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He couldn't get a bigger bull for Gisele?

it's over for the NFL, though. we'll see a threepeat until brady or belichick retires

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Yea Forums and leddit = SEETHING

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How many days before Giselle gets the bbc?

You think Tom let AB fuck Gisele yet or is he going to wait until after his first game?

Did they fuck?

Brady unironically seems like a good person and a good friend. If you think about it, it's silly that we get so angry at him.

This 100%. Tom is an exemplary role model to be admired and revered.

Nobody who is friends with Trump is a good person.

Y'all talking about Gisele getting fucked by Antonio but in reality it's Tom that wants his BBC so bad

Everybody was friends with Trump until he was running for president as a Republican, except Rosie O'Donnell.

Have sex

>Guilt by association
People like you are actually very sad. This is of course, if you aren't memeing.

He’s a trump supporter, he’s a piece of shit

like the Clintons?

It's only because he wins so much. Fans of the 31 other teams in the NFL hate him and they should. It's part of sports it's fun, but obviously he's not a bad person or anything.

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>Fans of the 31 other teams in the NFL hate him and they should
Wrong, fans of the AFC hate him cause he rapes their overhyped teams year after year, us NFC teams fans don't give a shit cause we only play him every now and then, well except for failcons fans they probably really really hate him.

rest of the nfl on suicide watch

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prove him wrong

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He is unironically a good father and a living legend.

People only hate him because he's too good and it gets stale that the hopes that their teams have of becoming superbowl champions are highly in doubt with him still playing at a high level at 42.

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I don't even watch this gay commercialized vessel for advertisements called "football," however I will say that anyone who is a Trump supporter is on the side of Good.

Dude seek help what about me saying that trump and the clintons are friends would even mean that I like trump, it's retarded to just assume that from my two word post. You're probably just shitposting anyways and I'm an idiot for replying

It's ok little buddy.

We all know you voted against your own interests

Attached: getthispatriotacoat.png (734x730, 1.29M)

you just KNOW

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have sex and take your meds

No shit retard why would you EVER reply honestly to something like that lol
play along its way more funny

Based schizoid

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Why are Trump supporters so fucking fat and stupid

Lack of education
Shitty parenting
Lower socioeconomic status
Etc etc etc


the pic that saved Yea Forums and the nfl

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How can he be so perfect? He has to have microdick or something

He has no life. He’s basically a shut in who is possessed by the spirit of a football. He needs an exorcism.

Why is Brady hanging with Idris Elba?

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>imagine caring about money over your country turning into brazil

trump has done a shit job, but that's beside the point




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>oh wow i'm totally rekt, you sure got me good

maybe you should respond with dilate again that'll show me

Who are you quoting?

your mom

>GOAT Team
>GOAT President
>GOAT Country

Perfect harmony

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Every camp has fa and stupid supporters.
Of course, the opposite side prefers to pick those instead of the normal looking ones.

It's weird just how obsessed and mindrotted people are that any time a black and white male are involved in ANYTHING, they immediately think of cuckolding. It's funny because the people spamming this shit are always the ones going on about jewish brainwashing or whatever, but they unironically are the ones constantly making everything a cuckolding metaphor. Absolutely disgusting.

wtf is wrong with burgers? jesus fucking christ

Tommy brady can have my ass hole whenver he wish i love the goat

Are you sure it's not you who's the piece of shit?

>wreck some hell

Why does Tim have the most smug face?

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I'm certain AB will now stop being a brain damaged lunatic and locker room cancer.

I hate Tim Brody but nice quads you got there

He cant keep getting away with it!

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He's a goat. Have you ever looked at a goat? They're born smug.

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unironically 19-0

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Nice cope, cuck.

what is it about attractive successful white men that send liberals into a rage?

They're right, Tom Brady is living proof of white supremacy

Jealousy and flashbacks to being bullied by chad

What about rams(0-2), panthers, eagles(1-1), seahawks fans?

>my wife's boyfriend

Rams do
Panthers probably but their franchise is kinda a joke
Eagles got their Owl so they're good
Seacucks hate their retarded HC

Seriously somebody needs to do a psychological study on why American Yea Forums posters are so obsessed with cuckolding.

It's the easiest way to tease racists. And it's hilarious 100% of the time.

Why are Murrilards obsessed with cuckoldry?

pretty sure he meant wreak, must be a student at Trump University

I've you'd many threads with cuckposting like this that were all nonamericans.

very doubtful, enormous hands. gronks hands are 10+ and look at his compared to brady's

Attached: gronk.jpg (1000x600, 85K)

because of r/asianmuscularity

>burgers obsessed with cuckolding

why am i not surprised

ab has a wife and kids btw

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he kisses his son on the mouth

>thread about sports
>some retard manages to trigger himself and starts dumping his 'i hate trump' folder
imagine being this guy

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>readily analyzes other men's hands to further the discussion of other men's penis sizes

>literally no one is going mention the rape accusations going on right now
>this man literally jizzed on a womans back with text message proof
>he is now living with Brady and his family

why is Yea Forums so slow

Will Brady let a rapist live in his house?

Of course Brady is a pedo

Brady living proof that the only way to succeed these days to to be on (((their))) side, which makes sense why he supports a Zionist puppet.

Attached: pats caught ya seethin.webm (640x800, 2.79M)

one day I want to make sp and bean curd aficionados seethe like tom brady




By Trump's team you mean rapists?

Obvious money grab.

He slept with her and allowed her to sleep over.

Her credibility is non-existent.

found the snowflake

>another anti-Patriots hit piece by the Jew York media, this time using the #metoo movement
Lol how shameless can this city of kikes get...

the smallest guy on my football team was 2.10 and had to get handtailored shoes because of his feetsize.
Maybe he wasn't the smallest but then again at that size if you don't have a horsecock it will look hilariously small anyway

Gisele's gonna Jazzy Jeff his ass outta the house

>inviting a literal rapist into your family home

the absolute state of wh*te athletes

Is the tape of Gisele and Brown fucking out yet?

I creamed my dungarees


My boner could smash concrete right nao

After your team loses you cock boy

Haha get madder you homo

Thanks for your opinion, watch some football you faggot

My cock is larger than Jupiter about this season

Because you touch yourself at night

Take that white dick lol

Unironically get help. I spent a good 10 seconds trying to figure out what was wrong with the OP pic until I read the second comment.

As a hawks fan, I laughed

one of the rape accusers is Brady Thomas
the other is Jezel

Not association, just over low IQ. Why would you be a friend with a literal retard, regardless of his political views. He is 100% pure cringe. Also self absorbed, egotistical and narcissistic and easily offended. Nobody can enjoy being around that kind of people. You can only tolerate them for the sake of connections.

>you get Gisele
>I get my son

Hahahhahah. You need to be murdered

Have sex

>Fans of the 31 other teams in the NFL hate him and they should.

Nah. Saints fans love him for 28-3 and raping the Lambs.

It's actually non-whites that do it. I know this because the token black guy in our fantasy league was the only one to make this joke.