/f1/ - Relentless Formula 1 General - Detracted Edition

>Countdown to Singapore GP:
(Scroll down for all session times)

>Other racing on each week, pick your poison

>Previous Thread:
>FantasyGP.com /f1/ League Formula Autism:
Passcode: 12481614

>F1 2019 PC /f1/ League Access Code
league Info Here: archive.4plebs.org/sp/thread/94148301/#94162184

>WDC Standings
L. Hamilton 284
V. Bottas 221
M. Verstappen 185
C. Leclerc 182
S. Vettel 169

>WCC Standings
Mercedes 505
Ferrari 351
Red Bull 266
McLaren 83
Renault 65

>Nico Hülkenberg F1 races without EVER scoring a podium:
170 (172 entries)

>Point difference between Gasly and Albon
31 points

>Hund status:
Ve veren't holding engine back, yeah exactly, ve veren't zandbagging in Monza, iz just that our automobil vasn't schnell

Rich Energy is gone, detractors won
Masi: "We will use b/w flag more"
Camilleri: "We might use our veto over 2021 rules"
Schumacher in Paris for "secret treatment"

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Other urls found in this thread:


gimi eh ?


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3rd for Stroll Swoll

Love to German racing driver Carrie Schreiner

You may not like to hear this but Chloe is really the thinking man's /f1/ waifu, far superior to the likes of carrie.

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poor hulk ;_;

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top you say? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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Never, now we only have children.

Whats the secret treatment?

when schumi resurrects and becomes FIA boss

when was the last successful F1 driver that came from a somewhat normal or poor family?

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Relax friend. They are just completing the cerebral transfer. His consciousness will be uploaded onto a computer which will then be connected to both Ferrari cars. SWL will be eternal


what? domestic violence is somewhat normal

isn't Vettel's father a carpenter or someshit


Hamilton had a rough childhood with his father working fiver or six jobs to support his carting career

gimi, his home literally didnt have inside toilet since his dad had to decide between building one and investing to karting

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Lewis Hamilton

shutup monkey

no u

>M has come to

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find that hard to believe, what do they do in the middle of Finnish winter when poor little 5 year old Kimi needs toilet in the middle of the night?

Hamilton. He grew up in his mum's council house until he was 12 or something. Then lived at his dad's, who worked multiple jobs to pay for karting.

importing what was left of hubert's organs into schumi's body

stroll and latifi soon

Melt the snow with piss. Shit in the hole.

Go to an outhouse.

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somebody post the hambo house.

>No more Ferrari win til' 2021

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Why, Hamilton of course! Haven't you heard how he rose from the rough streets of the Stevenage Ghetto, had to spend his entire childhood karting because his father couldn't afford any proper hobbies for his son and had to endure the trouble of living in a really small mansion. It was a life or crime and #racism (all his classmates hated him for being white), but he managed to free himself by being #blessed by the Mercedes underdog.

People were doing just fine living in cold climates without wcs for millennia.


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Have you ever been camping or to a crib?
usually the toilet is far away, especially if it's a long drop

idk man, poor kids dont go karting so much to become F1 drivers


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outhouses are really common in finnish countryside

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>used to have sexy thots
>now we have sexy kids


Fucking Epstein

yeah but I just take a thermos to poo in

very sad picture of schumachers head scan

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Stem cells injection apparently. Imo after years of coma you're a yoghurt no matter the treatment.

why is it so empty?

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>finnish outhouses


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>tfw find some of the schumacher shitposting funny
>but actually sad about the state he's in

I'm conflicted lads.
Imagine if he wants to die but can't say it, maybe he's stuck in living hell.

which one of you faggots edited the italian schumi wikipedia page with his date of death and fucking did a poor job at it?

Not capable of that level of conscious thought according to dr I heard interviewed, wouldn't worry about it.

why are blacks allowed in F1?

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>poverty background
lol, the last one was certainly in black and white with a fancy moustache

Who is the Arsenal Football Club of F1?

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It really saddens me but honestly it's pretty funny shitposting about it, I mean, it's not like I'm doing him any more damage or I can help in any way so if it's funny just go for it

Does every German seethe at Hamilton?

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>what a disastrous performance from vettee, robbie. im sick and tired of it. we need new blood in rarri

Yes, racist /pol/tard. Now fuck off.

For 7 WDC, any man would give his only begotten song.

>You now remember 2010-13 VWL

I can't even remember who won in Germany.

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What was the fattest F1 race winner?

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i dont like him but mostly for the butthurt brits who seethe at mercedes because they think that Rosbergs title was rigged

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Why would they seethe?

>Schumie without a bitch teammate
nah that won't work

The allies. But that was 74 years ago, so you have an exuse.

JewChloe or GookChloe?


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Mabe frolian gonzales?

Vertappen's fault.

Well they raced the Indy500 as part of the championship so one of them

jones was a fat cunt

jew one

Literally who?

>left in a Rubik's cube of a tangle
What? What's being left in a Rubik's cube even supposed to imply?

Actually as the driver weight was less of an issue back then, and the front engined cars were way more forgiving, it must been somebody in the 50s

Why doesn't this surprise me

The last time they did it it was a clusterfuck no ?

holy shit

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>p-please notice me lewis

Fangio was a fatso

>my licence fee pays for three cunts to write one shitty article

Fuck AMX he drove like an idiot the first years now its time for karma

Who the hell seriously listens to some literal who failed shit driver's opinions? Like he's some "expert veteran" or something.

Kimi has been in F1 through so many different generations. The old guys like Schumacher, Montoya, Barrichello, then onto the next generation of Vettel, Hamilton, and now the generation of Leclerc, Norris, Verstappen, Russell.

Looked it up because I was interested - Kimi is in his 17th season. The record for most seasons with at least one start is 19, held by both Barrichello and Michael Schumacher. As for most full seasons (notwithstanding injuries and other DNSs), I think Barrichello has that outright with 19, because Schumacher only took part in the last few races of his first season. So Kimi isn't far off. And of course if he hadn't had those two years out, then he would have equalled the record this year.

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>Imagine if he wants to die but can't say it, maybe he's stuck in living hell.
Aren't we all laddy, aren't we all?

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Very very few drivers who made a career in punditry were successful ones.
Probably the reason they made a career in pundtry was because they weren't successful at their job in the first place

How do you think he wants to go out?

Strapped to the front end of an F1 car driven flat into a wall?

Point out anything racist I said mate, go on, I bet you can do it if you really try.

>n-no u!

I don't know, but they do. Like 90% of German posts I see in /f1/ these days are some sort of seethe about Hamilton.

Reminder that the only memorable thing any Palmer has ever done in motor racing is getting yelled at by a Swedish woman because he was driving like a complete idiot.

>Point out anything racist I said mate
>Like 90% of German posts I see
Why are you so obsossed with Germany, you nationalist cunt?

>Daniel Avocado at home in australia, chilling in the offseason
>2019 colorized

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back pewdiepie

A big brain pick. Though I like HapaChloe a lot too.

where does the AMX meme come from?

Same as the vetee one

post seething kraut 1 pls?


the heart

hope the talentless hack dies.

not funny you autistic freak.


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he's not wrong, leclerc pushed him off the track. if hamilton didn't abort and lecler made contact then the FIA would have punished leclerc

hammy went for a non-existent space to overtake, Sharl only kept his line

Careful, user. You don't want to say anything bad about Hamilton in here, lest that racist /pol/tard will label all Macedonians "seething haters". Don't forget that this is now his personal echo-chamber.

Lmao you're butthurt as fuck.


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>he literally can't stop seething

>Lewis pushes Bosberg off track at 2015 US GP
Hard racing, dont like it go home
>Leclerc pushes Lewis to the edge if the track
Unfair he should have been Lewis' win



hamilton was over half a cars length when leclerc switched to the left, ham was entitled to make the corner . the black ad white flag was enough to indicate it was a naughty move

HAM was behind and had no right to that spot

based char leclerc

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if you could kill HAM or the poo watch salesman, who would you choose?

ham was more than a car's length aside, you have to leave space at that point or you'd have every driver zigzagging while braking into corners

They're actually rebuilding him so he can replace Vettel in 2021.

how does he do it again and again

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Well, let's see:
>Have the stupid /pol/ shitposter die, thread gets cozier but ultimately no one cares
>Have Hamilton die and thus not only save F1 but also cause the shitposter a lot of suffering

The latter sounds preferable. But let's hope it's an overdose or drunk driving or something stupid like that. If he dies on track, we'll never hear the end of it.

>more than a cars length
He wasnt even half a cars length and they were turning into the corner

>watch salesman
>/pol/ shitposter
Who even are these people? Have you seethed so hard that you've made up boogeymen to mentally direct your seethe towards?

Fuck detractors

Ham's front wheel was literally inbetween charles' wheels

Who are the detractors now rich is gone?

oops meant half a car's length, pic related shows he was more then half a car's when leclerc moved to the right

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No contact.
No penalty.

Why is this even a discussion?

>On the outside

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>made up
this gimmick isn't working, rakesh.
>inb4 le who is rakesh, le /g/ boogeyman

that leclerc pushed ham off the track

>seething so hard that you have to pretend that some boogeyman from /g/ is posting here to try and justify your seethe

No contact.
No penalty.

Literally why are you talking? There is nothing to discuss.

I'm not seething at all.

he forced him off, if lewis commit to the corner leclerc would unfairly cut him off and made contact. anons have absolved leclerc of all blame

I never mentioned anything about a penalty

If I had a gun and 3 bullets, and in the room were toto, lewis and rakesh, I'd shoot toto three times straight in the head, then proceed to pistol whip lewis' bones.

So don't commit to the corner

he better get used to that treatment

Forcing him off involves contact.
Lewis was weak but playing the long game not wanting to sacrifice points in the championship.

fucking toppest kek

While living in a fucking mansion.

You're seething so hard that you're inventing boogeymen from /g/ and pretending that posts you don't like are from this boogeyman. That's a lot of seethe, Patrick.

you boys are edgy as FUCK tonight

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Nige in his later days

Fuck off nigger, feel free to quote global rule 3 on me, give me my (You)

>monkey calling anyone a nigger

bad quality posts, dare I say it

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It's really just one bong tainting this thread with his shitty bait, which of course everyone is falling for

>a four bedroom house for a couple and two kids is a mansion
>also it looks like an ex-council house

Yeah you would have to be a massive cunt to get called that by a hue

Slumming it

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Good morning, you fucking idiots.

evening lad

>tfw only 3.5 bedrooms and only 1 bathroom

To be fair, anything below two-bathrooms-per-person is generally considered below poverty-level.

Imagine getting so triggered by facts that you can't help but outright deny them.

>Charrel Jalving, a well-connected motorsport marketing expert, has reported from Monza that the Latifi deal for 2020 is now done.

>“Another great bag of money for Williams to continue to survive,” he said.

>Indeed, 24-year-old Latifi’s father Michael is a billionaire and McLaren co-owner.

>Latifi is already Williams’ reserve and Friday driver, and he looks on course to qualify for his F1 Super Licence for 2020 by doing well in Formula 2.

Fuck cripples

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>the shantytown of user

>mfw 4 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms, and 4 garage bays

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Best timeline desu

There is a second toilet but it was original an outhouse which ended up being part of house when the previous owners added an extension to it. It's got proper plumbing (Minus a hot water tap)

>tfw I have literally never been in a garage.

Do they smell nice?

Smells like petrol and sawdust in my case.

Probably before the 2000's

Haha Billy Burr on this weeks Monday Morning Podcast ripping lewis a new one haha

>stalks who comedians for anti-lewis jokes
this general is pure cope

you might want to go to a psychiatrist
this level of paranoia and victimhood mentality isn't healthy

He gets ripped new ones on his pasty bostonian white ass every night by Nia lmao

Doesn't matter how nice your house is if it's in Stevenage.

>pot calling the kettle black
this general reels at every breath lewis makes

there's quite the difference between disliking a driver and feeling personally attacked when someone offends someone who doesn't even know you
this also applies to the germans and dutchies

>Bill Burr is a who
Ok, and I have been listening to him and talking about him here for a long while now

>Hell hath no fury like a woman rammed

Bit cheeky m8 ;^)

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All of Michael's vital organs were extracted and sold to pedophiles Arab sheikhs.

exterior supersoft
interior supersoft
medium soft
medium intra medium soft et medium hard
medium hard
interior superhard
exterior superhard

for me its the summer of '92

>Hamilton circa 2025

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Go here, click on Lewis Hamilton: zoopla.co.uk/purpleplaques/

It says four bedrooms.

Then stop getting so mad by facts that you can't help but outright deny them.

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It's because it's all nationalism isn't it. Germans support the German drivers, French people support Leclerc because he's sort-of-but-not-really French, Australians support Ricciardo. Which is perfectly natural. This is what normal people do, support the drivers of their own country.

Why do you keep doxxing him?

Hello darkness my old friend.
I still hope Vettel will become again a Happy Vettel. It seems Binnottos leadership fucks him up.
He just wanna have a cozy time with arrivabenis.

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bloody 'ell lad get some sleep

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Imagine getting so triggered by some posts that you pretend some boogeyman from /g/ is the one posting them. How utterly pathetic.

why is he breaking that innocent car?

Daily reminder to ignore and report the avatarfagging paki/kraut/bong

i live in the same area as lewis hamilton and have chatted to a few people who know the family. the consensus is that while his dad was fairly broke following the divorce with lewis' mum, he made the money back quick enough that by the time lewis was doing serious racing he wasn't too cash strapped.

i fucked lewis hamilton

Hi Nicole

ewwwww bestiality


The fuck you doing at America Sutil?


That makes sense.

Also from what I understand he didn't actually take two jobs but rather he was a IT contractor and he would do multiple contracts at once which is very, very different.

How was Neymar Babs?

>Schumacher in Paris for "secret treatment"
We about to be served Pommes Parisienne boys :(

Could have been worse...

He could have gone to Venezuela.

It's not "secret", all the French media talk about it, it's stem cells treatment.

Why do they have to rebuild him? Ferrari could have put him in Vettel's car yesterday and gotten just as many points.

>Fat John giving flipping the bird at Kubica



damn... hope it works

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I hope not, he was an insufferable cunt, he kamikazed his way to the top seat and win billions, good to know his money is wasted to keep him ""alive"".
>wear helmet
>have skull injury

Three fucking sitting rooms? What the fuck is that?

Fucking savage

>Anthony was working as an IT manager as Lewis began making a name for himself on the kart circuit. Taking time off became a problem as his son's racing and testing took him all over the country and overseas. Eventually Anthony took redundancy so he could spend more time at the track. He did contract work and was sometimes doing two or three jobs at a time, including putting up estate agents' signs. In time, he set up his own computer company, which now employs 25 people

So the multiple jobs weren't all contracts, since he was "putting up estate agents' signs", but it looks like this period was only for a while since he then set up a pretty good business; 25 employees is a fair amount.

I kek'd

Ocon is going to be the poorest person of colour on the grid next year. Literally trailer trash / gypsy turned F1 driver

2021 F1 champion

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You feeling the love, too, /f1/?

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This is the ideal F1 aesthetic. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

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Damned right.

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Got one with a more sleek nose

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For a second I thought "hang on is that a bloody GoPro" then I realised it's a recent image. The 90 years helmet sort of gives it away. For a second there I was wondering how the fuck there were GoPros back in the early 2000s.

Yeah it's Mick driving it with a split-liveried helmet at Hockenheim, not a time paradox lol.

Also the F2004 didn't run on slick pirellis

Reminder that Charles cheated at Monza and the win is rightfully Lewis'

Reminder that nobody cares what Mexico thinks.

I'm pretty sure that is harassment.

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he needs to be destroyed

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I just want to say that I like Mexi and I hope he gets a fluffy meerkat toy in a tokusatsu costume for his birthday.

Why though?
Austria and Sepang are kino tracks

>austria is a kino track

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2 days later, britbong columnists, plastic Merc fans and basedboys are still seething

Anyone got the latest exposed graph knocking about?

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Life to old RBRing
Death to TILKE'd tracks

Speaking of which is his new special out yet?

Mid night tonight (Tuesday) US time on Netflix

>It says four bedrooms.
>Then stop getting so mad by facts that you can't help but outright deny them.

Yet the people who literally live there say 6 bedrooms.

Attached: shitty little house in Stevenage.png (657x3948, 2.92M)

bottas is the gasly of mercedes
ocon would have destroyed lec

Hopefully it's available on my shitty country as well since some of his old specials weren't.

>Schumacher was covered in a blue cloth that 'completely covered his body

They would hide the tech... or the corpse

>Kiwi poster gives Ukrainian exposure convener TEN SECOND STOP AND GO PENALTY with TRUTH and SCIENCE

Proposing this for the next thread

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Savage. I like it


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but it's mean tho :((((

It's peak monsoon season la
Expect a wet meme race
Hopefully Mercedes does a Ferrari 2017 on Singapore


FUGG, rain gonfirmed XD

When you think of it, cars didn't change a lot since then, except >halo. On an unrelated note, how do we make cars smaller?

Based and redpilled.

Why is he in a washing machine?

Refueling and remove hybrids

Why would they? Nico "I don't even really enjoy F1" Rosberg exposed him.

The tears of br*toids are delicious. Didn't expect them to be so butthurt over Loois being manhandled by a twink.

reminder that this is what racing is all about youtube.com/watch?v=GSval75GTq4 leaving your opponent just enough space and positioning your car. what leclerc has done is anthitesis of racing and simply because he's protected by corrupt fia and that it happened to a driver you hate, doesn't change anything. fuck leclerc, fuck fia and fuck masi. i hope someone pulls the same shit on this zoomer fag and he lands in barriers, preferably over it

But he's a Finn.

>be me
>watching Nascar in the background for low effort vrooms
Pretty sure this crew member has autism

Attached: crew member steering wheel autism.webm (960x540, 2.99M)


Robert calm down, what's wrong

>can't overtake because DRS CAR BABBY
>I know I'll just get half along side him and unnaturally stick thick there and not brake
>good old fiamg will give him a penalty and I can win :) :)

>>good old fiamg will give him a penalty and I can win :) :)
This is why Merc, Toto and Louid are so buttmad right now

Pole it's triggered by anything Ferrari related, probably because he is a huge Alonso cocksucker.
Now watch this:
Markelov deserves an F1 seat

I wish some user with much time on his hands would do a montage or compilation of dirty Hamilton moves while defending/overtaking during his career, so everytime someone gets butthurt like this and try to be hamshit apologists, just send them the good ol' video.

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Reminder that being a Gimibabby is worse than being a Netflixbabby

reminder that Gimiposters are well-endowed and unusually fertile individuals

death via a woodchipper to gimiposters and carrieposters.


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Fagtually wrong

Reminder that sweet innocent little Carrie would be disgusted dirty drunken Finns.

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Reminder that carrie is a thot who'd take any dick. The innocence has been feigned right before your eyes all this time

it would be like fucking an oompa loompa

Gimi to anti-gimi posters
Gay sex to anti-carrie posters
Baha tongue lashing to anti-gimi and carrie posters

>this flag
>obsessed with orange people

>Baha tongue lashing to anti-gimi and carrie posters
a fate worse than death


youtube.com/watch?v=wvx0xcrWwUk dumb zoomers have never seen it, sad!

How do I become an /f1/ poster lads

When you die your body will become the grass
From that grass a tree will grow
That tree will be cut down
The cut down tree will be turned in to paper
That paper will be sent to a printer
They will print posters to advertise a Grand Prix
You are now an F1 poster

Familiarise yourself with gimi, carrie, craft beer, brendon hartley and casio watches.

ohhhh he's trying!

Ironic post.

where do you see GRO going next year?

Industrial strength autism

T. autism pro

if you enjoy WAGs, pointless arguments, laughing at samefagging and occasional vroom you are /f1/ poster


Fred rates Fat John highly (from GP2 days) and he's actually very good at car development (as is Gimi).
Fred likely wants to keep both for a few years to develop the car, then when they retire he'll get some quick young drivers to exploit the now good car.


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>tfw you have to crop the selfie because he's molesting you
Fucking rapist.

autism like finn says but only if your autism likes the things we like

Also, inb4 Mick
They'll give him another year in F2 first because he's still improving.


But who molested who
I could believe either way around

I'm both and you'll never stop me posting

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This is a really good post.

wish gola would molest me


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I wish she would squeeze my testicles with varying force so my cries imitated an F1 V10 engine on a qualy lap of Monza

Imagine the sex

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why do you have a fetish with destroying your most important organs after heart and brain?
ball busting faggots are fucking disgusting.

/brit/ish posters on /int/ have a strange culture
this is one of those things

>implying the anus isn't the 3rd most important
>implying it shouldn't also be destroyed

lungs, stomach, intestines, and liver, come before balls

Bollock torture posts went out of fashion over a year again.

Skin comes before all of them, can live without a stomach, quite easily, probably can even live without lungs with a machine, but skin? nono

you can't breed without testes and ultimately that is the most important thing in biology, you can still shoot a one last load to get your lineage secured before succumbing to asphyxiation or dying from burst intestines.

your time is up, mutt man

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>not freezing 4 litres of your sperms when you turn 18

Imagine living without an anus.
Imagine being full of shit.

>still shoot a one last load to get your lineage secured before succumbing to asphyxiation or dying from burst intestines
you'd probably lose the erection if you were in excruciating pain

I feel it lad as well

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>what are colostomy bags?

Imagine being a bag of shit.

haha yeah imagine that haha

imagine how big fat nick's colostomy bag would be if he ever needed one

Imagine imagining big fat nick's colostomy bag.
Imagine being a sick degenerate.

Is there a list of f1 driver company cars? The ones they usually show up at european races.
Lekek seems to have a 488 Italia
The Merc duo uses Merc G63s
Sainz uses a Mclel 720S

Ricciardo? A renault clio

>Imagine being a sick degenerate.
haha yeah imagine that haha

Goblando has a clio

tfw no Ted annual parking lot tour because of that Australian cunt boss at SkyF1 who seethes at Ted and tried to get rid of him

why are french cars so shit

Doesn't matter, they are still in there, just need someone to get them out.

they're made by french people

Pretty sure he drives a 720s around


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>Pretty sure he drives a 720s around
around a tree amirite? hhahahhahahaha XD

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>S4 b5
Holy based

Nah he said it himself a little while ago

I was wrong anyways he has a 570s but I'm sure he dailies something more practical like all the other drivers. Ricci has a classic Ferrari now tho

>muh 570s
>muh 720s
Implying there is any difference between McLaren models other than a less/more vulgar bodykit and turbo boost level.

Hamilton. It was not even a normal household, he was severely oppressed. He used to live with his aunt and uncle. They hated him and didn't even give him his own room. The bastards literally let him sleep/live in a cupboard under the stairs. Then on Hamilton's eleventh birthday, Ron Dennis showed up and told him he was a F1 driver. So Dennis just took him to Silverstone, where Hamilton would learn everything about being an F1 driver. And now he is on his way to winning his sixth title. #blessed

I mean, you're not wrong, but the 570 also costs a lot less.

saw a white ferrari the other day, who would want a white one?

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oh look the totally authentic german woke up, soon to be followed by a british flag posting a poor wojak edit.


The 720S has a much more advanced suspension system. And it's one of the best looking modern cars, if not the best. It looks fantastic.

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No wonder there's no overtaking, these things are massive.

fucking anti-refuelling luddites ruining it

They're also getting even bigger in 2021

Hate 'em.bNigger superfan Croft during FP: "tryIng to ForgET thE dAyS of RefUELinG!".

has schumi resurrected yet?

wtf, i wasnt aware we are watching busracing

death to hybrids
death to limousine tier car length and width
death to humongous fuel tanks

LIFE to Tabi.

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Stem cells from 100,000 american foreskins being injected today.

It gets worse - that's the 2017 car. This year's car is even longer

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CUM to Tabi

>Latifi buys the other Williams seat with his daddy's money
>Kubica is welcomed at Haas thanks to his sponsorship
>Alfa owners calm down and get some extra stuff from Ferrari and Gio is safe
>Vettel stays at Ferrari and RB goes with some shitty driver-rotation scheme for the 2nd seat for 2020 with Albon/Kvyat


>not getting the HP reference
Why do you bully this kraut attempt to humor? He probably tried very hard.


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I thought you meant HP sauce.

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Based Murray

I do think a third car system, similar to how wrc does it, would be kino

>fuck people for making money in a profession

yes that would be pretty based but teams would ree out loud about muh costs

i mean, they all already bring a third (some even have enough parts for a fourth) car to every race. might as well assemble and race it

>selling out is BASED

Anyone have that tweet to carrie the other day linking to Yea Forums?

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Like she even saw it, she probably has it set so only notifications from people she follows appear to her.

Freaking limousines are the current cars

don't compare me to that autistic "german" or the britcuck, you fucking mongoloid.

Might send more links desu.
Get fucked you white knight cuck.

It's disappointing how wasteful F1 can be. Even if they could enter an updated year old car for a couple races, that'd be nice. I'm sure Merc would jump on that to give Russell some exposure to actual competition

lmao white knight? Have you seen what is posted about her in these threads, I am just stating facts, she probably gets 100's of tweets and messages a day from autist german followers.

The Merc F1 car is longer and wider than an S class. I think it's got about the same footprint as a fucking Dodge Ram pickup truck. It's pretty ridiculous.

>tfw own a 9-seater Ford Transit long wheelbase and it's only about 30cm longer than current F1 cars, and less wide

What do you need 9 seats for?

my wife's 7 children

Nice G-Mod picture


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I miss G-Mask pictures :(((

NEED to impregnate this and then disappear.

I would impregnate her and keep her as a maid and masseusse who me and the missus could use for stress relief

>Kubica is welcomed due to orlen

You people forgot that Orlen didnt said anything about sponsoring Kubica in 2020 and Kubica himself wont generate so much money due to "epic comeback" again. Also Kubica is the worst driver on the grid, best measure for Gasly, Grosjean and Nazi performance of a "crippled guy drives same/better than you".

Hubert to Williams 2020, Weekend at Bernie's style.

fuckin nerds

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> It was a life or crime and #racism (all his classmates hated him for being white)


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lmao Gio

Sirotkin was on a 1+1. He had to be ahead of Strollin the WDC before the summer break to be retained for 2019. He wasn't. ahead though It's likely the same applies to Kubica, who was/is ahead of Russell in the WDC. So Williams will possibly need some of Latifi's money to pay off Kubica, kek.

how much for the suit

In this case noone looks for points, since everyone knows that this 1 point was due to how many other drivers outed, and orlen paid for one full season for Kubica at Williams, with no "if he gets more points than russel he stays". Latifi offers bigger money and he's younger with much more room to improve and experience from F2 season. Its all for Williams to deicide wchich drivers get in 2020 and Kubica with udnerdog returnin effect is done for. At least he tried and came back to F1, succed and now he's done for, same way how Schumi came back to stay in midfield

The seeething continues

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Wasn't the third car allowed in the early 80S still ? or the ban was earlier ?


>dominate the sport for half a decade
>win 80% of races
>win both championships by huge margins every year with several races to go
>lose one race
>sperg for days
Toto is kind of a fag.

Third car was allowed in the late 90s.

Doubt Kimi'd still be racing if he hadn't taken those two years off to recollect himself.

so whats the chance VETTEE is getting dropped from ferrari
im going to miss the little dude

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Kek, imagine spending all that money lobbying for favourable rules and being the one who always benefits from stewards' rulings FOR SOME REASON and then get done in by a group of stewards who feared a chimpout.

inevitable redemption arc, he'll bounce back la

>he'll bounce back
after spinning into a wall that is

He's lost it, it's like a film, he makes so many mistakes, he will have his revenge in 20 years when he has a child racing or he is a team manager or something.

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>he makes so many mistakes
Unironically less than Hamilton.

Forcing other drivers off the track is a shit practice, albeit an accepted one. If it was me calling the shots forcing another driver off track with all four wheels would be an automatic 5s penalty.
Matter of fact is that Hamilton himself popularised this shit race style by routinely forcing teammates and opponents off track just because, apparently, if you're on the inside at a corner you're allowed to do whatever the fuck you want, other drivers who can't dematerialize be damned.
Verstappen is the wonderchild of this habit mixed with a pinch of apex divebombing, FIA tied their own hands on the matter after not penalising VER for forcing LEC off track in an objectively worse way (forced off completely, HAM still had half a car space) than what we've seen in Monza.

MAD seethe and double standards on Toto's part

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How did Germany go, Herr Toto?

Perhaps, but severity wise he's way ahead, when was the last time L*wis unforced span around like Vettel has done this season?

Ummm, that's the cars fault sweaty, the team strategi regretti and fried his tyres they were done, seb did nothing wrong ok :)

Shutup, I love Ferrari but Seb is DONE, he just can't hack it anymore for some reason, he's not even in a title fight and still making these stupid mistakes, maybe Germany last year truly broke him and now he's had enough I don't know.

>FIA tied their own hands on the matter after not penalising VER for forcing LEC off track
Nope they tied their hands slowly for the last years continously and slowly.

But that was the T car.
I'm talking about 3rd car entered and driven in a race by a 3rd driver besides the original 2

Like, it's pretty obvious friend what feraru are doing ;) seb agreed to make mistakes by getting worse aero and wheel package to boost the appeal of up coming talent leCUTE pretty obvious if u ask me :))))

why you not take it seriously

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I wanna seb to do well and be happy man, that's all ill just create a fantasy world where my theory holds true if that's what it takrs

what will Ferrari do if Gimi doesn't want to return and Vettee quits?

>severity wise he's way ahead
Well, nothing is really that severe in that Mercedes. Hamilton doesn't have to risk much, and makes pretty much all errors unforced. Whether that leads to a spin or a DNF or something like that is pure chance, and Hamilton tends to be lucky.

>Matter of fact is that Hamilton himself popularised this shit race style by routinely forcing teammates and opponents off track just because
While that's true, it is also common practice that FIA always penalizes some drivers for it and nver penalizes others. Usually, Hamilton can do it without consequence, but those doing it to Hamilton get penalties (that was even the case every single time in the Hamilton/Rosberg rivalry, to the point that many still believe that Rosberg was the main aggressor).
This time it was very different, and I personally don't doubt it was because of Monza and the Ferrari fans present.



Before Austria the judges (can't remember the correct word) still had a bit of leeway and could choose what to do case by case without much fuss, you could tell some calls were unjust but they still flew under the radar. After Austria i can't see them going back on their decision without some sort of upheaval, the Canada/Austria debacle fucked them up


I'm well aware of Hammy's preferential treatment, it makes Toto's seethe even more ridiculous.
But as i was saying here , after Austria it will be harder to award penalties on drivers forcing HAM off track, karma at last.

They will offer gimi more money and he will accept.

Gimi looks like a scandi designer selling overpriced furnitures while Gio looks like a jewish bolshevik in a nazi caricature.

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gimi is hot and manly.


Hülkenberg or Grosjean

/f1/ Salt Mining Ltd. is swimming in gold right now :D

Hire Arivabenis to dab on the midfield


Amx being really Amd catching to the field with a fucked front wing

>No, no, it's fine, it's totally fine, I just thought there were, like, rules here but hey if we can break them, that's cool, I'm not mad that he broke the rules, that's fine, I mean it's a travesty and a disgrace but hey, that's fine, I have no problem with it :)
What a git.

Toto isn't buttmad because of Leclerc winning, but because Lewlew ended up behind Bottas.

Bossberg in his yesterday stream stated, that binotto said to Lekeke before even congratulating, that today he "excused" himself, or sg like that. Guess Vettee was not that happy for the qualy mess

It was because Leclerc was naughty in Q3

>because Lewlew ended up behind Bottas.
Well, that's Lewlew's own fault. Any decent driver would have won, he bottled it.

Just watched end of race on f1tv, and mattia really did tel him sg like that
Also we did not get robottas radio at the end, because the sound was really noisy, but he did congratulate Lekek

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Young stud taking over from the aging wolf. Matriach Binotto trying to have a smooth transistion.

Was it even possible for them to gun it after the last chicane or did LEC slow down on porpoise?

Reminds me of that one movie I've seen multiple times

They went out of box in the wrong order but they couldn't make it in formation to the line in time anwyway after HULKAMANIA ensued

he made no attempt whatsoever, he played stupid, cheeky little git
but it will come back at him soon enough

yeah but binotto didn't tell them to swap until before parabolica, and then it was too late so it was not really LEC fault I don't think because he wans't at the front and you have to get a decent exit.

It was the only place to swap after EC fucked it, the plan was to be in formation from the start.

The plan was for Charles to overtake Vettee after Ascari, he did it at Parabolica.
This was a problem by itself because even if the time didn't run out Lec would have been too close for Vettee to enjoy the tow in the best way possible.
Anyway Lec won and Seb choked so everything is fine.

Imola hired based Jarno to make it F1 tier again

>yes here it will be impossible for them to pass I will again see my train live in action

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it's pronounced "chrain" actually

>tyres in le ackshually raidillon should've been replaced with tecpro barrier, cars don't bounce off them and poor anthoine wouldn't suffer his tragic fate :(

>Kirwan added that Calderon “really stepped up to the mark in such difficult circumstances" and that "her maturity was evident for all to see”.

i absolutely agree and so should you, otherwise you're mysoginistic and sexist incel. she maturely crashed in qualifying, maturely spun out in feature race and maturely was overtaken and beaten by orangutan in sprint race. YES SLAY QUEEN

You'd think Kimi would be the best replacement, better than Gio, because firstly Kimi has had way better results this season, and secondly Kimi has driven the Ferraris for the last few years, so he will be familiar with them and the way they drive already.

I assume you're talking about just a single race replacement if Seb gets that one-race ban, by the way. Because I don't think Ferrari are anywhere near replacing Seb altogether. He'd have to go to complete shit for them to think about that.

444th for gimi

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>all alone by yourself in the woods dumping a load
peak comfy

I disagree, we need hard aggressive driving, even crashing into others should be permitted because it's part of the sport
Don't forget Schumi vs Hill in Australia and Senna vs Prost in Japan

Problem ferrari has is they have a contract for a number one driver who is no longer a number one driver, LEC could and should ask for more money I don't know how long his contract is for but apparently he gets less than 10% of what Seb gets.

>chrulli chrain

if senna prost happened today it wouldn't be resolved for years if we look at how long the alfa germany appeal is going on


Hmm withthemboys

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why /f1/ worship this whore

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wonder what her birthday party will be like this year and if Keita will be there

every WAG is precious for different reasons

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Shan't agree, she's innocent and pure
4some bday orgy hopefully

Why yuck? It already has more potential for entertaining races than Paul Ricard

Fuck off, she's a wonderful young woman

Don’t like the look of the advert and it’s another soulless GP, bring back Sepang.

Looks cool, I like it

Bring back Turkey too

This will become one of top GP tourism spots for Finns I think
>cheap country
>people already go to Far East a lot

Red bull ring is a go kart track

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Looks like Imola will be back in the future


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>soulless GP
>we haven't even seen a single running at this track yet
Also Sepang is just another Tilkedrome. I think it's probably one of the better Tilkedromes but it's still a Tilkedrome.

I wonder why

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Now that's cool

Can already tell it’s soulless from the design and marketing bullshit, hardly any Vietnamese will attend because they won’t be able to afford it and it will be off the calendar within 5 years, at least Sepang had memorable races.

binland's gary glitters will be all over it yeah


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Vietnam GP, Bernie attends, Martin suddenly taken ill just before the start of the race.

HAAS one-off livery look cool

>ferrari has is they have a contract for a number one driver
If they do indeed have that, then they have a real problem: Because in that case, Vettel can sue their asses to hell and back.

They should put American flags all over it for the vietnam GP.

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>tfw it's a very flustered Crofty trying to commentate while Martin loudly gets treated to next to him

I wonder what clauses there are in both their contracts, at the start they said LEC was number 2 but if he keeps out performing him and gets more points at the end of the season what do they do I wonder.


As much as i love Schumi he's been lucky as fuck in that instance, when he tried the same trick in 1997 he was Disqualified from the championship. Also Senna is the "WhenYouNoLongerGoForAGap" man, hardly convincing for me.

Also, and i'm aware i sound like a broken record, think back at the austrian GP, what was most enjoyable part of the LEC-VER duel? The two lap knife fight where they left each other space, resulting in frankly beautiful moves by both of them, or the one turn where VER said "lolfuckit" and pushed LEC out? Personally i preferred the former. Pushing the opponent out isn't close & hard racing, if anything it's such a simple move that it prevents it entirely.


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Guys... I think Stroll is a good lad.

oy vey

I think in order to have the beautiful knife fight duel you need to have the limit of what is tolerated be a bit further, otherwise the drivers will be scared to get a penalty. Basically gives them a little room for error, gives them space in the rules to fight wheel to wheel, knowing that if they push it a little bit too hard, they might get away with it. Instead of being too scared of penal to even go wheel to wheel.

We haven't even seen it yet for fuck's sake. It might have tons of soul. In my view probably the most soulless GP is China because it is such a bland setting, and a bland uninteresting Tilkedrome of a track. Street circuits usually have a lot of character though. Baku is a cool circuit I think, as much as the country might be corrupt. I see no reason to judge Hanoi before seeing a race there.

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>I wonder what clauses there are in both their contracts
None. Driver status is decided by how teams treat their drivers, not by contractual binding (that was a legend Hamilton put into the world when he claimed that Vettel and Alonso had "number 1 contracts" to boost his own reputation).
If there were clauses in their contracts that force Ferrari to give preferecial treatment to Vettel, they would have breach those every single time they prefered Leclerc (which has been quite a few times this season already), or when they treated them equally (what they tried to do in the latest qualifiying) or even when Leclerc doesn't follow orders (what he did in that qualifying).

Fact is: There hasn't been a number-1/number-2 arrangement at Ferrari this season, because they haven't treated their drivers that way.

By all means, i agree that choking the opponent on the sideline a bit (read, leave at least half a car width of space) is ok, especially now that there's hardly grass or gravel right after the kerb. What i'm not ok with is purposefully leaving no space whatsoever because you "own the corner" (an expression for utter retards) or voluntarily missing the apex and running wide.
A balance has to be struck.

Pushing is the result of the squeezing faggotry.
They know the cars are easy to damage so the front car always try to squeeze the guy behind, the car behind have no other way but back off or go off track, and according to the rules the front car is in the right when crash happen.
So best chance to make the overtake move stick is just push the other car when the 2 cars are side by side.

>according to the rules the front car is in the right when crash happen
Bullshit. There is no pushing or squeezing crap in the rules, there is only "causing collision" and if there was no contact you can fuck off.

There is a "forcing a driver off track" rule tho, sometimes stewards even investigate such cases , usually when it happens between backmarkers, between frontrunners it largely goes ignored.

>between frontrunners it largely goes ignored.
Depends on who's the offender and who's the "victim".

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The car in front have the right to follow racing line despite there's a car in between him and the racing line. If shits happen you're in the wrong for damaging his car despite he's also a retard for ignoring your car.
Any way it happen in most motorsports, but the tactic is just extra effective in F1 with big open-wheel cars


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>tfw vacuuming my room for the first time in a year

Dustier than the Williams trophy cabinet


What are those helmets? Are those their F2 / GP2 helmets? Because that isn't Gasly's current helmet of course.

Vettee WILL win one race this year, at the track that will be most unlikely for a ferrari to do so.
>yas marina
check this and check theese

Now I'm sad, thanks Hungary.

Actually maybe they're all helmets of Hubert since the nearest one has his name on it?

Fuck all the pansies complaining about hard racing, go watch something else. The greatest have always been agressive.

yeah they're all his

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Bad enough your avatar-spamming faggot-ass isn't banned on race-days, now you gonna dump your millenial-tranny-shit between races too?


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What I meant was what is the clause for payments, does LEC get a boost next year or does he get bottas'd with same exact contract? What clauses are there for winning in Monza? Look how many extras Ricci had in his contract. My entire point was wondering how next year will go because did LEC sign a 1 year or 2 year contract? Getting 10% of what Vettel gets when he outperforms him, 4 time champion brings some prestige so of course he gets paid more the first season but the second?

Are they supposed to wear those helmts during the service?

it's so long ago

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new here

>does LEC get a boost next year
Not if Ferrari can help it. He'd need to pressure them to give him a raise somehow, and that's only possible if he has the option to go somewhere else. Unless he's willing to do a "Ricciardo", I don't see how he could do that: Neither Mercedes nor Red Bull are hiring.

>Getting 10% of what Vettel gets when he outperforms him
The thing is that he didn't really outperform him. Sure, he's won two races now, but he has Vettel to thank for one of those wins and got the other by playing very dirty (against his team).