Press F

Press F

Attached: GOD DAMNED.webm (720x720, 2.72M)

Based Muertinho


Wasn't he offsides?

>tap in merchant

How do we rate him?

Damn thats actually really heartbreaking

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i seriously hope nobody rates this tap in merchant

>that guy doing the dribbling

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Emiliano Sala ● Welcome to Cardiff City 2019 ● Goals & Skills HD

The feels bro, I wasn't ready for the feels

Mad lad

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nigga efficient like cristiano rolando LOL

He should do it properly.

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offside lol

>not Higuaín
You failed me.

where was pogba?

i would still take him over higuain

He was dying to score

deadly finish

hes dead

>still more movement in the box than Piguain

>last kick too strong
>coffin opens
>body drop on the floor
>everybody starts crying and screaming
>decomposed body on the floor starts to smell like shit
>mom pass out
>police comes in and arrest everyone

this diversity shit is getting out of hand
where do I even get a dead guy for my five a side team?

Is this peak Latin America?

average day in brazil?

top kek

R.I.P - Best Moments & Tricks - 2019 - Welcome to Arsenal


breh lmao



PSG have reportedly made an offer of €130 million to purchase exciting, young Brazilian talent, Coffinho.

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Somebody posted this exactly webm yesterday and was deleted almost immediately.

Wha the fuck where's the janitor?

The janitors fear the eternal Aussie.

theres also a thread on Yea Forums right now, better than this one


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Stop lying

>outing yourself as a sneed posting, child molester fa/tv/irgin

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Is he OK?

base, I'd let you tap in my funeral

theres no offside in Futsal

Literally anyone can write the ronaldo joke. But only a real boludo is allowed to throw shit at Higuain with enough salt to make it funny.

see? not funny at all.

he had a fucking job and failed

I'm not a virgin

He's venezuelan

It's in Venezuela, Veejay

top kek

me in the coffin

jwsus christ m8

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did he die from starvation?

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le dead inside man

he he he he he he he he


So was it a header or did he toe it in?

based indeed