/cyc/ - Tour of Britain, Stage 4

Vuelta rest day edition

OVO Energy Tour of Britain
Stage 4
Gateshead - Kendal
173.2 km


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scaling for ToB isn't on Danish level but still pretty bad t b h

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latest transfer news:
Joe Dombowski to UAE
Jonathan Dibben to Lotto Soudal

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Carlos Barbero (Movistar) to Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (current DDD)

Ridin me pushy from snods edge to fookin bally’ope common? You’re ‘avin a laugh m8

Another two signing for Nippon Telegraph and Telephone:
Max Walscheid (Sunweb)
Michael Gogl (Trek-Segafredo)

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>using goys

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and it's live

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dutchie dutchie dutchie
oi oi oi

what the fuck is this boomer bubbling about


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Is Soler the saltiest man in the vuelta?

>Rogla re-signed with Jumbo for 4 more years
We just cannot stop winning

>using couches

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The announcement video is peak boomer kino

Uran finally had his surgery


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I was preparing to cringe very hard but it was actually pretty funny. Based Jumbo Visma

Lel, not like we've never seen Valverde crack in the last week before.

waterboy for kruijswijk and tom

Fuck that, I have nothing against the Dutch but Jumbo Pissma will favor Dumoulin & Kruijswijk over Roglič anytime, anywhere. Well I guess we still have Pogačar as GC contender.

Go to hell annoying boomer, I hope he loses the podium to Pogačar and Lopez. Fuck spaniards and fuck boomers.

Matt Poole making everyone else look like children

Holy shit. That wasn't half bad by Mathieu

van der roid


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Did he break his neck, femur, elbow and ribs and nearly died too? Because his hospital room looks better equipped than that of Dawg's.

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No mountain stages on this race. Depending on how good MVDP's ITT, he has a shot of winning overall.

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fractured shoulder blade, several broken ribs, fractured left collarbone and a punctured left lung

He hasn't done a TT in more than 5 years. Interesting to see how he will do

hah, actually pretty good


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It's short (14.4 km) and flat course. He basically ride long ITT in CX, I think he should be pretty good.

kek, they called it queen stage
do they have mountains in Britain?

Guys Vinokourov is going to prison unironically for buying Liege Bastogne Liege from Kolobnev for 150.000€


wtf he still didn't explain a thing

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He pulled out because he was scared he'd get caught doping.

could've just stage some injury then

Rest of their roster is pretty shit tbqh.

Van Aert is a great tt'er and VDP is better than him in everything so he should be alright.

There is some technique about it. I'm sure he has the watts for it, but I doubt he has had the time to touch his TT bike in 3 years

>Alaphillipe only 19%
Just shows how based QS are

Kek. Riders ended up in a moat at the Antwerp Port Epic because of a low flying helicopter

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>these hands color

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reminder how Fignon was sabotaged during Giro 1984 ITT by heli to let Moser win

After 1 week I went on my bike again today, also because the weather was good.

However I had a headache attack this morning, which lasted until 3 PM. Not only pain, but nausea, feeling of vomit, weakness.
After 3 PM, it finally went away, ate something and went out around 4 PM.
But I still felt week, my legs cold from 1 week break.
All in all rode about 60 km at only 25 km/h average.

At the end of my ride, some full geared rider on a racing bike in aero position passed me.
I sucked on his wheel and managed 34 km/h average for 2 km. Would never be able to do that alone.
Aero gains are real ....

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scary skelly

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>Ski jumping.. Cycling..? What else can this guy do..
WTF got ski jumping to do with anything ???

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Roglic will win more Grand Tours than Dumoulin. I'm right, you know

His progression has been excellent. Dumoulin probably already peaked.