Are we just not going to talk about this? This nigga has lost his damn mind

Are we just not going to talk about this? This nigga has lost his damn mind.

Looks like he got blown through a thrift store sideways.

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>first most popular league in carolina: nascar
>second most popular league in carolina: arca
>third most popular league in carolina: ncaab
No one really cares about it there

This looks like a Family Guy cutaway where Peter brings up his pilgrim ancestors

This is what people where in the Carolinas, it’s a disgusting place

Will any qb have a more blah hof career and never win a championship? Besides Dan Marino and Cam?


Big time

thats fashion for you.

Why dis nigga's head look like Auschwitz?

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Off topic I guess but do you suppose any American knows of a single Brazilian state, let alone what the top 3 sports are in that particular state?

says the mong who makes threads daily about the state of european football

Looks like a grandma

He couldn't have chosen to, you know, -actually- look like that. Maybe one of his sponsors has a line of clothes and he's doing his job to get people asking about what he's wearing. Or maybe he's planning on leaving the interview and going out to party, and he wants to go incognito (at least until he gets to the club). There has to be a rational explanation.

>CamCam’s Bizarre Adventure: Owl is Unwinnable

wtf who am i looking at?

how does it looks like a concentration camp?

Brazilians are boring. They only care about one sport.

the homeless guy they made play qb for the panthers

And that's volleyball

cam likes a challenge
the nigga is so handsome he has to work extra hard to be fugly

Black people dressing(and acting) like clowns. Nothing new.

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>blown through a thrift store sideways
Most white hipsters do too tbf

Nigger never recovered from that Super Bowl loss.