Why is Scottish football so shit and what do we do to improve it?

Why is Scottish football so shit and what do we do to improve it?

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haha this can't be real

scotland shouldn't even exist at this point
name 1 (one) contribution scots made to the world


Scottish teams have more titles than Belgian teams

good shortbread

ah yes, the mighty scottish pastry cuisine, held high along italian, french, portuguese, belgian and danish pastries, yes
not really


Caber toss

Braveheart and electromagnetism

>belgium start

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Yet another heartbreak for the proud celts of sc*tland!

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Literally useless.

Had to google.

Shit movie and bullshit physics, not even real.

Okay, you're right. Name 2 (two) scottish contributions to the world.

he said he was expecting a defensive scotland team aka a bus like san marino against us, and he was wrong
scotland needed a win

>that girl on the right
have fun

modern surgery

Hating the English

Haggis and Groundskeeper Willie

The telephone?

Capitalism (Adam Smith)

It's not pastry, it's a biscuit. At least try to know what you're bullshitting about.
You should get some, surely walkers shortbread is available somewhere in your city or you can order it online, it's worth it. Very nice with tea or coffee.

Friend mate, pal, mate, I'd rather buy Oreos to dunk on milk and watch NFL than have tea with biscuits.

Literally who is that faggot?

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British NT rankings
>Northern Ireland
>Isle of Man

False, Fleming was a fraud. The reason that it is used as an antibiotic is because of Australian Howard Florey and German Boris Chain. Fleming took all the credit despite doing fuck all


well, its no sopa de macaco, thats right

Cocteau Twins
Teenage Fanclub
The Jesus and Mary Chain

But sopa de macaco is uma delícia.

Kelly Macdonald and Karen Gillan

so is Haggis

Literally who?

Oreos aren't that good and you can have coffee with your shortbread biscuits. You're missing out. Drinking milk is good and watching nfl is alright too, who's your team?
Only mentioned walkers because they're global, I know they're not the very best but they're the probably most likely to be available in his local favela department store

Peruvians have this fermented potatoe mush street food that contains alot of peniciline by nature.

I think some blue cheese has penicillin tool

Based and songsfromnorthernbritainpilled.

Attached: 1472667319songs_from_northern_britain.jpg (953x953, 203K)

absolutely based
add Arab Strap

>Oreos aren't that good

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scotland never lost 7-1 against germany at home so they got going for them
fuck all else but they got that one thing in their favour

For me it's Orange Juice

t. biscuitlet

t. probably thinks tea is better than coffee

thanks for the recommendations

Scottish football is organised for the benefit of a small number of Protestants who are supporters of Protestant clubs such as Rangers FC (IL), the The Rangers FC, Hearts, Airdrie and such like.
The entire structure of Scottish football is based around providing assistance to these clubs, at the exclusion of all others.
Those who run Scottish football do not care one bit about the game, only their beloved Protestant clubs.

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lots and better than your apes country

your country is named after a warner bros character from space jam

Just can't see past Big Country lads, even if they were all Fifers born in England. RIP in peace Stuarty boy.

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TV, and by extension Yea Forums

>Yea Forums
>a contribution

colonizing half of it

The only thing worth watching on televisions are sports, and the only thing Yea Forums ever did right was Sneedposting

Scotland is not Portugal but it's not surprising you confused that given you are a spaniard and you aren't known for being smart

That was all us. Scotland tried to follow suit and have a few colonies themselves, but fucked up so bad that it crippled them and they had to submit to us.

Ignoring the fact that Great British colonies are not Scottish colonies, name some colonies that were majority Scottish.



the best Cocteau Twins album is Treasure

you probably know the singer from Massive Attack's Teardrop


0/10 bait

>the absolute STATE of sc*tland's darien scheme

>(You)ri Tielemans

Steam engine, and with it the industrial revolution
Franz Ferdinand (band)

celts dont make good athletes at a genetic level. just too small and frail to compete

Rip It Up is one of like 5 songs I can play infinitely and never tire of

>Franz Ferdinand

Seriously? They were pretty shit m8. At least go with The Proclaimers.

When was the last time an Anglo won Wimbledon???

Belle and Sebastian, chvrches

that was purely on talent and skill. his body betrayed him before 30 like most celts. theyre just not made to be athletes

Scots need a big strong Englishman as a guiding hand, it's no surprise that every response to the Brazilian chap is a contribution made AFTER the union with England... they were literally Ireland tier before that event

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>invents television
>invents the telephone
>invents the refrigerator
>invents colour photography
>invents flushing toilets
>invents GTA
>some zika monkey on a kyrgyzstani locust breeding forum implies were irrelevant

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Scottish enlightenment.

just flag it and focus on rugby ya poof

wew, bit rich coming from a literal animal
>pneumatic tyre
>steam engine
good things from Brazil:

posting retarded stuff while pretending to be English on Yea Forums

for me, it's the beta band

They aren't, up your biscuit game huehue


Kris boyd just claimed football is a middle class game in scotland and working class are being priced out of football.
How fucking poor are you lot?


Shout out for The Associates


doesnt help that these are plastered everywhere next to anything that resembles grass

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The Beano

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he means lovely and cute?

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wait no


ah yes, typical filthy jounalists using bits of sentences

the jewel of the british empire, india was nicknamed the scottish raj

Irn bru and fried Mars bars


fried mars bars are repulsive and whoever invented or even enjoy them deserve a trip to gas city courtesy of:

>fried mars bars are repulsive
bet you never ate one
pretty sure it must be excellent, mars bar always lacked texture

Fried mars bars are unironically great

Especially after a night out. They're pretty good desu. I also had a fried pudding (not the cake but the British blood sausage) and I can't really recommend it. Fried cheeseburger is pretty alright too.

>he doesn't want to die of a heart attack aged 52

Alex Ferguson

and they know full well that 90% of peoples just read headlines
i fucking hate them , its the only profession i fully hate


Porridge and kilts

set the prem back years with his skullduggery

It is: dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/scotland-san-marino-comparison-belgium-19767618

hard to balance playing football with a full-time skag addiction tbf



when was the last time an anglo won wimbledon

Costs money to buy boots and stuff like that. Plus, hun children literally cannot buy anything related to football because of their boycott of sports direct. A sad state of affairs indeed

>Scots need a big strong Englishman as a guiding hand
>posts an irish gypsy faggot

At least he looks like a Spaniards and not like a white with black traits

>belgium star
>he’s black

Greater Manchester would be the only decent county team

deep-fried bounty bars are good too

Sealand is actually made up of amateurs from the British mainland. They are probably better than several of those teams.

indeed, texture issue aswell

Went to Rochdale once in Grester Manchester. Never again



i live in greater manchester and would never go to rochdale either

You're retarded. My family were friends with Norman Heatly, who worked on the project with Fleming. Nobody, absolutely nobody, said that Fleming discovered penicilin. What he discovered was penicilin was able to kill specific types of bacteria. Yes, other people had discovered mould or whatever helped things but nobody knew why or what it did. Fleming also headed a team that was also completely useless without Heatley. The entire thing Fleming and the team did was record penicilin, worked out it had a medical application, noted what penicilin actually it was (since there is no one thing called penicilin, there is a lot) and finally with Heatley (though he was never acknowledged with the Noble Prize for this) allowed them to actually produce a medical extraction process so you could actually produce a medication to give to somebody. Without him, we wouldn't have it as a treatment.

What the best thing tho? When the UK realised they could not produce enough to treat troops, they went to USA. Heatley rubbed spores in his jacket in case they were shot down so it could be used. They get to USA and you know what the Americans do? They steal all the teams work and patent it. For the next 75 years, the UK and the entire world had to pay USA for every single tablet they used. The British thought it was morally wrong to patent and sell this product as it was 'for the world'. But the Americans? LMAO.

Scot Charles Miller, who is widely recognised as ‘the Father of Brazilian football’, was the son of John Miller, a Scottish railway engineer, who lived in Sao Paulo. Miller was sent to Southampton for an education and would go on to play football at County level for Hampshire. In October 1894, he famously returned to Sao Paulo carrying two footballs and a set of playing rules, which led to him organising a famous match between the Sao Paolo Railway Company and the Gas Company on April 14, 1895.

jews gonna jew

Stick that up your arse Brazil wankers.