What goes on over there?

What goes on over there?

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A lot of sheep shagging, cricket and real life FPS VR

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Staged mossad shootings to incite mass paranoia.

Tfw no niggers

Earthquakes, rugby and not much else

>he’s still here

You got Maoris though


Cool stuff.

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hasnt china taken over though?

True. Niggers are immeasurably worse.

>kneeling before football game
>slapping thighs before rugby game

nobody wins, Frodo

>he's still here, without a passport

Didn't know they were good at cricket, how many World cups have they won?

ASStralian /pol/turds mass shooting minorities because memes


Still waiting for them to send it

Chimping out whenever a police officer stops a nigger from shooting people vs being fucking stupid and useless wannabe nigger Asians

Its a lose lose but some lose more than others.

Seething about Ireland’s ascension to the top of the World Rugby rankings

suicide, mostly

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New Zealand are literally going to rape evryone at the world Cup. I'm not a huge rugby fan but it's grim for everyone else.

Why are they doing it?

If you're on less than $100K this country is fucking grim to live in.

anyone who is not a normie gets the shit bullied out of them in nz high schools

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Is the class divide that bad there?

Not at all, it's just expensive as fuck to live.

The olympics next summer

How much does it cost to live there and what's the average wage

>replying to sebbesity

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>an entire nation chimping out

why would someone pay more to live in new zealand lmao
like nigga just move overseas kek

The rich hoarding their excess there for when shit hits the fan.
Much luck to the native new zealanders with the looting.

Yeah they either do or kill themselves

Australia is at the top of the RLIF World Rankings mate

Is it that much more expensive in New Zealand than Australia or you reckon the same?

We ship our best and brightest to the gold coast mate didn't you notice?

Yep I was born and spent half my life in Aussie and half in nz and it’s a lot cheaper in aus

Ni hao, pakeha

would still much rather live in goldie than new zealand ngl

We'd much rather you did too kek

Did you live in Melbourne or Sydney?

getting fucked off their ass on cody's and whatever designer drugs they can get their grubby little hobbit paws on
it's actually pretty based

Brisbane and Sydney

based based BASED

>yfw another christchurch shooting happening soon with this lad

this how australians & new zealandies be talking:
Oi mate u got a loicence for that kangaroo mate don't want me shag ur mom mate eyy jaimeine you shagged my sheep pal?

In terms of actual silverware?
Or in terms of illiterate Indians in youtube comments telling them they're 'the real winners'?

Sheep fucking

Why are the blacks allowed to do that angry dance?

It's more like
Aus: Oi mate can you chuck us a dart?
NZ: Oi cuzzie, can you pass us a durry ay?

why are Americans so obsessed with new zealand?
I've seen about 3x as many of them yelling rent free over and over
i see it everyone else on this website as well the Americans are always desperate for kiwi validation

I think its because there is a kiwi posting in the NFL threads all day

Kiwis have a unique ability to get under skins of retarded inbred americans no idea how we do it


alright alright but wheres old zealand

in the fucking netherlands retard

human-sheep hybrids

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It's bizarre.

How Bizarre?

dun dun dun
dun dun dun

look it's either Mint Chicks or it's nothing ok


1. Concerning Hobbits
This book is largely concerned with Hobbits, and from its pages a reader may discover much of their character and a little of their history. Further information will also be found in the selection from the Red Book of Westmarch that has already been published, under the title of The Hobbit. That story was derived from the earlier chapters of the Red Book, composed by Bilbo himself, the first Hobbit to become famous in the world at large, and called by him There and Back Again, since they told of his journey into the East and his return: an adventure which later involved all the Hobbits in the great events of that Age that are here related.

muslims live there apparently
even in the city that is literally called 'christchurch'

australians are furious about this

This is true. There's even a popular Muslim musician with a band named "Shihad" (Jihad).

I can't breathe

For me, it's Dusky & Doubtful Sound


Cozy ass hobbit holes.

haka is based and the kiwi anthem is sung out loud in both languages and it's a nice song