
News: BJ Penn def. Khabib

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hope you all are having a nice night!

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Take away the tibau loss and khabib is undefeated

Conor wins the rematch.

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Dang guys Bolby got flushed.

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Also the 3rd round to Conor

take away all of Khabib's good wins and he has no good wins. Checkmate.

im glad you got over schaun
then lard
but why obsess over BJ

because he is the ultimate can crusher who cried little bitch CTE tears during his meme retirement?

Take away Cejudo's two belts, his gold medal, his world class grappling, top tier striking, unbelievable cardio and highest fight iq in the game and honestly, what do you have?

A funny guy with a beast chin

bj is so flushed that all bjposting is automatically good

Inter gender champion

A manlet

>im glad you got over schaun

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Tony is the only fighter that can have one element taken away and still be dominant

it's actually pretty obvious that they are still friends. even when Jorge is going off on him, when jewboy asks if they are friends or not, you notice that Jorge never outright says no. it's because he doesn't want to lie and knows what the truth is. I think they are both just playing this along with the media to generate hype if they fight one day

Oh fer sher Toeknee is a m-m-munster of a can crusher b

is Schaub bi?

>nate will technically win a championship in my lifetime

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Name 1 good khabib win

"The Notorious" Conor Mcgregor

>a bong hit championship

albert iacunta

>he cries while reading comments
Do you think Mas was telling the truth


>real estate agent
>35 minutes notice
>didn't finish him
for sure my man totally but I disagree

yeah me neither i just wanted to type iacunta

f-fuck tony amirite

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>"And you know that's always the question with a rising star like Adesanya—is can he deliver when the moment finally arrives. You know we saw what happened with someone like Darren Till in his fight against Woodley, the way he wilted under that opportunity... there's that leg kick again by Adesanya"
>"Joe, he's really finding his range with that but Whittaker has been—ooh! right there! you see!? with that slip, and that right hand, Whittaker's been finding that all night as well. Israel's gonna need to adjust to that if he wants to do this for five rounds"
>"Exactly, when you've got a guy like Robert Whittaker in front of you, you can't afford to make mistakes like that. And I think Adesanya knows that, you see he—"
>*commentating team laughs*
>"Yeah he pointed, he knew it! Props to Whittaker"
>"And you've gotta give it to Adesanya there, always a showman"
>"OH! another right by Whittaker, he's found his range there! OHH HEADKICK! OH HE'S ROCKED, ISRAEL WALKED RIGHT ONTO THAT!"
>"THAT'S RIGHT! HE KNOWS HE'S GOT HIM HURT HE'S PICKING HIS SHOTS, LOOK AT HIM staying patient, stalking Israel against the cage—OHHH!! THAT'S IT HE'S ON HIM, HE'S ON HIM!"
>"WELL AND HERB DEAN HAS CALLED A STOP TO THIS CONTEST HERE RIGHT IN THE LAST MINUTE OF OUR THIRD ROUND AND PERhaps to the surprise of no one Robert Whittaker has put on a champion display here for the home crowd in Melbourne, Australia!"

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>Tony Ferguson? Of course I don't boy him, how could you tell?

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it's a bit pathetic at this point Bruce. let it go

fuck you mandrama hoe mma isnt for you faggot clowns

shut the fuck up faggot you're the one who's spraying blood from your cunt in a frothing rage over this

How many mass shootings will we see if khabib chokes tony?

youre a little bitch and your kind are ruining fighting by making it gay

If a fighter is mexican-american, i root for them

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If you don't care about the "drama" then just don't pay attention to it and stop spewing your retarded cancer posts into this general you fucking imbecile

austim wrestling hoe needs to feel comfortable for watching the tv crossover of his gay tv show and real sport

Neither one of them said they weren't friends anymore when asked directly. This is a work and you are a mark if you believe they aren't still friends.

Cracka greentext mate


Also Stone Cold's music plays and they smash together two modelos with the rock and stone cold also arrives on the scene

Khabib is going to smash that fuckin chip and give Tony' s heart a big old shock

Take away onions-posting and Australia has nothing

omg dude its FUN i cant wait imagine if the marvel superheroes come down and then use their epic powers to give the fighter a magic ring that gives him superpowers!!! lol just fun jks i know it isnt real i just like fun lol

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Big fan of diaz here.

I seen that hes finally fighting for a belt (deservedly so) but i have no idea who hes fighting. What can you guys tell me about masvidal?

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>Aussie flag complaining
It's like clockwork

They're fighting over who gets to discipline the other's kid, hence fighting over the "belt". Masvidal is a father with a traditional latin american value for respect and discipline, as is nate. should be a great fight.

Have you seen any mma in 2019?

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Schaub is trying to save face after outing Joe as a serial cheater

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Masvidal is like Conor Mcgregor and Brock Lesnar on STEROIDS
His signature move is the 3 piece and soda

>What can you guys tell me about masvidal?
he's soft as fuck

>Umm excuse me sweetie. Don't you know that it's 2019, and that umm *searches for buzzword* MANDRAMA is umm *searches for buzzword* CRINGE?

Now THIS is what I'm looking for in my mma pawldcasts


Retarded mandrama fan trying to legitimise his obsession itt. very pathetic 'person'

a cringelord

> I can't be friends with colby anymore because he said he dumped jon jones on his head
imagine befriending a person of colour



revved the aussie lol

lmao this damage control

haha what if I came up to you in the octagon and just gave you a hug that lasted a little too long after we fought haha

I bet you also consider five guys gourmet cuisine

welcome to your pepperoncini addiction

>t. Mad Asscream fan

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no but ur mum does lol

Do they even have good food in Canada?

they have shit salad or whatever they call it

Theres good food anywhere as long as you dont get it at a mass produced plastic factory

Poutine, you fat retard

I ate poutine once, it was ok

Daily reminder Conor will kill Gaycheese next and beat Khabib in the rematch.

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What is this expression attempting to convey?

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nate diaz epic
doent afraid of anyone


>nearly mounted by a one-legged whiskey peddler
the absolute state of Khabestiality

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bj penn

>Knows some fatty greasy Canadians dish
>Calls me fat
Quit projecting fatty

When do you think he will fight Gaethje? At this point I just want to see Conor fight again. I'm skeptical he ever will though.

Holy shit he really just needs to shut his mouth. He’s just making everything worse.

Wtf lol thats kino diaz is fucked

> maybe if I wasn't a hilldawg seething over a maga gimmick Colby would have trained with me this camp and I would have been able to wrestle better than a little girl

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>two annoying spic faggot cans

bazed can't wait!

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Our true signature dish is ketchup flavored chips (or crisps for you faggots out there)

no sane person is surprised that Joe is a cheater. He's a drug addict for one, but do you honestly believe that a man would pay for a several thousand dollar surgery out of the pure goodness of his heart? fuck off

>Canadian cuisine

What is nates path to victory? Cage hug?

im honestly shocked how shit dustin is defending khabibs submissions
he pretty much gave it to him

out gangsterrring his opponent

why does Colby look so small for welterweight, why doesn't he suck a dick

>Ten out of Ten post


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>Cage hug?
that's correct
gonna cage hug to victory while the crowd boos LOL

No one cares autist

clearly they do if there are several posts about it earlier in the thread ya fucking doofus I'll take your apology in double spaced MLA format no less than a page in length

I reckon Cowboy wont be able to hand Justins pressure and just get KOd in round two or three. I reckon Conor fights whoever wins Cowboy vs Gaithje or Dustin next. If he actually does sign to fight instead of posting trianing photos on Instagram.

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Tony will choke out Khabib with the Diesel Squeezel

>gaethe vs cowboy fighting this weekend
>tyson fury fighting this weekend

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Who shopped the balloon out of the picture?


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Is that similar to the Squirrel Curl?


No blue eyes and assaulting innocent irish elders. Was Conor even an irishman?

Nate wins BMF title
he fights and beats whoever has WW title
Conor fights Poirer
Poirer hangs himself
Tony beats Khabib
Conor beats TOny in Moscow
Conor beats Nate in stockton
Conor beats Max in Honolulu

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MATE HIS TOES WERE COMING OUT OF THE SOCKET. But for real for real the nigga is coming back soon.

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Yeah Masvidal had a career resurgence this year, but Diaz didn't look terrible his last fight (but he didn't really look great either). Masvidal also used to fight in the same backyard brawl league or whatever that Kimbo slice fought in kek youtu.be/AByILVLKC84

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You can take Schaubs dick in your asshole for all I care nerd

Based. Personally i like the tony ferguson of pillowfencing

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What happened to the discord bros

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It's well known that Schaub can get erections, so I don't think this could happen.

>Conor fights Poirer
>Poirer hangs himself
Haha holy shit
>Tony beats Khabib
>Conor beats TOny in Moscow
>Conor beats Nate in stockton
>Conor beats Max in Honolulu

Greatest timeline I have ever seen, may Aubrey Graham bless your soul tonight.

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is the secret to boxing just rotating your shoulders?

heh moomen

More akin to the Chicken Choke


What discord? Isnt that some reddit shit?

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>they're spics like me
what did george "washington" masters mean by this?

This fight was so kino. Him coming out in America all decked out in American gear because Britain decided to collectively boy Joshua instead and then he completely clowns the other fighter Ali style. Usually watching a HW boxer beat up a can is boring, but this fight was undeniably based. Can't wait for the Fury Wilder rematch.

Dr"i like sports"ake.

masvidal loses to point fighters, he won't be able to heem diaz and will lose a point fight.

>Conor was hurt
>The sun was in his eyes
>He had just watched the series finale of Mad Men, and was busy thinking about that ending

Doesn't count. Conor wins the rematch 11/10 times

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Cmon ik somebody has the fury burger entrance

> Khabib has an artem reach
Reach is a disadvantage.

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>leaffags truely are the worst

Only two good things to come out of Canada are GSP, Drake and Max Holloway.

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Most Based Timeline Imaginable

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I heard that too. I wonder what ariel was thinking

Tony is the only lightweight who can beat Khabib in dominating fashion

>after that poirier beating it seems Conor is our only chance after all

UFC needs to get theatrical with their entrances like boxing. The living in america apollo creed entrance was incredible

Would Khabib be more liked if he was Catholic like McGregor and Whittaker?

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*respectfully portions dip*

What balloon?

his bulge is distracting

You forgot about Chael sonnen

If he was Catholic like McGregor and Whittaker he wouldn't be such a good fighter.

Dustin was our last chance

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Muslim Russian with an Arabic name is one of hte worst combinations possible for a human being


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Can’t wait for this fraud to get dropped with MAGA bombs

No, because if he didn't have the blessing of Allah he would not be undefeated.

Haha, I didn't even notice. That's funny dude

who has the bigger hawlg?

Even Tony has a better chance. Dustin is and has always been a turbocan

>sway to one side
>sway to other side
ah yes, so this is the power of pillowtap

HAHAHA Is that Usman? Fuck that bitch ass nigga. Hope Colby gets the titlefight and destroys him.

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He actually doesn't. Khabib is 70 inches tall with a 70 inch reach, which is normal. Artem is 69 inches tall with a 65 inch reach. Artem literally has a shorter reach than mighty mouse.

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Schaubs YouTube comment sections are fucking merciless

I didnt know there were so many muslims in America, wtf mate.

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Yeah im thinkin hes back...

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Name another elite Muslim fighter besides Khabib

Colby confirmed paying for sex according to masvidal


He's always been my boy

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>Artem literally has a shorter reach than mighty mouse.

Why are we still here, just to suffer?

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At least he's having sex, incel.

When did colby fight DC

he can't call himself Gorilla no mo, that's our word

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Post sherdog profile

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valentina was robbed

> according to this seething la raza guy who loathes him

>cutbabby at 170
>moves up
>cutbabby at 185

Well you are my son, little guy.

God I hope he doesnt get killed by that fat mexican

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When you were partying, I studied the leff ann sho'. When you were having premarital sex, I mastered the whiskey business. While you wasted your days at the gym in pursuit of vanity, I cultivated inner mewvment. And now that the world is on fire and the barbarians are at the gate you have the audacity to come to me for help.

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I'm getting youtube ads for a free bible app what did they mean by this?

they recognized that you're a faggot and that you need to be saved

Tyron and Usman both have better bodies than Colby. Ngl tho Colby has a serious bunda game.

Yep sad but true. I dont think they're even friends anymore man

what is this BMF shit, I feel like we are in the wrong timeline again

> roiders are more jacked than hard working natties
big deal

why are you spergs making such a big deal of out he BMF belt, it's literally just a joke.

he looks the same exact size aside from that one picture.


No, the right timeline - the one where conor becomes Champ Champ CHAMP

dana literally replaced the ufc belt for a capeshit belt that looks like from power rangers
of course its happening and tbfh, khabib killed the sport by making everyone wrestlefuck so this is their way to bring bangers back

>being the baddest motherf**ker on earth is a joke

What kind of fucking comeback is that? Typical leafcuck.

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>non-wrestlers headlining a ppv in msg
This is as good as it gets son

>khabib invented wrestlefucking

Spotted the 229er

> he still thinks diaz is a stand and bang guy
lol, he's gonna cage clinch and back mount masvidal to a decision victory

stay small, smallson

>kangaroo has nothing better to do than sling his shit

What else is new

Colby has TWO drinks? based!

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> colby

post heem songs


It's tawlf b. At least Artem exposed boxing even with his Trex arms.

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Who is it?

it's darren till

are you onions doggy dogg?

Nate got lit up by Pettis in the first round. He's slow and flat footed and the only power puncher he's fought was a 145er. He's going to get slept just like Till. Probably even worse.

Nope, just don't keep up with all the drama

Just say you're a cazzie then

Nate always gets lit up in the first round, he's just tiring out his opponent

You also evidently havent watched the sport in the last 3 years

don't forget to screencap the posts, we're going to need them for the BMF game thread.

nate's a journeyman but one thing he usually avoids is getting hit with meme shit, so he's not gonna get hit with some like like Till and Askren got hit with and Masvidal's not gonna knock him out with some basic straight right, and he's not gonna be able to grapple or clinch with Diaz.

how much dick does Hoe Rogan slang?

I had a guy hit the Chicken Choke on me from back mount once, good times

Need Coral's thawlts asap

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I'm a cazzie who likes watching fights occasionally, but it isn't my primary interest in life. NBD friend

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Best Mate Forever belt. How wholesome.

So because nate was a welterweight his chin was automatically tougher against Conors punches than other featherweights?

It's a figure of speech, he doesn't mean Rogan literally has intercourse with women other than his wife.

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Lol this. Hoping for the embarrassing boofest

You don’t speak in a figure of speech when you literally talk about people who literally sling

>literally "I am 12 years old and what is this"

Fucking badass. He heems that chimp in the rematch.

I dont think you know what "literally" means

It doesn’t need to be your primary interest for you not to be a clueless faggot who cant Google. But then again you’re retarded

u mad?

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What exactly does it mean for one to "slang dick"?

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No, just ashamed and in a state of pity.


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that they're spics like him. I don't think spics really care when they call each other that, kind of like niggers calling each other niggers. I'm not sure about that though.


Smoke a doob, listen to the Grateful Dead, and feel better :)

hehe, yeah!

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>dude just Google a picture lmao

Sorry I’m not a degenerate loser, whatever rolls your miserable existence along though. I don’t judge.

I'm the self-admitted cazzie, but at least I
'm not too retarded to know about google image search. I just don't care enough to do it

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Yeah pretty much, dumb boomer.

>honorable cuban gentleman betrayed by horrible little caucasoid
whites were a mistake

What do you like to do to unwind? Me? I play guitar, and do woodworking. I typically only smoke on Saturday nights before bed, but I thought it might help you tonight because you seem really wound up

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> betrayed
he betrayed him by being mean to jon jones?


Pick one

Bro go be a boomer on reddit if you're so proud of it

So theyre just gonna start throwing down bare /knuck/ style or what?

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I unwind my nutsack on your mom’s face while you sit in your room with your woodwork. Then I dab and shit on your dork ass

And you seem like a massive pussy

worked into a shoot

Already showing more energy than he did for the Khabib fight. What a pathetic quitting loser. Glad Based Khabib has effectively retired this dopey haired phony.


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Punished Dustin has nothing to lose

>t. incels

>cries after losing to khabib
>alluded to retiring
>still mad about colby telling the truth about his game
Poostin Poopooier gonna get knocked the fuck out

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> he picked khabib to beat me :(
you picked lawler to beat him, moron

Get off the proxy Colby.

Colby pays for sex, what's your excuse virgins?

I hope so

Dookshit Poopeeair is a phony

it's what jorge "i only respect spics" masivdal said

Kek colby literally has several people in his own gym wanting to violently confront him. Things wont end well for him because unlike WWE he cant just turn face and say 'just foolin'

I can only afford braps

cant wait for robbie lawler to heem colby so fucking hard

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cringiest walkout I've ever seen

all over a maga hat

Please Colby, it's getting embarrassing now. There's no need to be jealous.

This fight already happened bud

You say that like it's a bad thing

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What's going to be co main for 244?

>*what* *what!*


Of course. It's always low IQ liberal losers who resort to violence because they aren't smart enough to handle bantz. It's sad, really.

wished dustin had this energy for khabib

Dirtdick Lewpiss vs Colostomy Bagoi Peevanov

If Khabib beats Tony, is he GOAT?

not fair to fight in fuckin hindu country

he has to fight motivated conor first

Colbys whole schtick is triggering liberals though so he cant be surprised if it actually works and dumb fighters start hating him

Has to beat Conor first (for real this time)

The real shame is we won't see Khabib vs a lot of the good fighters that could beat him, because he'll retire soon. It'll be Tony and some meme big money fight like GSP or Conor II.

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It's because he shit talks everyone like he's a wwe star. A lot of ufc fighters are Trump supporters the only reason Colby thinks the hat draws heat is because he's from a lib state like Oregon.

Of lightweight yes, but you're a cazzie if you think his legacy would be greater than GSP, Bones Jones, or Anderson Silva.

Most guys in my gym are Bernie Bros

its so weird that colby and usman still hasnt fought
it felt longer than tony vs khabib

KG vs Toilet Till for the flushedweight championship

No one cares about your little attention whore hat Colby. Masvidal and Nate are conservative. Even Poorier isn't a lefty. They want to kick your ass because you're an annoying WWE wannabe.

>It's because he shit talks everyone
Masvidal and Poirier shit talk him behind his back in the gym and stopped training with him like a year ago, these recent comments are not out of the blue, mate. Poirier was always a hilldawg and masvidal became one after doing the reality show on la raza televeion network telemundo

Tito, Hardy and Lombard support Trump and don't have a problem with Colby.

What state do you train in? I live in the south and everyone loves Trump here besides a few outcast college kids.

fedor won

Flushed by Johny and Serra, ducked Robbie and Tyron, not many good wins
Roids, flushed by Gus and a 185er with no legs
Roids, only beat one good striker in his career, the rest were flat footed B level wrestlers. Flushed 2x by the Chris.

>Masvidal and Poirier shit talk him behind his back at the gym
And you know this how?

he's Colby

I'm in Dallas

Trump supporters have either become more outspoken or shut up completely.

But for most of the guys at my place if Bernie doesn't win the nomination they won't vote

read between the lines
Masvidal talks about some "incident" with one of his coaches and Colby. The coach he is talking about is Paulino Hernandez - who seethed at the maga gimmick and stopped training Colby, hardly an "incident".

Diaz and Masvidal > Colby and Usman, any day

If he matches silvas streak, then he's goat for sure

>Not many good wins
Khabib has 12 wins in the ufc and only two title defenses. He doesn't have a claim to being the goat outside of lightweight. Jones is 21-0 in the ufc (20-1 if you want to count Hamill beating him by getting the shit beat out of him by Jon) with almost all his fights being 5 round title fights and he's also the youngest ufc champion ever. How is Khabib's legacy better than that? Khabib has only been in three 5 rounders and got the belt by beating a real estate agent. Jon is fighting guys with legit KO power not a bunch of manlets.

Why are you backpedaling Colby?
At the 5 minute mark you say the MAGA stuff isn't why people hate you. I guess you're in denial. Please, seek help.

lol mma r such losers boxing and hockey take real skill. dont they all weight drain to just beat up smaller fighters?

Silva had 12 title wins in a row. I doubt Khabib matches that since he's only fought 12 times in the ufc.

I thought it was Mike Brown since he wasn’t coaching Colby against Robbie

What the fuck are you on about?

probably one of those cazzies who watch baseball for fights

Don't try arguing with Colby please. He's got a huge victim complex on top of being an attention whore. Everyone hates him because he's annoying, so he tries hiding behind Trump and says it's because of his "political beliefs". Just tell him to seek help.

you thought wrong


Also cringe

have sex

In 28 fights, GSP's only truly elite wins are
You can include Nick in there too if you'd really like. He's always cherry picked fights.
Lol all that word stew for nothing. I didn't say Khabib is currently the GOAT you illiterate monkey.

*has sex with your grandfather*

Wait what happened

The question was "if Khabib beats Tony is he the goat" and I'm telling why he's not even if he does that brainlet

He outed Joe as a member of the gay mma mafia and a zog media plant

'ate wrestling
Love 'eems

>Pretending GSP didn't beat a juiced up Hendricks

you looking for a rough and tumble?

Yeah good one mate, YIKES

Attached: 2018-01-14 05.51.51 1691558519305720801_667884619.jpg (1080x1350, 133K)

Said that Joe was slangin dick all over town, srs

>I'm telling why he's not even if he does that brainlet
>Khabib has 12 wins in the ufc and only two title defenses
>Khabib has only been in three 5 rounders
It's only business, kid

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Link to video?

Fer ser b

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YIKES, I thought Dustin was alright. Didnt know he was a faggot. Still cant believe he wore Khabibs shirt. Who else would fucking do that, this isnt Dwades Jersey retirement.

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Ah yes, the face of a winner

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We know that he's a jew pawn but how is he a butt pirate?

So did Henderson win the Bisping rematch?

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God he's such a faggot he got raped by khabib, had a cry, and now can't handle the bantz. What a fucking nu male baby. I bet he let's khabib come to his church in buttfuck illinois to read pedophile scripture and touch his kids

Its an open showbiz secret

Max Holloway unironically has a better ufc resume than Khabib, but cazzies fall for "muh undefeated" meme so hard. Go watch boxing if you want to gawk over records. Picking and choosing favorable matchups doesn't make you the goat.

>acting tough after just being embarrassed and then crying in front of everyone


Imagine suffering the most humiliating defeat in your career on the biggest stage and one of the first things you menstruate about is someone picking against you. Go sell some tshirts with teddy atlas and be the new brenda schwab, bitch

Who's from Illinois?

he lusts for Bailey Jay


Kek how? Because he had two knockdowns and got completely out-struck the rest of the fight? If we're going off stories of the fight then Khabib lost to Tibau.

khabib mindfucked him

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Who doesn't

Gross and gay


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pls delet

Completely and utterly cucked. His family name is permanently tarnished. May Allah have mercy on this sorry infidel and not curse a son with his fatherhood inshallah.

hot take: Peahead beats Khabib in America

I cant get over the fact that if i did compete id be a small HW fuck my life

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>It's o-on s-s-site!!!!

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What rounds did Henderson win besides 1 and 2? dumbass

Probably right about Mas because most Cuban Americans are right-wing, but when has Diaz ever said he’s conservative? He’s a Mexican with a weed preoccupation. Sounds liberal to me

Who can stop the new and improved Francis?

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Why is that bad? Mark Hunt was based and so was DC

The guy who mentally broke him

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khabib tapped on site

what are ur stats m8

Zero out of ten, poor quality meme.

I don't give a fuck about your faggy little point fighting. Hendo did more damage. He won from a fight standpoint

It was better without the text

That's the rating you should be giving your internet service provider, petrol sniffing abo!

Attached: ConorWillFindYou.jpg (740x684, 183K)

Crop it you lazy mutt!

Attached: breaking-news-conor.jpg (1278x710, 278K)

By the way... it ALWAYS had text, I know because I created it!

Attached: UFC Masvidal VS Usman.jpg (736x527, 110K)

Holy shit stop being autistic. We're talking about 80 IQ lifelong fighters. They don't give a fuck about politics. Especially not a mush mouth potato like Nate.

You must be a fat Facebook soccer mom if you actually sit around making these. Don't forget a Minion, you do-nothing cunt.

What the fuck did you just fookin' say about me you little bitch?

Attached: Dana-Genie-UFC.jpg (796x525, 112K)

This is what MMA is all about. F*ck. Yes.

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So glad I can watch le money fight!

The Rock said he will try to wrap the belt around Masvidal if he wins!

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should've been a cape and scepter

Must suck not knowing what fun is!

You would know anyway since you aren't invited to parties!

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Im 6'2-6'3 i dont want to be the small fat HW


Holy shit dude this is gonna be fricken hella badass!! The epic west coast Stockton gangster vs le Miami Cuban gangster for the baddest mother fucker belt!!!!

Attached: 1565293530092.jpg (205x216, 18K)

t. Colby Duckington

Stipe is 6'3 in reality. Fedor was 6'. Cro cop is 6'1. You're not that small height wise dude. Now I can't say you're not fat though.

any wrestler

theyll need to create a new belt for the best kickboxer cause these faggots dont know how to fight

Usman unironically ducked Masvidal

He beat Blaydes twice dumbass. So obviously not "any wrestler". Blaydes wrestlefucks nearly all the HWs.

>you watch UFC? that gay wwe shit? isnt the rock like the referee or something? its abit gay

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Looks better than the power ranger belt kek

is this real life?

its just a bit of fun... just turn your brain off....... isnt UFC awesome now its gay?

Attached: 1543477472938.png (1679x944, 2.69M)

> colby
> currently has the welterweight belt, will beat usman for the power rangers belt, will beat diaz for the wwe belt
the champ champ champ soon

>Implying I would hang out with soibois who think the ufc is gay
Get new friends.

>can't have a non-title fight headlining a card
>makes up a belt

Attached: 1560038443553.png (714x810, 87K)

This is less gay than wrestlefucking tbqh

Should have just been called the People's Champ

He didn't win dumbass. He didn't do shit the last three rounds and couldn't finish Bisping because he gassed out. You probably think Yoel beat Whittaker too


dustin is a bum and a crybaby

>anyone anytime anywhere

>a wrestler wherever you want whenever you want

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and just like that, people stopped giving a fuck about cyborg

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Will drop down and flush kebab

David Branch should have been forced to retire after the Hermansson fight. Same with Askren after Masvidal.

this is a fan art right?

If you watch wmma you're a faggoy

Would be kino to see a maga American flush the Russian muslim.

Hooker heems Iaquinta screencap this

>Cyborg still out-draws bader

Based. Pure reddit. Now we know who the faggots are to avoid just ask them what they thought of the fight.

That's not a hot take dude. Iaquinta is overrated by Khabibsexuals. Cowboy completely dominated Iaquinta on the feet. Actually made him look like the real estate agent that he is.

Pretty based
Nigga nobody watches bellator

Attached: Diaz taking a second look.jpg (600x400, 68K)

>cries while reading mean comments
>autistic around girls
>can’t get laid without paying for it
>almost got fired, responded by becoming racist
I thought the gimmick sucked originally but Colby truly is /ourguy/

who is gonna win the coolest dude in the universe times infinity belt?


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>Nobody watches Bellator
No shit Sherlock? I still watch it because I'm not a caz, but casuals don't even know it exists.

Are you really going to not watch the fight because of some dumbass belt? kek

seething UFC pty ltd intern

>Pty ltd
Did you have a stroke? And I don't give a shit about belts unlike your fragile ass

jorge won the story
cain flushed his story
tony is setting the story
cuckby lost the story

Mainly because its a shit fight but yes also because its very lame. Are YOU not going to WATCH porn because it had TWO DUDES fucking each other IN THE ASS?

Kek i wish i was taller
Im naturally a lhw, maybe even MW

you are a loser


Attached: rockk-1525704234.gif (480x240, 1.3M)

sometimes its funny when the autistic spergs out themselves

this guy doesnt even know what a company is

>No shit Sherlock?
>Still watches it
>watches the full cards
MEGA YIKES, just watch the washed up UFC guys like Rory and TJ Dillashaw soon

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You really hate Iaquinta, don't you? He underestimate your apartment or what?

I'm 6'2 and I wish I was taller too, but everyone wishes they were taller except for Struve kek

>Calls me an intern
>Backtracks into calling me a sperg

Attached: watsagazelle.jpg (390x577, 37K)

What the fuck made you bring up gay porn? Fagboi.

Hot take: Usman ducked Jorge because he knows Jorge has solved wrestlefucking.

>calls user a faggot
>posts wojaks

Attached: mongoloid.jpg (795x895, 77K)

goodnight /heem/

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Because cum and sodomy is never far from the minds of the white man.

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the spergs from the discord are really upset

someone send them a wwf highlights video so they stop posting for 3 minutes

I actually like Iaquinta because he has a ton of heart and refuses to be finished, but he's not that good of a fighter. "5 minutes of Hell" Al was kino though.

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>he admits watches man drama

>An incredible win for Jorge "Gamebred" Masvidal here tonight, stopping Nate Diaz in the first round, and Joe, you gotta think he's next for a title shot
>Absolutely and you know, for a guy like Nate to-

I watch it because I like heems and it's full of them. You know this is /heem/ right? Not /ufc/.

Attached: Colby dominates some can.webm (834x480, 2.1M)

I watch Bellator because I love tape delays and old men throwing down.

Masvidal confirmed earlier today that Usman agreed to the fight. UFC wanted to do Nate/Mas instead.

He was gassed after failing the lock.

>the lock
You mean the choke? Retard.

Colby sniffed his crotch so hard. Wow. Very impressive.


>copying fighters banter
That's really gross.

If another dude can take you down and hold you down, you're a bitch

There was a featherweight tournament last card it was pretty lit. Only the main events have washed up cans you cazzie. Just stick to ufc.

>pretty lit
Thanks for those inspiring words, Tyrone.

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That's true kek

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>If another dude can take you down and hold you down, you're a bitch

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6'4-6'5 would be the perfect height imho
Not too tall, not too small

nigga i watched that shit there was nothing interesting about it at all

Isnt it the other way around

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Like I said, stick to ufc cazzie. You need mandrama to be able to enjoy heems.

>>If another dude can take you down and hold you down, you're a bitch

Attached: 1.jpg (219x250, 26K)

guys everyone is going to laugh at us

what do we do? can we make up an excuse?

There were a lot of finishes it was fun. Better than 242 besides the main event.


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Stick to Starbucks coffee and Stranger Things, you trendy pussy.

Colby had to call Dana over at 241 because he was scared Masvidal was going to beat him senseless

Bitch you just said nobody watches Bellator shut the fuck up with your Starbucks bullshit

Nate will beat Masvidal
The meme dies soon


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They don't watch Bellator. This is a Scott Coker passion project at this point.

Who are /heem/'s 5 favourite fighters?

It feels to me like Ferguson, Stipe, Bobby, Askren and maybe Max have the biggest fanbase here.

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Henry and the nig

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Ur a fucken weirdo dude

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Gaethje should be everyone's boy
Incapable of having a boring fight and almost guaranteed to heem or get heemed

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Are there heems in it or not? I watch streetbeefs too I don't give a shit about production value.

I don't know about top 5 but my favorite fighter is cowboy Oliveira

Rizin soon

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Asscan is r*ddit

Lol. It's probably Tony, Rob, Colby, Jones, BJ

>Are there heems
No, the fighters just gas and collapse because they're amateurs at best. You probably watch gay porn as well.

hoe yourself out and pay to watch a ''''''''main event''''''''' between 2 cans, and pretend its not gay, hoe

Jesus I hope not he got exposed as a can. Replace him with Gaethje and it's a good list. Gaethje is just bleed incarnate and without a doubt the most exciting fighter in the ufc.

Attached: just-bleed-guy.jpg (300x300, 20K)

There was a card not long ago with every fight ending in a finish. Don't know why you brought up gay porn like a little fagboi.

>There was a card not long ago with every fight ending in a finish

Attached: icame.jpg (281x346, 21K)


>Posts a pic of some random fag
Yep I knew you were gay

Tony beats Khabib

Attached: 1559272975182.jpg (750x923, 476K)

Paulo costa

You bring up StreetBeefs and expect people not to mention the gay porn aspect to it.

Jeez what a gross ugly muttoid

Tony's going to strangle his wife and son and then hang himself with is interim belt. At his funeral, Dana can reward him with the one-time-only Chris Benoit belt.


Attached: Fuck You Khabib.png (500x775, 167K)

What the fuck is the "gay porn aspect"? You're obviouslyly an expert on gay shit. When I take a shit I can watch a streetbeef fight and it's over by the time I'm done shitting.

>Gross ugly
Go judge guy's looks somewhere else gayboi. This isn't a beauty contest.

Khabib will be even uglier

Attached: 1567478924687.jpg (1125x1123, 214K)

1. ) There's a homosexual pedophile on their "roster".

2. ) You watch it.

3. ) Participates in YouTube drama.

4. ) 400 pound neckbeards engaging in hardcore cuddling after they both gas.

5. ) "This fight was an obvious decision for fighter A, but we're going to let the fans decide on Facebook (TM) anyways."

6. ) The entire roster is comprised of gay felons and twinks fresh out of high school.

Attached: faggot.jpg (449x429, 34K)

>It's either heem or be heemed in my world

Attached: 1555279044022.jpg (206x184, 13K)

>There's a homosexual pedophile on their "roster"

>Expecting me to read reddit spaced bullshit
Go back

>>Expecting me to read reddit spaced bullshit
You can't even come up with your own material. Choosing instead to copy other anons in the other thread.



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champion stuff exclusively

leave khabib to me

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Answer this

So we all agree that Cerrone intentionally blew his nose to get out of the fight right? No one with his experience would do it by accident, even amateurs know this.

Corey Anderson will get embarrassed by Walker

Attached: Highly Intelligent Smif.png (420x447, 209K)

Also vs Masvidal at 155 who wins

I'm not spoonfeeding you. Keep watching it though and be sure to support the abuse of children. People deserve second chances even if they sodomize little boys.

>People never do things without thinking them through while in the middle of fight where you're less likely to make thought-out decisions.

But yeah, probably just wanted easy $

Seemed that way to me. Like you said, he's too experienced to not know to do that. I don't know if his corner was telling him not to though they should have been reminding him to make sure he didn't. He was getting pieced up though probably didn't want to get finished in front of his wife and kid.

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>people deserve second chances even if they sodomize little boys.

You're an enabler by not telling people who it is


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there's a (you) waiting for ya in the back of my van kid

Benson wins the rematch

Based new thread

Attached: Robbie Lawler finished by Colby.png (1280x720, 695K)

Holy shit Masvidal buried Colby
>The dude stiff legs whenever there's chicks around
Colby confirmed incel virgin

Not his chin

>Masvidal lied about Colby stiff legs, then lies about Colby paying for sex.

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ok poopier lol

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Dustin should just move to welterweight. He kept saying he had a lot of tread left in the tyres but didn't know where to go from there, might as well take one more run at the strap.

pretty cringe lad I didn't say lightweight

He said move to welterweight, you goof

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>weeb flag

Nice try Demolition D

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Dustin couldn't beat Max Griffin

Dustin was crying while tweeting that lmao

What does BMF stand for?

Black Man's Faggot

Bukakke Master Fandom

As Kino as this was, Fury has no business taking on German bums barely ranked in the top 50

Well one of you have to be wrong.

It means different things in different countries, so we're both right I think. It just means the duty of the winner will be different if he's in Australia or Italy.

Big man fucker

i was down for the fight, but this is pretty cringe not gonna lie