When people discussing sports on the sports board causes you to have an autistic meltdown

>when people discussing sports on the sports board causes you to have an autistic meltdown

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im going on 13 hours ive been making this cuck seethe, I will never stop

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>haha we caused an autistic meltdown because of our gay sex

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>hes still here
go outside

>he's here

Fucks kiwis and fuck soccer fans

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how can one kiwi be SO ass pained?

>fucks kiwis
you wish

bruh take a break from the internet

Fucking based
>He's still here

Attached: iggs.png (339x345, 103K)

>it’s a white Australian seething because he gets beaten up by wogs episode

What's happening in this thread

>hes still here
kek lol oh no no no

>he's STILL here

Don't worry Kiwi, we'll only be here for about a half year more

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>He won't let it go

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>american hive mind


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>hes still here

Love seeing the flag on page 1, warms my cockles

>still here

Literally laughing out loud at this seething little poo peelander

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Based Eaglesbros

I don't think I'm the guy you think I am

tell your countryman to stop being here




At least he's not a no-mates tripfag lol

>he's still still
What did Amerilards mean by this

>Gets so worked he exposes himself as a samefagging redditor
Literally can’t make this up

not even a regular tripfag, just putting it on to make (you) seethe.
>speaking in the third person


>Still here
im responding to multiple posts, autist

>hes still still
Amazing coordination from the american lemmings

here? right now? STILL?

You've been RUSED!

Attached: Stewie_Griffin.png (781x987, 98K)

What did you do to upset them m8

Told them to go to Yea Forums lad



hes been responding to my posts for 13 straight hours and its fantastic
>He is currently present

Check out the 30 for 30 thread

this thread started out pretty great then the tripfag ruined it

Wasnt asking you tripfag

Yeah that’s how conversations go retard


nice for a change of pace

told you im not a trip faggot, just filling in all fields lad
>hes here

Not the same person, mongoloid

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See what I mean

why is my country only in the news for bad reasons

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wtf still???????????

>these kiwis are still here
>they're trying to seem like they aren't absolutely seething

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Can't stand tripfags.

>getting worked this hard over handegg
What a mark

well i had just taken it off but if you want it back THAT bad

So a septics been posting "still" at you for 13 hours? Grim stuff

same, seetheposting isn't fun when a tripfag is doing it

should I move to New Zealand and pick fruit ?

Kind of defeats the purpose

Yeah it’s pretty grim to be honest if I’m honest


no, new zealand doesn't have the NHL

Pick this fruit lad


jesus almighty what the fuck...the statesmen have a point

Septics being fat bullies again lads, but this time he's one of ours

Lot of backpackers do that

there's enough fruit in canada that won't be necessary

Don't think I've ever seen anyone so asspaigned on Yea Forums they make a thread to deride one person

This is some Instagram tier spiccery, must be a Mexican or cholo

currently seething, lads.

American bants are about 15 years behind the rest of the world


lads, I can't stop posting or thinking about americans, lads.

>he says on a thread dedicated to one kiwi

you're just looking pathetic at this point

I wish I had a shitposting flag. I just know I would draw better if I did.

t.still here

Same 2bqh.

Where are my (you)s?

dumb leaf

here (still)

Here mate, also

Fuck sebbo. Fat cunt

Imagine being so insecure as an adult that you'd spend your time trying to bully others online. I thought Americans were cool but apparently you're even worse than Canadians. Really disappointed.

so what are all you kiwis up to today

not bullying anyone but the one poster whos been assblasted at americans all day.
Americans are usually the most targeted posters on this website, but we don't seethe so hard.

This has to be sebbo
No one else is this cliched with their "banter"

This is the post

Americans are the true oppressed race

That flag you posted doesn't represent one poster, son

>he's still here

>Imagine being so insecure as an adult that you'd spend your time trying to bully others online
So pretty much any foreigner against us on this board?

Against who?
If you feel everyone's against you it's time go take a break from the internet m8

this tbqh
its supposed to.
Look lad just go to /int/ and see how much they bullying americans, we are not the bad guys here.

I think you need to have sex if I’m honest

>goes on /int/
>cant handle banter
stay off my board goblin

>why are people mean to me


have you ever been online?

Well isn't that the darkie calling the coon a nigger.

>go to /int/
Yeah nah

Please stop bulling. I thought Kiwis were cool but they are being worse then Canadians. Disapointed

based kiwi post, this is progress
>my board
>he browses /int/
go back

I thought it was just a meme that Kiwis were retarded Aussies

never forget 9/9/19 the day a single kiwi went absolutely mental and seethed for an entire day

Attached: assblasted kiwi.jpg (513x407, 36K)

amerifats absolutely WORKED AND SHOOK about one single BSK. I'm starting to come around to Brazil bullying you losers in every thread.

>he continues to be here

It's after 5pm mate I just got home from work
>you continues to seethe

What's bulling

You need to take a little rest mate

so how are you guys


Would coward punch sebbo in the back of the head ngl

i just woke up what did the new zealanders do?

Fine thank you.
A kiwi lad made the fat ones furious apparently

seethed and they are still here

Cheeky kiwi worked the Americans into a seethe grim stuff

Not a coward punch mate you'd be given a medal and ticker tape parade.

I'd also stomp his dogs lights outs for good measure

A hero punch then

>he's still here
Is this really the best banter amerifats could come up with? Isn't it after midnight there? I would suggest that it's (You) that's still here fatty.

NZ flag >> Aussie flag.

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Straya's flag is a more accurate depiction of the Southern Cross and they don't have a spelling mistake in their name. I'm looking forward to statehood tbqh.

it's just that one seething peewee that got BTFO in /nflg/ and broke his brain

>he's still here

I thought he died?

they should've changed it to the one with a fucking fern

no but he couldn't handle brady winning again and riled up a bunch of the general tripfags

>american ""'sports'""
here I was thinking this was worth giving the janny a hotpocket

Would kick sebbo in the face if he so much as glanced at me

haha what is up lads we should just get along man leave the americans alone be the bigger man but not literally because that would be hard to do

>be the bigger man
*starts eating 2kg of cheese per day*


quick rundown?

won't you get out of breath?

Kiwi worked a bunch of Americans into a major seethe in the 30 for 30 thread


Would push fatguts down the stairs given half a chance

new zealand has officially been renamed "southern canada"

i said just get along man drop it all bros just extend a hand



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Urrrggghhhh man, that sebbo really did not agree with me

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What about Peter Jackson?

did this actually count?


Who would win
>a single Kiwi
>the entire USA