Now that the game calls for it, teach me insults in Serbocroatian other than "puši kurac" and "jebem ti mater"

>surely they can't keep this up lad

pretty confident about the second half or Serbia here tbqh

>Im going to school

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Reckon Poland has a chance to go through. It will be a low-scoring game and Spain may struggle if they understimate the Polish team.

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Well, you know, Spanish IS the language of our anthem.

>Like Djordjevic said whoever shoots is a fag and they are just passing the ball like hot potato trying not to be a fag

this sounds like a "fuck Murrikans fuck NBA, FIBA rules, I'll do the exact opposite of what NBA players do, that will show them ahahah"

You got demolished by Argentina who's barely even with Spain and Serbia, I'd say it's more like 4%.

jebo ti ja pas mater

>pet razlike
>nije strasno
>ubace jos 3 trojke
>14 razlike moze se stici

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"Bukobap wasn't enough"

do you guys eat hot cheetos?


>promase 3 trojke
>jokic da 6 poena u reketu
>1 za nas

ma ako ce ovako da igraju protiv amera bolje da pakuju kofere posle ove utakmice
uzas kako su razjebani svi

ovako isto razmislja djordjevic...............

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We don't have them in Australia. They only sell regular Cheetos here


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Mike Malone should have emailed his notes to the coaching staff from serbia. They might actually figure out how to use Jokic efficiently AND learn defence.


sorry, I only know Cheerios

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Not enough 3nD niggas in Serbia to unlock Jokic

the absence of defensive restriction changes the things a lot, though


“Picka ti materina” is most basic one and most common

This is my personal favorite tbqh

we can't shoot the meme

It used to be a country which could have won this match. Its name was Yugoslavia

Our coach is unironically using him as a PF.

Okay guys, since Greece is out, let's cheer for every other European team. Let's go Serbia!

You can say whatever you want but Serbia is missing Milos Teodosic's genius on offense.


Its name was Yugoslavia Paulsen

could have kept kosovo too

our pgs are streight out of 80s

this, he was our coach basically

we do miss 2016 milos, but not sloppy 2019 cant pass milos

I still believe that we'll win bros

Why is every fucking team hating their coaches this year?

>Le meme pass ballhog pg
He'd make Jokic suck even harder

I don’t know how good he is after not playing for a year

I don't.

Not sure if memeing or you stumbled upon a bomb growing up.

It's in fashion, and since Someone has to be blamed, let it be the coaches.
The ref meme is so 2018

>I paid 5 euros for an official world cup full pass
>Every other game lags and now the website has crashed
I am a dumb goy


Lmao what are we doing

its radiation posining

Live-nba . Stream

I find it funny what a foul in basketball is and what isn't. This should definitely have been more of a foul than just touching somebody's hand...

NATO ordered to bomb Belgrado

people here are in love with our coach

we were pretty terrible prior to world cup in friendlies so I don't know if its deserved

I have even seen people blame the coach for the Greek game against Liechtenstein in soccer... you really don't even need a coach to win against freaking Liechtenstein!

if it was only belgrado :( ...

I feel like this generation of Serb athletes needs to be bombed, I mean just look at how well that motivated the previous one

if only they bombed Belgrado more

First you praise coach when he makes something out of a team
Then you focus on the players for a couple of years praising how good they became
Then shit starts turning liquid
You gotta blame someone
Blame coach



my sides


Based trips of truth

oh i've frequented that place throughout

dodjemo na -2 i onda odemo na -8

They are getting bombed by Argie threes desu

Serbs are so bad at basketball it's not even funny

NT coaches are rarely the best ones. The good ones are working for clubs.

>bjelica is nba player

Bjelica, izadji napolje

>Turkish referee

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wow, that was bad

Please stop bullying us basketball is the only sport we are semi good at


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underrated post

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get that cpпcки инaт going

Has Bijelica ever succesfully made a basketball play? This fucking guy is cursed.



m8, William fucking Howard will be an NBA player. The Jazz even paid 150 000$ to buy his contract. If William Howard can be an NBA player, then hundreds of players in Europe can be too.

Teran ga u pizdu materiju, drugi smo na svetu u košarci, samo što je djordjevic muflon

It's like it was staged for drama. What the fuck is this game.

jokić is fucking tilted

The only country where he can coach atm is Albania

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Šta mi se desilo sa slovima lol

Fuck, Argentina is killing Serbia...

pusij kurac

He wants to get disqualified and have time to get some Chinese pussy before he heads home

Kike nose

Kek exactly

i have no idea who that is
i don't watch sports

This is incorrect.

He even looks like a fraud.

He doesnt want pussy, he is gay. His so called gf is actually a gf of his brother

That's some luck

>tfw betted month of gym membership with a friend on us winning this
Look at me,look at me and laugh

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t. milos milosevic

How are they only down 5, it seems like they're getting blown out.

The only way this fatass can score atm

ETO kad ne das Miroticu lepo pasos na vreme

The referee actually fucked us on the game with czechia though.

All you fags shitting on Đorđević are gonna look like total fucking retards when we win the WC, feel free to screenshot this post.


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How much is gym membership there?


Maybe in 2023

Yes, but you're just bein a dick, we ain't bad. We're having a bad time, but we aint bad. Silver medal on the last olympics. How's that bad? What's Australia then? Worse than Somalia?

notice something missing in this game?

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If they somehow win the WC it will be in spite of him.

we should play harden ball

>i have no idea who that is

yeah precisely, that's the point, the guy was like the 50th best players of the French league this year, yet he managed to land a contract with the Jazz.

We had 56% of the free throws, man... we didn't deserve qualifying...

Probably 2000 Serbian bucks, 10 usd

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Cute traps?

most likely lmao

Just like the Greek coach... they just look so Balkan greasy...

and now you're going to lose to south american monkeys


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Jovic contra 1v3
>guess I'll just still try?

Jesus fuck man

Balkan peasant genetics. Illyrian, Thracian, etc.

Oprosteno ti je Vaso

but that's not YUROPEAN and YUROPEAN play is SUPERIOR

well, not that I like Hardenball anyway, but it can be fun if you watch it ironically. I remember laughing a lot at the Rockets memeing 27 fucking consecutive shots in game 7 against the Warriors.

Are you sure tho

Shiptard detected

Depends on a gym.It's generaly cheap unless its one of those faggy ones in big city. I pay around 15usd I think,but its not about money, its about how smug that son of a bitch is gonna be.

Jokes on you, its even cheaper.

i ment foul baiting and free throw shooting not 3s

he's a fucking hothand some type of and1 player wannabe
he likes more to look cool then to play good

it's not real, it's from an old polish movie

So around 1,500 monopoly bux? Is that the average daily salary there?

Based chinese playing serb music


oh no guduric scored
we are winning this easily

Average would be around 800-1100

I thought average monthly pay was 40,000.


its 35k

>So around 1,500 monopoly bux? Is that the average daily salary there?

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average salary is around 450e. So yeah, its pretty close to average daily salary

so did USA
what's ur point?

40000 maybe in belgrade, but in serbia its 25 000-32000

>350 USD
How do you guys live off of that? I can sort of understand people who don't pay rent and have at least 2 workers in the household, but still.

USA nigs are much less black than french ones

3rd faul 2 mins in
we're fucked boys, we can't play defense

My blood pressure can be easily measured in atmospheres

what the fuck is a garino

im java dev
i make around 1.2k $

>How do you guys live off of that?
we dont, we survive


0,1 atmosphere?

who will win lads ?

>average salary is around 450e
Kek nice joke

please leave the norwish lands

Argies have never lost control of the game.

Fuck, I should have bet, it would have been 5.50€ for Argentina's victory a couple of minutes ago...

Very nice.


ja sam se pomirio sa ovim mecom

Yeah I might wanna go to Lithuania.
I've been to Vilnius last year.. you know the three crosses hill?
I might wanna go there and leap to my death because I said I'd kill myself if I ever visit such a depressing shithole again.

>6 minutes left
>Best difference we could make were five points
>Now the average is 3 or 1

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>mater napade sudije
>brani Đorđevića
>brani Bjelicu
>kaže da su sudije fašisti

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Scola still dabbing

Kek its ogre

scola looks like adam corolla with his new haircut

Lmao skola rekt that guy

Zoomers getting schooled by a 40 y/o boomer.

lmaoing 2bh

n-no, we c-can still come back

same here


ugasio tv aj cao

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damn btfooo

Okay guys, I was for Serbia in this one, but I don't really think they deserve the win now...






Jesus Christ, I'm losing my mind. I hope we win this.

that nigga scola is like 40 wtf how's he so good


based boomer Scola dabbing on fortnite flossing zoomers

forreal? are you a junior? I figured salaries over there would be bigger than here.

>good game kiddo

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>favourites for gold
>america who
>spain who

>live in serbia
>280e wage
>no future
>no will to live
>the only serbian team that is good
>lose against argies

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never seen a choke of this magnitude holy fucking shit

Bjelica 4/15 vs Argentina boomers

guys relying on their skillset rather than their athletism will always be able to rely on their skillset at 40

>it's a favourites to beat team USA underperform and are out of the tournie before meeting them episode

The worst part of having a mental illness is people expect you to behave as if you dont

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pure chad, should have never had a girls haircut for his prime years

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no it doesn't

Sheer effort, discipline and team playing.
Of course he's talented as fuck compared to 99% of mortals, but he's not that remarkable when you compare him against American or European elite. His mind and his discipline are what set him apart.

delet this

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Im watching it on tv3 right now


poor micic

Genuinely thought Serbia would cruise through the tournament until they met the US.

we should have played serbia

at least Turkey was a clear underdog in that game
Serbia should have destroyed these boomers

>through the legs


imagine being Milutinov right now

It's official, we have nothing left as a nation

Scola schooling

tv3 is not our national broadcaster

Clown world timeline

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You think it's easy or something?

at least you have women's volleyball, unlike us

water polo

We cant do that with this retarded gameplan by Djordjevic.

are you me

*turns in his grave*

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womens sport means absolutely jack shit

Yeah, they're hot garbage.

Meme sports

lol no difference

You won the woman volleyball

thanks for wasting my time Sale

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The Virgin zoomer nu-basketball tactics vs the Chad good ol' Pick n Roll

Well at least Micic will go home sooner

It's far from over. Only 6 points difference with 1:20 to play.

looks easy ;^)

I didn't beat him enough when we were kids
or perhaps I did it too much, not sure anymore
what a mental midget

>Serbia loses
>leave Yea Forums for a while

Lol it’s over congrats on the win

>delay going to work for 2 hours because of this shit
Fuck you bald fraud fuck

>i guess the joke's on me

nooo this can't be happening don't choke boomers not now

ja sam dosao na sp 31 avgusta prvi put posle 7 utakmice den port

is Miroslav Nikolic the son of the old Nikolic?

>get every fucking 3pts you shoot
>don't jump for the ball like ever
>get couple of lucky 2+1 pts in last quarter
>still manage to win

Universe was just against us boys

why would you have Bjelica take him over there wtf

Press D to dab on zoomers

last time we played Pau Gasol had to get into the zone to win.


based manlet



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Now I can start doing my masters in peace and not care about this shit anymore
We didn't deserve semifinals after this display of mediocrity in two games. One game.. happens, but two is just.. git gud.


>cooked by a mallet and a 40 yo boomer

Campazzo with the dagger

It's okay, we can focus back on football now


It's ogre now

wtf it's going on lads i judt checked the result

I have a diamond boner right now.

At least the meme is finished before we got rekt by USA


Will Djordjevic be ethnic cleansed?

Fortunately we changed the flow with this last two baskets. We shouldn't have let you get as close as 6 points, though, we played with fire and we were lucky we didn't burn.
Of course, it's really easy to say that comfy here in my PC...


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2004 olympics, now that was a good tournament

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djordjevic is a retard thats what happened


hmmm sweetie, you would have lost to France

>Yugoslavia died for this



lmao, we lasted longer in the tournament than serbia ;^)

mental softness and >djordjevic

Like two hours

revenge for 2002 FIBA wc

Thats the problem when playing against Argies, they live for the big games. They hardly choke

gonna go play some basketball on the highway anybody want to come

One of the things that make me the happiest about how good this WC went so far is that now Scola will play next year as well. I get to watch him one last time again.


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Now this is the real basketball I remember, kids these days can't play *burp*

At least in the game Spain-Poland it's sure that a European team will win...

I would be rooting for you but I don't think I will watch any more games this WC



I'll bring a ball

Serves you right, serb bros, your coach has been an arrogant prick the whole tournament.

take care bro.

can't say the same about their football team

yeah, good thing we'll always have foo-

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lol gg serbs

*shoots a step back three*
*hits rim*
Nooo ;'(

Yup, guy is a joke.
Tonight he will probably blame everything on players.

Dubs and Poland wins

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damage control

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as a lifelong ABS i'm chuffed to bits lads

check em

Did Jokic not go to shake hands?....

hold me bros

not a single croat flag until now and they come out of the woodwork

Well played, I hope you guys win the WC.
Scola deserves a gold medal.

>Tonight he will probably blame everything on players.

which would sign his death warrant

Don't do it no

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Doesnt jokic means joker in serb?

Dubs and Poland wins


Aim for threes you dumb fuck

He wasn’t raised in Argentina tho

dubs and I save you from you lack of dubs

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Hope we see a good game.

should have called up kalinic niggas

i see two zeros.
good enough for me

(other argie user)
Thanks, Serbro. Can't believe we did it.


It happens. Its not a 7 game series. Weaker teams can beat stronger ones. Its a shame though Greece, turkey, Lithuania and Serbia are out which are basically the euro countries who care about the game.

I know that feel

As you say

Why does polish coach look like wojak?

The only thing you might win is the 7th place trophy over us

That 39 yo boomer Scola making Serbs seethe

Serbs lose. Croat flags show up immediately. Is there more pathetic nation than kurwats?

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So our main rivals will not be participating in the semis?

don't fuck this up
don't fuck this up
don't fuck this up
don't fuck this up
don't fuck this up

Lmao how did we win? Are we good this year?

>ioannou commenting spain-poland
hello mute button

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Meet you at E-75

like a true greek tragedy, serbia was consumed by their own hubris

you're going down kurwa

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>main rival
you would have steamrolled them by +30 just like the 2 previous times

Pride cometh before the elimination

Why the fuck were antentokounpos benched during the last minutes of the game yesterday?

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How much do we have to meme a Polish win for it to actually happen?

is it ioanis ioanidis?

fouled out

Look like thots

Ricky Rubio has female eyes

fuck french niggers

you have to go back

Ah yes polish Catholic tradthots
No bigger thotties in the world

Giannis fouled out, Thanasis is just shit I suppose

Is there more neckbeards than on r/nba?

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they are not thots. they are milfs

wow two unique posters posted a single line such obssesion

Unpopular opinion: Thanasis is better than Giannis.

He cant hide his babyface under the beard

>Those clothes

>40 minuta bulji pored ekrana i ceka da srbija izgubi
Such obssesion

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I hope the frogs play the game of their life tomorrow, take USA out, and then at Friday they are so tired they have no energy left to face us. Or something.

>implying their telephone lines aren't overloaded right now

nah, Vaggelis Ioannou
he's a just a commentator who tries too hard to be hip and cool by saying snarky remarks and giving players nicknames such as Slouki Luke, Nick "the Quick" Calathes and Thanasis "Elevator" Antetokounmpo
he just ends up sounding like a tryhard boomer


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Ja to radim kad Hrvatska igra dbi. Sjećaš li se kad su izgubili protiv Francuza? Kako je ono bilo zanimljivo kad je Čokolinda sisala Francuske kite poslje utakmice.

New thread?

meant for

is gookmoot actually serbian?

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You were literally waiting in your seat for an hour and half for Serbia to lose in order to talk shit. In five minutes from now you'll be posting pictures of tractors.

All according to Mike Taylor's keikaku

why is durant there ?

We are already better than serbs wtf.


Fuck, I hate him so much... even though I haven't heard "the Elevator" till now because Thanasis almost never plays.
I hate "Nick the Quick" so much!

Now that he added manly hair to his looks he became the ultimate chad.

Who can stop us from manifesting destiny

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>spend weeks day dreaming about beating murkans for the world cup
>gets btfo by a country in which 90% of population doesn't even know they're participating

What about Djokovic?

That guy is based. He knew the average weight of a burger 100 years before.

Congrats, Serbia lost. Go ahead and post tractors now, its the highlight of your month after all.

Djokovic la

huh? someone say something?