
CHC: Hoerner starts at SS, bats sixth in MLB debut
CHC: Kris Bryant gets cortisone injection in knee
LAA: Mike Trout day-to-day after procedure on foot
ATL: Nick Markakis (wrist) could return Friday
NYY: Stanton (knee) could rejoin Yanks next week
NYY: Tauchman out 6-8 weeks with calf strain
OAK: Athletics call up top prospect Jesus Luzardo
NYM: Report: Thor prefers not to pitch to Ramos
MIN: MRI on Max Kepler's shoulder is negative
MLW: Moustakas (hand) remains sidelined on Mon.

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Other urls found in this thread:



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>tfw the cards aren't playing but the cusb can lose again anyway

for me it's the historic 11 time World Champion St. Louis Cardinals

4th for The Washington Baseball Eagles

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>tfw when you claim to have a face but have absolutely no face at all.

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me in the hat

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I heard there were some heretics who dislike anime here.

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anime is cringe and weebs are even more cringe

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For me, it's the 2019 World Series Champion Los Angeles Dodgers.

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Can someone post the unshopped version of this pic

ehhhhhhhhhhh? Hidoiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii user kun ;_;

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i wonder if he fucked juli too

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I'd hit it. Horse face and all.

>stupid money


Pete alonso is gonna break aaron judges record. Say something nice about him

Attached: Alonso.jpg (1200x846, 195K)

the yankees couldn't beat this?

baseball is a strange sport. The astros are just red fucking hot right now and like to play manfredball only, which is hitting 115414 home runs in a game

isn't that what the yankees do in that meme park?

Yea Forumsstros

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yes. The yankees are a mandredball team.

he's not a el gobolino like judge, he's a proud white Italian

it's nice because he is on my fantasy team.

He'll be a Yankee soon.

Attached: ny-mets-yankees-hat.w330.h412.jpg (330x412, 20K)

>LAA: Mike Trout day-to-day after procedure on foot

obviously he's seeing an elite doctor from an elite specialized clinic not some doctor from mexico running a Pain Care Plus pill mill. but damn there's 430 million on the line and while it's not a supposed to a big deal, he's poking around at the nerves with a needle

>the angels end up with another always hurt guy that can only DH and can't run to first making a gorillion dollars

Legit hope this doesn't happen, honestly.

hard doubt. Dont you yankee fans have a greg bird to like? I hear he was really good

Holy shit I just really hate the New York Yankees

childhood is hating the yankees for everything
Adulthood is hating the red sox for everything

who doesn't

>they are like the Alabama university of baseball except with less incest but more buttsex

oooooooooooh oh oooooooooooh

ooooooooh oh ooooowoooooh

Bring da raiin

>TFW Pivetta comes into the game

Attached: rain.jpg (554x1199, 140K)

>115414 home runs in a game
per inning you mean

swigy scooby comin' for dat booty

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NFL fucking sucks ass now
It's literally college football tier

MLD and NHL are the only leagues still based on competition


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>GSW win lol
yeah MLB and NHL at least arent shitty scripted sports

He's gonna lose another MVP to this shit.

Just look at last years NFC championship
Goodell totally made the call to try and generate interest in the fair weather fan base that is LA and prevent brees and brady from having to play each other.

NFL is worse when your a fan of a garbage team, especially when tom brady is king of it since the 2000's. At least chipper jones retired

>At least chipper jones retired
Fuck you

At least it's not as rigged as the NFL and NBA yet.

>less incest
I think you'd be surprised b

Don't forget the fiasco with Antino Brown, if it wasn't the Patriots who were behind that, you'd see an investigation already opened up.

Oh totes they paid him the 30 million to act a fool then signed him at 15 for a cheap cap hit

are you not entertained?

They didn't have to pay him a dime, the money only had to be paid if he took one snap.

The Pat's m8. They paid Antonio to act like an idiot

lets go d-bags lets go!

>magic number: 10
>90 wins

Attached: Braves win!.jpg (919x613, 73K)

>degrom has a win in a 3 hit shutout

Attached: Decadent.jpg (593x610, 91K)

>Braves have 90 wins
>Nationals still haven't cracked 80

Attached: Argh.png (400x400, 102K)

face it, the NLE s just the braves and three mediocre teams fighting tooth and nail for that wild card spot

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usually when he gives up 1 run and 3 hits he takes the loss

well, the mets bullpen was smart and lugo pitched phenomenally. Tbh, I just want an above 500 season now. Playoffs with this bullpen would be VERY bad

blooper is such a bottom tier mascot, it's just sad

Welcome to the Dark times
Cubs @ Padres

an SR and three Rs

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Basically. One tank and three fools just bumbling around to get picked as the cannon fodder


Barves gonna get blowed out in the NLDS.

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I thought they were supposed to have a regular season collapse, whatever happened to that


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because houston is fucking PISSED

reddy concede another WS?

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I heard the Braves were going to finish in fourth this year, and that the Champions of the Offseason the Philadelphia Phillies were the favorites in the NL East.

the stars at night are big and bright

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This. Bring back Chief Noc-A-Homa and his tipi, I don't care if it makes Manfred seethe.

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Who can stop them?

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Unironically a 5 game set between these two determines the NL rep of the world series.
>soroka vs hudson
>fried vs mikolas
>kuchel vs waino

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I'd watch that series
I would think the Braves would just be happy to make a World Series.

the 5 game series is bullshit. it's an insult to how hard it is to make the playoffs in the mlb. any meme team can meme 3 wins, but memeing that 4th win will fuck with them. the the fucking shine show nba has more than half the teams in the league make the playoffs, and they even have all 7 games series. im even saying this as a cardinals fans, the cards should have to beat the braves or the dodgers 4 times in the first round(the 4th NL team is going to be LOLNONFACTORTRASH)

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When did winning the World Series become bigger than winning a Pennant?

i want to see a astros vs cards or astros vs braves WS

>sick of the doggie doos winning the NL

astro v cardinals is the god tier choice, former same division, i can't even remember how many pennant battles they had, fuck throw the 2012 WC game in there. obviously all new personnel for the braves, but their fans definitely remember

>that was excellent modern day trashing of the field that night, philly-tier

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astros desu

Oh, Hi there ;)

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astros desu yo

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Can't tell if the umbrella is based or cringe


How the fuck did the Chicago team get the name Orphans



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I agree, the playoffs really need to be beefed up imo. The 1 game playoff for the """wild card""" is the most egregious

You can easily shorten the amount of games in a season to like 146 or so and be able to fit more teams and have a proper playoff structure like every other major sports league

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>shorten to 146
stupid idiot

No, he won't. There aren't any credible alternatives.

when they started adding rounds to the postseason.

? Tell me why I'm wrong faggot

Stupid idiot. You can still have a 7 game division series and reconstruction of the playoffs without cutting out 3 weeks of the regular season.

If you're looking at WAR, sure. But you have to factor in that voters care about what team players play for. If Trout keeps missing games and Bregman keeps being Bregman, he's going to win it over Trout.

No, he won't.

2012 and 2015 say otherwise.

Seems you are the stupid idiot cause you clearly did not read the part where I said "and be able to fit in more teams"]"

Good try, though.

More teams in the league or the playoffs? You can still add another round and play a week of november ball, but why would you want to? You will have teams that win 83-85 games year in year out making the playoffs. I know you're trying to model like the nba or even hockey, but in that league it's inconceivable for them to win against the better team barring nothing short of a miracle. It will ruin the integrity of the sport to have these teams consistently make the playoffs, because they have a higher chance of winning due to the nature of the sport, and you'll have bad teams often winning the championship...I'm not saying that a 85 win team winning the WS is bad for the sport, but letting any team with a lackluster season in the playoffs just for the sake of more playoff series is stupid... like you, ya stupid idiot.

what's a bigger meme - launch angle or spin rate?


as a Cubs fan I want him to pin me down in bed desu


>8-0 in last eight starts
>2.57 ERA
>BB/K 18/58
>BAA .170
>HR 5
Thanks Seattle :)

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no one cares lol, faggot cocksucking piece of shit

Hmm.. hadn't considered this angle. I'll consider it from now on

Giving more teams a chance to have meaningful september/august baseball along with shortening the length of one of the most egregiously long schedules in professional sports is stupid, got it.

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seeth at my jankees :)

>letting teams that don't deserve to be in the playoffs in the playoffs because muh ratings

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an intriguing concept...hm...perhaps...I shold have looked at the full data

I've done some research on this matter

>it's not like other pro sports so it's bad!
hello brainlet

I should have analyzed this myself....I should have followed my intuition....

egregious kek egregious!!

Egregies to the genny

Attached: egregious+Resumes+should+be+scrutinized+so+that+egregious+errors+are+never+made..jpg (1024x768, 86K)

this......this is insane!

this is egregious!

no wonder these threads are on life support with stupid shit like this

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are you the retard that wants to make it more like the NBA? lol

Agreed. I want to discuss baseball, especially when there’s good baseball coming up. Again, NL is far from set in stone and the AL still has wild cards that can shift

Cubs win!
Cubs win!!

Welcome to the Show Nico!

Attached: Cubs Win!.webm (472x418, 817K)

I just want to talk baseball but these assholes are egregious

alright faggot give me one good reason why they should expand playoffs and shorten the season other than "team's get second chances"

i would expect nothing less from cubs fans
>tho yankee's are gayer and have aids

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if you say it again im sure you'll get your reddit gold this time

Based Reddit setting these egregious assholes on end

If God came calling, would you answer /mlb/?

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1-game season. Winners make the playoffs which last all year. Losers play meaningless games all year.

I should have considered my options...

>First player of the 2018 to play in the Majors
Try and keep up everyone else.

Attached: Nico-Hoerner.png (1003x644, 548K)

>First player of the 2018
I can't keep up with this

162 game playoffs...no regular season...best record wins it all

I've already done so before, and gave up when you essentially said "doing things for more ratings would be bad."

If you seriously think more ratings, increased championship odds (thus driving more competition and make FAs less likely to just go to the big market teams only like Yankees/Dodgers) and a SLIGHTLY lighter schedule is bad for the game, then there's not much I can really say beyond that.

Also never wanted it like the NBA, I'd prefer an NFL approach

omigosh, cubs = stupid

All teams .500 and up go to the playoffs. Reward winners.


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I'll give you one chance to treat me like a princess.

I'll give you one chance to treat me like a dumb faggot

This guy is the dumb Cubs fan who posted this and he was feeling really stupid so he called this guy a Cardinals fan as a coping mechanism

t. Inspector Summer T. LeVar

They do though? I don't believe any MLB team has won their division with a losing record. Closest was the 2005 Padres, who finished 82-80.

You failed, have this as a consolation prize

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>Giving a baseball team a bye week
That's retarded. I considered the FA and small market benefits, but it doesn't make any sense. The more teams you add to the playoffs makes the regular season more and more meaningless. MLB isn't playing 1 game a week where nearly everyone can tune into all of the games, it's playing 4-6 a week, do you realize how much ratings will eventually end up going down if there is no grind to make the playoffs? How many big FAs have the dodgers and yankees signed over the last few years? iirc the two that mlb was shilling (harper and machado) went to the phillies and padres respectively. Let's go even further and analyze the yankees pitching problems. Sure they may get a pitcher this offseason and probably make a big run at cole, but they already have their own problems even if they are a big market team.
>A slightly lighter schedule
for literally what purpose other than reducing the games? There already is plenty of pressure baseball in september, and it can be seen as a playoff in and of itself given some of the wild card races and divisional chases over the last few years, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt ya stupid idiot... Let's assume we adopt a similar style to the NFL(four divisions 4 division winners 2 wild cards 2 leagues) assuming 4 best records are 4 "division" leaders per league after splitting them up. In 2017 alone going off the six best records in the AL you would have a .494% team in the playoffs

smart cubs fan cumming through with the facts

top tier deduction

The Cat out of the bag

You're all listed

u ain't got the stones

It's late night /mlb/

late /mlb/ posters where we at:
asshole poster here

I'm Blake Treinen

Cards tBh

post hands

This is /mlb/ taking over the club after watching anime and going to an NPB game together


MLB doesn't need any fixing other than maybe dejuicing the balls. Since it's largely gatekept from casual to haphazard viewers such as yourself, you're just going to have to deal with what stands at the moment.

Seriously. I'd honestly rather just have the MLB stay the way it is before zoomers who haven't watched a second of it get their hands on it. If they find it boring, it's that simple, just leave it alone.

I've probably been both alive and have watched/played baseball longer than you have and probably ever will. You have to seriously be a retard to think the current playoff setup is not flawed at all.

I bet you hate analytics too.

>the current playoff setup is not flawed at all
Well said, I agree with this.

Yes. Analytics ruin the entropy of the game that once was. The playoffs should also be decreased and not increased. If you have these complaints, then write it to the offices yourself.

You want to fix the playoff system, you change the division series to a 7 game playoff and get rid of the second wild card or make it a 5 game series itself. What you were talking about when adding teams to the playoffs doesn't work, even in an NFL style system as you suggested. You don't have to get rid of 15+ games or add teams.
>I've probably been both alive and have watched/played baseball
I'm pretty sure everyone here played baseball for 10+ years and has been watching for 14+, you aren't fooling anyone.

how'ed you feel about the astros shitting all over fires ?

>The playoffs should also be decreased and not increased
Equally dumb ideas

>Analytics ruin the entropy of the game that once was.
Even dumber

Ignorance and stupidity don't improve the game

>change the division series to a 7 game playoff and get rid of the second wild card or make it a 5 game series itself
None of that "fixes" anything, they're changes for change's sake

okay handegg faggot, what needs to be fixed?



needs to be changed

I never liked 5 game division series.

Count on a tripfag who thinks hes important enough to stand out with his shitty opinions on an anonymous korean origami website to post more shitty opinions.

Your arguments essentially were "that's retarded" and an epic "ya stupid" reddit quip. I don't think you can have this conversation anymore, but nice try.

And your awesome example of a sub .500 team making the playoffs was cherry picked cause it was the ONLY time it has happened in the last 10 or so years, and you know (but won't admit it) that the dynamic would change with more spots.

You do know the baseball season used to be 154 games for a long time before going to 162? You do know they've been having discussion, both players and team owners, to play less games.

Just because you want to watch more dogshit meaningless games doesn't mean everyone else does, stop being autistic.

Attached: retraded.png (70x72, 8K)

The one game Wild Card itself is retarded and the only case it should happen is if there is a tie. Having 2 spots creates larger gaps for teams trying to gun for it as we can see with the NL at the moment. If there was just one, it'd give more teams the incentive to aim higher. If you want a more competitive atmosphere, you'd be in total favor of this. Analytics lead to longer game times and micromanagement of pitchers to the point that it even becomes tiresome to the other side. And yes, give me back my four pitch intentional walks, it's accelerationists like you who are killing the game and making it miserable for real baseball fans, who are by the way, not insufferable holier than thou bugmen like the way you're presenting yourself.

>cherry picked
Oh. I'm arguing with reddit lol.
No, I went 2 years back ya stupid idiot. You can go last year and say the 88 win cardinals (3rd place) deserved to be in the playoffs ya stupid retard. People like you can't possibly conceive that winning the division should be the ultimate goal and not just playing well ya stupid retard.
>You do know the baseball season used to be 154 games
lol ya stupid fucking retard ya know baseball also used to have less teams, and thus less teams to share those games again ya stupid retard.
>Just because you want to watch more dogshit meaningless games doesn't mean everyone else does, stop being autistic.
which is ironically EXACTLY what you would be doing by watering down the regular season by adding more playoff teams ya stupid moron. See NBA for example ya stupid idiot. Do you think those games matter for anyone in the top 4 seeding ya stupid idiot. Stupid retard

i think we can all agree about summertime lover

This summertime lover is driving me nuts

oh for the stupid idiot I'll also add this. Given the current standings, an 84 team would make the playoffs given win percentage.

you don't want to be treated like a princess?

ya stupid idiot

>using a phrase thats probably been used on this website since the beginning of time is reddit

Yeah you're just being obtuse now, good talk, not even reading the rest of the sperg out

no one wants to discuss baseball with me.
With my 0 regular season game system everyone can be a winner

>still can't argue for less games
>concedes the argument because he was called a stupid idiot
>still claims not to be reddit
lol, fuck off back to twitter/reddit/discord or wherever you come from

This is psychotic

I'd be in favor of cancelling the sport entirely because it's too problematic for the poindexters that desperately want to change it. Can't win!

the "change playoffs" zoomer was probably a brewers fan, based cardschad blew him the fuck out hahaha

Attention /mlb/, I have restructured the playoffs in 2018 to see what would happen if everyone were a winner!

Attached: reformat2018.png (783x485, 136K)

aaaand the winner is MLB!!

Attached: reformat2018.png (783x485, 126K)

this is why we cant have serious discussions!!!

This is the body of a Japanese Squirrel
Have a serious discussion.

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I honestly didn't know

I should have educated myself.

ok you can die now asshole

baseball, except it's played with a basketball and instead of home runs you have to put the basketball in a basket nearly the size of the diameter of the basketball and you can use your hands...let's make two baskets too 1 for each team!!

this is an ourtage

>The one game Wild Card itself is retarded
Well that's a convincing argument. On the other hand the rationale of a winner-takes-all game being at the same time an opportunity to make the playoffs and punishment (for the loser) for not winning their division is elegant in its balance between cruelty and glory. It's an instant Game 7 situation between non-champions (divisional) to start the playoffs. Teams either start their aces, thereby burning them before Game 1 of the Division Series and putting them at a deserved disadvantage to Division Champions, or gamble on winning the WC game with a lesser starter hoping to use their ace in the next round. It's beautiful.

>Having 2 spots creates larger gaps for teams trying to gun for it as we can see with the NL at the moment
GOOD. More teams competing for that second wild card means better baseball for everyone who would otherwise be watching these teams tank out.

>If there was just one, it'd give more teams the incentive to aim higher. If you want a more competitive atmosphere, you'd be in total favor of this.
The logic is backwards, so no. It just takes away the incentive to perform well if the division or (sole) wild card is out of reach.

>Analytics lead to longer game times and micromanagement of pitchers to the point that it even becomes tiresome to the other side.
Cat's out of the bag. Teams can't and won't go back to knowing less about the game. We can deal with the effects intelligently or you can just stop watching, but this simply isn't changing.

>And yes, give me back my four pitch intentional walks
Oh God, yes please. A pitcher should have to demonstrate that he can complete four simple pitches into the glove of the catcher to be able to get away with pussying out of facing a hitter.

>accelerationists like you
I smiled

All posts by the Discord Dummies.

I think you got it backwards. Please reconsider.

I count 101 Summertime Lovers

how 2 fix baseball, by reddit zoomer

-17 weeks, 1 game per week
-3 wild cards, the worst division winner has to play the 6 seed for 7 games as the 4 plays the 5
-7 game LDS and LCS and World Series
-ecelebs for every team, some as player/reporters/content creators
-ecelebs replacing boomers as the league office
-league enforced analytics departments for teams that don't have enough
-jomboy for commissioner

see look someone is trying to help you pls read

I had no idea

Never said any of that

he's not me, don't fall for the boogieman meme

and zack hample for social media department chairman

I like this... Perhaps 146 games will do for now and we slowly decrease. What about Zack Hample? We should incorporate him as well.

Attached: download (1).jpg (840x559, 84K)

make summertime lover the league's official theme song for 2020 season as brought to you by social media director zack hample and commissioner jomboy

you keep insisting you're right and your ideas are laughable.

massive sweeping changes.......just what every summertime lover agrees baseball needs

Massive dongs

this is getting a little egregious

who the fuck is zack hample

in jomboy we trust

i love baseball so much that i want to change everything about it

oh mlB i thought this was major league dipshits

Attached: Everyone's A Winner icon.png (3089x1115, 443K)

how do i upvote this?

bunch of summertime losers in here

Proud and honored to represent the official band of MLB in the 2020 Season! Coming soon to a ballpark near yout! #SummertimeLoverTour2k20

i for one support everyone being a winner myself, sports socialism in a way haha!

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Hmm, ok. You've got ONE chance.

Two things I know baseball and summertime lovers

ok you can die now asshole!

one chance for what?

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I need treatment and I need it bad
t. Princess

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Who do you guys think takes the MVP: Yelich or Bellinger?


>MLB doesn't need any fixing other than maybe dejuicing the balls.
I think they juice them for odd years and keep them for even years. The increase seems to be off the charts for odd years and is as expected for even years as a product of launch angle

Most Valuable Summertime Lover is the player who treats me like a princess

Someone list this summertime asshole


What if every team participated in a WC game?

15 seed @ 8 seed
14 seed @ 9 seed
13 seed @ 10 seed
12 seed @ 11 seed

Winner Game 1 @ 4 seed
Winner Game 2 @ 5 seed
Winner Game 3 @ 6 seed
Winner Game 4 @ 7 seee

WG6 @ WG5
WG8 @ WG7

WG10 @ WG9

Winner of game 11 is the wild card.

Each of these sets if games are 1 day apart obv. To add travel to the sheer wildness.


Formerly Chuck’s

Can the DeNa BayStars pull it off?

Attached: Yokohama star night.png (1242x704, 1.06M)

Pull what off, exactly?

Lurk Moar

I thought my Asian coworker's name was "Rin" like the anime but it's "Wren" like the bird
Cy Sneed

Attached: cy.jpg (200x200, 10K)

What happened to Yoenis Cespedes?
> I honestly don't understand how he's never brought up ever
>tfw he would've been a major contributor

Restaurant worker checking in
>I once worked with a
> Juan
> who was actually Wong

Literally wong ching Chong
> you can't make this shit up

Is it safe to come out yet?

Attached: nats dog afraid.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

Hurt himself while rehabbing in his ranch because he had to go on a horse. Dudes a waste at this point after the shit he did in 2015-2016

for me its the professional baseball team of houston

middle of the pack AL teams

he did it with a juiced ball

say that to my face cocksucker

not as much this year... we are much better contract hitters than any other year this decade

Why are these 50HR hitters usually really unlikeable (Judge, Stanton, Cruz), but Pete Alonso seems like a total bro.

Change the wild card "game" to a 5 game series. DS CS and WS are all 7 games.
There I fixed playoffs

wild card 9 games
ds 11 games
cs 13 games
ws 15 games
only the world's ugliest most stupid retards who hate baseball will disagree with this

Top 2 from each division
2 wild cards
4 7 game series

reminder that the AL is the NL's bitch this year. Get fucked

wild card 9 games
ds 11 games
cs 13 games
ws 162 games
Only poopyhead fartfaces will disagree

Let anime show you the way

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all playoffs are cancelled except for the World Series

Only the top teams are in the game

World Series is just one game, but it's only 5 innings.

one WS game where the teams hammer nails into their balls and bats and line up at opposite ends of the field where they then perform a medieval charge and battle to the death. Last team standing wins.

keep everything about the playoffs the same except:
wild card game is a football game
division series is hockey
championship series is basketball
world series goes back to baseball

i just boosted ratings into outer space

what about a reverse playoffs where the prize is the #1 overall pick

AL East - Orioles 8.5 game lead
AL Central - Tigers 10 game lead
Al West - Mariners 8.5 game lead
Mild Card 1 - Royals 2 game lead on MC2
Mild Card 2 - Blue Jays 9.5 game lead on MC3

Blue Jays @ Tigers
Mariners @ Orioles

Mariners @ Blue Jays

NL East - Marlins 22 game lead
NL Central - Pirates 4 game lead
NL West - Rockies 6.5game lead
Mild Card 1 - Padres 0.5 game lead on MC2
Mild Card 2 - Reds 2 game lead on MC3

Reds @ Marlins
Pirates @ Rockies

Marlins @ Pirates

Blue Jays defeat the Pirates in 6 games of the Hurled Series to win the #1 overall pick

All 30 teams make playoffs
Regular season determines seeding
Top team gets a bye for round 1
13 game series every round
Only the biggest of gays wont like this and your mother dies in her sleep

Cos pete just wants to have fun. He’s got good raw power and loves attention, but isn’t cocky. Hopefully he stays this good because he’s gonna be a fan favorite like David wright

>Page 5

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astros desu

to be completely tbqhwy with you, I think for me it's got to be The Atlanta Braves of Cobb County.

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holy shit this general is so fucking bad

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The poodres had one job. ONE JOB.

If we could ban all sorry posters, trip fags, cubs trannies, and baby posters we would be golden

What about the inspectorposter?

this is a containment thread

Reminder the cubs also won their first game against the broors. If the cubs can’t win at least 4 this road trip, they are missing
This is what happens when chicagoniggers exist

Unlike the poodres though, the Brewers are a good team. Meanwhile what do the poodres have? The 330 million dollar waste of space lol?

You do realize Machado has more WAR than Harper right?

Well padres don’t have tatis, which actually sucks because I wanted to see him compete down the stretch. If he was still playing then he still would have a bid for RoTY, but alonso is gonna break judges record at this rate so lol

Padres are still a year away from being good


yes, >war because it does determine a better player

No playoffs or regular season games just a world series...the world series is in our hearts instead of on the field.

>lance lynn is better than Verlander

so was 2018 Nola a fluke?


This general is total shit

Oh is this the mets faggot that thought alonso was a better player than tatis and then CHEERED for tatis being injured? Typical classless jew york faggot

I didnt cheer for tatis getting hurt at all. I actually felt bad because I wanted the race to be more intense. tatis is a fucking gem and so is alonso, but they both will be good players. Damn shame tatis cant finish the season anyway

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>I didn't cheer

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okay that wasnt me.


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Everyone knows generals were the death of Yea Forums and 4channel. Anyone who disagrees is actually a faggot.

I dont hate san diegans at all and I never even hated tatis when he played against the mets. Seriously I dont say nigger after everything so this guy is clearly just mooching for attention, which is sad

>Twins vs Braves WS rematch
Based or cringe


I wouldnt hate it. If it had the same intensity and went to 7 games, then it would be pretty good

>I dont say nigger after everything
Well that certainly is a convincing argument, nigger

You get the point at least?

for the past couple months I would say Bellinger but now i'm going with Yelich.

yelich is why the brewers are still clawing their way to a wild card spot. Hes got a good average, a lot of home runs, and has come up clutch for his team all season. They really need players like ben gamel to get back to their earlier production in milwaukee

This yelich is better in every conceivable way almost except maybe defense. Better ops+, ops obp slg way better avg great base stealer solid defensively

No shit, holy fuck I've never seen it this bad! Worse here than a certain neighborhood filled with a certain people(use that term loosely)Between GRate and Indiana.

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>actual baseball discussion going on
>"No shit, holy fuck I've never seen it this bad!"

The last thread was FUCKED, and a fuck load of posts from this one got deleted. There was 0 baseball discussion from 8am-noon, I actually did some work today !

Jannies hard at work

Reminder that Aintsfags can't complain since they got rigged a ring for them because muh Katrina.

So tonight is Bauer's last hope at redeeming this season. If he gets bombed by the Mariners...I can't believe I'm saying this...he will no longer based...

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reminder to please filter and ignore all cubs fans and BAJP

BAJP makes up stories about deleted posts

Sure! Nobody deleted any posts... But I am probably talking to a certain boystown fag who gives away kisses like cubs fans give away AIDS!

Trip back on, Fatfag

I bet I could kick your ass, fatty

Infrequent reminder that pickcincy is in jail for child porn and reds bro changed his trip in an effort to his because he couldn’t handle the banter. Also Pete rose will never make the hall of fame while he’s alive. KARMA has punished the revolting, sinful creatures of Shitsinasty.

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thinkgn bout rich hill's loose delivery desu

Noah syndergaard is gonna get fuckin traded because he hates our catchers.

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nyy v det gamethread

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no thanks

>btfo out of Favre
>btfo out of manning
>I-it was rigged

NFL wasnt always rigged it's a new development since storylines became their new focus over football. Circa 2012

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astros desu

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God tier bants

>banned from stadium

>Fighting for a wild card spot

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>1986 was 33 years ago

That was 2006

>2006 owl was seattle/pittsburgh

Okay, take a look at this dude and his numbers.


How did he keep getting these indy teams to sign him every few years? Is he a con artist or something?

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Where’d all the Cubs fans go?

>I just want to be in the game. You ain't gotta pay me. Let me pitch on buck night. Two dogs and a coke and I'm on that mound giving you two innings of wet ass

You wanna fix the playoffs?
Eliminate the Off Day after every two games.
Wildcard series of 3 games starting Monday after the season ends.
7 game Division Seines/Championship Series and World Series starting Thursday with one off day after 4 games.
Fuck all this "play two games and have an off day, play one game and have another off day" bullshit.
There. I fixed the fucking playoffs. You're welcome.

O's @ Doyers
kinda late edition

Yea Forumsstros

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i don't even enjoy it when the yankees when because the fagtros always win too

Where did all the poodres fans go?

pretty much

damn ok phillies


division is already in the bag, stay shitter shattered bitch

>barves losing to philthies


>You wanna fix what isn't broken to soothe your ADD?

doggie doos kek

Dodgers well on the way to clinching tonight.

Doggie doos guaranteed yawning their eager ass tonight

i see the barfs getting btfo is making you seethe at the dodgers.

it's almost like even the best teams lose games too or something kek

>barfie doos

braves - 100 wins at minimum
nationals - losing in the wc game
phillies - lol
mets - LOL
marvins - tanking

>yaks blew a 6-0 lead

>be stankees
>stank it up

>be marinaras
>start season 13-2
>miss playoffs anyway

barfs havent won a playoff series since 2001

neither has a team like san diego



The Nationals have literally NEVER

Kingery inside the park homie!!!

Have the perennial preseason champs the Nationals ever won a playoff series?

Based Oakland Athletics off the mat, counterpunchin' tonite

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>astros blow out the A's only for the A's to start kicking their shit in

>astros worst pitcher and the weak link in the rotation getting btfo

If you like free money bet on the Astros to win right now

Astros +5.5 is free money

cy sneed will rescue the astros

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>fantasy finals already started
>only a 1 week matchup
>he had 5 guys start on sunday w/ projected starts later in the week
>all but 1 of mine are starting tues/wed/thurs for their only one of the week
i really need to do rotiss


My Dodgies superstar prospect just got his first dinger

damn eloy

oh man its like its even funnier when the astros are making an excuse for miley being their worst pitcher

he wont even be in the playoff rotation

Did anyone see Acuns try and hot dog after he robbed a home run where he dropped it and it caused an inside the park home run?

nope what are you talking about

stop with your lies user

Cy sneed kek so funny!!


formally cy young

Formal apology to the dodgers for clinching

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>oreo o's

The fuck fried

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He was gonna get exposed mang


Just a bad day

Holy shit Arenado just obliterated a ball. That must've gone at least 475.

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So 350 in a regular park?

Wade Miley’s been solid all year and then starting about 3 starts ago he just began falling to pieces. It’s like bringing in Greinke broke him or something.

>mets going to the bullpen

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its been diaz/familia who have been killing the mets.

What the fuck is going on in Detroit?

nooooo tampa bay this can't be happening

>giving up 11 to the worst team in the league
No way NY makes it out of the divisional round.

they'll play the twinks, so uhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Manfred's wet dream


The chop is the best celly in baseball


>astros btfo a team by 500 runs back to back
>proceed to get btfo by 500 the next day
manfred just stop please. they're juiced enough already

Juice em up

unjuice the balls and rejuice the players

2019 NL West Champions

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>bringing out the champagne when beating the orioles
that feels sadder than when teams clinch way late into the season after a loss and go and celebrate

this is a byproduct of divisions existing

oh those nl west champion doggie doos really rustle my jimmies

Baltimore should be thankful that there was a positive moment this season that occured there

eh baltimore at least had someone hit a cycle

Edwin Diaz warming up :(

*wilson is going back

Okay oakland just get 11 more to tie the fucking rags record

Not quite a butterface, but definitely a butterchin(s)

>6 home runs
The fuck is Houston doing

Cubs @ Padres

Pete Alonso is honestly like a big retarded child with super retard strength. They should probably test him for a learning disability.

what by smothering the ball like that?

Anyone have any Trevor Bauer being autistic gifs to share? lost mine

>Dodgers clinch NL West
>will end up choking in the playoffs as per usual
is there really a better feeling?

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Gutsy fucking win. Sorry wilmer

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thank fuck


nah get out

so comfy

>be stankees
>lose to detoilet

>stankees get out doinked by Los Tigres de Detroit
kek lol oh noooo

nah get the fuck out


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we are literally the best team and have the highest odds to win it all, keep seethin

>that feel when you lose but the magic number falls to single digits anyway

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Imagine your team giving up 12 runs to detoilet

imagine playing mostly triple A players in September

Imagine triple A players beating the stankees


I for one is happy for the new rule that only 2 triple A players are called up starting in 2020...


wtf Oakland stop


Drama in the #Pirates clubhouse: A fight between Pirates teammates Kyle Crick and Felipe Vazquez Monday night leads to season-ending finger tendon surgery for Crick. Both players have been fined.

Last two digits is the amount of runs the A's score

Entirely reasonable, huh.

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somebody post the anime draft


lol imagine watching a sport where niggers get uppity and rape people. fuck football


now this is a based post

Which players are lesbians attracted to?


jessica mendoza

yelich fractured kneecap


yelich is ded, brewers btfo

rip sewers

Yeli, not like this............ not like this............. now we have to give it to that dog doo fag :(

Third from the bird

Where is based Asian Baseball Guy? For I much desire to speak to him?

Fucking hell bros it just keeps happening

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>out for season


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Classic Wisconsin curse of our MVP players getting injured. Giannis is next.

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bro if giannis and rodgers both somehow get hurt this year i give up and i'm moving to california to become dodgers fan



>he bet?

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gg royals



Fuck u niggers. Injuries are a shitty part of the game. Ain’t nobody gonna feel sorry for you as you sprint to the finish.


found the cusbs fan

>Yelich and Baez down
yeah, we're sneaking in

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which Cardinal will get wrecked this week to round out the destruction of the central?

i think that was exactly the same circumstances as what made Tommy La Stella kill.
really fucking blows cause yelich was da real mvp

I feel worse because it just makes bellinger the defacto NL MVP unless rendon becomes insanely good for the last few weeks. Yelich could've had a great season end but he'll be hurt for the rest of it. Broors, get some fucking pitching while you are at it

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>celebrating a player's injury
not a good look
cardinals have zero mvp candidates so that means flaherty

please god....... please no

thinking about the draft desu


RIP brewers hopes and dreams

Genuinely feel sorry for them

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ohhh no

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So who owns and pwns you now?

thats fucking awful
but i laughed
i feel so bad about it

scuba kek

Where did all the poodres fans go?



please :)

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>Shittsburgh literally cannot go one week without a sports team of theirs being a lolcow

the L flag


Are the twins choking yet?

They lost the home run lead.

my phillies are gonna go to the playoffs just to get my hopes up and then RESOUNDINGLY LOSE. RESOUNDINGLY.

>cusb, lillies, and mest tie for the second wild card

imagine the shitposting

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it's possible the gnats do too for a 4 way wc tie

Who is the Joker of baseball?

BAJP is the joker of the general imo

Trevor Bauer

Ledger joker = Trevor Bauer
Leto joker = Yasiel Puig
Phoenix joker = James Shields

what about Nicolas Joker?

Manny Machado


ohhh that's good

>sox win
>baur finally got a QS on the road, but no win
>cards finally lost, but a close game : /
>mil softened up for upcoming series, not happy yellich got hurt, but it is what it is
>hilarious pirate chimpout

need a cusssssssb and ill call it a good night

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new bread

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heres your new bread

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