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Other urls found in this thread:

I don't speak African

>le schumacher
Look at the normies with their rage comic lingo

Can someone translate this to American please?

Jesus CHRIST post this in a human language you stinking jungle ape

You idiots should be able to understand this.


Why do people insist on not speaking English?

Jean-Philippe Dupont

it's not schumacher's fault he can't speak you inconsiderate ass

I don’t speak a lick of Frog, so I’ll guess
>Michael Schumacher is going to Paris for an experimental treatment

michael schumacher, the six-time world champion of F1, grievously injured in december 2013, has been taken in to the hospital georges-pompidou in paris. the treatment he's being given is a great secret.

french canadians should hang instead of posting on Yea Forums

maudit allemande

>went off-course
but it literally is

3 words


>Michael Schumacher wakes up
>first thing he asks is 'W-who's the best F1 driver in the world?'
>'It's the British racer, Lewis Hamilton'
>'Oh thank goodness, for a second I was wor-'
>*image of Hamilton shown*

>Michael Schumacher, the 7-times champion of F1 seriously injured in December 2013 was admitted this Monday on the Georges Pompidou European Hospital in Paris. His treatment is surrounded by great secrecy.


i don't think this semen slurping sport is for me

calis, tabarnak

Why are white people so dumb?

Great secret is a French terminology

Rich ppl are dumb, DaVontae

>le plus grand secret
whoa, that's like 5 levels above top secret

>this redditard actually thought this was funny enough to post here

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Whats his favourite music Band?


RAMMSTEIN it is ;p

Wheres the joke

You have to unterstand German for that :p Rammstein being the name of the famous Band also means something along the lines "crash (into a) stone"... you get it now? ^^

Cut the emojis, jesus christ


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yeah you speak one language poorly like an inbred abo

So the band was named after an air show disaster. And the air base where it happened was named as 'crashing into a stone'

That good old German humour

>Not a single french post ITT
>Still triggers 3 different continents

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why does this have to be a secret? fuck off france.

stfu mohammed


Based frog

He drove against him between 2010 and 2012 retard

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Should be Metallica, they even wrote a song about him called One


I want to hear the French Liruposter's opinion on this.

Schumi finna do a Jesus

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Holy fuck, the cringe is unbareable.

Why can't foreigners into German humor?

he must remain a vegetable for his crimes against the sport, fuck shoemaker


Schumi din'do nuffin!

Yes, he did, but Hamilton wasn't the best driver in the world in 2012, retardo.

>thinking I was being sincere
>not realising I was doing the kind of edgy /pol/ shit that is on Yea Forums 24/7 now

>I was just pretending to be retarded

Google 'Socratic Irony' and have a read about it mate.

Why do I only ever see Germans use this? No one else online does.

I dunno xD^^

Secret treatment = they're offing him aren't they? Was about time. Being a breathing vegetable is no way to live for a legend like him

French use this quite often too

awful post

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I dig German humor.


just claim its socratic irony

Fake news. He's been dead for years.

>""german" "humor""

He knows who Hamilton is you brain dead gayddit /pol/tard incel

You type like this german furry who's in my telegram group for video game trophy hunting.


It's just a very expensive and totally experimental treatment because the family is rich and desperate enough

Michael Schumacher v Alex Zanardi at the Paralympics will be unironically based.

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I believe.

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hehe very funny xD

embarassing la

>the complete state of nigger boot licking cucks

my country isn't cucked by the french so no


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Should we make a bet about if he dies this time?

How many German Formule 1 cChampions does it take to crack a rock?
More than one

my only feeling about this is wondering how many times did he crash >200km/h only to be cracked by a rock.

sorry lads, but it's only to fix his heart, he's still a potato


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So this is the famed English 'banter'

>over 6 years since his last nut
Imagine the size of his potatoes


Cantona foresaw this

Br*toids should have incinerated all krauts Dresden style in 45.

I like it