Nice game Northern Ireland. Maybe next time you'll have a chance to win against us. Who knows?

Nice game Northern Ireland. Maybe next time you'll have a chance to win against us. Who knows?

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It was a nice meme whilst it lasted.

No, not even that. It was a terrible meme.

We are still going to qualify and beat you in the final my little bratwurst

>scraping a win against Northern Ireland's B Team
>celebrating instead of demanding better
Shows just how far Germany has fallen.

This. Was absolute AIDS. Hopefully that Yank is crying.


When has a Spain poster ever contributed anything to this board?

since northern ireland is 1/6 of ireland we can deduce that ireland would have scored 6 goals tonight had we been playing and germany only once

Cope harder

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>bragging about beating a tiny nation
Wow Norn Iron really got inside your insecure little kraut mind

6 times 0 is still 0 retard

whens englands next game against them?

it looks like germans got inside your m8. plus its just a bnantz chill out bro

Not an argument.

>thinks his opinion about Germany is relevant

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Easy 2:0 whilst resting our best players.
Yep, I'm thinking we are back.

Have sex

based Löw gave the Northern Irish in the first half the illusion that they could win only to destroy them in the second half.

wew how cucked are you? Probs wishing germany would invade your shithole country again
I don't have an opinion on germany, literally never think about you lads, no need to. No banter and no cultural relevance.

>can't hold banter
nothing new here

we literally invented banter. it's our word.

they still have dutchx2 and germany left

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Go ahead and tell yourself that. If it helps you. We both know that we live rent-free in your head anyway.

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you also invented football. In both categories you're pretty shit

did norn iron invent football? Nope retard
Good night Hans

He's not British, he's Northern Irish. They have the absolute WORST banter and I include Canadians in that statement.

Nah man. It doesn't really matter if its irish brit scot or welsh - isles are worst in taking and making banter