Is this the greatest pairing since Danny Glover and Mel Gibson pure football kino

Is this the greatest pairing since Danny Glover and Mel Gibson pure football kino

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This pairing is on the same level as De Niro and Pesci


Or De Niro and Pacino.

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hey kiwi, i see you here again, you will never fucking escape me

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How much money would an hour and a half buddy cop film of them and gronk being policemen make? 2 billion?

yeah that is probably more fitting actually good post

cry more

the script basically writes itself
>Brady is the dedicated force lifer
>Gronk was his old partner but retired to live a quieter life
>AB is the unorthodox replacement partner
>there's friction initially, but come to trust each other
>in the end they save the Superb Owl

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Begging ya

I dont know who either of these niggers are

Tom Brady is white

get off the internet for today already ya ding-dong diddly pinhead

>he typed it out
Holy finna cringe

so? he's American. it's a nation of niggers.

>he's unironically from Yea Forums
>he doesn't post Yea Forums catchphrases ironically
also nice reddit word (cringe)

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Go have sex

nuke new zealand

based Yea Forumschads finna boutta run this board



Never realised just how racist those lethal weapon movies were.

The greatest combo is buffalo and mac and cheese. That's high cuisine.

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Cringe is our catchphrase redditor

don't americans understand how cringy they are when they describe everything in pop culture terms ?


*post is repossessed by the government*

Just watch, AB is going to turn into a model professional for the rest of the season. It's amazing how he played the Steelers and the Raiders.

>tom brady is white

Attached: Tom Brady, Black American.jpg (635x766, 42K)

tom's a chameleon
>be white around belichick
>be black around teammates
>be mutt around gisele
it works out

He's got that early 90s Bill Clinton charisma where he can fit into basically any group

Why is New Zealand becoming more and more shittier on this board?

I think Chad is insinuating that since Gisele takes black cock, and Brady is her husband, he is black by proxy.

why do black guys call white guys they like "black" or "honorary black" like it's a compliment and better than being white? fucking weird

Based wolfie

"I think and feel as though people have called me here to electrocute me, judge me, put me in jail, or kill me electrocute me because of some of the sins I've been in. The main thing is don't get excited but the thing is it's not a new feeling. No. I'm scared of people. I'm so scared I'll tell you that picture has a headache...OK when a sperm and an egg go together to make a baby only one sperm goes up in the egg and when they touch there's two contact points that touch before the other two. And then it's carried up into the egg. And when they fuse it's like nuclear fusion except it's human fusion. There's a mass loss. The proton. One heat abstraction goes up in the electron. Spins around, comes back down into the proton to form the mind. And the mind can be reduced to one atom."

-Antonio Brown on joining the Patriots

Attached: antonio-brown.jpg (1024x576, 123K)


>brady 42
>ab 31
>ab looks at least 1 decade older than brady
