Why does it make the yuros and spics seethe so hard?

Why does it make the yuros and spics seethe so hard?

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They're unable to comprehend a sport that's more complex than kicking a ball into a net.

They can't take the idea that spending/bribing with money does not equal automatically winning the league and that they don't have the same 3 winners over a 100 year span

Really triggers their inferiority complex over being a continent of delicate, prancing soccer fairies.

They know it's a superior sport and can't stand it

I actually watch it sometimes. But one could ask the same about burgers and football(soccer).

All excellent points.

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>Celtic wins lol

, >you are so fucking mad

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unironically this, football is like chess compared to soccer's checkers

I don't know what you talking about, GO COWBOYS!!!

Because only people above the poverty line can play it

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Like Jamals and Tyreeses from the complexes?

It's how most nigs become rich.

>Why does it make one autistic kiwi seethe so hard?

So any nig stupid enough to play it, no matter how poor can play it

asking the important question

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Can we add New Zealand and Australia to the list or do they count as Europe's bitch already?

>all yuros and spics have to do is not post
>they post anyway
What is that expression, anons? When someone gets to live somewhere without having to pay for it?

I dunno about continentals, but to say Bongs can't comprehend it due to 'complex' is fucking retarded after all we invented....

Association Football.
Table Tennis.
Water Polo.
Field Hockey.
Ice Hockey.
Basketball (Canada was a British colony at the time so he was a British citizen)
Modern Olympics

Codified Lacrosse as well into a rule set (again, Canada was part of the the British Empire so makes it British)

As for American Football, before Walter Camp changed the rules in 1880, American Football followed either rugby or football (soccer) rules essentially, depending on where and who.

So, I dunno mate, really. That doesn't add up.

>all this text
>trying to be smug
Having a good laugh at this retard's expense.

they 'ate best football

When the schools cover the lengthy costs

But even nigs from the poorest ghettos are above the poverty line than slum spics and darker nigs from their homeland

>argue over """sports"""
>don't discuss the only real sport which is hunting

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I wanna do that to so many pigs. Fucking hate hogs

Only sports where people have big dicks are discussed user.

>claim to have invented sports because a couple people at one time did something vaguely resembling the sport
>also claim to have invented other sports because of a few arbitrary rule changes to an existing sport


>Invent all those sport
>be shit at all of them
>ruled most of the world
>become a paki colony

What did you mean by this bong?

it looks like a poop

our football was invented by college kids in the US. also come on you gotta give lacrosse to the indians they were doing it way before anyone and they had like deathmatches too

I get that. My point still stands in that if you're poor but have physicality and are willing to play collideball, you CAN do it.

hunting is not a sport unless you do it with no equipment and take everything from the environment you're currently hunting in. Any other way is dumb, masturbatory bullshit

But being poor here is still above the poverty line compared to most participants of divegrass

Seems way too easy tbqh.

handegg goat.

So handegg is poor people sport aswell

>Handegg is only on for 4 months out of the year
>Only on the weekends and a single shit game on thursday
>Divegrass is on all fucking year every single day
>Euros cant handle that handegg threads are way more entertaining than the shit divegrass threads

We like NFL here tho :/

Not compared to Divegrass :^)

Whats the most supported team in Mexico?


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Based Mexican


You see, it's a two way seethe street with euros and americans


I just want the NFL to finally make a London franchise so we have The London Redcoats for meme games versus New England Patriots. It'll be 70+ pointer for the Pats but it'd still be fun.

>mfw mutts are getting uppity that they have half the board on american hours on opening weekend during international break

When real football comes back, you'll all slink back to your circle jerk how did your team do, AB cuck posting generals, while the football master race takes the aston villa - newcastle brexit footy to matchthread #19 and slag posting.

Huh i love american football


I did give it to the Native Americans though as I said we did codify it into an official sport so to speak. I wish it was popular over here. As for American Football it was essentially just a variation of rugby or football (soccer) and I fully accept that by 1880, Walter Camp had made it much more distinct.

I don't think you understand what 'colony' means, but OK. Yeah we're shit at most of those sports, so? We're still the only country in the world with a Football World Cup, Cricket World Cup, Rugby Union World Cup, Rugby League World Cup (Three actually) and a Baseball World Cup. So, we were good once. We have Olympic Gold Medals in Ice Hockey and Field Hockey. Best performance in Field Hockey World Cup was 2nd, sadly.

Real football lmfao

The league world Cup is like the basketball World Cup it means nothing because the main team doesn't give a fuck.

Tfw we will have a third rugby wc this year

Steelers lifelong here

>I don't think you understand what 'colony' means, but OK

You'll understand soon nigel

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this thread again

the nfl is fucking garbage. CHI amirite, reddit!?

what nationality are you larping as?

we honestly dont care about it, its funny how insecure americans are about that. watch your "sport"(human checkers) and we'll watch ours.

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True, just sayin' tho. As for Union, yeah, you're probably gonna walk it unless Souf Afrikka meme it up or Ireland/Wales go apeshit. England won't get out of the groups again because we got one of the toughest groups and we've got some many players who are terrible but have decent stats so aren't dropped. Also about half a dozen new injuries. I'm just glad after 6N we decided to actually attempt a specific kind of game plan which was to go with power, rather than meme kicking.

Okay. You do realise the most expensive criminal case in US history was about child rape gang at a childrens playgroup home? All white too... just like Waco. Seems like USA has a white nonce issue.

But your sperging out is hilarious mate. I'm sure being a white minority nation has crushed your spirit but chin up.

>One country with a niche sport still manages to gather over 150 m people

footballs back this weekend lads


Based and hogpilled

But it's true though

>tfw Oxford United fan
Another weekend of misery.

at the end of the day, hockey and baseball are the true winners

americlaps are not people

You mean the case where literally all the charges were jettisoned despite nearly a decade of cases, the allegations were proven to be coerced, and was practically the 80s equivalent of Pizzagate?

>But your sperging out is hilarious mate.

Projecting and seething :^)

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You got me mate. How will we ever recover? I can't imagine anything worse other than having our countries leader being a Muslim and hiding it post-9/11. Smh.

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The reason muhammed is the top name is muzzies aren't very creative with their names btw. All variations made up around 2% of the total.

american football is way more expensive than other inferior sports

I couldn't give less of a shit desu.


Boris Johnson literally has Turk ancestry lmao

>americans attempting "banter"
why do you keep doing this to yourselves?

go kick a ball you kiwi

I seem to remember a bunch of union jacks sobbing over Alex Morgan sipping tea. You limeniggers can't even handle a lesbian's bants.

>britbong thinks he understands US football

thread pic is a football
>soccer is gay lol why do yuros like it
thread pic is an american football
>yuros are gay for preferring soccer lol

you americans are all just so tiring

non-contact sports are automatically gay

If you watched based Carr dab on the Broncos and AB at the same time gimme a hell yeah.

raiders is it any surprise?

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Boris Johnson literally isn't the Queen of England

Is there a Mexican version of hell yeah?

it doesn't, the few times I watch it I like it. it please my autist, those 4 attempts, everybody know their role and shit.

animal population control is a sport

Go fix your teeth first Britrat

it doesnt make us seeth, but most people dont know anything about it, and think it's an American version of Rugby with helmets and shoulderpads because they are pussies in comparison to Rugby players (and Rugby players are seen as high class homos).

both football and soccer are equally boring, but for different reasons

>20 minutes of mandated patriotism
>20 minutes of commercials
>run for 2 yards, flag, run for 2 yards, flag, incomplete pass, flag, punt
>20 more minutes of commercials

>back to midfielder to back to midfielder to back to midfielder to winger to midfielder to back to midfielder to winger
>shot goes 20 feet wide of net
>hispanic player dives
>ends in exciting nil-nil tie

Why would we seethe over a sport which is not even relevant at all outside of your own country. Even when you guys tried to bring it to Europe back in the 90s it failed spectaculary because no one gave a shit. Now take your “””sport””” back to Yea Forums already

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>I'm gonna run with this ball and you try to tackle me
truly quantum physics

Seething spictard

Football (not gridiron) is a contact sport.

It's a retarded game user:
>you need plastic armor to play it
>it's played with an egg instead of a ball
>the objective is not the egg but to hit your opponent
>severe brain damage is common
>you can't get two minutes of continuous play
>shitload of commercials
>fat players
>it's boring as fuck

I have never listed these before, it's actually worse than I thought

This unironically
Yuropoors don’t even have the faintest idea how complicated handegg is

>watching non-contact sports

not even a bit true.

I make the rest of America seethe just by supporting the best team.

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do you honestly think someone in non-american football can hit someone as hard as american football and get away with it?

No, but I never said, you're just putting words into my mouth. All I said is that it's also a contact sport, which is irrefutable.

Foreigners are just dumb

What did the retarded OP mean by "spics"? Because plenty of chicanolards, pocholards and actual mexxicans in here follow the Nfl

Or did he refer to the South Amerilards? In that case yeah south american countries hates armegg.

reckon OP doesn't know much about sports and is, as usual, a retard

BMX is also a contact sport.
Goalposts don't move.