Broncos @ Raiders Gamethread 3


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This is where Flacco shows us he's elite.


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>he made another thread

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summertime love boys are based

seems like some people forgot

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>That's why you get a guy like Joe Flacco.

This piece of shit broncos fan needs to leave this board holy shit. These faggot tier shit threads. Kill yourself op you insufferable loser.


could they beat the patriots?

sports fans are subhuman and unironically vote against their economic interests

lol baltimore fag here. flacco always does this shit. always. i like him. but watching him play for the broncos, I can tell -- nothing has changed

you don't understand, my man is ELITE

>losing to oakland in the first game of the season

Lol go to bed

Least needed thread in Yea Forums history

>NFL has cheerleaders
>They don't have idol groups like the Japanese
Explain this.

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>mayfield commercials

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was that the turkey leg?


Yeah I guess not oh well.

I said it in the last thread, get em for the superbowl halftime show

Those words have been spoken one time only

embarrassing defense tonight

>gave them hope just to crush it immediately
holy based

>a fake band for a commercial would be more entertaining than an that faggot they used for the half time

Gruden runs like a slave owner

aint over yet boys...


i didn't realize what you were talking about at first. that ad unironically makes me laugh every time.

Its over friends

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it's ogre

Ugly gooks who can't sing vs generally attractive women who are there to look pretty

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jacobs is incredible huh

People should just tape over the 4 and turn it into a 1.
So it can be Tim Brown's jersey instead
A real Raider's Raider.

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>Broncos giving false hope to Raiders
>turns out Raiders were giving false hope to Broncos

GO RAIDERS FUCK WHITE PEOPLE!(non racist white people are ok)

>Elway with the Drumpf hair

>Elway using the traitor haircut
Ruh roh for Denver

I'll remember you in every broncos thread

Fuck John Elway and FUCK AB

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Neck yourself nigger. We're too busy.

what happened to ELITE?

>B-B...UT IT....'S....NOT .......OVER....

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Kek, why do these commercial breaks seems strategically placed. How long until people realize the NFL is only a couple pegs above the WWF?

>Acts racist but fine with non-racist Whites

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i want an antonio brown raider jersey now

Oakland winning the OWL this year

Based raging libs.

He’s ELITEing his way into unemployment.

Or never have bought a jersey of a receiver in his 30's. They deserve it. Should buy a Brown jersey to begin with.

For me it's oxycodone

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>We're too busy
sucking BBC

Raiders gonna take that FUCK AB energy all the way to the OWL

with "U MAD!" on the back or front.

Fuck this team, another shitty season ahead of us. The oline still sucks, literally no sacks from our "elite" defense, secondary sucks except for Kareem Jackson. We ded

based schizo take


Holy shit Gruden going over and hugging the fans in the black hole made me shed a tear

>its ok for me to be racist but its not ok for the people im racist to be racist towards me



The raider O line is super white, it seems like. Though they seem to be allowed to act like ultra niggers most of the time, it seems.

Kamara commercial is pretty funny.

Summertime love I'll treat you like a princess

Well they might as well make the best out of the situation they created.
It's better than burning them.

Unless it means throwing the flaming jerseys at him. That would be a move to surpass Soccer fags and people from Phillie.

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>calling someone with an ugly hair style makes you a lib

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shut up nigger.

>People I'm racist to be racist towards me

The alternative is the league is just full on retarded, which does fall in line with Hanlon's razor.

>He think they can't sing
Dem's fighting words

you thought i was talking about the game...? its the season ya moron.... 12-4..... 1 game does NOT make..!

No, being mentally ill makes you a lib.

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>I have a small white penis

Conservative status: owned and BLACKED

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Is my big white penis preventing me from me a refugees welcome normalfag?

pick one

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And constantly talking about other men's penises makes you a lib.

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Is it time for the broncucks to put horseface out to pasture and hire a real gm?

It's alright. Pretty large. I mean, can you say you're big, dude? It's not like it means shit here.

What type of person comes to a sports board to talk about politics

Obsessed with talking about dicks. Hmmmm....

Gentlemen, let's just all agree Trump deserves to go to jail and he's a racist.

Not until he wastes at least one more 1st round pick on a large pocket passer QB

Right wing White people

always bitching about black, mexicans and liberals

Nah that nigga is hilarious. And I’m black as fuck.

Hillary vs Trump prison rape wrestle porn when?

And yet the real racist all along

Libs. Obsessed with muh racism. So sad.

We all know Trump is a racist. It is if it's a good thing is where it's subjective.

humans>blacks>mexicans>>power gap>>liberals

racist white people obsessed with blacks, mexicans and liberals.... SAD

Break the law to over for Trump's crime, or you're fired
>18 U.S. Code 2074, which states that it is illegal to knowingly falsely represent a forecast or warning issued by the Weather Bureau.

Don’t you think it’s a little funny that the man has been in the spotlight since the 1970s and he suddenly becomes a hardcore racist the day it looks like he’s going to win the GOP nomination. Never a peep before that at all. Dude even fuck black chicks back in the 90s.

Really activated the almonds.

Obsessed? Dirt races rarely cross my mind. Why would they?

unironically posting a shareblue link. Lmao.

He's always been a racist, did you forgot his housing discrimination violations, the Central Park 5 and biritherism?
Don't be du-
Oh wait, you're a Trump apologist.

obviously they do lol since thats what all you retards talk about

I'm not sure obsessed means what you think it means.

>Tfw too elite to win games

the bait you retarded conservaniggers will respond to...

/pol/ status: triggered

I've been talking football. Not sure what seething planet you're on.

>retarded right wingers suddenly love all this stupid shit trump does because he's "owning the libs"
>costing the country a fortune
>obviously helping russia

If that’s the case very person to ever own an apartment or house for rent is a racist. No one wants blacks living in places they own. That’s real life my dude.

rent free. stay mad.

t. watched MSNBC once

>Association fallacy
Try again apologist.


it's very obviously bait

that word is problematic. I thought you were woke.

MSNBC is shit as well. They're as bad as Fox news

>Helsinki didn't happen
>Trump didn't leak top secret information to the top Russian spy in the US

Stay mad niggers.

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>costing the country a fortune
Dude's sperg as fuck, but look at growth and the markets. We had the longest bull run in US history, and we are still in the longest economic expansion in US history (partly under Obama, but the contraction was supposed to have hit over a year ago).
Look at fed rates, a general indicator of economic health. Held at an all time low under Obama. Raised ten times under Trump, almost recklessly so by the fed.
That said, he should try to get in pissing contests with those powers that be. They have huge influence.

Based schizo poster.

>Can't refute treason
Oh well.

>game ends
>Game thread decends into politics shitposting

Time to nuke the thread janny.

try not to*

Cancer charities are huge scams.

Can't refute something that didn't happen. Try harder.

>Implying Helsinki didn't happen
>Implying Trump didn't leak top secret information to the top Russian spy in the US

I said try harder, not copy paste

Why would u admit this?

>shitlib is obsessed with brown cock.
Checks out.
Damage control time for you.


ITT: retards unironically using shareblue and the BBC as sources.

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Archive, newfag. I'm not giving my clicks to these chuds.

>it's real I'm my mind. It's not like cnn would lead me on for years, they're to honest for that.

He's still president, and your still buttblasted.

Fuck AB, good game, Oakland looked much better than last season. Waller stocks rising,

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>Damage control intensifies
I'll wait for you to post something of merit.
It will never happen though.

Here's your merit.

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A traitor? Zero merit there.

Isn't it bad for your heart to stay this mad 24/7? Take care of yourself friend.

The fact you're beaten here gives me smug satisfaction.

Beaten? I didn't there was a contest. Try harder.

Calm down, you're furious you lost this it's very unhealthy for you to obsess over this latest loss.

A seething mad lib accusing someone else of being mad. Oh, it's like poetry.

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Both of you are niggers. I came here to shit on broncunts fans not on braindead commies or bitter alt-lite incels.

>He's still raging
I guess I can't expect something better from someone with an endless victim complex and hate who projects onto others.

Imagine being a Trump supporter in 2019 LMAO

Oh, your doing satire. Lol

Oh, sweetie....

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Being delusional and smug are shitlib hallmarks.

>They're still in full damage control.
Imagine being this mad all the time.
It's hilarious.

I can smell you through my computer. Take a bath you degenerate.

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>He's still furious and projecting
>And he admits he's an incel now.

Whos president?

The guy who's a traitor

Obama's still president?

The country wouldn't be a shithole if Obama was president. Sadly we have the Russian puppet who's crashing the economy.

Protip: Obama saved the economy from trickle down economics

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Well, you're both a joke and retarded, what now?