/heem/ - Conor Wins The Rematch Edition

>UFC Fight Night Vancouver: Cerrone vs. Gaethje Saturday, 14 September 2019

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Masvidal lied about Colby stiff legs, then lies about Colby paying for sex.

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>contemplates retiring
>vents about colby picking against him
>sends death threats to colby
dustin could have won the story but he made himself look like a whiny bitch

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>big fight announcement soon
>Jones saying he wants to fight in December
>Ngannou saying he wants to fight before the end of the year
Lads, could it be?

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Why does he say that as if paying for sex is a bad thing.

>only conor wins the story against the fragile muslim
absolutely based

Prime Benson 30-27's Conor

He'd knock that toothpick down that ugly fag's throat.


Name a better performance than TJ Dillashaw defeating Renan Barao at UFC 173.

Protip: You can't

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I could fight Renan Barao right now and probably squeeze by on a decision.

Is the exact moment Khabitch decided to panic wrestle. He wanted no part of Conor's big fat stubby balloon foot. The man was shook. Shook.

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>vents about colby picking against him
>sends death threats to colby
>Based video

I use to think Dustin was alright but after that and crying after the fight. YIKES

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It's only business

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Conor definitely wanted to get A Machida type knockout. Before the fight lots of the training videos showed him doing kicks.

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What about Garbrandt schooling big brain Cruz


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>Sultan with captured slave soldier circa 800AD

Just look at the beginning of this fight. Al was just standing completely still and then started trying to close the distance using a weird sideways walk with his hands down taking small steps. What the fuck was he doing this fight? youtu.be/n4tco-6t34Y

>"And you know that's always the question with a rising star like Adesanya—is can he deliver when the moment finally arrives. You know we saw what happened with someone like Darren Till in his fight against Woodley, the way he wilted under that opportunity... there's that leg kick again by Adesanya"
>"Joe, he's really finding his range with that but Whittaker has been—ooh! right there! you see!? with that slip, and that right hand, Whittaker's been finding that all night as well. Israel's gonna need to adjust to that if he wants to do this for five rounds"
>"Exactly, when you've got a guy like Robert Whittaker in front of you, you can't afford to make mistakes like that. And I think Adesanya knows that, you see he—"
>*commentating team laughs*
>"Yeah he pointed, he knew it! Props to Whittaker"
>"And you've gotta give it to Adesanya there, always a showman"
>"OH! another right by Whittaker, he's found his range there! OHH HEADKICK! OH HE'S ROCKED, ISRAEL WALKED RIGHT ONTO THAT!"
>"THAT'S RIGHT! HE KNOWS HE'S GOT HIM HURT HE'S PICKING HIS SHOTS, LOOK AT HIM staying patient, stalking Israel against the cage—OHHH!! THAT'S IT HE'S ON HIM, HE'S ON HIM!"
>"WELL AND HERB DEAN HAS CALLED A STOP TO THIS CONTEST HERE RIGHT IN THE LAST MINUTE OF OUR THIRD ROUND AND PERhaps to the surprise of no one Robert Whittaker has put on a champion display here for the home crowd in Melbourne, Australia!"

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had an inflated ego because "went 5 rounds with khabib on one day's notice" so he came out in a taunting manner

Where is the Tony copypasta? I forgot to save it, someone post it if you have it

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Based weeb faggot

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God, Cerrone's boxing is just horrible

Thanks don't delete your post this time ;)

Gay archivefag

I saw you in the last thread and you didn't know how to read.

Big Nate Diaz fan here. Who is this George guy that he's fighting? Also when are CM Punk and Brock Lesnar fighting again?

some can

He's some old motherfucker. Like most geriatrics, he has experienced a second wind against ineffectual up-and-comers, and now everyone thinks he's a worldbeater.


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He's the guy who's going to send Diaz back into his weed dungeon for 3 more years

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Who wins the rematch of Dustin Poirier and Conor McGregor

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Usman indisputably dodged him

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Nice cazzie larp

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Wow he doesn't look 41. I'd have guessed 30 at most.

look how many yous this got. well done user

Conor by ko

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God I wish Till won that. Diaz is going to get destroyed by that Cuban nigga. Looked more lethargic than usual in his Pettis fight. Pettis broke his foot balloon style and gassed.

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Oh wow that dude definitely did mma you can tell just by looking at his iron chin


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>Diaz is going to get destroyed by that Cuban nigga
as if he is
cuban bitch got owned by melendez and stephen thompson

The absolute state of the noodle arms on these boys. This is why I only watch heavyweight MMA. I could probably crush these midgets in a fight.

just waking up in the morning gotta thank god

colby destroyed dustin's whole life with one interview

WB is ten times the striker that Nate is

diaz didn't get caught by some pettis meme nonsense

Who is the worst out of the MMA journalists?

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Not gonna lie I picked Till going into that fight, but I'm glad Masvidal made the most of that win and finished Askren. Diaz looked really slow against Pettis, but he was able to big boy him, which he won't be able to do against any other welterweight.

Too bad conor didn’t practice any wrestling before khabib and also mentally just wanted to cash out and sell whiskey. He wont be back. He could have done much better

That's because he was too busy hugging him to actually fight

why are you mad

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he can hug masvidal if he needs to as well, but he won't have to.

Gooby flushes him

Nate looked like shit against Pettis. Nate's only hope is to grapple because his boxing is shit Masvidal would piece him up.

why does his face look like a fucking pancake

he outboxxed outgrappled outwrestled and almost got a ko from him

Based. Conor was fun though because he embrace his overcompensating manlet persona to the fullest. Middleweight has some big boys though like pic related. Paulo could probably fight at HW if he really wanted to.

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Nate was working him on the feet too, Pettis gassed as the out of shape reggaeton dancer he looks like at WW

I am the GOAT

He will have to if he doesn't want to get finished. Diaz is a hugger at WW.

It's Jan

Jon is that you?

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>Can Blachowicz
>big fight

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he'll hug him, gas him out, beat him up in the clinch and tko him.

What was till doing there kek no wonder why he got flushed

Mad? Speak for yourself you Brazilian cuck.

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He couldn't even finish Pettis who is a known quitter.

it might be hell wearing this in such a hot place


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Oh shit you're right
>Jones crushing another can

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Diaz vs Masvidal is the ultimate caz matchup

was 3 rounds

You just posted the answer

Yucky little goblina

In every interview he says his favourite fighters are Khabib and Cain. He hates being compared to McGregor and strikers when he is a striker. Just wanted to be a Khabib at Welterweight and now middleweight.

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great, another boring Jones belt defense just to serve as main event

Niggas actaully think shes hotter than Joanna, YIKES SENPAI

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We only got it because Usman ducked Colby and Masvidal back to back. The ultimate caz matchup will always be Conor vs Nate though. If a rubber match ever gets announced this general will be full of cazzies.

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looks like im skipping this ''''''epic''''' fight

>Usman ducked
I know, you've been bitching about it for weeks now, you boring fuck.

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>7 wins in the UFC (Manuwa and Rockhold his only notable wins)
>5 losses in the UFC (including Gustafson, Santos, Manuwa)

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Well he's got the cutbabby part down like Khabib and he got flushed like Cain. Don't see why he wouldn't want to embrace being a striker must be brain trauma kek. Can't wait for Kelvin "The Refrigerator" Gastelum to perma flush him.

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he's the spammer

Chris Pratt the only good thing to ever come out of the Marvel movies.

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Where you at?

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Ariel Helwani
Sep 7
Then they tried to do Usman vs Masvidal but after Masvidal agreed they couldn’t come to terms with Usman. In fact, things got so bad with Usman that they threatened to strip him and pulled all his guest fighter duties in Abu Dhabi.


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usman wants to fight leon edwards

Usman is giving a rematch to Sergio Moraes as his first belt defense

Kek Jones really did clean out light heavyweight damn. He would have fought Thiago again if he wasn't crippled now. Imagine if Jan somehow pulled this out his ass. Everyone was calling Thiago a can before his fight and he did pretty good.

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Go shoot-up a strip mall about it.

nobody called thiago a can here
go away cazzie

Have you not seen spammy's posts before? Maybe it's because he posts during American hours mostly.

Usman truely the biggest beta of 170 if that shits true.

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everybody expected Marreta to get KO'd within 2 rounds and i don't blame them

Yes they did. There are people who claim Jon lost to a "middleweight can" all the time on here to discredit Jon. The patrician posters didn't call him a can obviously.

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Is Luke Rockhold retiring or what?

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Anyone that's lost to Manuwa should be banned from ever competing for a belt

He really fought smart that fight I was not expecting that. He was patient and picking his shots early. Sucks his knee gave out though hope he can recover for a rematch eventually.

Chael said that Luke looked good in this fight lmao

No, he's moving up to heavyweight.

Jones is Apollo, Thiago is Rocky. Think about it.

Manuwa beat osp and osp gave Jon a decent fight, but that was after he fought Jon so yeah you're right tbqh. Manuwa didn't even start combat sport training of any kind until he was 27 kek.


Tony bless

Attached: Tony El Ip Man Ferguson.webm (720x406, 2.68M)

Thats some dumb cunt fan fiction.
Should be Conor is Rocky, Diaz is Apollo. Khabib is Drago.

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Drago got beaten, Khabib will probably retire undefeated

Kek maybe he meant he physically looked good because fight wise Luke gassed early and got flatlined as a result. Not to mention he never fixed his shitty boxing defense. Chael is always one for hot takes though and he loves the story of the fight.

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>Drago got beaten
Not really. From a fight standpoint, he won.

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His daddy (keeper) isn't going to let him retire.

is she a pornstar? what's her name? love this look

That makes sense that you love that look, since it looks manly.

tomboys are one of my fetishes

Is that Miley Cyrus?

when you think about it, tony ferguson is the only thing joining reddit and heem together

heemsters are redditors

rin bless

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Crying rn thinking about my boy Conor. Absolute legend. Gone too soon. Rip.

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Dont shed those tears for too long. HE WILL BE BACK! Gaycheese next then Dustin or Khabib.

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Just realized something crazy. So I never use axe body wash on my legs when I shower, and they are hairy as fuck. But I do use axe body wash on my face chest and back but I can't grow hair in those places. I think this stuff isn't good for you.



He transcends the typical dichotomy. Tony is the third way.

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nice guy

He should try to fight Dustin again. He already knows he can beat him and since Dustin just fought for a title it'll give him claim to being the next contender. Gaethje is a tougher fight just because Gaethje is such a tard he will hurt his opponent at the expense of hurting himself. Conor could win, but he would probably take some damage. Against Dustin he could probably escape without taking hardly any damage.

conar beat porier so why would porer win against kabib
conar should fight kabib next

In many ways, Tony is nothing, but at the same time he is everything.

tony doesnt win or lose the story of the fight, tony IS the story of the fight

i feel like that is the only time he used that thing

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ive seen this webm so many times but ive only just noticed eddie sitting in the back looking nervous

Scorching hot take from Chael incoming

>a silver fucking tie
>all his suits

Even Khabib dresses better than him.

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i showed you my hands
no weapons

God I wish he won.

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She looks like Ribery


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dream timeline - realistic version

>johnny walker vs jon jones
>walker wins via KO
>jones gets the immediate rematch
>wins decision
>tests positive
>comes back after a two year suspension
>instant title shot
>wins but not impressively

can confirm that it is

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>Zero discussion of upcoming banger main event
Well hello there, /heem/
*rolls into thread*

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every other fight is pointless since both of them would get flushed by Kebab

downies age weirdly


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How to beat Khabib:
1. Opening bell, run towards him quickly
2. Wing punches at him, any kind will do. Preferably uppercuts and crosses
3. If he tries to shoot at you, retreat, back up all the way to the cage until you're out of range
4. Sprint away from him while circling the cage
5. Cut back towards the middle of the octagon
6. Repeat steps 2-5 until your Khabib is unconscious
It's literally that simple and no I'm not joking

i actually wore something like that, when i was down there. It's actually a little better because of the loose fit compared to a t-shirt and shorts

Cerrone would ruin Khabib. There's a reason he ducked Cowboy twice.

Is Derrick Lewis actually any good?

He actually does this stupid shit? I was wondering why he spams it on UFC 3.

Tony is literally the only guy with enough cardio to do this kek

>can who always shits his pants in big fights and was outgrappled by RDA would ruin the best pressure grappler in MMA
Hot take, kiddo.

everything would go to shit as soon as he grabs you

Literally, I agree but I disagree, b

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HAHAHA how fucking tight are you're shorts and shirt. Must be a fat nigga.

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Don't. Let. Him. Grab. You. Run away. God, it isn't that complicated. See steps 3 and 4, child. My strategy is fool proof.

Illiterate mouth-breather from the last thread still can't read.

>Don't. Let. Him. Grab. You


Has Khabib ever faced a D1 all American Wrestler like Gaethje? Khabib also ducked Cowboy twice.

Cerrone probably has the best wrestling at 155 besides Khabib and Gaethje

i can guarantee you he flushes both of them


Basically the same technique as fighting a really hard boss in Dark Souls

This is the fight to make.

Tony and Gregor both have great wrestling, but Cowboy is probably top 5 in the division

>who is Islam
>who is Gregor
Damn, this cesspool is full of absolutely retarded fucking cazzies. What am I even doing here?

How to beat prime Anderson Silva:

1. Circle away from his punches
2. Punch him without getting punched
3. Check his kicks
4. Repeat 1, 2, 3 until he's unconscious

He's literally done it in his ufc fights you absolute cazzie retard

>an essentially pure striker, mostly boxer, that throws power shots
>he's going to destroy Nate Diaz in a 5 round fight
How does your brain function you berk

I can guarantee he never fights either of them because they're tough matchups and Khabib wants to retire undefeated. Gaethje is unironically a nightmare matchup for Khabib.

i'm in good shape, i actually hit the gym and play football, unlike you since you're posting on here all the time

yellow fever = mental illness

Why don't you cry about it?

>two bums who haven't beaten anyone good
oh for sure

Can't believe I boyd this crying sissy, I think I might boy tsperg now.

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He cries at the end of every fight, even the ones he wins.

The time of AmeriCAN belt holders is coming to a close

Why don't you go back to ufc 3 you obese cazzie cunt

Are you stupid? No, seriously, are you? How are you actually going to try to apply my logic to a fighter that is the polar opposite of Khabib and then pretend I look like the stupid one here. You dumb smug little faggot. God I would knock your teeth down your throat if you'd said something like this to my face.

He lost to dong hyun Kim and Rory MacDonald at welterweight. Not to mention Conor beat him over five rounds, who's really a featherweight. Nate has overrated stand up and I don't think he's strong enough to handle Masvidal like he did to Pettis. Pettis is also a heartlet unlike Masvidal.

I'm thinking its Anderson next.

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Jon, Stipe, Max, and Cejudo are all American. Usman really is American too even though he won't admit it because it's not as marketable. All his training is in America, but it's ok he'll lose the belt to an American as soon as he tries to defend.

>Khabib sits down on the stool, confident that he won this round on the scorecards
>another decision win by wrestlefucking for sure
>but something is different this time
>he looks at the man across from him
>sees Tony standing there with a grin on his face
>why isn't he sitting down?
>at least his face is bloody
>it looks kinda weird though, there's no visible cut on Tony's face, only a spray of blood on his face and chest
>Khabib touches his face
>his stomach sinks as he looks at his hands
>red... he's bleeding, heavily
>that's his blood on Tony's face
>as the camera points at Khabib, he looks up at the display screen
>he almost can't recognise his face
>he starts to panic, he was never cut before, he's never seen so much blood
>Khabib looks back at Tony
>he's still smiling
>Round 2

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True he was embarrassing and emotional after the Max fight too

Damn why is Anderson ranked so low? Does he never fight or something?

>i earned dis in blyoood, dis is myneee

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>Thiago and Smif ranked lower than Poostafsson

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Impressive wins, unfortunate losses.
Also reminder that the rankings are made by MMA reporters voting, and are basically fanboyism.

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>the nig


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Proud Croation
Proud Native Polynesian

Rory is a wrestler you mong and neither one of the other guys 'destroyed' him

Let me tell you how this is going to go

Masvidal is going to try and knock him out which is the worst gameplan possible and he'll lose, probably by TKO in the championship rounds.
Then they wrap some stupid fake belt around Nate and call him a ''''''''champ''''''''' and he'll call out some other striker with a lot of miles on the clock

>impressive wins
>boring wrestlefucks with next to no offense
Only thing worse than his fighting style is his cardboard personality

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>Rory is a wrestler
Stopped reading. Rory cross trained from the very beginning a true student of the MMA game.

based copypasta

My post obviously reads "won against top guys, lost against bottom guys". Impressive in name recognition, not theatrical or whatever.

If it were up to me you'd be sent back to Lafayette with all those down syndrome kids that Poirier is feeding scraps to.

>he'll lose the belt to an America
But Ponzi is from Argentina though, not America

Should've posted the webm of Rory chain suplexing Diaz to further your case.

>Rory is a wrestler
Kek. And yeah Masvidal is definitely known for being a knockout artist my dude. Cazzie.

why do I care if you're reading you melt, couldn't even stand up for your own retarded opinion


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Dos Anjos wrestle fucked Diaz, but no one calls him a wrestler. Diaz is just really bad at wrestling.

I assumed people had actually watched fights before conor, bit naive I guess

Technique is there, but Clogboy pissed all his power away with beer. And it's not because of cutting to 155, but why he cuts to 155.

Attached: NY tough vs front kick (no sound).webm (1280x720, 2.26M)

I wish they allowed kicks to grounded opponents. Cowboy could have finished him right there with a kino kick to the face while Al was falling, but instead Al gets to go "get in my guard"

>won against top guys
Lmao who, ilir Latifi and a 50 year old glover? Jan 4 years ago? Dudes a joke and your post is retarded

Al is also really hard to finish. He's never been KOd before.

>there are people here whom unironically believe Nate Diaz will beat Jorge Masvidal in an MMA match

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lots of cazzies in this very thread

I thought his mouth piece was his eyeball for a second kek

I'd give both of my testicles to see Cowboy snap Khabib's fat head back like that.

Biggest fucking choker in the game, veteran choker.

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yellow fever is big brain

Till would flush Khabib too so I don't know what your point is

Yikes you still mad boi!

Is that what you actually want to be? Nice try faggot, go back to /fit/

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>ayo I went 1-1 with a featherweight striker at welterweight 3 years ago, just came back and beat a lightweight striker at welterweight i only want the cool fight like stikers with a lot of years on the clock and you should pay me millions, I want to fight this lightweight striker at welterweight next
>holy shit Nate is a star! BMF belt lets go how can he possibly beat another LW striker!?

Have to respect how hard this downie ha worked this sport's dumbfuck audience and Dana

Diaz fanbase is made of soifaced burgers

our guy is online

What a fucking dumb cunt yankee

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I'm not even into baseball, but thanks anyway.

Lol go back to KK's twitch or Joannas

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>Cerrone would flush Kebab

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Look at the rest of the division. Anderson has the most top 10 wins after JJ.

Whitaker use to be a huge McGregor fan, too bad he's a Khabib fan now.

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I would if I could, bitch


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legit respect him for pimping out these mandrama hoes and taking their money from them for a meme fight

masvidals still a fag but diaz is cool

You're still watching the fight.

>WMMA? Never heard of it

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Khabib and Tony are both on a 12 win streak in the UFC, if Khabib wins he deserves all the respect he wants.

More like watching highlights in the morning after.

Why are you talking to me?

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Khabib has beaten more top 10 lightweights than Tony has. He already deserves all the respect he wants.
But yes, Tony is the one real serious pretender to the throne. 50:50 fight, love it, can't wait. Dustin has to call out McGregor to keep him from ruining it.

Do I know you?

Based Bobby says Khabib is the best combat grappler in the world. Haters on suicide watch.


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>Its a chess match, Joe.
>Thats right, can you see the fine twitch fiber on their muscles moving ever so slightly, they are like springs ready to explode.
>This is a true fighter's fight.
>They are giving each other so much respect, they respect the other man's ability to counter, great athletes.
>And the round is over, what a round, what a mental battle.

It's sad that the Christian world has no athlete like Khabib. An athlete who actually cares about the religion he espouses and an athlete who fights against the constant encroachment of degeneracy, godlessness and decadence in his homeland. The world needs heros like Khabib.

unless an opinion is delivered to them by chael or some other faggot the spergs cant accept it

Attached: 1561842996043.jpg (419x600, 37K)

Wtf I love Khabib now

Attached: 1542737657388.jpg (329x330, 21K)

>a christian fighter who follows religious texts
>"do to others what you want done to you"
>"turn the other cheek"
>"dont strike against your fellow man"


No, you don't understand so let me tell you something uneducated fool. If Khabib wins, then Tony was always an old, cte'd can who lost to fucking Michael Johnson and only beat cans. If Tony wins then Khabib was always an overrated, onedimensional can crusher who could only beat former featherweights and trash fighters.

Imagine licking Conor's big fat smelly rotten purple swollen Irish balloon toes

>i hate the casuals so much, i embrace their views ironically, except i forgot it was ironically and now i actually believe that shit

pls no do this brother

Irish people must seethe not having a dominant defending champion from their tiny country unlike chadStralia

Attached: 1549377254184.jpg (299x168, 6K)

If you think Christianity is a meek religion because some of its tenets espouse mercy, then you're wrong. There are millions upon millions of Christians who long for days when Christendom still was a force to be reckoned with. When churches weren't filled with female bishops and homosexual churchgoers.
Just imagine a Christian fighter saying no against homosexuality, no against hiphop, no against atheism. A Christian fighter whose profession of faith goes further than the ugly cross tattoo on his body.

>just imagine a violent christian
You mean a heretic?

Rob is a kiwi bro. And Conor defended his belt against Aldo.

How do Poirier vs Colby and Masvidal vs Colby go?

>BMF champion @ Marvel Arena presented by 3 piece with soda by Rory MacDonalds
>Khabozo takes a year to prepare for ex-FW striker and doesn't fight 12 win streak guy
>Janni Bones pulsates and deadlifts 600 pounds, but doesn't move to HW because his flushed division needs cleaning up
>Asian market expansion card had 5 fights that should've been stopped because they gassed like Dada & Kimbo
>Arab market expansion card was led by decision machine "russians" that can't heem anybody and all forums are now filled with mad cazzies
>Blaydes goes to fuckknowswherebumfuckistan to get 120k while manletweights who he can heem inside 1 minute fight once a year & get millions
>all the fan favorites spend year on side lines waiting for entangled in his BS schemery Dana to give them appropriate fight
I know Rock is disaster movie specialist, but I don't think he can save this one. I can smell what he is cooking, but it smells very similar to toilet list.

Attached: tfw goof sells Unfinished Fights Championship.jpg (748x760, 56K)


why does this thread attract so many retarded cunts? its worse than other sports by far

Someone with autism do a "title fights per year for each weight class" chart

i bet theres less and less title fights per weight class, just more weight classes and fake interim belts

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I feel bad for Khabib because he will never really reach goat status having all his major fights in the lightweight division and not being on the radar till he was already 20 fights deep.

He needs to clean house at welterweight if he really wants all-time p4p legacy.

Silver actually goes well with blues but I wouldn't expect a bogan to know that.

joe is a metrosexual manlet from cali
he 100% uses height increase insoles

Blaydes wants to be the Khabib of HW, but he doesn't have character in interviews and on social media. And even his wrestling is more boring somehow. Not enough smesh most of the time. Though when the razorblades come out, it gets good. Tony tier.

He's already an all time great, Anderson Silva territory, and if he beats Tony and a returning GSP, he'd be GOAT status.

Attached: Mc-Book-II.jpg (752x847, 205K)

>my most anticipated fight? Why the BMF belt fight of course. It's simply wonderful to see suck a display of masculine energy.

Attached: gigachad.jpg (1080x1331, 97K)

Nah, Iron Mike is just a short man for his weight class.

Attached: hw.jpg (1276x560, 71K)

If he shoots at you he's probably going for a single leg so you should fall into it and put your weight onto him like Connor did and just try and maul him. Know that you can win but if you don't win that first takedown it's over. Goobh was doing well and almost had position on him many times but he just didn't think he would win or something so let kebob up.

You have something wrong with you if you have such an obsessive drive to argue over stupid shit on Yea Forums all day long. You're a dumb cunt. Also, a faggot.

>"I was out on my feet." @cainmma says Ngannou knocked him unconscious before his knee buckled in their fight (via @arielhelwani)

Soon Miocic (pic related)

Attached: Stipe.after.Ngannou2.jpg (478x718, 29K)

He doesn't need GOAT status. If he beats Tony and retires he'll be 29-0. He won't be on the same level as GSP but he'll have a mystique that nobody else will never have, i.e. being completely unbeaten. You can only argue Jones is practically speaking unbeaten but he's too much of a cheater to take seriously.

I don't know what "m" is. In English please?

Tibau beat Khabib. Gus and Thiago beat Jones.

I hope its not about Scatocic cuz i want Ngannou to break Scatocic face first

Attached: breaking.png (513x299, 24K)

It doesnt feel enough. Maybe with the win over gsp after Tony but that would still be riding on the 30-0 statline.
2+ division belts feels mandatory at manlet weights.

dude joe rogan is 165cm at best

Khabib won that 29-28. Only a statistics autist who counts the number of strikes would disagree that.

Its Jan Polski.

lol and this is the big fight?

Jan's twitter suggests so.

Islam is godlessness. Fucking moron.

Hot take: Luke Cuckhold has a better chance against JJ than Jan does.


I'm the baddest mother heemer. Anyone want to challenge for my throne, come see me in the octagon.

i suppose jon tries to invent big fights cuz the division is over

did tyson lose the BMF title to some twink faggot zoomer?

>I feel bad for Khabib because he will never really reach goat status
He will, if he keeps the zero and doesn't lose any more rounds and reaches a nice record of 30-0. Being completely undefeated in the most talent stacked division in MMA (doesn't matter what you cazzies think, this is the media's narrative) having lost only one round in his career to a double champ is phenomenal and unheard of.

GSP tapped to strikes from Matt Serra. Portajohn is a cheating piece of shit who can abrely eek out split decisions against cans. Fedor was strangled by Werdum. Khabib would be literally perfect with only one round lost to his greatest rival.

He would win the GOAT title and the story of the fight for the GOAT title.

Attached: 141_Khabib_Nurmagomedov.0.jpg (1200x800, 96K)

Uh sweaty...

Attached: F4EF2DF8-C121-4585-A5B4-EB6FEB52F27D.jpg (948x1024, 618K)

Usman is cringe

Except kebab barely scraped through against washed up cans and Jones, love him or hate him has fucking dominated evryone of his last how ever many fights. If conor looks good again and we see him beat conor again or really flush Tony is say he gets some respect but only cazzies respect him cause hur dur no L. Anyone can dodge their way to undefeated

>dominated in the third
stop ducking the rematch, Khabitch

Attached: 1472930786678.png (688x650, 790K)

>Except kebab barely scraped through against washed up cans
Never lost a round to anyone but Conor, cazzie. Your dogshit opinion is irrelevant.

>Jones, love him or hate him has fucking dominated evryone
>barely winning a split decision against a fat middleweight with no legs is "domination"
Whew, lad, you're mentally ill.

>Anyone can dodge their way to undefeated
Except Khabib is the only reigning undefeated UFC champ. I guess, in more ways than one, Khabib is everyone, whoah.

Fact: the last FULL round we saw between Conor and Khabib, Conor won. You may not like it, buts it’s true.

cockhold is a beast of a winstreak

i will tell you something

>Never lost a round to anyone but Conor, cazzie.

Attached: TIBAU_GLEISON.png (520x325, 122K)

Lmao the fact that you base how good someone is off of wins and losses and not their actual ability says everything.

Schaub is the GOAT. Simple as

If anything Khabib is dominating harder than Jones, and winning more one sided fights.
JJ has looked progressively worse in each fight in the last few years, for some reason.

Dustin was to Khabib what Smiff was to JJ, and only one of these ended in a finish.


>Portajohn is SO good he can barely win against a disabled fat middleweight who should be in a wheelchair
Absolute M-münster, my peach.

Attached: this enrages the cazzie.png (757x357, 40K)

>I think they believe they can win. This guy is one of the best in the world. They have to believe. Why come to fight if you don’t believe yourself? I think they believe too. But after first round I think they not believe.

This is such a poor analysis. Jones has shown way more versatility over the years adapting how he fights. All kebab has done is shown he will throw punches regardless of how weak they are. Comparing Smith to poirier is retarded since poirier showed really good tdd and Smith looked like he was a teenager in the octagon with no clue what he was doing

The thing is, by the time the current goat contenders got in their groove, every one of their fights was a huge event or at least a title defense.

As much as I love Khabib, its not until the fight with Conor that it felt like the real deal. Everything before that came across as a warmup. If he quits after 2-3 more fights, it will feel like a brief career despite the numbers.
He got into the title picture only recently.

This is such a poor analysis, etc.

If it were the most thorough, thought-out analysis ever concocted, you'd still find a way to argue over it. You petty sack of shit.

I guess we will never know, since its a shitpost instead.

He got into the picture late relative to Portajohn, because LW is fucking stacked, both numerically and in terms of talent. Khabib had to accumulate a 10 fight winning streak to win the belt, Ferguson had to do approximately the same to get his interim belt. Meanwhile Portajohn fought in a wasteland division filled with out of prime Pride grandpas and outright cans and won his belt on a 4 fight winning streak. Now when the grandpas have retired, there's nothing BUT cans. The division is a joke and Portajohn is a shitty can crusher who can't even crush cans reliably, lmao.

he got into the picture late because he was always injured, not because LW was stacked. he could have gotten a title shot 3-4 years ago in a different timeline

Oh, and I even forgot to mention the roids, lmao. Even without the roids Portajohn is a joke.

Coulda shoulda woulda. Ferguson went through the same winning streak to get his interim belt as Khabib, this long path to the belt is no coincidence, the division is simply stacked and anyone who tries to argue this is a cazzie.

i have inside information, conor wins the rematch

Imagine talking MMA with khabitches
>foul mood
>reddit spacing (you can stop here)
>no personality, so switches between discord tranny words he stole from faggot boards or others (seethe, cazzie, lad) & nicknames created by heemsters who hate khabozo ways
>brainwashed by us-vs-them mentality: dellusional 24/7, invents enemies/haters, thinks anybody would say a word against khabitch if he fought best wraslers convinietly gathered in WW division and fought 2-3 times a year instead of being cutbabby fight picker that has to rest a year or he'll die from tough weightcuts
>as a result 100 posts of mindless spam, jerking off to 0(allegedly) losses, while 38-1 40-2 resume would put him above anybody but Jones that won Mugumbo/Stipe winner
Just think about it next time. One simple fact:
>have an opportunity to fight GSP (one of the legends/greats), who fights in similar fashion at 200 event
>be goat
>refuse because you rest from your religious holiday (aka my pussy hurts) teehee see you in september against somebody else

Attached: dagestani terminator.jpg (1368x728, 236K)

Once again, I survey /heem/. Do you prefer your hugs to be double under hooks, over under hooks, or double over? Open to other answers such as back clinch and lethwei clinch.

Attached: 20190910_211059.jpg (1440x1620, 840K)

i'm already on /fit/ you ung

Based Tony. Defend Or Vacate

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The weak should fear the strong

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Over and under, of course. What sort of barbarian hugs differently?

It's over el cuckuy, there's no where to run now, you HAVE to fight khabib, your only option is to get flushed by the GOAT.

Attached: khachad2.jpg (834x726, 128K)


Attached: dustbinfinished.jpg (800x533, 80K)

This i peak MMA """striking"""
>only 2 punches landed

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I bet I could pin Khabib in oil folk wrestling.


Could no weight cut khabib beat the world's strongest man in a ufc fight?

nah im good

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thoughts on the damage control over the rogan's wife comment?

your maximum bench press for 5 reps?

Where do I watch this, for free of course?

Attached: dt.jpg (800x420, 38K)

why would you want to watch this
cucked as fuck, should've went on with it and accused toe hogan of cheating.

I didnt pay attention to the original comment, but his denial makes me think Joe does cheat

If you stare into the toilet long enough(with the lights off), Daniel will climb out and give you analysis on a topic of your choosing for thirty (30) minutes

Attached: BF310BA5-2ABE-4CE3-B7C3-18D635DB68F0.png (442x587, 499K)

Also I forgot to mention it has to be at midnight and you have to whisper "flushed Daniel" over and over until he appears

DC is not flushed, he wins the trilogy.

Attached: BFFs.png (700x366, 117K)

Yes, strongmen are cardiolets. Itd be round one of him clinging for his life on one limb as he gets swung around in the air but not taking much damage, round 2 the strongman would gas and fall victim to an easy choke.

neither have i i'm just bored

Everyone who fights khabib ends up looking like this while khabib is unscathed.

Attached: capture3.png (222x264, 108K)

i can't remember did conor make him cry too

I just want to see Colby maul everyone, you can tell he's been treated like shit a lot and is just getting his own back. And everyone cries about the Brazil comments while he has a Brazilian in his corner and they clearly care for each other.

Ah the same 35 year old still obsessed with the Joker and being the bad guy?

For me, it's being undefeated.

Attached: arrgh bear save me.gif (394x217, 2.55M)

This show is really low production value for ESPN and honestly kind of lame. Just look up the filthy casual's guide on YouTube instead and listen to DC's commentary on fight night. You get to watch a well-made breakdown of a fighter's technique and listen to your boy talk shop all for the same amount of money you were paying before.

colby is an autistic fake and his gimmick is relentlessly cringy. you won an interim belt, everyone knows who you are at this point, drop the publicity act ffs

based khabib still wins against roided up tibau

Attached: khachad3.jpg (1200x900, 196K)

this but unironically

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Unironicly kebab needs like 1-2 wins for goat lw and 4-5 for goat overall

>johnson rapes el duckuy
>khabib mauls johnson

Attached: elcuckuy.jpg (1200x800, 92K)

Can flat line people
Can tap people

Does this belt make any sense?

Does the other belts make any sense at all?

>Khabib will lose THIS time!

Attached: Milenial-cambio-paradigma.jpg (625x420, 74K)

Yeah they give you a general idea of who can be considered the best, especially if they defend against a series of people who have proven themselves better than all others below them.

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The samurai fears the arab

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The finn fears the maghrebi

Attached: ottman2.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

I love how all you faggots are shitting on dustbin so hard right now and calling him a can but 3 days ago were saying he would end the khabib meme

Attached: dustbintaps.webm (960x540, 2.94M)

Honestly we should just change /heem/ to khabib general at this point

Attached: dustbintaps2.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

We were talking about the rematch.


Attached: dustbinbtfod.jpg (1400x788, 139K)

Jordan poster shitting up all the threads lately, i miss the greece flag hating on stipe now

This here is the moment that confirmed the rematch.

Attached: rematch .jpg (2048x1365, 673K)

Jordanfag did not post before 242. I'm thinking he's probably a Fin or Lithuanian under proxy

How am i shitting up all the threads?

Attached: dustbinflushed.jpg (962x660, 155K)


you just post recaps all the time, you post like 5-6 things in a row

these 2 little turdskins literally ruined the interview, khabib shouldn't have allowed those monkeys inside the octagon.

Attached: khabvll.jpg (895x815, 166K)

Yoel Romero?
>say no to gay people

he started posting in august or end of july in this general and he's been a rather bad poster I'm pretty sure he's the same jordan that was posting in some soccer threads before
you're actually worse than the arab german khabib fag

>you post like 5-6 things in a row
Not true, and i'm not "shitting up" any threads, stop being a whiny bitch and just filter me if i make you this butthurt.

Usman indisputably dodged every single possible title defence.

I fucking hate this faggot

Masvidal raped Pettis in a grappling match.

you're not making me butthurt retard, i like khabib so i don't mind khabib getting posted, i do think it's amazing that some dessert monkey can have a stable internet connection to post 5 times in a row

I don't give a fuck about what you say

I'm probably richer than you, i also probably have better internet connection, a bigger house and a better car, you probably live with your parents and stay in your room all day, i'm also physically stronger than you, i'm 204 cm tall, i could literally kill you in under a minute.

Attached: khabull.jpg (644x428, 35K)

>Ur birds a fella and ur a helmet

Shut the fuck up Luke

Who were those kids in white, anyways? Dubai royalty?

Attached: necklace-stuck.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

Imagine thinking khabib wins the rematch

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osama bin ladens grand children

Link to slob exposing Rogan for sleeping around? Imo his wife is probably cool with it. Joe seems like he’s into poly/cuckhold

Conor gets flushed by the top 5.

no you aren't

Children of the sheikh who hosted khabib and his team, they're basically the children of every rich gulfie arab, disrespectful, entitled, always have a dumb look on their face, extremely stupid and overall very fucking annoying.

Don't be mean.

>gay cheese
Conor assfucks all three


Cannor needs to fight some can first

>lanklets when will they learn?

Not anymore.

wtf what kind of arab is 6'8? were you genetically engineered by an oil sheik?

you are a delusional hater. Conor already beat peahead and and gayche lost to peahead. cans.

what about a Yea Forums campaign for Miesha's return

Attached: miesha.png (1440x2560, 3.21M)

What did Schaub mean by Joe Rogan "slinging dick"? Does he mean that Joe has sex with women other than his wife?

No, my father and mother are both tall, but yeah i tower every literally everyone, this is a country of manlets.


Attached: dustbin.png (69x58, 12K)

Based, everyone in this thread better believe Tony will make khabib see his own blood that night.

Attached: 20190907_125926.jpg (290x386, 78K)

why are ethniccels and leftist cucks spamming the internet with black pill sluthate looksism all of a sudden?

because being mogged is the one universal truth. women are clocking onto this and it threatens to destroy society as we know it

Attached: LSOykzK.jpg (488x650, 46K)


Attached: elcucuy.webm (1280x720, 3M)

can't do that but I can start a campaign for more candid pictures of her crotch

tripped himself with his own leg to avoid that punch from behind at the end there. thats the kind of next level fight IQ he possesses


> mogging is ONLY about your height, hairline and canthal tilt
ethniccel and leftist cope

Wing Chun is so based


Attached: 1539712565966.jpg (960x540, 113K)

Based cropped word.

he's not mogged

Natty GOAT approves

Attached: ZhangontheWingChunmasterTonyFerguson.jpg (1080x1040, 409K)

tony you're fucking DEAD, khabib will flush this shitskin spic.

jordan you need to take a break from shitposting on heem sometimes


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hes a millionaire playboy and is retired at 15 years old. when hes not importing instagram thots and paying to take a piss on them he posts about mma

People talk about Tony and him being able to go 5 rounds with khabib. What people may not realize is that wrestling for 5 minutes is not like running 5 minutes on the treadmill. You can take a triathlon athlete and let him wrestle with Khabib, you know he will gas after 5 minutes.

People may not realize this but Khabib has been fed cherry picked opponents like Conor was. Khabib have never fought a smaller wrestler since he almost lost to Tibau.

Tony will gas out after the first half of round 2 and tap and round 3.

they wont be wrestling. if khabib manages to take tony down ill paypal you 100 euros

Khabib will get the TD in the first 3 minutes of round 1.

Ben askren.

Attached: 1F292415-9641-48E4-ADE1-BDDD90CBCB65.png (460x700, 366K)

Based, askren wins the rematch.

Khabib will take down Tony at will like any other fighter he faces. I am saying this as a fan of El Cucuy. He stands no chance. Khabib will remain undefeated for at least 2 more years and eventually he will retire undefeated.


fuck this guy for losing to masvibum now we have to put up with his shit

Khabib wins the decision but his face will be hanging on by a thread and the doc will likely stop it


>most hyped mma trade post-pride
>loses his unbeaten record within 2 fights against journeymen

why do some imports excel in the ufc and others wilt like they've been living a lie their whole careers?

good luck with that weight cut
your conditioning sucks

We will destroy his country soon enough brother

Is not fair how he destroyed Dustin life.
He can't keep getting away with it!!

Attached: 69815414_3017589291646724_3592305080096784384_n.jpg (821x960, 86K)

kek, you're just a golem, a puppet, we are semites and jews are our cousins, you're just caught in between our 2 thousand year old blood feud.

The copypasta came true :(

Khabib is most likely gonna take Tony's back in the first round and punch his face.

Second round Khabib will take his back again and punch his face.

Third round Khabib will look for the rear naked choke and end it.
Tony will be the one who gasses first. Khabib has been wrestling for the entirety of his life time. Khabib can wrestle 10 rounds without gassing. You can't train for that.

>there are faggots who actually believe that Robert Whittaker is going to starch Israel Adesanya
Smdh this is the best fight you can get at 185

What's next for Diego?

Attached: diego-glare.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

TKO by doctor's stoppage, Tony leaves with the belt and Khabib's left eye.

Pyramid Schemes on Facebook

Trying too hard to look intimidating

It won't top Adesanya Gastelum.

Most jews arent even semites, also israel is our greatest ally and you will pay with my blood

Voices in his head.

get back inside the box

He's gonna heem himself Chris benoit style soon
RIP to that niggas wife's son

Shut up mutt, israel is using you as a tool, don't get me wrong i think that's very based, just don't ever think even for a second israel gives a shit about amerimutts.

He was winning the fight until he lost

Israel and America are basically one country at this point, considering Jews will just flip flop between them years at a time



Attached: mashallah.jpg (225x225, 9K)


Yeah, I think I'm gonna rowl with the Jews on this one b, bedder luck nextime dawg

based too, i dont care if jews or muslims win as long as christoids are btfod.

what about the talking rocks though

Dios mio....

Dont you have some children to go rape you dune coon

shut up non-semite, i cant even believe i am actually speaking to a goy mongrel right now.

Jewlby Jewvington

he's gonna become a guru who charges 2500 bucks a night for a "spiritual retreat" where you run around the desert naked and talk to lizards

Who do you think has the biggest hawg in MMA and why is it Yoel Romero?

Attached: yoel.jpg (1280x720, 120K)


Attached: eldiossoldado.jpg (602x884, 137K)

Attached: file.png (1125x1121, 1.73M)

Post the unedited version

Attached: 1566461212598.png (534x713, 466K)

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johnny walker split draws jon


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What's /heem/ eating? For me, it's Arroz a la cubana.

Attached: 20190910_162828.jpg (4032x1960, 2.14M)

Love the bjpenn.com in the OP

You know it's gonna be a great thread!

Attached: 1550393224719.jpg (1200x774, 91K)

Cubans eat like that? Dropping masvidal

Attached: 1552775632860.webm (960x540, 2.94M)


>seriously trying to analyze the fake meme belt

he lost the fight but in reality he actually won the fight

i hate blacked, but id watch this threesome any day of the week

something about Holm, you just know...

why did you give yole an additional hip penis

Duke Roufus said he wants Pettis to fight him next

i didn't even make it, it's the second image when you google "yoel jon and holly holm" lol

Attached: 1554683202421.jpg (1300x724, 76K)

Yet he wrestled for two rounds against Al and Conor and gassed. Even against Barboza he slowed down significantly in the third


im a fuckin samurai you're just an average bloke

Attached: 1562424842099.jpg (1125x614, 362K)

Good use of English slang, buddeh.


Attached: heem luke chinlethold is flushed.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

You mean terrminology

Based AUSTRALIA banning ring girls:

“It’s 2019, do we really still need scantily-clad women to wander around the middle of a fighting ring between rounds?” Lord Mayor of Melbourne Sally Capp asked Herald Sun. “Grid girls are no longer part of Formula One, walk-on girls are no longer part of professional darts — surely it’s time to move on.”

kek, muslim countries like UAE allow ring girls, shitty australia doesn't

Ew are you that skinny little rat tony hinchcliffe? None of these MMA thots are close to attractive.

>putting women out of the job
isnt that sexist?

Somebody's never heard of aspen ladd:

Attached: heem GDR ends the Ladd is Fatt meme.webm (1280x720, 1012K)

Condor McNuggets


we need to remove all sporting events from those cucks, let them have the gay pride parades and whatever other shit we dont need

where did he do that


hold on im talking brother

"You were interim champ. I'm now undisputed champ. Show me some respect, yes?" He asked. Before he can answer, he freezes as Khabib is in his face brushing his lips against his own. It's unexpected, but it doesn't feel weird. Again like in the fight, Khabib is demanding something from him and he feels to depressed to resist. He kissed him back, running his hand around his neck as his opponent brought their tongues together.

Dustin could barely enjoy it, before the champ pulled back smiling. "Bathe, but don't put clothes on. You look nice, like this" Khabib said stroking his face, he got up, got his hat and walked out of the bathroom. Dustin grabbed his sponge and a bottle of gel, soaping himself clean. Until all the sweat, blood and fears were drowning in the tub.

Attached: 25b.png (1000x1000, 149K)

For me, it's Donald Gaethje.

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Why is Dustin so mad at Colby for picking Khabib when Dustin picked a flushed Robbie Lawler over Colby. I didn't realize Dustin was such a drama queen damn.

Kek I remember watching something on ESPN Monday a week ago and it was saying "ufc 242 is tonight" they fuck up a lot


shut the fuck up you faggot, no one cares

t. dustbin

Attached: Anderson_Aldo.jpg (440x250, 27K)


Link to this video

Seething dustbin fan

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He really thinks millions listen to his Theo von podcast kek

Joe Rogan cheats on his wife and Schaub is an actual retard confirmed

High level based


If would be so easy to not dig yourself any deeper, but he still manages it.

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this guy can't even speak right anymore lol, cte's a beast my mans

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based, the champ on the heem train

All these Canor fans are an embarrassment to this general

Stop ducking Aldo

Attached: Aldo checks for signs of life.png (802x484, 483K)

Rent free

Attached: McGregor-vs-Khabib-Live-Conor-1542144.jpg (590x875, 79K)


How could Conor be ducking Aldo when he starched him in 13 seconds and Aldo is coming off a loss to Volkanovski?

ChidiChidi Bangers n mash

>actually posting that 0/10 reply to that awful bait
Go back to red dit

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Cerrone has a very good stiff jab

Attached: Khabib submits some can.webm (960x540, 2.94M)

How could Khabib be ducking a man who got KO'd by a 40 year old with glass hands who he already beat by submission?

chael confirms it bros
conor is old news
isn't that fucking crazy?
nate didn't call out conor to fight him next
khabib didn't call out conor to fight him next

conor is fucking finished

holy shit

what is the name of the post-conor mcgregor era we're living in bros?

Attached: GOAT.png (1790x1098, 1.83M)

Floyd MOGGED him

Attached: Floyd Dabbing Culture.webm (320x180, 2.2M)

Round 3

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This is a serious level of coping lol

Attached: blue lips.png (57x62, 6K)

>Marty Fakenewsman
>Aksren BTFO
>Stockton Soiboi
>Usman's headline BTFO
>Porier BTFO

man Colby really sharpened his bants game this year, aside from the train thing which I think was tryhard edgelordish(call me worked or whatever), he's really been on a roll

Who got KOd by a 40 year old?

Calm down reddit

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"You misunderstood who was who's friend" era

Attached: GOATem.jpg (960x960, 167K)

Is this BJ Penn, post-street fight KO?

Remember when spergs kept arguing that Cain was alright and he just slipped?

this has to be the most blatant dives

speaking of which, fights you are pretty sure were dives? I'll say
>Ngannou vs Cigano(though I believe Francis would win anyways)
>Fedor vs Sonnen
>Gooby vs Alvarez


Lol panic panic panic making a thread early panic poster

>chael confirms it bros

So it's probably not true then. I guess it just exposes casuals who actually think what the fighters want in the UFC matters.

Attached: What the UFC actually cares about.png (839x707, 32K)


based t b h

Attached: Schermafbeelding 2019-09-10 om 18.30.28.png (1782x1100, 1.84M)

>Zhang vs. Andrade
>Zingano vs. Ronda
>Mendes vs. Mcgregor (Herb Dean was bought for that one)

unironically early stoppage even is gooby is tard for not atleast covering

>Posts webm of Floyd fighting a tiny Asian manlet
In reality Conor mogged floyd, won the story, but lost the fight.

Attached: 2017-08-25T223613Z_1703149692_NOCID_RTRMADP_3_BOXING-MAYWEATHER-VS-MCGREGOR-WEIGH-INS.jpg (768x432, 169K)

Your boy got whooped in the third. This is fact.

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Oh I agree 100% the ref shoulda let Floyd keep giving him irreversible CTE

My boy didn't get outboxed and stopped by a 40 year old man with brittle hands. This is a fact.

Glad I'm not the only one who thinks gooby vs Alvarez was a dive. That was by far Eddie's worst fight in the ufc and Conor's best. There was also the fake the odds for Eddie's first one FC fight changed drastically right before the fight so there's a least some evidence he would take a dive. Khabib also called the fight a fix kek. dailystar.co.uk/sport/ufc/conor-mcgregor-khabib-nurmagomedov-ufc-16992606

Kek this was a pillowfencing "ko" gooby didn't even get knocked down

>Getting put on skates by old man Floyd wearing pillows
>Getting dropped by a punch from Khabib
Canor is so chinny now lol

Floyd never dropped him, which was embarrassing for boxing. He just gassed out after 10 rounds. Khabib did though, but Khabib isn't a pillowfencer.

I said he got put on skates by a 40 year old bantamweight hahaha


Jesus Christ, he's really a bumbling retard. He completely outed his friend and now this is making it a million times worse. Why Rogan keeps this stupid fuck around is beyond me.

Floyd never dropped anyone except Tentwink Nacanmura

Rogan is gonna Redban him soon.

Attached: heem Muslin ends the taleb meme.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)