Is Lukaku elite?

Is Lukaku elite?

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based lukaku

de bruyne babby


>The Strangler of Scottland
>The Purger of Panama
>The Exterminator of England


>plays with the best playmakers of this generation
he's a fucking fraud


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Are you one of those onions zoomers that want strikers to drop down and turn into midfielders or some shit?

literally none of them were against a team remotely as good as belgium
I deduce from this that he would be a fantastic Championship striker

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He was incredible against Brazil

what fraud

Lukaku does his job and it makes the job of good midfielders easier.

Giroud is worse than Lukaku

Cavani is the gatekeeper of the elite tier for strikers and as for Lukaku, he's not better than Cavani

Fucking hell he’s 26, playing for stacked Belgium, he already has 48 goals, he’s gonna end up above Ronaldo and Ali Daei. Pls don’t take Tsunaldo’s record mr Pookaku :(

le cacou

This. You could throw me into a team with De Bruyne, have me stand perfectly still on the penalty spot and I reckon I could still get like 5 goals in 10 games.

I can tell you as a fully paid up United customer that this guy is THE worst striker I have ever seen start regularly for us. Even Welbeck was better, at least he could control a football without landing on his back.



He's a flat track bully, hopefully will start turning up in big games more as he gets older

Pookaku made a name for himself in the Premier League way before De Bruyne was injected with Pep drugs

Cavani is shit though

Yeah but he wouldn't be performing nearly as well if he didn't have hazard and de bruyne constantly crossing it

Nothing against Lukaku, but actually this.


he was an embarrassment in the world cup

He was bagging goals at Everton way before any of these guys were known retard. I fucking hate you retarded fuckers because you don't think at all. Belgium has other strikers yet whenever they play they don't put up the same fucking numbers so clearly not anyone can just be slapped up front receiving balls from these guys. His numbers aren't even that far off Kane despite wasting his years at a shit team like united.

how do you know they played mexico's C team?